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Everything posted by lordPoozy

  1. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What even more funny is when they come in pairs. If things go right they can stun lock you to death.
  2. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ouch, you should have atleast shot for 3k ranked warzone coms. You can save up to 4k. It takes 3.5k to buy a hero weapon. Just buy full recruit gear and your bm weapon and then go for atleast 4 pieces to get your set bonus in bm gear. Really bummer on no ranked warzone coms, they cost 30 warzone coms to get 10. The recruit gear is not bad if you look at the stats on the bm gear it's not a mind blowing improvement so you should do ok.
  3. Why do people not have to work in life and just get foodstamps and wellfare from the government while others work for their money. In MMOS that's about the only reason to grind to take the beating and one day equal yourself with the elite geared players and fight them on equal terms and then destory the lowered geared players. If they just give everyone equal gear then why not just play an fps game? Why grind for gear if it is going to get handed out to others after some players spent massive hours grinding for it.
  4. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ You just said your healer has never been shutdown by other classes so you are saying it would take two guys to kill you. Also you said it should never take two guys to kill one. Crybabies. I hope everyone plays maras. I'll take a sorc or merc anyday for total dps.
  5. How am I supposed to enjoy a good PVP match when I am taking substantial damage from 5 of these players leaping on me at the same time? Before 1.2, there was a good sync and synergy in PVP where the ration of AC was relatively even, and all their strengths and weaknesses complimented each other. Nowadays, it's a swarm of marauders who just force leap and ravage and slash, and when they lose, they stealth away. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Would 5 snipers shooting you at the same time not kill you? 5 sorcs? 5 mercs? 5 bunnys? Try getting blasted by just two sorcs, mercs or snipers at the same time and see how it feels. Play a sent or mara and see if you do better.
  6. They probably did not notice the merc and sorc taking them all out from behind.
  7. 1. Electronic Arts. They have no clue what's going on. They said after 1.2 the subs dropped by 400k and blamed it on casual gamers and not on the fact that 1.2 was terrible. People have said this for many years, if Ea is involved it has a huge chance to fail. 2. No thought in just about anything. Why pull the servers down world wide at the same time. Look at the time of night when the average server pop is on a low for each region and then pull them down at that time every week. West coast servers should not be going down at 12:am. 3. No server merges. I started late and think maybe I did 4 heroic quests because I would run into maybe 1 or two players every night while questing if that. Feel like I'm paying for a single player game. 4. Not sure if I changed or not but for me I see pve as totally unfun in this game and just a boring grind from level 1-50 and beyond. The only fun is to pvp with friends in battle grounds. 5. The auction house made me vomit. I have no desire to buy or sell anything, hell what do you need money for in this game anyway? 6. Not much thought into gear. My recruit gear had this stat and that stat . Then I get battle master and it replaces this stat and that stat with other stats, so I lose and gain. Then War hero replaces this and that so I lose and gain. I can see no other explanation then you gave some guy a list of stats for that class and said slap that on some gear . There is no thought prosess involved. Just take the main stats for my class and keep it on each piece of gear, how hard is that. 7. They say they spent so much money on this game but can't even show a damn shield on players that use shields. Yeah powergenerators, so lazy, make a shield animation. 8. Huge load times. I just sit in fleet waiting on a pvp que, if I am on another planet the load time will make me miss the next que. Load times like this should be a thing of the past. 9. Class quests at first were kinda of fun but then you realize it's a huge grind. Drive 5 minutes to this spot, kill or talk to this guy, drive 5 minutes to this spot, kill or talk to this guy. 10. Thankfully I started late or I would have quit when recruit gear came out. I totally understand why so many quit after grinding to get better gear to have that edge which they desire and then they hand out pretty good gear like candy. Then I got stuck in the grind going to heroic gear but I know by the time I get most of it they will hand bm gear or even heroic out like candy. I played rift and wow, they could have a 3 week patch that would blow away that 1.2 piece of crap which you call a major game update. Well it was a huge update of crap. Most of my guild left and then the other guilds went back to wow and tera. 11. This will be one of the fastest rising and fastest failing games in history. 12. I've played enough mmos I can tell when something is done and the fork is already stuck in it. 13. I heard many of the guys that made this game were involved in warhammer. The warhammer pvp system was great, they just needed quality pve to draw in the masses so what do they do? Kill pve and make it pvp only so smart. I'm a 90% pvper but like the option. 14. This is not a complaint here but a suggestion, maybe someone should force both pvp players and pvers to work together. Have high level pvp items or mods drop from raids and high level pve items that can be bought with pvp coms. Give pvers a reason to pvp and pvers a reason to pvp. Most will follow the carrot where ever it goes. 15. So many things, not sure if I listed the terrible netcode. Seeing so many glitches in pvp and bugs. People in front of me that are not really there then they are 100 feet away from me while i'm trying to attack a ghost. 