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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Ashara Zavros model incomplete since launch


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I was just wondering when someone will get around to completing Ashara Zavros's model?

Currently when you equip her in some armors those body parts equipped turn invisible.

I have seen this post in other places but every time I see a patch or a fix I do not see this issue

being given any notice.

Companions are provided as an integral part of the game play experience, To leave one in this

state since launch is disconcerting.

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I was just wondering when someone will get around to completing Ashara Zavros's model?

Currently when you equip her in some armors those body parts equipped turn invisible.

I have seen this post in other places but every time I see a patch or a fix I do not see this issue

being given any notice.

Companions are provided as an integral part of the game play experience, To leave one in this

state since launch is disconcerting.


Have you reported this in-game as a bug or sent an email to support@swtor.com?


If not, please do and provide full details. The only way devs can get to fixing issues is if we report them.

Edited by llesna
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Have you reported this in-game as a bug or sent an email to support@swtor.com?


If not, please do and provide full details. The only way devs can get to fixing issues is if we report them.


Its been reported enough that BW knows about the issue. They just don't care to fix the problem. There have been numerous threads in various forums including the PTS and BW had refused to do anything.

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Its been reported enough that BW knows about the issue. They just don't care to fix the problem. There have been numerous threads in various forums including the PTS and BW had refused to do anything.


Report it again. Never hurts to keep reminding them it's broken :)

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Its been reported enough that BW knows about the issue. They just don't care to fix the problem. There have been numerous threads in various forums including the PTS and BW had refused to do anything.


Really? That's your conclusion?


"Wasn't fixed instantly, so they obviously do not care!"


There are lots of bugs, running the gambit from insignificant to game breaking. They all have to be prioritized and triaged. Then of course there is the matter of how hard it is to fix. It could be the #1 bug on their list, but if it's difficult to reproduce, track down, and fix, then it's going to take some time.

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Hi everyone. Although the resolution may not come with the next patch, we are currently working on a fix for Ashara's body, so please keep your eyes on patch notes in coming weeks. :) We appreciate your patience.

I hate saying this, but the patch notes can be somewhat inaccurate, or down right wrong, at times. So it's difficult to keep eye on patch notes and know what's truly fixed/addressed or not.

Edited by Scar
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Does the same thing happen with Vette? Just curious if it only pertains to alien species with different colored bodies.


No, the vette model is a player available one. I think the issue (when it shows up) is unique to aliens the players cannot be.

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Now now, dressing companions up in slave girl outfits provides a useful purpose. It let's me know who to add to my /ignore list.


I too, am offended by animated representation of female flesh.

Also, blood, gore, religious iconography from any religion except my own, skin that is colored anything except that of my own, science, math, geography, lighthouses, bananas, The Grand Tetons, tadpoles, fluorescent light bulbs, those little things on top of soda cans that go "CAH-chissss", calendars that have a February 29th, cats, driving while intoxicated, driving while on drugs, driving while on a cell phone, driving while female, purple, driving while old, rock gardens, illegal aliens (especially Jawas), replacing the negative power couplings, the shape of a vase, The Bee Gees, and star fruit.

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I too, am offended by animated representation of female flesh.

Also, blood, gore, religious iconography from any religion except my own, skin that is colored anything except that of my own, science, math, geography, lighthouses, bananas, The Grand Tetons, tadpoles, fluorescent light bulbs, those little things on top of soda cans that go "CAH-chissss", calendars that have a February 29th, cats, driving while intoxicated, driving while on drugs, driving while on a cell phone, driving while female, purple, driving while old, rock gardens, illegal aliens (especially Jawas), replacing the negative power couplings, the shape of a vase, The Bee Gees, and star fruit.


I'm offended that you're offended! :D

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Hi everyone. Although the resolution may not come with the next patch, we are currently working on a fix for Ashara's body, so please keep your eyes on patch notes in coming weeks. :) We appreciate your patience.




I really appreciate you taking your time to acknowledge this issue. Even short comments such as yours, at the very least, let the community know you are aware of the issue and are pursuing a resolution.


Following that line of thought, could you provide similar insight into the Xalek shield/absorption rating bug that has persisted since launch?


Thank you!

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Don't expect a fix for this anytime soon.

Cosmetic issues like this are extremely low priority for them.


That's what the devs told me, anyway, when they responded to my ticket about Bowdaar's flickering textures on Customization #5.


The Bowdaar flickering drives me crazy. Fix this first, please, as I'm not even doing anything perverted with him, unlike the broken Ashara Slave Outfit bug....

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