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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Unsubscriber's Thread: Tell us a few things


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Been a month and since hitting 50 and realizing all my time and effort went to waste not being able to utilize the talents and gear that I worked towards, I've decided to close my account. Yes I can use it, but they don't do anything. It's pointless to continue.


I feel 'duped' that I bought the game and wasted this much time on it.


I haven't done it yet but haven't logged in for the first time today and have no desire to. I know exactly how the PVP session will turn out regardless of gear. I'm not up for a mosh pit of laser shots and button mashing.


All the toons are the same except for range ability which hits just as hard as melee. That is illogical. No individuality. All the same power with the ranged class having a huge, huge advantage over eveyrone else.


The PVP is flawed because it promotes a 'cluster' 'mosh pit' environment. Absolutely no skill needed. No capture the flag. Huttball is ok and my favorite PVP, but too boxed in and too advantageous for laser rifles and ranged players. Just think about the level design. Often if you aren't ranged you are sitting duck.


Can't sell anything in the marketplace so why bother crafting.


The game is basically pointless. I can say that I'll never return to the game as long as the players are buffed to 49 and the PVP is a mosh pit.


The game is 'socialist'. Tries to make everyone the same. This is NOT conducive of the 'competitive spirit' of an MMORP and is why people are turned off (aside from it being just un-fun to play).


You need to code the game for 'rock, paper scissors'. Not 'rock, rock, rock with ranged attack'. The game is deeply flawed and the lead developer SHOULD BE HELD RESPONSIBLE and relieved of his position for goofing it up this bad. Sorry but if you don't have talent you shouldn't get rewarded. He needs to be held to account for making us wait YEARS for this game and ruining this project. I hope a director is reading this message.


Oh PS, the endless dialogue was good for the first few times, but too much of a good thing gets old fast. I was on my iPad for most of the dialog. A bad place to put funds when the curent game is so lacking.


You need to put a new project manager in charge of the game who understands rock, paper, scissors. Whoever was responsible for ruining this game needs to be let go. Many have already said it.

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Most of us have unsubbed because, well lets face it, our servers are dead and we CANT PLAY! SAVE US!


Dude I promise you I'm on Fatman and I would wait almost an hour to log in and NEVER run into the opposite faction. I have only ONCE been asked to join a group and this is with me being on LFG *ALL* the time. Even then joining groups aren't fun. There is low moral the fighting elites is not fun. There are no giant dragons, and 40 man raids.


You'll end up being stuck with PVP as 'the only thing to do' and when you reach level 50 you won't like it. Gear won't make you any more better/stronger. It's almost pointless to continue playing and trust me rolling on Fatman is not the answer.

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Ive got about 90 days left, but I seriously doubt ill be subbing again once thats up unless something changes for the better...drasticly


1-Server pops...theyre non existant, I logged in the other day and there was less than 10 people on fleet, what the hell?! How am I supposed to enjoy end game content when theres no way of getting a group together? Someone said it best earlier in this thread when they said ToR is now a one player game with a chat room.For God's sake merge some servers!!!!!!!!!!


2-Load times...My pc isnt the best, but its by no means bad.....load times are shocking.The end.


3-Levelling...I understand that there is a story for each character which takes them through the planets, but coming to the end of my second 50 I find that I am already bored by the quests available. There is no alternative route to 50, every character will go to the same planets, do the same quests in the same order. One thing i did enjoy about WoW was the fact i could choose between 2 or 3 different areas to level in at most stages through my progression.


4-Bugs....Fix them


5-Diablo 3

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This game, in its difficulty and plastyle, is really similar to Vanilla WoW.


No please don't say this.


There are likely important people that are going to be reading this and if this game was like Vanilla WoW we'd ALL be here playing and the game would be growing massively. Don't you dare say 'it's too much like WoW'. Anyone can tell you that it's not.


As an experienced gamer, SWTOR and WoW are *NOTHING* alike.. At ALL. SWTOR is more like a single player Diablo world RPG final fantasy story action game. Not an MMORPG. Two DIFFERENT games completely.