16. In wow people complained about rogues. Of course when you get stunned and take damage while being unable to do anything people will always complain but damn, how many classes have stuns , aoe mezzes, knockbacks, I mean come on! My bar never fills up and i've been stunned, stunned, stunned, kicked on the ground, chocked, knocked back then crapped on. I did use my 2 minute cooldown to break one of them but then back on the ground getting boot stomped. Can we just have one lock down class like most games please. 17. REMOVE CIVIL WAR! It's a map with no chance for a comeback after a certain spot unless you 3 cap and hold which everyone knows does not happen after you are that far behind. Novare coast is great, you can be down to 10% and win. Huttball is also very good. Void star is an aoes dream, can we get duel spec so we can change modes before each battleground. 18. Price for respec. Not sure what the cap is but mines pretty damn high where I can't respec unless I grind credits.. I would like to respec and try different things often to keep it fresh. Why am I paying so much for this? 19. Bioware is a single player game company and it showed big time. I never played bioware games because I hate single player garbage. 20. I hear everyone saying they want server transfers. The minute they charge a dime to transfer and offer it then another dagger. Rift offered free transfers once a week with each char so i'm sure their next big thing will be paid server transfers. Paid server transfers will be the final dagger in SWTOR. EA is thinking quick money while losing in the long run. 21. Not sure if I mentioned this but why the hell do you not have battlegroups for pvp and dungeon finders for pve yet? Did you guys even look at other games that had great success doing this? Not doing this is not being unique, it's old school garbage before they had the technology. 22. Haveing all the Instances in one spot. After 50 you don't need to leave fleet, just pve or pvp from there the rest of the world is dead to you. In other games you would quest and build up quests to lead you to dungeons to get gear and rewards. Kinda of a story in itself. 23. Massive bugs, I don't like being invisible just seeing my weapon at times. 24. Nothing in the way of updates. Nerfing and buffing classes are not a major update. You just piss people off. 25. The guard command in pvp. That should be a pve only command. I know guys that can dish out massive damage but when the healer is guarded they can just laugh and continue healing. Yeah, ok so mark that healer then you have 2 healers on guard then forget about it. Those are the games where people get 800k damage when both sides have this and nobody dies.
  8. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Totally agree. My buddy who finally got me to play had two level 50 chars before I started. They were all waiting for 1.2 and ranked battlegrounds and then hours before the patch they pulled the plug. Their whole guild basically does not play anymore because 1.2 was a total joke. I joined another guild and they folded 5 days later and all went back to wow. The only reason i'm still here is because I just hit 50 last week so the grind is semi fun for now to get some gear and smash some skulls but I really don't see where this game is going. The dungeons atleast to me seem boring, rift and wow had much better dungeon systems and much harder. I can understand though because it's their first attempt at an mmo and maybe they will learn from thier mistakes on the next one. One big mess up is the netcode. I feel like I warped back 8 years. Maybe people are lag hacking sometimes not sure but you see people wiggle, can't hit them then they are 50 feet away.
  9. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It's kinda of funny I remember when I was a teen playing an online game with + - * for graphics I met a guy who was 26 and was like OMG you are so old why are you playing games lol. Now i'm much older then that and still loving it. I think people that can hold on to fun have a much better life then others. So many of my friends has lost all touch with their fun side and just do what their wives consider fun haha. When I was a kid playing crappy games I used to tell my mom what I wanted to play and now I get to play them. I also still "TRY" to play FPS games" Going to get counterstrike Go when it comes out, it's cross platform where cpu players can play either xbox and ps3 players or one or the other not sure if both systems can play it or not. My first mmo was ultima online. I still know a few people from that game and have met them in person. We could get together and probably talk for 10 hours straight and laugh about all the crazy stuff we did and fun times we had but todays games are so much of a grind so I think the real fun factor and laughs are far and few between. In Sw I mostly pvp with my guild which is social and fun but will anything or anyone time stand out? Nope. Check out some youtube vids for archeage online. You have castle building, ship building, house building, large pvp battles, looks pretty fun and funny.
  10. To be honest, no class should come close to mara dps. 3 skill trees and all for dps while every other class can heal or tank. If people want mara dps to be worse then the other classes then give us a healing tree.
  11. I've already seen 90% of my guild quit the game and go back to wow because the pvp ques are taking to long. Why not implement the cross server battleground ques sooner then later. Many have left for tera online also because of the better pvp. Why not hold your customers by giving them what they want. I have not done a flashpoint in about 20 levels other then level 50 friends running me through a few. Maybe a few server merges are needed also.
  12. Maybe you are right but I think the best dps class in pvp is a merc and they wear heavy armor so umm. Not sure about all that.
  13. Of course you are not bragging. My merc is always in the top five and that never changed from level 10, well yeah It did a bit I guess, now i'm always top 1 or 2 at level 25.
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