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Unsubscriber's Thread: Tell us a few things


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1) Bioware, you told us right around the time of game launch that we didn't need an appearance tab, dye system, or color match because there was already an orange (custom) item to match every green (premium) piece of armor in the game. You lied. Shame on you. Then you told us we would be getting all of that with 1.2. You lied again. Shame on us for giving you a second chance. You don't get a third chance from me. If I had found a custom version of the reinforced mesh jacket/stealth jacket and a couple other items I've been looking for, I would not be unsubscribed right now.


2) At level 50 there is absolutely nothing of any entertainment value to do. This game was hyped on taking the grind out of leveling. But at 50, the only thing to do is grind the daily missions. I've tried leveling up an alt, but got bored because, other than the class story line, it's just all of the same missions on the same planets that I've already done. I'm not really blaming you for this, Bioware, as it would be pretty huge undertaking to create tons of different missions for each class. It is what it is. Nevertheless, if you hadn't lied about number 1 above, I would not have unsubscribed.


3) The majority of the blaster pistols in the game look like crap. One of them looks like a blow dryer; a few of them look like electric drills; and some of them look like they would be really painful for a human to wield. They are all too wide and many are too long to be realistically wielded one-handed. They are just scaled too big. Nevertheless, if you hadn't lied about number 1 above, I would not have unsubscribed.


4) The choices for male body types are between bad and worse. Body type 1 looks like a little boy. Body type 2 looks seriously malnourished. Body type 3 looks freakish. body type 4 is fine if you want paunchy toons. Many of us have been telling you since before launch that we need a body type in between types 2 and 3, but that has fallen on deaf ears. Nevertheless, if you hadn't lied about number 1 above, I would not have unsubscribed.


5) Your game stole approximately 80k credits from me during a server reset. Your customer service told me they searched the game logs and could find no record of it and refused to reimburse the 80k. Through careful questioning of customer service about what they did and didn't find in the logs, including another transactions that took place between my toons that they said they found no record of, I'm convinced that either your game logs are seriously lacking or your customer service people are. When there is no way for a player to review game logs, It's pretty easy for customer service to say they searched the logs when they actually didn't. Nevertheless, if you hadn't lied about number 1 above, I would not have unsubscribed.


I'm still hanging around because my subscription does not run out until sometime in June.

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Top 5 reasons why I quit:


1. PVP is not competitive enough.


2. Once I hit level 50, it didn't feel like I was playing in the star wars universe.


3. No space PVP for the foreseeable future.


4. Diablo 3 is coming out.


5. Server population.

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My guild is dead, everyone quit.


Board of end game content pve and pvp


No real world pvp going on.


Wz's are all limited to 8v8. They need a good 40v40 or at least 20v20 epic battle


I enjoyed the class stories and leveled a few alts, but got to a point where I need to level up on side quests or pvp to continue the class quests, I'm boarded of both so I have stopped leveling alts.


Most of the teir gear for pvp and pve look ugly ant not very star wars looking.


The bugs


The spotty customer service.


Some strikingly bad design decisions.


Lack of polish in some places make the game look rushed /lazy /cheap


Game is poorly managed. Who ever is making the final decisions is an MMO noob.


Devs have their head in the sand about important issues with the game in some misguided attempt to protect their jobs/egos


The story part is a great single player game,but is not worth $15 a month.


Voice Acting over done. It is good for class quests, main planet quests lines, and main lore quests like the Revan stuff, but every go kill 10 x, farm 10 y quest did not need to be voiced.

Edited by patjd
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What initially caused me to unsub was my computer hanging and crashing 8+ times trying to pickup quests on Alderaan, and not being able to do anything more than the class quest there due to glitch lagging through the map and the massively delayed animations. Balmorra took three attempts to pick up the first quest with my computer crashing. Updating the drivers and installing MSI Afterburner to deal with the graphics card issues didn't fix the random BSOD crashes I get at random still, 80% of which don't even show the Blue-screen, just straight to nothing. I'm still playing hoping they fix some of the remaining issues with the game performance wise, but this has been the hardest on my hardware of any game as, overall, I've had over 20 freezes/hangs/crashes since starting to play the game just because of the game itself (that's a conservative estimate). Edited by terminova
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If you are one of the people who played for a time, then decided to quit, please answer the following questions:


What are your top 5 reasons why you left the game? Why do you stick around?