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For a while I thought I had mmo burnout I really did. Funny thing is that I can go play other games for hours on end with no problem. I thought hard on this and then logged back into TOR quite a number of times. Always the same result, logged out because there was absolutely nothing that I wanted to do. Never had this happen before and I can log into wow or eq2 and amuse myself for hours on end. I know they are older games and have more content etc so i decided to roll a new toon from scratch on both and see if it was leveling burnout.


Well, I have a conjuror in eq2 at 65 and a magee in wow at 53 and look forward to playing them both each time I log in. I just didn't get what it was with his game that made it all so unbearable and then it hit me...... choices. Plain and simple choices. With the other games I had the ability to go quest someplace else if I felt the urge and the things that I looted or collected added more depth and options for sales, crafting and overall immersion. With TOR I am being thrown down a water slide with no off ramp to anywhere else.


That has killed it for me. No options other than alts.

Nice attempt though Bioware and my hat tips to you guys it really does.

Edited by Mashy
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I just unsubbed a few minutes ago.............I recently came back from a two month vacation from this game. I wanted to give Bio another chance at improving the game and showing us they are committed to us and our experience.


I honestly wanted to see the positive, but I just can't do it. THE CONSTANT DOWNTIMES TO FIX STUFF THAT THEY BROKE TO BEGIN WITH!




Exactly how hard is it to push it back a few hours Bio? Seriously? We are giving you guys the benefit of the doubt regarding your broken pvp, your bugged out raids, your broken GTN and on and on and on.


But this one thing, you cant work with us on? Really? This one little thing??



Enough is enough....They don't care about anything other then the bottom line....Money......Its truly apparent now....

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Companies live and die by these surveys. When you unsubscibe swtor you are given the opportunity to give them some helpful feedback. This thread will not deliver.


Some people are more interested in being 'friends' with Bioware or part of the 'team'. Sadly these are lot of the 'forum junkies' and 'beta testing crew'. Yes men.


Then there are the more casual gamer/consumer type like myself unsubbing who is 35 years old and very experienced since the original Star Wars Galaxies who is seriosly trying to help save the game because I want the game to do well. It hurts me I waited years for this game.


1 - Relieve the duties of the project manager. Sorry he has to take responsibility for admitting he wanted a socialist game where everyone had the same abilities. He's on video admitting this. That breaks the competitive spirit in people.

2 - Take away player puffs/debuffs in PVP. We need to actually be able to utilize the gear we spent so much time grinding for. If not, people will feel they are wasting their time playing the game and unsub (like me).

3 - Move to a 'rock, paper, scissors' formula. One class should be able to beat one class, but lose against another. Very basic formula.

4 - Take away free grear and medical drops during questing to stimulate the auction economy and crafting. I can't sell anything at the auction on the busiest server.

5 - Consolidate PVP servers and group instances into the best serves. This is what is done on WoW and I'm AMAZED that no one at Bioware knew how to setup these warzones and instances.

6 - Redesign PVP zones and bring in capture the flag. Do NOT design PVP for 'mosh pit' play like guarding an object. That takes away any kind of skill or tactical team work. Huttball is a good start, but awful level design that results in frustration. Not excitement. Please no more 'guarding objects'. It's not good design because it creates mindless mosh pits.

7 - Fix world PVP so we see opposite players but I know at this stage you really can't do anything about this so I put this at the bottom.

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Exactly how hard is it to push it back a few hours Bio? Seriously?


You realise that not all people of the Earth share your timezone, right? Google it if you dont believe me.

Pushing back a few hours would mean cutting in to US timezone prime playing time ;)

Edited by DarthNiktu
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2009 account creation date = i had high hopes for this game


That said, I dont want it to seem like those expectations weren't all met, as this game has been held me for about 4-5 months now.. with taking breaks with other games as i would with any other MMO. But at this point, it is very hard for me to find a reason to log in. I just feel like the amount of work I have to do to get anything interesting going is just not going to be worth it.


Denova is alright, but too short, and not enough to keep me holding on for the next patch.

