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EA to Release Fourth Quarter Fiscal Year 2012 Results on May 7, 2012


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So many financial analysts and stock experts in this thread. It's astounding and comical all at the same time.


Let me just say that I am a shareholder and I am an at-home investor. I'm no expert, but I can tell you this ...

EA's stock, in the past year, was at its lowest yesterday in that 52 week cycle. That amount is still higher than Activision Blizzard's best share value in the same 52 week cycle. The WoW fanboi nation claim that ATVI stock being low stems from the economy, yet when EA's stock falls, they say it's because of SWTOR.




Either way, I made $4k off of EA in November, so I'm happy. I've made little to nothing off of ATVI in the past year.


At the end of the day, I could care less about any of it when I'm playing my games. Why? Because my video games are for entertainment. The stock market is for the possibility of extra money, and my career is to pay the bills. All of which are separate from one another and are used in the manner in which they were intended. I'm a gamer who enjoys video games. I don't play games based on their market value on the exchange. I play them because they're fun. SWTOR is a lot of fun for me, regardless of the share price today. I know that when an expansion hits, these prices will climb. (Well, I would certainly hope so, right?) :)


So many experts in this thread should be working on Wall Street. I'm sure their expertise would make them millions.

Edited by Alkiii
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200 on the fleet is pretty high, very high in fact.


Most servers (I've seen) you won't find that outside of maybe sunday afternoon.


It's quite common to see 200 people on the fleet on Lord Adraas in the afternoon/evening. I popped in this morning before heading to the office and there were a mere 120 people on the fleet, but then that's not remotely prime time either.


Your mileage may of course vary.

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It's quite common to see 200 people on the fleet on Lord Adraas in the afternoon/evening. I popped in this morning before heading to the office and there were a mere 120 people on the fleet, but then that's not remotely prime time either.


Your mileage may of course vary.


What server status are you getting with that?


My main servers used to have 200 with V Heavy, but since they dropped to peaking at Standard (about 4 to 6 weeks ago) they've rarely come close to that.

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So many financial analysts and stock experts in this thread. It's astounding and comical all at the same time.


Let me just say that I am a shareholder and I am an at-home investor. I'm no expert, but I can tell you this ...

EA's stock, in the past year, was at its lowest yesterday in that 52 week cycle. That amount is still higher than Activision Blizzard's best share value in the same 52 week cycle. The WoW fanboi nation claim that ATVI stock being low stems from the economy, yet when EA's stock falls, they say it's because of SWTOR.




Either way, I made $4k off of EA in November, so I'm happy. I've made little to nothing off of ATVI in the past year.


At the end of the day, I could care less about any of it when I'm playing my games. Why? Because my video games are for entertainment. The stock market is for the possibility of extra money, and my career is to pay the bills. All of which are separate from one another and are used in the manner in which they were intended. I'm a gamer who enjoys video games. I don't play games based on their market value on the exchange. I play them because they're fun. SWTOR is a lot of fun for me, regardless of the share price today. I know that when an expansion hits, these prices will climb. (Well, I would certainly hope so, right?) :)


So many experts in this thread should be working on Wall Street. I'm sure their expertise would make them millions.


Selling off your EA befor tor could release and drag it down was a smart move, wish I'd done the same but I really did want this game to turn out great.

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...the plot thickens!


As i said before it goes beyond even...

My account was inactive for the last 2 days. Today its active with the free 30 days.

Nice way for ea to pad sub numbers. No action on my part and they turned my account back on.

Wonder how many inactive subs got turned on with out any ones request.

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Well seeing as the 4th quarter for the 2012 fiscal year is still 5 months away I'm going to predict that it will contain no info.


EA's Q4 for FY 2012 ended March 31, 2012. Which is exactly why the accusations of EA padding subscription results with the free 30 days that were credited on April 25 are so ridiculous.

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Conversley a company will look at the loss of a month's subscription income and compare it to a potential loss of stock share value. 1 month lost revenue compared to the lost stock revenue of not artificially extending everyone's "active account" and having to report the loss of all those accounts.


Changes in a company's market capitalization, regardless of direction, do not represent company revenue. No company looks to balance changes in its revenues with changes in its market capitalization, or vice versa.

Edited by Kthx
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I bet 99% of EA stockholders do not know what SWTOR is much less anything about subscription numbers. Consoles are where the real money is. It is simply speculation on people here that swtor subs drive the stock up or down. Nowhere does EA state this nor anyone with any real knowledge. Its all just BS because we think we play swtor that the world revolves around this game. This is nothing compared to madden or other similar games.
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I just like how whenever someone posts something negative about the game, whatever it is is roundly ridiculed by a small subset of people who refuse to even accept the possibility that something could be wrong.


