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Patch 1.2 - Honest assessment of Bioware Dev competence


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PvP @ lvl 50 is great, and aside some minor tweaks, it is as balanced as an mmo can be. (game is balanced around end game pvp gear)


Your problem is with gear difference, gear grind and poor team matchmaking in pugs gear wise as well as heal/dps/tank composition.



/signed : Operative concealment dps /sorc heal /assassin tank

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PvP @ lvl 50 is great, and aside some minor tweaks, it is as balanced as an mmo can be. (game is balanced around end game pvp gear)


Your problem is with gear difference, gear grind and poor team matchmaking in pugs gear wise as well as heal/dps/tank composition.



/signed : Operative concealment dps /sorc heal /assassin tank


I actually agree with this. The changes made in 1.2 really will make ranked warzones better. The main issue is we don't have ranked Warzones so the geared premades are still rolling through Pugs or people still learning the ropes.

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/agree, I just unsubbed over the weekend and will not be back. This latest patch is showing exactly where this game is headed /down hill. Lucas Arts/EA should really take a hard look at what happened when SWG was broken (CU vs PRECU) patch/game changer. Investors should start pulling funds ASAP and managers heads should be rolling, this game is not going to last 1 more year before being pulled if they keep this up. There are standards for MMOS and this game is subpar in about every way.


The only question I have is why these huge companies with these huge budgets cannot get a decent MMO to market that already had a huge following?


At the end of the day you must go to the top and start firing every decision maker that has led this game to this point, this game had everything going for it but decent management.


I've been coasting on the free month, I have something like 20 days of it left.


Logged in tonight and just looked around and realized, what am I doing wasting my time on this any more. Uninstalled the client just now. This game has no future, sorry to say. Farewell TOR, hope you pull your heads out of your collective behinds Bioware, but I know you won't even as I say that.

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Saturday night my server (PVP West Coast) had all of 8 people in fleet. Only 5 were lvl 50. Not enough to pop a WZ.


I wonder if they plan to give away another free month to compensate for the dead month of May?


Which raises another question.


Is the wait for server merges a managerial decision or a technical decision. Because if they can do it now, and aren't... shareholder lawsuits... (Check EA stock as it dives in the after hours market today based on bad guidance for future earnings).

Edited by AngryBuddhist
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I honestly think the Dev's are doing an outstanding job. The graphics are marvelous, and the gameplay is the best I ever spent the money to play. We should be thankful for all the hard work and sleepless nights the Dev's have endured to develope, promote and manage such a sophisticated work of art! I really think all the negative posters are employee's of other competitive game sites. You should be ashamed of yourselves for pretending to play this game, only to spew your propoganda. Please Dev's close all the threads of people who work for other games. And while your at it can I have another 30 days free?


pull head from your own arse so you may kiss the failed Dev's arse, this will be a short love affair as the game will only have 3 month left if they keep loosing subs like this past month (25% lose od subs), but yea.....such a great game people are flocking away from it in droves........drink more coolaid

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It's pretty clear at this point BW is totally in over their collective heads and don't know how to admit it. BASIC things being missing from this game (like a /level command for the PTS) are just mindboggling. What is the possible point of having a PTS to test end-game content if you don't have a /level command to let people get to a place where they CAN test that content?


Oh well. If nothing else, this game will be remembered for one of the biggest PR snafus in MMO history: "prepare to be blown away by the stunning open world PVP on Ilum!"

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With all the dev updates, podcasts, etc. since 1.2 the "Leads" still haven't addressed the specific fundamental core issues creating the SWTOR Exodus.


Is it arrogance, ignorance, or stupidity? How does this happen?


Seriously. Think of all the development dollars put into SWTOR prior to 1.2. One would assume that they would not make such a monumental mistake. I would love to be a fly on the wall in these meetings.


Are the leads surrounded by yes men?


How do you actually allow 1.2 go "live" with the class balance changes and all the other issues.


How does no one else in the development meetings bring this to light? How much more obvious can you get?


How does Bioware channel more money into PvP and actually end up making it far worse then pre 1.2?



Is there ANYONE at Bioware that is asking the development team and Leads these questions?

Edited by TheNinjaboy
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Well said!! Just about sums it up ninjaboy! They need Chef Robert Irvine in there ASAP!! They are going under fast!