All things considered, when my game time runs out in 2 weeks, I won't renew.. but Ill still follow the game and maybe when 1.3 comes out ill consider getting another month (just 1).


The game is good.. but i think i prefer a more sandbox feel.

Edited by xQuicksilverx
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I have to say I'm enjoying the game and I have no axe to grind. Yes, there are some things that could be improved but there are many, many good things.


I see so many threads with posters claiming that they have unsubbed. Some even seemed to have unsubbed weeks or months ago. I'm always curious why they stick around.


If you are one of the people who played for a time, then decided to quit, please answer the following questions:


What are your top 5 reasons why you left the game? Why do you stick around?


Maybe we can get some good feedback by putting this all in one place and maybe we can clean up other threads by putting this all in one place.






My sub expires today and I'm not renewing, there's no point--from the incompetent flunkies in CS, as well as the goofball coders who must have been trained by Microsoft as each and every patch they release to fix something breaks something else so they take the system down twice in a week for the 4th time in 6 weeks...we pay to play...when the system is down...we can't play...BW does not at all care...the one time they did give us back a day...they took it right back the very next week when the system was again down two days that week...this is ridiculous, the most absurd thing is these patches aren't even necessary because the bugs are not gamebreaking.


OH--someone might wake up tomorrow with a BILLION CREDITS!!!! So what...I don't care that someone can suddenly buy one of everything in the game...if I woke up with a billion credits it wouldn't change my game at all. Oh sure I'd have better gear but would it suddenly transform me from a below average player to an unstoppable killing machine? No...no need to take a day's play away from me. Now, we have this Matrix cube situation...which was caused by this past Tuesday's "patch".


Once again, the system is down 2 days in a week so BW can fix something they screwed up in the first place...this is what happens when you have incompetent coders, incompetent QA and a non-existent testing environment, you push garbage to your production servers...then someone says hey, look at this...I pay to play for 30 days...I get home at 2AM CDT time right when the servers go offline...if I'm lucky, I get to play for 26 days out of the 30 I pay for...this month I'm looking at 22 or 23...this gross incompetence, this gross negligence and BW's eh, oh well attitude is especially galling. People say, oh well at least they are fixing bugs...when BW is fixing the problems they themselves caused, they aren't doing us any favors by taking more playtime away from us.......and I'm not going to be able to play on my last paid day...well TYVL...


The Arsenal Merc...I'm not going to say anything about that except it was the first toon I created and played...he's 38th level now...he was cut off at the knees by devs who do not play the game nor do they play an Arsenal Merc so they have absolutely no clue whatsoever as to how the class actually function...working as intended means having us fight with one arm tied behind our backs and on one leg...


There's no reason for anyone to stay onboard this hot mess of a disaster--what's the point? What's the payoff? What's your ROI, your return on investment? You pay for 30 days but can't play for 30 days, classes get cut off at the knees and the devs basically say sucks to be you, cope and deal or reroll. This MMO was supposed to be different, yet the only thing different is the name of the site and the launcher...everything else is the same ole same ole...

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Basically what i see here is bunch of people stating problems, but not giving ideas on how to fix them. A bad example of a response to this thread:


"I quit becuase of the flashpoints. There's no reason to do the lower level ones anymore, BW fix it!"


And a good one:


"I quit becuase of the flashpoints. There's no reason to go to the lower level ones anymore. Why dont you give rewards such as a point system allowing you to purchase gear."


We pay to play this game, we do NOT pay to be a developer. BW pays people to take care of this. It is not the consumers responsibility to think of ideas on how to make game mechanics more fun/rewarding. If they paid me $15 a month to play, I would have suggestions and feedback for them, until then, I expect the people they do employ to do their jobs

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1. Electronic Arts. They have no clue what's going on. They said after 1.2 the subs dropped by 400k and blamed it on casual gamers and not on the fact that 1.2 was terrible. People have said this for many years, if Ea is involved it has a huge chance to fail.