1. low population:

so i rerolled to the swiftsure

2. low population:

TS die again

3. low population:

i got 2 full set rakata and battlemaster gears on my old server,

but i have to reroll twice?!!!!!

because of BW's fault!

4 no cloud computing game world:

BW should redesign swtor to let any subers can easy chat or group with any others

5 no char transfer:

we chose the wrong servers, and EA take our money but dont give us to transfer to the right time zone servers.

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These are the reasons I have discontinued my subscription -


I always had the feeling that I was merely a clone of all the other gunslingers out there. The armor is pretty much 3 or 4 appearances, with a few color details, but for the most part, we all look alike, depending on what we're doing (PVE or PVP,) We can't be individuals in our clothing styles, since it appears that we're supposed to wear the same exact thing day after day. I will also admit to simply hating the "gunslinger" motif - it was cool when there weren't so many running around. And now that we all have the cute pet, we're looking more and more alike than ever.


So there's that. And then there's the ships - as a smuggler, I have pretty much the ugliest ship in the game. At least, I'd have liked to decide if I was such a slob or if I was actually capable of improving things onboard. We have no ability to make our ship unique, either through skins or with actually furnishings.


With all the cut-away scenes and loading screens, I was never really able to feel immersed in the environment. Game play, as a result, never really grabbed me.


Anyway, I just feel sad that what I'd thought was a wonderful way to portray the Star Wars saga, ended up looking and feeling more like a solo-player PC game.

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These are the reasons I have discontinued my subscription -


I always had the feeling that I was merely a clone of all the other gunslingers out there. The armor is pretty much 3 or 4 appearances, with a few color details, but for the most part, we all look alike, depending on what we're doing (PVE or PVP,) We can't be individuals in our clothing styles, since it appears that we're supposed to wear the same exact thing day after day. I will also admit to simply hating the "gunslinger" motif - it was cool when there weren't so many running around. And now that we all have the cute pet, we're looking more and more alike than ever.


So there's that. And then there's the ships - as a smuggler, I have pretty much the ugliest ship in the game. At least, I'd have liked to decide if I was such a slob or if I was actually capable of improving things onboard. We have no ability to make our ship unique, either through skins or with actually furnishings.


With all the cut-away scenes and loading screens, I was never really able to feel immersed in the environment. Game play, as a result, never really grabbed me.


Anyway, I just feel sad that what I'd thought was a wonderful way to portray the Star Wars saga, ended up looking and feeling more like a solo-player PC game.


I hear ya. One thing which irked me about the Smuggler was before the launch of the game they gave out the details about the ships and I noticed they said the Smuggler's ship had extra cargo space and also hidden compartments for smuggling contraband. Pfft....it is no different than any other ship other than looks. If they would allow me to simply port to another planet instead of having to use the ship...I would rarely go to my ship at all.

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1.) Customer service - SOE does a better job and that's saying something.


2.) Customer service - They never read the tickets, just auto canned responses.


3.) Customer service - They never address the issue, they pass the buck and send it on to the developers.


4.) Crafting - Pointless... You can get better from vendors for less effort.


5.) Bugs - Bugs are still in the game from beta. ***. Example: Body type 3 & 4 access bugs, it's not working as intended so fix it already.

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What are your top 5 reasons why you left the game? Why do you stick around?


1. The game is LINEAR. Honestly, take the multiplayer aspect out of it and what do you get? KOTOR. You get funneled through the worlds, there is no "exploration" aspect AT ALL. There is no "get lost" or "explore this creepy zone". You go from world one to world two to world three. You can't swim, you can't get lost, you can't go climb things and find secret areas. The worlds are actually very small and claustrophobic; the only saving grace is there are so many of them, you get the illusion of a collective "big galaxy", which is false.


2. BW flatly refuses to test their content appropriately. They released a half-finished game that took three months to get Soa/KP/instances/lockouts working correctly, during which time a large number of people I know quit the game out of indifference and frustration with the quality of work. Then they released 1.2, and nerfed Mercs into the ground (which is fine, we needed it), then they nerfed us AGAIN, while buffing our competition, with almost zero community feedback on the issue. The ebb and flow of flavor of the month classes and MMO balancing is one thing, but the way 1.2 was handled makes my temples throb. I feel cheated.


