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If SWTOR goes free to play it may save the ship from exploding


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I love Star Trek just as much as I love Star Wars. I eagerly awaited STO. I won't touch it with a ten foot pole because it's F2P with MTs. I will treat this game the same if it does so as well.


And to the OP even tho I gave you ignored I saw your anticapitalistic post in a quote and I gotta say, tou can take that crud and stow it up your 4th point of contact.

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Look most people dont even want to pay subscriptions anymore and free to play mmos are more appealing. This game will only suceed if very soon they move it to free to play, because look at what coming and you really think with the bad press this game has anyone is going to want to sub to it with better games coming out. Free to play would let people play swtor while they playing other games and raise populations so that it becomes more a sucess, the sub model is failing and that the reason why it didnt sell as many as it could off.


Oh go away.

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It won't go F2P for a very long time if ever.




On the side note OP is clearly a grade A Troll.

His post history can make you vomit.


"Better games coming out", yeah right...

Newsflash - SWTOR is one fantastic game, and really has nothing to worry about when confronted with these upcoming "better games".

Edited by Vlacke
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Games shouldnt always be about making money, greedy companys deserve to fall there corrupted foundation can only last so long.


Yes. Because the people who spent time and effort in making this game are all soulless drones. Do me a favor. Meet some of these people first. See their enthusiasm. Then come back.

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That's he most ridiculous thing I've ever read. It's the video game industry (key word: industry). It's a business and their goal is turn a profit; nothing more, nothing less. Faulting them for that is very ignorant.


No this is the most ridiculous thing I ever heard, seriously are you a publisher exec? Any developer that puts money over making a great product makes nothing but **** games. Thinking like this is why 1983 video game crash happened, people making ****** games just to turn a profit and the entire industry collapsed for two year.


FYI F2P is the ONLY way they will even half *** fill all the servers they have. Guaranteed if SWTOR went F2P it would gain 5m subs on the first day.

Edited by RocNessMonster
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No this is the most ridiculous thing I ever heard, seriously are you a publisher exec? Any developer that puts money over making a great product makes nothing but **** games. Thinking like this is why 1983 video game crash happened, people making ****** games just to turn a profit and the entire industry collapsed for two year.


FYI F2P is the ONLY way they will even half *** fill all the servers they have. Guaranteed if SWTOR went F2P it would gain 5m subs on the first day.


You can't pay developers without money. Without the money to pay them there are no games.


There would be 0 subs, because it would be "Free To Play". Also, the game doesn't need more people, it needs more of the current people in the same locations.

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F2P games are not free to play... all of them still charge the equivalent of a normal subscription fee for things like bank space and character slots. Moreover you still have to pay for DLC things that are now "free" with a subscription. Imagine having to pay for the rakghoul event access, that's the "F2P" model.


$0.50 a day, that's it. You can't even buy a can of coke for that price. I used to blow greater than $10.00 in a night at an arcade back in the day. I'm more than happy to pay the fee.


my 2 cp.


While that argument can be made with some F2P games, its not true for all. I have played LOTRO off and on since the original P2P launch and Ive never bought anything from the store with my own money. No, I do not have a life time sub, but since I had been subbed for so long before it went to F2P, I have quite a bit of turbine points saved up. Take it as you will, but not all F2P games require you to buy anything.

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F2P is a joke for serious gamers.


I disagree.


F2P is perfectly fine.


If anything, I'd like to see a "freemium" model like Cryptic uses. Make the game have a free to play base-account. Then an "upgraded" account with a monthly sub, that gives perks that would normally be MT-based for a free account, as well as a monthly stipend of currency to purchase "MT-based" items or perks.


It brings in more people, and, it lets people who would rather pay a monthly sub instead of buying everything piecemeal do what they'd like.

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While that argument can be made with some F2P games, its not true for all. I have played LOTRO off and on since the original P2P launch and Ive never bought anything from the store with my own money. No, I do not have a life time sub, but since I had been subbed for so long before it went to F2P, I have quite a bit of turbine points saved up. Take it as you will, but not all F2P games require you to buy anything.

This! F2P doesn't have to mean pay to win, sure there are F2P games which did that, and gave the whole model a bad reputation, but I think the future is in the reasonable F2P games.

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You can't pay developers without money. Without the money to pay them there are no games.


There would be 0 subs, because it would be "Free To Play". Also, the game doesn't need more people, it needs more of the current people in the same locations.