2. No thought in just about anything. Why pull the servers down world wide at the same time. Look at the time of night when the average server pop is on a low for each region and then pull them down at that time every week. West coast servers should not be going down at 12:am.

3. No server merges. I started late and think maybe I did 4 heroic quests because I would run into maybe 1 or two players every night while questing if that. Feel like I'm paying for a single player game.

4. Not sure if I changed or not but for me I see pve as totally unfun in this game and just a boring grind from level 1-50 and beyond. The only fun is to pvp with friends in battle grounds.

5. The auction house made me vomit. I have no desire to buy or sell anything, hell what do you need money for in this game anyway?

6. Not much thought into gear. My recruit gear had this stat and that stat . Then I get battle master and it replaces this stat and that stat with other stats, so I lose and gain. Then War hero replaces this and that so I lose and gain. I can see no other explanation then you gave some guy a list of stats for that class and said slap that on some gear . There is no thought prosess involved. Just take the main stats for my class and keep it on each piece of gear, how hard is that.

7. They say they spent so much money on this game but can't even show a damn shield on players that use shields. Yeah powergenerators, so lazy, make a shield animation.

8. Huge load times. I just sit in fleet waiting on a pvp que, if I am on another planet the load time will make me miss the next que. Load times like this should be a thing of the past.

9. Class quests at first were kinda of fun but then you realize it's a huge grind. Drive 5 minutes to this spot, kill or talk to this guy, drive 5 minutes to this spot, kill or talk to this guy.

10. Thankfully I started late or I would have quit when recruit gear came out. I totally understand why so many quit after grinding to get better gear to have that edge which they desire and then they hand out pretty good gear like candy. Then I got stuck in the grind going to heroic gear but I know by the time I get most of it they will hand bm gear or even heroic out like candy. I played rift and wow, they could have a 3 week patch that would blow away that 1.2 piece of crap which you call a major game update. Well it was a huge update of crap. Most of my guild left and then the other guilds went back to wow and tera.

11. This will be one of the fastest rising and fastest failing games in history.

12. I've played enough mmos I can tell when something is done and the fork is already stuck in it.

13. I heard many of the guys that made this game were involved in warhammer. The warhammer pvp system was great, they just needed quality pve to draw in the masses so what do they do? Kill pve and make it pvp only :) so smart. I'm a 90% pvper but like the option.

14. This is not a complaint here but a suggestion, maybe someone should force both pvp players and pvers to work together. Have high level pvp items or mods drop from raids and high level pve items that can be bought with pvp coms. Give pvers a reason to pvp and pvers a reason to pvp. Most will follow the carrot where ever it goes.

15. So many things, not sure if I listed the terrible netcode. Seeing so many glitches in pvp and bugs. People in front of me that are not really there then they are 100 feet away from me while i'm trying to attack a ghost.

16. In wow people complained about rogues. Of course when you get stunned and take damage while being unable to do anything people will always complain but damn, how many classes have stuns , aoe mezzes, knockbacks, I mean come on! My bar never fills up and i've been stunned, stunned, stunned, kicked on the ground, chocked, knocked back then crapped on. I did use my 2 minute cooldown to break one of them but then back on the ground getting boot stomped. Can we just have one lock down class like most games please.

17. REMOVE CIVIL WAR! It's a map with no chance for a comeback after a certain spot unless you 3 cap and hold which everyone knows does not happen after you are that far behind. Novare coast is great, you can be down to 10% and win. Huttball is also very good. Void star is an aoes dream, can we get duel spec so we can change modes before each battleground.

18. Price for respec. Not sure what the cap is but mines pretty damn high where I can't respec unless I grind credits.. I would like to respec and try different things often to keep it fresh. Why am I paying so much for this?

19. Bioware is a single player game company and it showed big time. I never played bioware games because I hate single player garbage.

20. I hear everyone saying they want server transfers. The minute they charge a dime to transfer and offer it then another dagger. Rift offered free transfers once a week with each char so i'm sure their next big thing will be paid server transfers. Paid server transfers will be the final dagger in SWTOR. EA is thinking quick money while losing in the long run.