No offense intended. But is it really necessary to quote the entire post when it is this long? I guess it is a minor annoyance, but I just had to say something because I see this all the time. Especially when the OP is this long and you are the first reply. I mean it's right there.....don't need that wall of text again....do we?


Just saying

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What? Healers can be killed???


This is blasphemy!


(Stop it. Healers are not, should not be invincible and should eventually die to DPS. If they are able to 1v1 anyone then it makes them the best class hands down.)


The art does need fixed. That much is true.


WZs should not start until they are full.

Edited by Arkerus
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My time ends tonight and im done.


I have suggested and pleaded with the devs to no avail. It sickens me that a game that should be the most epic game of all time has fallen to BW. Why couldnt blizzard or some other team have picked up this game.


Sad to say but my hard earned dollars are going somewhere else. Looks like from the population that has happened already.


Like I said before Ill just go play with the giant gorrilla in the room (blizzard) and let BW sort out why they lost almost all their player base in 3 months.


Like I said it sickens me because I love Star Wars and thought this game would be soooo much more.


Hello warlock I havnt played since finishing cata content im back. Hope your shadow bolt still works


Still shocked that with all the threads talking about the same thing some of them started by me not one dev or admin has stepped in to post some "hey were working on it" things or any cheese to keep us fed. Ive seen better service from a dinner plate. Everyone should send a gracious email to the support team for wasting our money and time.

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  • 2 weeks later...

i am very curious to see what is left after the free month and things shake out pop wise. They still cant admit mistakes and say the community wanted it. We only want lfg x server/merger because the their mistakes and they continue to cripple pvp.

I have no faith in bioware and frankly wont believe anything they say until i can q/use it in game without game breaking bugs.

They have lost all credibility with me, that is the best way to sum it all up.

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in max 2 months this game will not have more then 100k players...and this is all thanks to the fail devs who screwed the balance class removed rated wz... came with server transfer after they lost half of players... to much IGNORANCE in this game.... btw i will be out too when my free time run out...not going to write more reasons because we all know why everyone end playing this game.. Edited by Terrorgirl
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Because there weren't ANY complaints about class balance before 1.2, right?


Rose-tinted glasses are rose-tinted. Them good old days were the good old days. Maybe a little bit of "Grass is greener" too, since people love to go "When X game comes out SWTOR will die."

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Because there weren't ANY complaints about class balance before 1.2, right?


Rose-tinted glasses are rose-tinted. Them good old days were the good old days. Maybe a little bit of "Grass is greener" too, since people love to go "When X game comes out SWTOR will die."




Comparing class balance threads/complaints pre-1.2 to post 1.2 is like comparing a person getting a glass of water dumped on them vs a person standing at the bottom of a broken dam.


Class balance prior to 1.2 need tweaking but it wasn't completely broken like in 1.2.


The most hysterical thing is the tweaks that were needed were completely OPPOSITE of what they did in 1.2 patch.

Edited by TheNinjaboy
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Best part is they knew it too and continued with the changes. How many posts on ptr forum were made explainin in detail with data what the issues were and just disregarded by devs. The ptr itself was a horrible way to even test changes due to no controlled enviroment with all lvl50s in equal ilvl gear which is the only way to actually test balance PERIOD. The ptr got most theorycrafters to quit the game then the release of 1.2 made the player base quit. Its amazing how all their supposed metrics and hard work developing and saying how they listen to the playerbase all equated to massive sub loss.


I personally posted results from ptr along with many others and if you go back and read the ptr forums if they are available still youll see the entire ptr community predicted what would happen ith classes and what everyone would reroll too and its exactly what happened. Its just sad how a game has only gotten worse since launch. The games great the people in charge of its future are not. This whole mess will resurface again if there isnt substantial buffing to most classes. If 1.3 is another nerfpatch whoevers left will quit because people have put up with too much lately to only have nerfs to look forward too. The best thing to keep people happy in 1.3 is to mke them feel OP not like a wet noodle. Mentaly the player base needs buffed to see a reason to keep playing.


Pvp right now is gonna b the games savior or failure since theres no new content until 1.4 and i cant imagine any serious raider takes more then a night to clear the content and im sure has no reason to really im sure most people who are in a top 10 raiding guild on their server (if there enuff people on th server to even fill one raid group) have already farmed everything they need until more content is added. Pvp is what will keep the majority logging in. Even alts now are not some thing most people dnt have since its been long enuff to already have multiple geared 50s if you play alot. Until 1.4 when more content can be added pvp should be a main focus since thats the only content at this point that will keep somene logging in everyday rather then every reset for 3 hours to clear easy content.