I bet the sub count wouldn't change overall or most likely increase in a FTP model, while making a killing selling microtransactions to those who'll pay it. Blizzard makes a *********** killing on the WOW store, I'd also wager that is their primary source of WOW income currently.


Sorry the 50+ Light servers disagree with you.

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Look most people dont even want to pay subscriptions anymore and free to play mmos are more appealing. This game will only suceed if very soon they move it to free to play, because look at what coming and you really think with the bad press this game has anyone is going to want to sub to it with better games coming out. Free to play would let people play swtor while they playing other games and raise populations so that it becomes more a sucess, the sub model is failing and that the reason why it didnt sell as many as it could off.


Oh really now? So the game is just constantly dying? It didnt actually grow a little since 1.2? Gimme a break, the game is far from even considering F2P. I saw whats coming ... an overhyped F2P game, a pedo-action korean MMO, and kung-fu panda's. Oh and another sci-fi MMO that thinks its going to revolutionize the genre because its "new" (just like AoC right Funcom?). All decent games in their own regard (despite my derogatory labels, except TSW, thats an auto-fail) but TOR is providing great competition to them and is, IMHO, one of the best competitors.

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1- The OP is a AAA Troll who's been undermining the game since minute 1. Check his history.


2- F2P (buy to play would be more precise though) usually are not 100% free to play as they include microtransactions to pull money form the consumers. Also, there is another danger that promised B2P model become Pay to Win model as that "soon to be released" F2P game will do.


3- B2P games lack any sense of evolution or prospects of new content, excluding future expansions (mandatory buy to play). They basically provide an arena with scripted events that is not going to change until the next expansion. In the subscription model, evolution and new content on a regular basis is guaranteed. Also, the playerbase has more power of negotiation, so to call it, with the developers to transform and adapt the game to their demands (providing the communication channels work in a mature, serious and constructive way, which is not the case in the present forums).


4- The subscription model guarantees in certain way that less children, iliterate lowlifes and brats are going to be playing. In spite of this, some of them still get to play (momma, welfare checks and that kind of stuff). Imagine how the forums and the ingame community would be in a free to play model. The horror, the horror...

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Look most people dont even want to pay subscriptions anymore and free to play mmos are more appealing. This game will only suceed if very soon they move it to free to play, because look at what coming and you really think with the bad press this game has anyone is going to want to sub to it with better games coming out. Free to play would let people play swtor while they playing other games and raise populations so that it becomes more a sucess, the sub model is failing and that the reason why it didnt sell as many as it could off.


You could not be more wrong. F2P ruins MMOs and I'd never play again if they decided to go that route.

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but since I had been subbed for so long before it went to F2P, I have quite a bit of turbine points saved up.


This means that you paid for them.


I too have played LOTRO off and on, after it went F2P, and in order to even activate the ability to play specific classes you had to pay for them. Not even mentioning the ability to enter instanced content as well as increase the playable level cap. Can you go make a toon and play the first 20 levels without paying a cent? Sure. But that's something I couldn't do for more than a day or two even if they paid me. In order to play the game in its entirety you have to pay for it.

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Look most people dont even want to pay subscriptions anymore and free to play mmos are more appealing.

This is a purely speculative opinion which I strongly disagree with, I've yet to find a F2P MMO worth playing since they are mostly P2Win or just pure guano so I actually find them less appealing.

I'd rather pay a regular monthly fee for an MMO as long as it's worth it (which SWTOR is in my opinion) than to pay (more often than not) even more than a regular monthly fee in a F2P (P2Win) MMO.


This game will only suceed if very soon they move it to free to play, because look at what coming and you really think with the bad press this game has anyone is going to want to sub to it with better games coming out. Free to play would let people play swtor while they playing other games and raise populations so that it becomes more a sucess, the sub model is failing and that the reason why it didnt sell as many as it could off.

Also nothing but a speculative opinion based on non-existing facts, I disagree, going F2P would most probably cause me and my friends to stop playing.


I know I don't speak for everyone but neither do you.

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People need to stop calling it Free to Play. It's a marketing gimmick. The reason all these companies are moving towards that model is because it makes them more money.


Paying for each feature individually winds up costing us more.


Unless you decide to commit to an MMO for at least 2 years or so @$15/month, you will wind up spending more in a free to play model. With hundreds of features and gear options to choose from @ $3-5 bucks each, it would cost you hundreds just to unlock everything you would've had in subscription model.


So, if you're only interested in checking a game out for a few months, subscriptions will save you a bundle. Free to Play only becomes the more economical choice if you're willing to commit years to a game.

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