21. Not sure if I mentioned this but why the hell do you not have battlegroups for pvp and dungeon finders for pve yet? Did you guys even look at other games that had great success doing this? Not doing this is not being unique, it's old school garbage before they had the technology.

22. Haveing all the Instances in one spot. After 50 you don't need to leave fleet, just pve or pvp from there the rest of the world is dead to you. In other games you would quest and build up quests to lead you to dungeons to get gear and rewards. Kinda of a story in itself.

23. Massive bugs, I don't like being invisible just seeing my weapon at times.

24. Nothing in the way of updates. Nerfing and buffing classes are not a major update. You just piss people off.

25. The guard command in pvp. That should be a pve only command. I know guys that can dish out massive damage but when the healer is guarded they can just laugh and continue healing. Yeah, ok so mark that healer then you have 2 healers on guard then forget about it. Those are the games where people get 800k damage when both sides have this and nobody dies.

Edited by lordPoozy
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Switch Character


ReStart Game

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ReStart Game

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ReStart Game

Log on Game


ReStart Game

Log on Game

Play Game

Switch Character



Customer service : 'Thank you for contacting us KrelosDarksky.... Despite the fact that you have played the game since Beta and prelaunch, and despite your problems only starting after 1.2 going live, the problem must be on YOUR end and you will have to find the problem since we can't.'

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5 main reasons for leaving casal gamer


1. No cool items while leveling - all orange is boring just buying a new hilt/barrel on ah every other level is boring

2. no ppl on my server - like 50 on fllet, sometims 5-10 on planets

3.the world is empty

4. black hole after 50

5. No freakin huge cutscene with the imperial march playing once you hit 50 with commando.


5 main reasons for staying


1. i bought the account on ebay on in january for 40 euro with some playtime on it

i havent payed any fee since that and my account is still working


2. since i play seldom after a first week of nonstop "wow the story is soo cool, jugg action" its fun to play around"

once a week for one or 2 h to level an other toon and enjoy the story


3. its almost a single player so i am not bothered by almost no ppl to make the hc quests with


4.i like starwars


5. someday ea might be destroyed by an ufo and than the game might actually be what bw announced and i want to be there when that moment comes

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Recently unsubscribed - due to expire in June.


1. Solo Game Feel - I enjoyed the questing the first time through though I was rather disappointed with the finale for the sniper. Especially as I helped a friend with a sith sorc. immediately after. The whole game seemed to be a struggle to get others to form a group to complete more than one or two quests, apart from the daily quest run .Even when I had a guild it was a struggle to get a full team. I think I managed to get one FP with a guild group. The guild is virtually gone now with everyone moving on to another game.


2. Crew - Crafting seemed so easy but there just isn't a market to actually sell much. There is rarely a need to buy anything before hitting 50 and then the quests generate better gear. It was also frustrating not to be able to name your crew and every member of your class had exactly the same set of crew.


3. Dispersed Population - There are too many small planets with individual zones. I only ever played on high population servers but even at the busy times there just didn't seem to be many people around except at the fleet. Even more frustrating is sitting in fleet with over 200 people and still not able to form a FP group - LF Tank!!!!!! anyone?


4. Lack of Leveling Diversity - There are essentially two sets of quests to complete to get to level 50 with a smattering of class quests. I did not enjoy the ship combat experience and have absoolutely no desire to engage in PvP. For me questing in a group is what an MMO is about. The trip to 50 was too easy and too quick. I felt there should have been at least twice as many quests needed to be completed to reach 50.


5. Potential - I see the game having the potential to bring me back every now and then for a single month subscription to play on the alts. At the moment though it isn't likely to occur until November or December. I don't see it having a great deal of potential as an MMO although the LFG function may help a bit.

Edited by Cynfulone
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I have to say I'm enjoying the game and I have no axe to grind. Yes, there are some things that could be improved but there are many, many good things.


I see so many threads with posters claiming that they have unsubbed. Some even seemed to have unsubbed weeks or months ago. I'm always curious why they stick around.


