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Powertechs need an urget nerf


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1) Screen shots of your gear, stats, and pvp information window.

2) Don't call for a nerf. Call for class balance across the board between Empire and Republic. Bioware favors the pubs in skill trees and abilities. How about you look into that instead of coming on here and crying about losing to a PT.


And the whole tank spec in DPS gear doesn't work for us.

Edited by Jundi
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im talking about ones that know what they are doing that crit and they can kill you in about 4 seconds im not even kidding.


they are to strong to be left like they are now.


This is pretty convincing!

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If you look at JediDucklings thread history you will find that the guy has wanted practically every single class that he doesnt play nerfed at some point and made threads on all of them. Edited by AngusFTW
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If you look at JediDucklings thread history you will find that the guy has wanted practically every single class that he doesnt play nerfed at some point and made threads on all of them.


I would, but I do not feel compelled to look through random people's post histories.

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Eh just wish their damage was a little more predictable (ala marauder/jugg smash, operative burst, tankassin force lightning). Maybe I just don't know powertechs but isn't a random proc what allows them to take off 40-50% of your hp?


Awful hard to predict. Pull, flame burst spam, instant rail shot isn't it?

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You guys need to stop looking at one specific aspect of a class, you have to look at everything. Yes it is true, the powertech burst is really high, but take that away and we are only grapple machines.


They have arguably the worst defensive cooldowns of any DPS class out there, and utility is also terrible compared to other classes.


Pyro PT's are strictly damage classes, take that away and we are nothing.


The reason people are complaining about sents/marauders so much is that along with strong DPS, they also have the best defensive cooldowns in the game. Not saying they should be nerfed, I actually don't mind sent/mara's right now, just comparing the way the 2 classes play.


The only way they will nerf the powertechs damage is if they give us something else. Better defensives or more utility.

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powertechs are one of the only balanced classes in the game


Unless you play a Sorcerer and get slapped with 5 interrupts and see your HP drop 2/3rds before the 20sec CD is over on knock back!

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im talking about ones that know what they are doing that crit and they can kill you in about 4 seconds im not even kidding.


they are to strong to be left like they are now.


This is pretty convincing!


Vimm - the sad thing is the Devs actually LISTENED to that guy when they were developing some of the 1.2 class balance changes.


It's a case of the bad leading the blind.


Powertechs are glass cannons. Just nuke them and they die.

Edited by TheNinjaboy
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I've been saying this since like...forever ago. Powertechs are still ungodly strong. Today I won 7 WZs in a row. None of them had a Powertech in it. Then the very next game with a Powertech in it we get stomped. At high level PvP with high tier gear they are pretty much unstoppable.


They have an ***-ton of CC. They can tank even in DPS gear; or DPs in tank gear.


Wow thats proof if I've ever heard it...... the presence of that PT was totally why you lost that WZ!!!! I mean how could it be any other way!!!! NERF PTS AND VANGUARDS!@!!!!

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They should just make it where defense or armor can mitigate tech and be done with it. It feels like the guy balancing the damage numbers for classes was trying to keep all of them in line for PVE viability and then forgot that in PVP's case tech damage would be hitting for 30% more because of the way mitigation works.


My opinion is they don't test much internally or they send this stuff to be coded in 3rd world countries to save money and when they get bad code they just implement it anyways instead of waiting for fixes. Now I'm not knocking third-world programmers but something definantly gets lost in the translation. These games make enough money, they should do all their coding in house where they can control it better. This nickel and diming for cheap labor is costing them subscribers.

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powertechs/vanguards have got to be nerfed urgently



they are either full dps killing war hero geared players in 3 to 6 seconds depending how geared they are.




tank specced in dps gear which is basicly someone with the defense of a tank and the damage of a pure dps class.



something has got to be done because they cant stay how they are right now they are just far to powerfull to be kept like this.

ive noticed alot of people rerrolling to either vanguard/powertech because of it and its just rediculous.


A quick glance at your post history shows you requesting nerfs too:

Powertechs, Marauders, Juggernauts and Sorcs - and that is just the first page of your post history.


Yeah, your clearly an authority

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They should just make it where defense or armor can mitigate tech and be done with it. It feels like the guy balancing the damage numbers for classes was trying to keep all of them in line for PVE viability and then forgot that in PVP's case tech damage would be hitting for 30% more because of the way mitigation works.


