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Everything posted by jasiones

  1. 1. This game feels too much like a single player MMO and it's VERY hard to justify spending 15/month. now that servers are getting really bad on population i NEVER see anyone leveling up. I was leveling up on Corelia on a saturday afternoon and there were only 3 people there. very hard to get a flash point group together while leveling as well as at level 50. 2. server mergers/transfers: i dont need to say anything because we all know they're needed 3. load times are WAY to frequent and incredibly annoying. the time it takes for me to open up the game and get in the meat of a planet where i'm actually questing is incredibly long. It actually deters me from logging on because I start getting impatient with the travel time. 4. Patches feel like they're implementing stuff that should have been available at launch. Rather than exciting new features it just feels like I was paying to play in beta testing for an unfinished game. I know many say EA rushed bioware to release the game for various reasons but it's just buggy. 5. PvP has lost it's charm. doing the same 4 warzones is very boring. Having to grind them out max out valor is enough to gouge out my eyes. There's no open world pvp on ilum and no other PVP options but to join in WZ's. I dont PVP much in MMOs but I actually enjoy the pvp in this game so It's kinda sad to get irritated at it already. and here's a few minor things that i'm just nitpicking 1. Companions need their gear itemization spread out. I rolled a bounty hunter and it is SO annoying 3 out of my 5 companions utilize heavy armor + aim. the other two use medium armor + cunning. 2. I miss the days of having random conversations with my companions in dragon age 1. this was taken out in dragon age 2 and the same style was carried over to SWTOR. very disconcerting to only engage in conversations with my companions on my ship after they've reached a certain approval rating. 3. low level gear looks very star wars-esc while the high level stuff just gets ridiculous. I understand the need to design more lavish gear that stands out as a way to reward people, but some of the stuff looks like it's from a bad japanese B movie. I was REALLY rooting for this game. Stopped going on the forums because the amount of QQ just demoralized me to play it, but eventually this game showed it's true colors. perhaps I'm just approaching my low point of my MMO roller coaster enjoyment but I'm really looking forward to Diablo 3 until GW2, MoP comes out.
  2. so I'm on belsavis right now and looks like Skadge is going to be my new companion. i am DEEPLY disturbed by the gear itemization from bounty hunter companions. So far i have two who use medium armor + cunning and 3 who use heavy armor + aim. two of those use tech blades which by all accounts is a rare weapon. seriously? the only class i have at 50 is an inquisitor and i liked how the companion gear itemization was spread out. anyone peeved by this or is it just me?
  3. i commend you for typing this out..but it isnt really a "guide" per say as it is telling us your personal preference of your keyboard lay out.
  4. leveling as a dps assassin I always complained how he seems squishier than i was...I replaced him when I got talos and now use xalek for doing dailies and general questing. I was kind of forced to use khem prior to talos because as a light armor wearer having any dps companion would make me die pretty quickly.
  5. two completely different play styles...i enjoy being able to stealth as an assassin (would be shadow for republic side) and makes life so much easier being targettable when i decide to show myself =)
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