If you are one of the people who played for a time, then decided to quit, please answer the following questions:


What are your top 5 reasons why you left the game? Why do you stick around?


Maybe we can get some good feedback by putting this all in one place and maybe we can clean up other threads by putting this all in one place.





1 ) No world pvp


2 ) Terrible Class balance


3 ) Dead servers


4 ) Empty GTN on dead servers


5 ) Worst in-game customer support i've encountered on mmo


6 ) Long queues in the only form of PVP (warzones) after 1.2


7 ) Endless warzone farm from the release of the game till now


8 ) Impossible to find group for flashpoints on empty servers ( lack of LFG tool )


9 ) No combat log (really BW? on a 2012 mmo??)


10 ) No macros


11 ) Lack of gameplay choices on characters (i dont know if other ppl have same problem....i dont like dual wield..i wanna play a melee class that wield 1 sword / saber.... In this game, im doomed to play jugg, a class that i dont like. 3 specs on maras...all use dual wield. And also, half of his abilities are shared with jugg. Also 1 whole spec )


12 ) Bugs bugs bugs


13 ) Useless professions.... (Whatever profession i get, i dont gain something unique, exept biochem....sooner all later, all my chars end up biochems..)


14 ) FPS problems(?) I used to have these...but i dunno if they fixed that....After 1.2 ilum died soi cant check this.


15 ) Boring lvling (1 of the reasons i always play on PVP servers, is to kill players of the oponent faction while lvling...In this game, PVP and PVE servers have no difference cause of instanced / seperated quest zones.


16 ) No auto attack in combat. ( I feel this game lack so much for a 2012 game. No auto attack makes it very simplistic...No combat log, no macros, no world pvp. Feels like an rpg solo game, that included fights, warzones, after u finish it)



Also, PVE never attracted me in this game, so i dont include any PVE / raid reasons. I leave that to PVErs

Edited by unicornfive
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1. Electronic Arts. They have no clue what's going on. They said after 1.2 the subs dropped by 400k and blamed it on casual gamers and not on the fact that 1.2 was terrible.


I just want to point out that the 400k lost subscribers was from EAs Q4 - January through March 2012 - 1.2 was release the second week of April and the subscription losses from that awful patch won't be known until after the end of our current quarter - April through June 2012 - so we won't know until early July, if anyone is even left to pay attention by then.

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1.Server pops.


2. Team size should be increased to accommodate more than four.


3. Quests mobs should scale to team size (hire one of the guys that developed CoH/CoV)


4. The 1.2 nerf to sorcerers.


5. The gear just is not Star Warzy. The computer code for the giant broadsword looking vibroblade should be printed out on paper, then deleted, and the smallest guy at bioware should be forced to trek to mordor where the code can be hurled into mount doom. Also…the person that came up with the idea should be taken to the Tree of Woe.

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1) Dead, uninteresting, static, empty, bland.... world. I seriously can't stress enough how, for me, bad this is. I was unfortunate to start at Ord Mantell, the ugliest of them all, and that one really burned me.


2) Very, VERY bad game engine and game optimization in general. It's a real downer to buy a new graphics card just to see it being kicked in the balls by this kind of game.


3) Dead server, which leads to bigger problems like empty GTN, no grouping, no socialization... I really miss chat trolling and those stupid but funny jokes you get to see in general in other mmos.


4) Fight, fight, fight, travel, fight, fight, fight, travel, sell things, fight, fight, fight. I'm sick of it


5) I don't feel immersed in the story/world at all. Most sidequests (including planet/class) are sugarcoated "Go there and scan that, and while you're at it, kill half the map worth of trash mobs". It gets tedious at some point, and since there is nothing else constructive to do...

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I don't think that I can list 5 reasons.

1) Low server population was an issue. I started on Prophesy of the Five and made it to 50 but never defeated the final boss. I later went to Ajunta Pal but just did not have the energy to keep going (because of my main reason).

2) World PVP is the worst I've ever seen. Other than IIum, I've been ganked ONCE.

3) The "Kill 10 x" quests are real tired now.