Well just have to wait and see what happens dont have anything else to look forward to or even info to think about what is coming. I mean bioware should really start telling us more so we atleast can look forward to something while standing in fleet (on most servers the only one player even loagged in) trying to figure out what there is to do.


I mean leveling is a big part of the game but its limited even if you take 3 months to hit 50 you still spend every moment after at lvl50 and with no content to keep u busy leveling meant nothing. The devs need to realize even the most casual player will spend the most time at lvl50 not before 50. The game starts at 50 but this one ends and only hing to do is start over and level again after a month or two of hitting max level.

Edited by Masturomenos
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I'd say their first issue was not having PvP decently tested in PTS since there were no decent amount of lvl 50 players there. They're addressing that problem now. I agree, they made huge mistakes and were hit hard by the feedback. But I honestly think they learned their lesson and are aiming to improve that from now on.


Over the last month I've seen Fleet population drop from over 200 to top 70.... that's what? 65% loss? And my server was the 2nd most populated in EU... I still have faith in them.... Still...

Edited by wolfmith
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Because there weren't ANY complaints about class balance before 1.2, right?


Rose-tinted glasses are rose-tinted. Them good old days were the good old days. Maybe a little bit of "Grass is greener" too, since people love to go "When X game comes out SWTOR will die."


There's a difference.


Most of the complaints back then were rediculous, and came with 31/31/31 builds and complainers that were complaining about class X killing them while using abilities that class X couldn't get in any spec, period (two months of complaining about sorcerers who would stealth to get away from you when you were trying to kill them is a good example).


However, that's irrelevant- complaints are complaints in the end, and it doesn't really matter what's said here, in a forum maybe 5% of players use tops.


What does matter is subs were steady or increasing before- after 1.2 they dropped by 25%. Most servers got constant queues for pvp pre 1.2, though there were some dead servers- now, most servers are dead, with only a few actually having action.


Importantly- many of those 'dead for pvp' servers still might have decent pops- but they're all pvers now.


It's not hard to see that 1.2 destroyed pvp in this game- and when 95% of threads by a single class are saying the game is fine there's nothing wrong- while most threads made by other classes are saying there's a big problem, it's not fun anymore- it's not hard to see where the pendulum has swung.


With 1.3 not having any balancing fixes, the game will drop to 1 million subs or below before 1.4. It's not going to go much lower though- the pve in the game is good, and for casuals pve is fantastic, especially rerollers and slow players. BW should just axe pvp and focus entirely on the pve aspect of the game, they straight out suck when it comes to any pvp related decisions, and everyone except marauders have lost any faith in the company and simply left or turned their focus to pve.



GW2 and D3 pvp will be the straw that break's the camel's back- even if they both suck. BW might as well put in x-server just so those who are left and not on servers like Fatman can actually get some pvp at all.

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It's EA. What can you expect from a company that only cares about profits & products sold?


Well, they are failing because most of my friends have not renewed their subs and the server population has dropped almost 90% in the last 3 weeks. Last Saturday we had 22 on fleet, now only 10. Pre 1.2 we had a minimum of 100 at peek.

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Well said TheNinjaboy. Stole your signature by the way, I also shelved my Commando, miss him dearly. :(


Made a sincere attempt to like and enjoy this game and while the leveling process and story telling is unparalleled it falls disgustingly short when it comes to PvP. These gems only last for so long and when you're done leveling the fruit quickly shrivels and dies. End game PvE grows extremely stale, extremely quickly with tedious and mundane dailies being among the few options for many dead servers. I understand this game was not meant to be a cutting edge PvP E-Sport game but in it's current state it is nothing short of a rapidly decaying abomination of an excuse when it comes to PvP. Please redistribute resources into the PvP department, whomever was assigned to handle patch 1.2 clearly has little idea on how to properly balance and innovate PvP. Fun, engaging, and fair PvP was not patch 1.2.

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I think Star Wars as an MMO is jinxed, it has to be! With so many Star Wars fans it takes effort and hard work to piss them off so much they stop logging in!


Why is it that Blizzard and people who leave Blizzard and start new companies -like ArenaNet- are the only ones able to sell millions upon millions of MMO boxes and have successful games?



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