3. The community is a joke. People either say "just quit, we don't want you", or "roll an alt, lol!". The valuable, contributing, BETA TESTING members of the community that are integral to keeping a player base that will recruit through their own friend networks is already withered and gone. Sure, BW will get a steady supply of new players, but I see people giving away their items and credits on the fleet every day. Good players. Players that are part of the server community that will be missed, and cannot be replaced by the casual lowbies and alts.


4. As a direct link from 1-3, the mood of the game is not a positive one. The game feels dead during the day, and even at peak hours, people struggle to find groups for 4 man content. I'm somewhat immune to this, insulated in a guild that farms HM EC and Pilgrim, but the vibe on Naddist Rebels is "where did everyone go? i guess i'll log out". That is INCREDIBLY DEPRESSING, and the antithesis of what an MMO should be doing to people.


5. Due to 1-4, when people do leave, we have to replace them with people who aren't quite as good at their jobs, as our server is very low population. So we have to teach people, then gear them, then watch them wipe as they gain experience applying the above. Then worry about attendance, then about daily comms for Pilgrim, then real life issues, and the list goes on. Point being we're eating through raiders almost as fast as the server is losing them, and we're running out of places to recruit.


These aren't fixable issues. The people BW already ran off were the hardcore people, the ones that research and test and play with enthusiasm with every free hour they have. The people that start server memes and do bizarre memorable things and make MMOs worth playing. This isn't something you can release a patch for and expect people to come back, not with so many great games on the horizon from companies that don't havea track record of rushing games out the door. People were SO HYPED for this game, and I (as well as many of my "hardcore" friends) feel like the people in charge of this game really let the opportunity pass them by, and their "monthly releases" are coming far, FAR too late to change the way this is going. Logging in feels empty and old, and that is why people are quitting.


As for why I'm still here, I gave my world to my guild that I would be a raider for them. That I wouldn't disappear or quit when they needed me or run away out of frustration for this (at times) not fun game. The truth is I'm bored and I've already unsubbed, but I intend on playing out my remaining time with my guild and to make sure someone can replace me so they can continue when I'm gone.

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1. This game feels too much like a single player MMO and it's VERY hard to justify spending 15/month. now that servers are getting really bad on population i NEVER see anyone leveling up. I was leveling up on Corelia on a saturday afternoon and there were only 3 people there. very hard to get a flash point group together while leveling as well as at level 50.


2. server mergers/transfers: i dont need to say anything because we all know they're needed


3. load times are WAY to frequent and incredibly annoying. the time it takes for me to open up the game and get in the meat of a planet where i'm actually questing is incredibly long. It actually deters me from logging on because I start getting impatient with the travel time.


4. Patches feel like they're implementing stuff that should have been available at launch. Rather than exciting new features it just feels like I was paying to play in beta testing for an unfinished game. I know many say EA rushed bioware to release the game for various reasons but it's just buggy.


5. PvP has lost it's charm. doing the same 4 warzones is very boring. Having to grind them out max out valor is enough to gouge out my eyes. There's no open world pvp on ilum and no other PVP options but to join in WZ's. I dont PVP much in MMOs but I actually enjoy the pvp in this game so It's kinda sad to get irritated at it already.




and here's a few minor things that i'm just nitpicking


1. Companions need their gear itemization spread out. I rolled a bounty hunter and it is SO annoying 3 out of my 5 companions utilize heavy armor + aim. the other two use medium armor + cunning.


2. I miss the days of having random conversations with my companions in dragon age 1. this was taken out in dragon age 2 and the same style was carried over to SWTOR. very disconcerting to only engage in conversations with my companions on my ship after they've reached a certain approval rating.


3. low level gear looks very star wars-esc while the high level stuff just gets ridiculous. I understand the need to design more lavish gear that stands out as a way to reward people, but some of the stuff looks like it's from a bad japanese B movie.



I was REALLY rooting for this game. Stopped going on the forums because the amount of QQ just demoralized me to play it, but eventually this game showed it's true colors. perhaps I'm just approaching my low point of my MMO roller coaster enjoyment but I'm really looking forward to Diablo 3 until GW2, MoP comes out.

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I have less than an hour left in my sub. My Top 5:


1. Boring


While it was fun at first, it feels like every class is the same, just a different wrapper.


2. The Grind


The game is too linear. I love making alts, and i enjoy leveling them up and seeing what the have to offer, which is tied into reason 1. But doing the same quests, over and over again just isnt fun, and the only other option is to pvp. which leads me to...