However, whenever they post something that says the game is doing great, they accept whatever it is as gospel and refuse to acknowledge the possibility that the article could be misleading in some way.


Its like they don't want to hear anything negative about the game at all.


Yes, the game has some potential. It also has a ton of problems. You don't need to be a rocket scientist to log into a standard server, /who by level range and see that there are a total of 500 people online.


They might have 1.7 million subs. That is great. Hell, they might even have 2.5 mil, or 3 mill, or 4. This doesn't change the fact that the population is so spread out that it feels like they only have 250k.

Edited by Frostvein
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I just like how whenever someone posts something negative about the game, whatever it is is roundly ridiculed by a small subset of people who refuse to even accept the possibility that something could be wrong.


However, whenever they post something that says the game is doing great, they accept whatever it is as gospel and refuse to acknowledge the possibility that the article could be misleading in some way.


Its like they don't want to hear anything negative about the game at all.


Yes, the game has some potential. It also has a ton of problems. You don't need to be a rocket scientist to log into a standard server, /who by level range and see that there are a total of 500 people online.


They might have 1.7 million subs. That is great. Hell, they might even have 2.5 mil, or 3 mill, or 4. This doesn't change the fact that the population is so spread out that it feels like they only have 250k.


Join a guild you will see there are quite a few people on. Reroll on a more populated server and you will see more people on. 500 people on one server at one time is not all that bad really. If you want 1000s then reroll on the fatman and have at it. I dont understand what the problem is that you see.

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As i said before it goes beyond even...

My account was inactive for the last 2 days. Today its active with the free 30 days.

Nice way for ea to pad sub numbers. No action on my part and they turned my account back on.

Wonder how many inactive subs got turned on with out any ones request.

See :


EA's Q4 for FY 2012 ended March 31, 2012. Which is exactly why the accusations of EA padding subscription results with the free 30 days that were credited on April 25 are so ridiculous.
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  • 2 weeks later...
I am not so sure this quarter will tell us much. The next one will be more revealing and third one even more so on the health of the game.


Funny, that's exactly what people said last time subscription numbers were announced....and the time before that!

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Well Daniel Erickson has said as recently as today that Subs for TOR haven't dropped So I'm going to take a wild guess and say 1.7 million active subscriptions for TOR.




So much for the Omgzorz mass exodus!!!

I know: "Just you wait till next quarter!" :rolleyes:


Is he counting people with free months and game time that have already unsubbed but are still to have their accs frozen?

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Funny, that's exactly what people said last time subscription numbers were announced....and the time before that!


Huh? You know how to count? This will be the first quarter report. :p Cannot go by speculations during each quarter, you have to wait and see what the "official" reports say. And I donot expect them to be that bad this time. As many got a 3 month sub and also the 30 free days in addition.

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I don't think TOR has too much to worry about with GW2 at most GW2 will be the game people play along with whatever they are subscribing to rather than instead of...in fact I'm betting that GW2 doesn't break half a million sales in it's first two months.


I've unsubscribed from SWTOR. Unfortunately I purchased the 6 month subscription. I've already uninstalled. This game is garbage.


GW2 is great. It will hold my attention with Planetside 2 for the forseeable future.

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Is he counting people with free months and game time that have already unsubbed but are still to have their accs frozen?


1. Free game time was credited on or around April 25. Dan Erickson's statement and the previous two announcements of the 1.7 million subscription level were made well before that. The Q4 2012 numbers will also reflect the status before then, since EA's Q4 2012 ended March 31. The exception is if EA makes statements about the "current" state or future state of the game (earnings statements contain a mix of historical, current, and forward-looking data).


2. Subscription counts, especially when part of earnings statements, are made to reflect revenue earned. From this perspective, it doesn't matter if someone has stopped playing or not. For that matter, EA has no way of knowing if someone who has unsubbed intends to start playing or not. The industry practice is to count all paid subscriptions that have not expired, including the 30 days that are paid through the initial purchase of the game.

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The market expects EA to disappoint, judging by the charts - especially compared to what has been a good market overall. I wouldn't be surprised at all if EA reports a disastrously bad quarter, not that it's necessarily all about TOR or anything.


EA's probably going to miss by a mile and a half, but I bet TOR numbers will look decent, even if revenues are very soft.

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