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Companion Ear/Implant Bug not fixed


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One bug that was particularly bothersome for me was the companion implant and ear piece bug. You have to re-equip these items every time you summon your companion. I just logged in to test it, and unfortunately this bug was not fixed with today's patch 4/24/2012.


I sure hope this is fixed soon. :rolleyes:


Edit: 5/1/2012 This bug has been fixed. :)

Edited by Skyzen
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Seriously, what does this patch note mean then?


Companion Characters



Companion quickslots now update correctly when a new companion is summoned, correcting an issue that could cause the previous companion's abilities to continue displaying on the new companion's hotbar.


Earpieces and implants now properly apply their stat bonuses when equipped on companions.


That bug is amazingly annoying, especially for classes with tank companions. I find myself having to obsessively check stats, sometimes even walking into a story area triggers the bug.

Edited by jgelling
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just a question..have you guys tried taking the headpieces off and then putting them back on then waiting to see if they revert to the broken state..


they may need to be removed once and put back on in order to reset them to the proper values.. its pretty common actually that this has to happen and it could be easily mistaken for an unfixed bug.


i havent logged in yet to check. just thought i would throw that out there.

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just a question..have you guys tried taking the headpieces off and then putting them back on then waiting to see if they revert to the broken state..


they may need to be removed once and put back on in order to reset them to the proper values.. its pretty common actually that this has to happen and it could be easily mistaken for an unfixed bug.


i havent logged in yet to check. just thought i would throw that out there.


yeah first thing I did, it's still broken

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just a question..have you guys tried taking the headpieces off and then putting them back on then waiting to see if they revert to the broken state..


Yep, unequipped and re-equipped multiple times, and the stats still break when the companion is re-summoned or when you dismount from a speeder, etc. The same bug, the same annoyance.


I think this might be causing confusion for casual players in PvE who suddenly find themselves with a lot more difficult fights.

Edited by jgelling
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One bug that was particularly bothersome for me was the companion implant and ear piece bug. You have to re-equip these items every time you summon your companion. I just logged in to test it, and unfortunately this bug was not fixed with today's patch 4/24/2012.


I sure hope this is fixed soon. :rolleyes:


Son of a B****!!! I didn't even realize this was going on. Checked today and sure enough, i've been gimping my leveling... thanks for posting this

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I guess they were too busy making the TTK even shorter in PVP to bother to ACTUALLY fix anything else. Way to go Dev Team, during maintenance did you actually bother to test anything? I knew that you guys fixing anything that actually mattered to me was too good to be true.
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Son of a B****!!! I didn't even realize this was going on. Checked today and sure enough, i've been gimping my leveling... thanks for posting this


BTW Summoming, in this context, also includes dismounting from your vehicle.

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First of all, thank you all for reporting this. Unfortunately, it looks like this specific fix did not work as intended. We've removed the patch note and this will be updated in our known issues list. A fix will be coming in an upcoming patch.


Apologies, and thank you for your patience.

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I really hope you can hotfix this asap. This has been the most bothersome problem since 1.2. It doesn't effect lower level characters much, but for running dailys at 50, losing the stats from those three items makes a huge impact on your companions.
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First of all, thank you all for reporting this. Unfortunately, it looks like this specific fix did not work as intended. We've removed the patch note and this will be updated in our known issues list. A fix will be coming in an upcoming patch.


Apologies, and thank you for your patience.


While it is possible that there is some other explanation for this - including even poor word choice here - it seems to on the surface to confirm that they do not actually test their patches before deploying them. If true, this is a tremendous problem.


Many thanks for the various fixes and implementations that have worked, but quite a bit of disappointment with this apparent issue.

Edited by Skolops
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