3. PvP


I love making alts because i love to have options when i go to pvp. Pvp in this game sucks. Having 4 warzones gets old quickly. Huttball seems to come every match, which is a great concept but not from a pug standpoint. CW and the coast are the same wz. Voidstar while fun to play, is too small.


4. CC


Firstly, I know how resolve works and im not claiming its broken. I find it a refreshing change of pace but CC in general is out of control. Every class has just about the same amount of CC. Getting it roughly around the same levels. While it works to balance the game out, it just makes pvp a living nightmare.


5. Feels unfinished


This game feels as if it came out 4 years ago. While i wasnt around for WoW launch, i was for City of Heroes. I feel like CoH had close to, if not more, content at launch than SWTOR does. CoH didnt really have an end game, it was only 1 raid everyone did about once a week on the server. While that is considered no end game for people, the game kept you playing with innovative customization. To me this game doesnt feel complete. PvP wasnt ready at launch, looks like it was thrown in during the final stages. From what i hear there is not a whole lot of end game raids, to me FPs are useless with modable orange gear. Crafting needs revamped. For a galaxy, there sure are a limited number of star systems when i watch the movies there seems to be thousands.


THese are my reasons why i left and will prob not come back until most of it is looked at. Im not going to pay 15 dollars a month to play an unfinished and unpolished game when i can easily have more fun playing WoW despite how much i dislike the game.

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I will never go back to WoW, I might return to this game, if things change, I will be keeping an eye on the forums and my Sister will still be playing ToR. So if things change, which in my personal case, the population, I will probably return.
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I have all the same complaints as everyone else but I'm staying for now.

What will make me unsub in 1.3 is if the population management just isn't good enough to work or if the new legacy perks still have unreasonably high credit costs. The insane costs of the 1.2 legacy stuff didn't bother me cos it was all just fluff that I didn't want but the 1.3 perks are actually good, but I don't want to have to spend months doing dailies to buy them. The purpose of 1.2 as a credit sink was that there were people with millions of credits that needed to spend them. By this point they will have done so, so they need to reduce all the costs so ordinary poor people don't have to endlessly grind for them.

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Well, Elder Scroll Online just looks amazing. Second, Bioware are just too amateurs to make this work.


People like you hype the games that they are not even in beta....look what you did with Swtor.

How do you know that X mmorpg that has just been announced about 1 week ago looks amazing? You had some kinda of a great revelation?

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My sub is still running but I'm consider leaving,


1. I don't feel like I want to log in anymore.

My guild done HM EC in 1 night then it's done for the week. (we already have enough Black hole commendation/ mount archivement so there's no point to run HM KP or even EV again)


2. I hate Daily. I hate Daily. I hate Daily. I hate Daily.


3. Running out of interesting thing to do.

I don't care cosmetic things ... changing saber color has no meaning for me if each of them give same stat.

ShipDroid mini game? where is it? lol I don't even bother.


4. Legacy failed so hard...

who want to play new alt when there's 90% same cut scene again. I dont care about my Sithwar alt using Orbital strike once in 10 mins.


5. Too fast progress. overall leveling , gearing up all done in 1 month or less.

My friend got full set of rakata in just 2 night of playing.


My last word - don't make a wow clone because you never be as good as them.

Make your game unique - combat, game play , ... etc.

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Well, Elder Scroll Online just looks amazing. Second, Bioware are just too amateurs to make this work.
Amateurs? They had the experience of Mythic, and yes they still didn't do a very good job. But here is the thing though, Bethesda never made an MMO before either, have they even made a Multiplayer game before?


ESO may look good on paper, but until they actually start to show some stuff, like Arenanet has been doing for the last year, I will remain skeptical.

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I have to say I'm enjoying the game and I have no axe to grind. Yes, there are some things that could be improved but there are many, many good things.


I see so many threads with posters claiming that they have unsubbed. Some even seemed to have unsubbed weeks or months ago. I'm always curious why they stick around.


If you are one of the people who played for a time, then decided to quit, please answer the following questions:


What are your top 5 reasons why you left the game? Why do you stick around?


Maybe we can get some good feedback by putting this all in one place and maybe we can clean up other threads by putting this all in one place.




#1 Patch turnardound time too slow.

#2 PVP balance broken in 1.2.

#3 Not enough character versatility.

#4 Legacy too costly and lacking in options.

#5 Game missing features that it should have launched with.