My opinion is they don't test much internally or they send this stuff to be coded in 3rd world countries to save money and when they get bad code they just implement it anyways instead of waiting for fixes. Now I'm not knocking third-world programmers but something definantly gets lost in the translation. These games make enough money, they should do all their coding in house where they can control it better. This nickel and diming for cheap labor is costing them subscribers.


armor does mitigate tech. tech and force attacks (they are one and the same for defensive purposes) both bypass attempts to shield them and as such make tanking gear pretty useless in PVP since many classes use almost exclusively tech or force abilities. Also, I wouldn't give bioware too much credit for their coding. Their games have always been subpar in terms of actual game design, the only gold star on the bioware lapel has been excellent writing that makes the average gameplay and frequent glitches tolerable. Unfortunately, in an MMO the experience always outpaces the ability to write scripted events and have good story fulfill the experience, and rolling alts is only a temporary solution. Without compelling gameplay in the post-story gaming situation, an MMO dies. plain and simple.

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I think as a show of solidarity we should all go ahead and make an unreasonable, only marginally constructive series of nerf shadow threads to show OP they can't hide their class by whining about every other one.
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This jediduckling guy is rediculous.... every thread he starts is a nerf thread based on no facts and completely outlandish claims.

If you missed - he is doing this on forum since the SWTOR release. He is never out of energy to post nerf thread based on a some complete bs vision of his opponents skills. But maybe he is releplaying a fck dumb guy and he is very good at this :)

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powertechs/vanguards have got to be nerfed urgently



they are either full dps killing war hero geared players in 3 to 6 seconds depending how geared they are.




tank specced in dps gear which is basicly someone with the defense of a tank and the damage of a pure dps class.



something has got to be done because they cant stay how they are right now they are just far to powerfull to be kept like this.

ive noticed alot of people rerrolling to either vanguard/powertech because of it and its just rediculous.


Get rid of your recruit gear and upgrade to battlemaster, youll do better.

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I was playing in the 10-49 bracket on our server last night...and in one Huttball maatch there were 8....yes 8....Powertechs


I had solo qued....we had no premade...the Imps had no premade....but....the Imps and their 8 Powertechs basically had everyone quit the warzone in less than 3 minutes


Im a very experienced player....however in this match if you were a Republic player you were at 30% Health before you even reached the freaking 1st ramp in Huttball rofl


Ive.never seen a pug dominate another pug like that in 10 years of pvping in MMOs...it was /brutal.....I would CC 2 of them and then get focused down by 3 other Powertechs in 5 seconds....was ridiculous imo-x

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So I read this entire thread...

I own one of every single type of class and have been playing since a year before release(I was a perma beta tester) (Both advanced classes).....


Here's what I have to say on PT's/Vanguards.


1. They are not OP, they are tanks, tanks are supposed to be able to absorb massive amounts of damage, and still do enough to hold threat.


2. What you do not seem to understand is the customizability of armor, IE, any class can be OP depending on how you butcher and slot your items, are hey Augmented? Level 51 Moded? (IE Assault Mod 25 Guardian 25 etc)? Did the person Butcher the EXP mod with the highest value out of an armor piece and slot it into each and every single slot of their armor?


3. L50's are so powerful because the gear difference from 49-50, is actually more like a 10 level difference, if you are not in comparable gear, expect to get your *** beat in 3-5 seconds.


4. This goes fro any overpowered/underpowered class. Some actually Need buffs (Like Sorces their DPS is horrid for the most part) among others. No class currently needs a Nerf.


5. If you are having difficulties beating a class you need to realize that there are tactics involved to pvp combat, PT's have a limited range (10 Meters to be exact) for 90% of their skills. Stay out of this range and you avoid 90% of their damage.


6. A good rotation is required as well as a skill set designed to deal damage which will kill your intended target. IE, you want to kill Powertechs, go fro elemental damage.


7. I can and have killed every single class in the game, with every single class in the game, No class is OP, you simply need to learn how to beat them, and make sure that your gear is comparable to theirs before you try.


So you have 1200 EXP and 19k health, Big deal. Apparently you should have slotted more Defense/Exp instead of endurance/Crit/Whatever.


My Sniper 3 shots most power techs on a good crit streak. Vise Versa on a bad shot with a wasted coverpush a power tech can own me. Its about timing, rotation chance luck and skill. That's it.

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i can understand players that have rerrolled this class knowing its overpowerd defending this class,because if it gets fixed and balanced you will have to lvl the next FOTM class if you have not already lvl'ed every class.


but come on this class is clearly overpowerd and you know it is,stop trying to defend or make excuses trying to make out its fine or its not overpowerd when this class clearly is overpowerd.


the facts are clear and many players will tell you this.just go into a warzone against powertechs with the same gear as you and tell me then dont kill you in about 5 seconds from there massivly high burst damage.


my commando is geared through his teeth and i feel like im not wearing any armor or any gear at all when i come across one. i may as well just fight naked.

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