4) My Main Reason for leaving this game is because it is NOT an MMO. This game can pretty much be solo'd until 50. The companions are nice but may be the reason why there is no grouping. A typical night of grouping is doing a few heroics and once you are done, you get the familiar "thanks for the group." If you are lucky you get a group and everyone shares all of their heroics. An MMO is supposed to be about community which this game lacks. After about level 12, it should be impossible to solo.

The MMOs out there right now are nothing worth subscribing to. They are all a bunch of pay for Solo games. MMOs have been dumbed down to please everyone. Stick to what makes an MMO what it is. You want solo, buy Skyrim.

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-no cross server LFG

-no cross server warzones

-no server merges

-no ranked warzones

- endgame pve is to easy

- having more fun on the forums then ingame(first time a game has been this bleh that I enjoy posting with the mouth-breathers over playing this joke)

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6 month sub. So, I still awhile to go. Unsubbed today though. Sigh. Silence isn't golden Bio. When you do talk though, idk...


1) No LFG (Cross-Server!!!). Never done a dungeon, never going to unless they add LFG.


2) No reason to even do dungeon without currency like WoWs. Make all dungeons level 50, add more, bosses drop currency & gear, buy gear with currency, etc. Gear with set bonuses. No less.


3) I don't raid. Haven't done it in years. More than likely won't ever again. So, any raid content is useless for me.


4) Rarely PvP. Ques are insane. I finished all my Black Holes dailies, and forgot that I was even in que.


5) No server transfers. If/when they implement them, and they aren't free, It doesn't count.




7) Space missions. Did they make them easier? I could swear. Didn't bother reading any of the patch notes. If so, wrong answer. Need many more of these. Mindless-semi-fun-so-I-can-listen-to-podcasts while doing so.


8) Legacy System needs to be account wide. Prices are insane. If I have no reason to do dailies, I get no credits.


9) No reason for even getting gear, rehashed/colored mounts. Need more solo content. I don't play much with others. I know it's an MMO, but grouping in these servers is more of a pain, and not worth it (LFG). I'm not waiting around for 30 mins, let alone hours. Not using old *** system (chat) either. I'm here to play, not work.


10) Sith definitely don't feel evil. At all. NPC: "Help, I need Help" Me: "What?" NPC: "Please, go get/do X" Me: "(insert snarky comment here)" NPC: "No, but seriously, go get/do X" Me: "Sigh. Okay" I would rather have a dynamic quest like system. Get to place, kill everyone to get to end (for evil reasons story wise. greed, lust, etc). In the end i'd rather say, "I killed everyone, now what?" than "I help everyone, now what?" Sith, people, SITH!


11) Graphic are horrible to me. FFS, I have a $2k+ computer that i built myself. Clearly not to play games that look & run this badly. Other MMOs have updated their engines, hope they can too.


12) So many more things. I lost the will to keep naming them. Bio isn't reading/listening to this anyway.


13) In other words. Copy some stuff from games that work. Stop being stubborn.


Good Day Sir!

Edited by Kribaca
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my top 5 reasons i unsubbed are as follows

1. Lack of open world pvp, this was really my main reason for playing the game and all i ever wanted was to participate in large scale battles with lots of players on each side all duking it out as was seen in the many trailers for SWTOR before the game was released matter of fact those trailers were very misleading since they were CG and showed off massive open world action with hundreds of jedi and sith fighting.


2. making alts as a viable alternative to character progression and lack of content, i already made the class and character i want to play why should i start over?


3. faction imbalances, this has been a problem from launch and still has yet to be adressed months later, on the Fatman server were i play the faction was already imbalanced towards the empire,now with all the refugees coming in from dead servers guess what faction 90% of them decided to play? Empire of course!


4. The game engine.. the art style is a matter of personal taste but try placing 20-30 players on screen at the same time and see what happens, to top it all off the game dosent even look as good as some other games that do have open world large scale pvp


5. the barren, heavily instanced gameworld. i just dont feel like im stepping into another world when i play swtor everything is too structured and instanced

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