Edited by Darth_Vampirius
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I have until mid august before my subscription runs out. I have canceled but will change it if some or more of my points are met:


1) Not enough character slots. With legacy BW have given us a very strong reason to have all our chars on one server, however, as an altoholic, 8 slots is way too few when you have 16 classes.


2) Screwing people over. A lot of people, myself included, worked a long time to gear our characters in full champion gear. In one patch all that work was nullified as BM gear was boosted so much that champion was now worthless, and champion became inferior to recruit. For my own part, my old computer did not permit me to participate in pvp, so I didnt start pvping until level 50. Because of that I never got to rank 60 before 1.2 and couldnt get BM gear. My character as well as some companions was in full champion, so stupid system with a stupid patch, all work for nothing (except ofc I had a lot of fun gearing him, but starting from scratch, hell no). This shows me that BW is totally clueless.


3) Unjustified nerfs and class revamps to pvp to make pve more challenging? Hell no. According to a dev, all the healing nerfs in 1.2 was because healing in pve was to easy. Well, I heal in pvp and my full champion geared bodyguard merc went from being fun and competitive to being a liability.


4) Shorter flashpoints. Me, as a working father with two sons and 24/7 on call duty job cant set aside 2-3 hours to complete one flashpoint. Remove a lot of the worhtless trash mobs and shorten the FPs.


5) shorten the gear gap in pvp. Yes, you should get better gear the more you play, but the difference between a guy in full augmented wh vs a full recruit is just ridiculous. I prefer pvp to be more about tactics and teamplay and less about gear. (also, since BW clearly wants us to roll many alts, gearing them up at 50 should not be such a "job", do they feel that we should only get the char to 50 then stop playing them because if you want to be competitive you have to focus all your time on one char?).


Edit: I just remembered one of my biggest annoyances atm:

6) Bring back hood for twileks. I made my female twilek inquisitor based on how awesome she looked with a hood in beta, and once EA arrived it was removed. And now my sith warrior lost his breath mask! This is outrageous. Sure, its only small graphic issues, but its annoying as hell to me. There must be better way to fix clipping issues than just removing the visual of items?

Edited by Tigalo
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1. Bad customer service


2. Bad communication


3. Voice acting gets old after you hear it once


4. PVP - sigh


5. PvE is too easy/boring


6. Credit sinks (do all new features really need a credit sink attached?)


7. Lack of direction


8. The hubris highlighted in their podcast is really disturbing


9. They are out of touch with reality and their playerbase


10. Loading times

Edited by nskeen
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1. Bad customer service


2. Bad communication


3. Voice acting gets old after you hear it once


4. PVP - sigh


5. PvE is too easy/boring


6. Credit sinks (do all new features really need a credit sink attached?)


7. Lack of direction


8. The hubris highlighted in their podcast is really disturbing


9. They are out of touch with reality and their playerbase


10. Loading times


Didn't the OP say you can choose five from the menu? You must be hungry! :p


On topic though there is really ONE MAJOR issue that has made my friends and I to cancel our subs (I have 45 more days) is that the strength of the game (deep story lines that BW is famous for) also ends up making grouping feel disjointed and clunky when leveling. The multiple class story arcs (which we have liked very much), when grouping have a tendency to disrupt the flow of each story and affects the overall immersion experience. We enjoy grouping together and we have found it difficult to do in this game.


Like many others have said, it feels too much like a single player RPG with multiplayer elements. It really lacks there as a true MMO. Actually when you cancel, one of the reasons you can select from the dropdown is the reason I just mentioned so at least it must be a concern they are acutely aware of.


The other issues pertain to lack of endgame and any sort of meaningful PvP that we see in other games like even WoW. Open world PvP is non-existent

Edited by Monave
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Runs out in August (6-mo Sub, I had high hopes): [2x lv50's, 2x lv44's, both sides]


1. Too much, too soon.

-From level 10, I was already a hero and saving the galaxy. I saved the galaxy over and over and over again until I became numb to it somewhere around lv30. The most elite soldiers of the Republic/Empire couldn't do it, but Kaliyo and I could! Riiiight. Too much, too soon. I didn't feel like I had to work for my reputation with the Republic/Empire. Make everybody the hero too soon, it becomes transparent and meaningless.


2. Every planet the same.

-"Welcome to X. We have issues. Will you save our planet?" Yeah, sure *yawn*, can I visit the cantina first? That long walk out the airlock for no reason wore me out. "You don't understand, you need to help NOW... our most elite soldiers have been decimated fighting a major threat! However, you and your companion seem to be better than them." Kaliyo and I proceed to fight group after group of nameless troopers and snipers, and somewhere along this mind-numbing slaughter the planet gets saved and I am a hero. Again... and again... and again. Every planet the same.


3. I was running a pest control business, not fighting for the Republic/Empire

-No matter where I went to quest, or what planet I was on, NPC's were exactly the same with zero variety. Group after bloody group of nameless troopers and snipers. Occasionally a droid... that was a trooper/sniper class. Oh yeah, sometimes they had vibroswords and were stealthed. As I gazed onto the landscape of every planet, I imagined myself with an Orkin logo on my armor. The Orkin man has arrived, I see that every square inch of landscape is infested with groups of nameless troopers and snipers! Never fear, my associate Kaliyo and I will exterminate these pests. Every planet, every quest, every zone... clear 5 billion groups of troopers and snipers and save the galaxy. Zero variety, zero fun. All the way to 50.

-Hey Kaliyo, those Esh'ka sound freaky! Let's go get us some! "You and me agent!" Hey Kal... is it just me, or are these dudes just... groups of troopers and snipers again? Ah, but an alien is now holding the gatling gun, so it must be different...

-New daily zone? Hey... check it out Kaliyo! More groups of troopers and snipers!

-I never felt like I was fighting for a greater cause, just mindlessly exterminating pests.


4. No "races."

-That's right. We get to pick a human, or a painted human. Mirilian? Nope sorry, human painted green with squares on their faces. But hey, good start on the Twi'leks with the handlebars. Too bad their animations and everything else about them is human. Same height/weight, same animations, same look in armor, same voice actors. Admit it, we only got one "race" to choose from. Zero variety. No wonder there was so little talk about which "races" would be introduced into the game... they were still trying to figure out how many different ways they could paint the humans and hope people wouldn't really notice.


5. No consequence.

-Funny how Grand Master Shan, in all her infinite Force-sensing wisdom, didn't seem to give a flying womprat about my friend's veiny sith-corrupted face. She still gave him the same quests as me. Our choices meant nothing in this game, except to introduce a little fun into conversations. Ultimately, evil Jedi are still Jedi. 100% dark side, yet they still serve the Republic.

-Quest choices also meant nothing. Whether you say "I'm a noble Jedi, I don't need a reward;" or "I don't work for free scumbag, I want a bonus;" or "I'm going to kill you," you get the same bloody reward for every quest. Sure, some of the outcomes are different for light/dark choices, but ultimately nothing changes except a few in-game mails.

-Why introduce a morality system if nothing is ultimately affected?


Plenty more, those are the top 5.

Edited by Marklarx
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Account canccled last week have 35+ days left.


i wanted to like this game alot cuz lets be honest who dossent love Star Wars :)

But this game issent Star Wars far from it id like to be able to put this game into a catagory but i cant find one that fit.


1. i love PvP dont PvE at all ( well did the mandatory 1 - 10 quests and my class quest up till the point where i got my last companion ) but this game should never have had PvP, it is very clear that the devs working on PvP for SWTOR has no clue about any aspects of PvP ( yes they got one Homerun with Huttball ) as it stands we have no Open World PvP since every thing you ever need is right there on fleet que up from fleet as it is one of thoose few places where the load time issent 5min+ alot of the pve stuff uses the fleet as a starting point so why leave this leads to no OWpvp coupled with the fact that there really issent any point in killing another player you dont get anything except the "pride" of the kill.


2.Quests ? there are something like a million PvE quests in this game yet PvP got a shocking 5 quests in total ? why is it that PvP cant be a viable way to earn levels/credits ( and dont give me this bull about PvPers not haveing to pay to repair) when everything in this game costs a stackering amount of credits, 44000 Credits to remove 1 mod from my armor ??? please take one of your quest devs tell him no lunch for you today buddy make 5 new PvP quests insted and we will give you a steak dinner ( hell ill buy him a steak dinner !!!! ) keep doing this to him till we have a meeningfull PvP quest line.


3.Silence, Illum got pulled from the game Rated Warzones pulled from the game and all we pretty much got was it wassent working so we are working on it, im not demanding that you set a date and time when this stuff will be done but leaveing you customers hanging is just terrible why is it that you cant release some info about theese issues dossent have to be anything too specifik but give a dog a bone ! it is really very annoying waiting on theese Key features ( for me i know we PvPers are the red haird step child of most games ) and beeing left in the dark with zero information while you are all to eager to awnser pointless bullcrap in the weekly QnA .


4. Leagacy ie patch 1.2, i still dont see the point in this at all sure its a cool feature for RPs even though most of the RPs i know says it adds very little to the RP community, there are a few things id like to have but as i only PvP i cant afford them, at PAX you said 80% of your players have less then 1 Million credits yet you release features that costs 5 million im sure the 20% are glad they can pay up and be bumped down to the others but this is just rediculus, you did make some really glad, the Credit farmers are now all rejoicing that they now have customers willing to fork over real cash on their websites to buy ingame credits Gj !


5. Dead servers, i began playing on Eye of Ashlanae ( i know its a pve server but i play with my wife and RL friends who dossent like beeing ganked, if only we had know that it wouldet be a problem ) and it died pretty quick as i pvp i dont want to wait 40min+ on a WZ que, so i bit the bullet and rerolled leaveing my imps to wither and die in peace, i knew at this point that imps where very cool and outnumberd the repubs on most servers so we rolled Republics on a new server and joined a good guild that died due to the founders and officers wanted to play Imps, as we dident want to add to the population problem nor reroll again we joined one of the most successfull guilds on the server with many PvE server first and a very nice PvP team/Players but alas this is what we get when we log in now http://img213.imageshack.us/img213/9836/theendpr.jpg i dont blame them for leaveing but it is really sad that a guild with 70+ dedicated PvP/PvE players all just up and left over the course of a week ( not all quit some just left the guild but most left )


6. ineptitude, it baffles me how poorly the devs on this game work, servers are down alot to fix stuff but almost every time they patch something they break something new while alot of bugs that where reported in BETA are still in the game, allso it seems like the things they decide to pull the servers down for is just pointless and could easyly wait till tuesdays ( Addressed an issue that could prevent characters from being deleted. Made improvements to the CS ticketing system. you can now use emotes on a taxi ?????? how are the serves beeing pulled for this ?? theese things could now wait till tuesday ? )

you seem to have spendt TONS of time makeing 1.2 yet it is incomplete and not worth the time i havent used one feature from it and i never will


there are a lot more issues id like to add but i wont theese are my main points but ill say this ill be watching the games progression and i would come back if things turn around and PvPers are treated like other paying customers.

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Legacy: My legacy lvl gives me noting…and no I will not be putting millions and millions of credits into it. I should get free unlocks and specific levels that I get to choose from and if I want the rest they should be reasonably priced to unlock.


Crafting: No one crafts stuff because it is not profitable... missions cost too much money/ time. No one will buy your stuff because you can get better stuff from dailies, pvp, flashpoints, and operations. Purple recipes dropped from operations and flashpoints are bind on pickup. Crafters should be able to create all armor/weapon sets in the game so we can customize our characters with the gear available. Especially, since your art team is one of the worst I have ever seen in a mmo. The new pve and pvp armors are garbage.


Dead servers – Server Transfers needed to be implemented months ago.


PvP – Imbalanced/Grindfest – I love to pvp but I will not spend 6hrs a day grinding for weeks to acquire gear just to get stun locked and utterly destroyed in the span of 3 globals. The Resolve system needs to be removed and a DR system put into place. You need to do a balance pass on all the classes and apply buffs to weak/mediocre classes and nerf the OP classes. These changes need to be delicately and over time and not blindly hitting them with a hammer. Illum…what a disaster. Add more dailies/missions from lvl 10+ for PVP to earn cash and exp. Some of us can’t stand the PVE anymore and I doubt my spacebar can take it anymore either.

Money Sinks – Outrageous Costs to remove mods from Raid/PVP gear – mainly because BIOWARE is either too stupid to properly itemize the armors or this was done on purpose for us to grind cash for weeks at a time just to be able to afford it.


Insane Load Times – from planets to planets


Countless Bugs that are still not fixed or have even been addressed.


Space Combat – Needs to be expanded on – Rail shooter was a bad idea – allow players up to 2-4 per mission – add pvp – take it off the freakin rails.


Sadly, I can go on but I have little faith left in Bioware to do anything to fix this mess. Untill my time runs out, I'll be farming people on my Marauder and laughing at how Incompetent your pvp team is.

Edited by LexiCazam
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