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Medics are broken beyond repair. The game is no longer fun.


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So I decided to try healing again on my commando medic to see if I was mistaken with my first assessment of them after the patch. Well I definitively was not incorrect about the class being broken.


I entered a war zone after waiting on the 20+ minute queue time which I assume is due to the dwindling player pool on my server. I get in and a tank shields me, I thought OK, good sign, maybe this won't be so bad. I went with a group of 4 to cap the middle turret where we met 4 imps from the opposing team. At first they completely ignored me and went after the dps on my team.


After a couple of minutes of seeing they couldn't take down anyone the light bulb clicked on and they began to focus me. OK, no problem I figure, a tank is shielding me and I have good positioning, I'll knock the first bunch off the platform heal myself, use a cryogrenade on another and heal again.


So I knocked the first group down in which the marauder leaps back up which was expected. Seeing the operative go stealth I did not waist my escape on the stun. As soon as the marauder's stun wore off I was stunned by the operative.


I immediately use my escape to get out of the second stun throw my cryo at the marauder pop reactive shield before I was stunned yet again. with all my abilities used and no way to get out of the CC I watched my health go from almost full to dead within the duration off one CC. Keep in mind I had reactive shield up and I'm in full BM gear and two DPS drop me before a CC wears off.


So I jump on the transport back to the surface and pretty much experience the same zerge fest over and over again the only difference is now I'm the primary focus of the enemy now. Seeing this I figure maybe I can at least lure them away from the objectives so my team has a better chance to cap a cannon. Two DPS fell for it so I run down to the basement area under the center cannon.


Realizing my team was capping the turret the operative broke off his pursuit: however; the marauder continued to follow. Knowing my trooper has no escape mechanics I begin to engage the marauder 1 v 1. Using my knock back and my one CC i manage to heal back my health and throw out a little DPS in between. Then the ultimate slap by BIoware occurred. While applying considerable DPS to me he began to self heal the damage i did to him faster than I was able to heal myself. Then my heals slowly became less and less effective as he continued to dish out unlimited DPS through my heavy BM armor.


So as it stands after the release of patch 1.2 in a 1 v 1 fight a marauder can out heal a commando medic in full BM gear and no one at Bioware sees a problem with this. If a DPS class can out heal a healer while doing DPS to them a healing class should at least be able to DPS them when healing themselves. It would only be fair.


So now I'm certain my first impressions of the changes brought to PVP by 1.2 were not unfounded. Commando medics are completely broken, class balance has never been worse and the game is no longer fun.


After the patch I tried to adapt to the changes, I tried to give the patch a second chance. I thought to myself, well maybe they will fix it soon I mean it makes no sense that a DPS class can out heal a healers DPS while DPSing the healer at the same time. This has to be a mistake, right? I mean with those kind of game mechanics a potato behind a keyboard could beat me. I mean It has to be a mistake.


Well it seems to me this is one change that is here to stay and no matter how many times I'm able to top the healing charts in a war zone the mechanics for PVP healing are no longer fun. I would like to see the game succeed but at this point I would just be happy to have a refund for the 3 months I have left on my subscription.


Sadly I know neither of those will come true as the game is a mindless DPS race now. No planing, no strategy, no fun...

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You're playing it wrong.


Warzones are not single player games, get team coordination.


We have a sage whos much squishier than a commando and all we have to do to keep him alive is to guard and taunt while killing whatever is on him.


With guard and taunt our sage takes (100 - 5 - 50) / 0.3 = 30% damage.

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My sage has the same Experience can't 1v1 Trying to escape is futile

Can't even defend a node using my heals to buy some time for back up to arrive

As frustrating as it is somtes I'm still having fun

Edited by denpic
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Whilst I do feel for the OPs plight, I play a Sage Seer, which for far more squishy than a medic, and at first thought the same as him/her. It was literally a steamroller effect, I appear, I die, I appear, I die, rinse and repeat.


Then the penny dropped and I changed my approach away from pre 1.2 tactics and I do survive longer, or at least make it harder for the imps to target me. I can no longer run into the middle of the fight and drop my aoe heal surrounded by my enemies, if I do, i deserve a good *** kicking. Pre 1.2 I could do, as I had much greater survivability for some reason....game mechanics go over my head, I just say as I see from practical use.


I am now, since the quick fix patch, enjoying WZs more than I was immediately post 1.2. It is by no means perfect, often the imps team focus me down, but in all honesty, why is that a bad thing? I have no doubt that the "i like it simple" dps brigade (said tongue in cheek, noting my shadow toon...we all like to chill once in a while eh?) will eventually get their own bioware shafting, but until they do, I will continue to have fun as best as I can......though I sure as hell wont be forced to do their mind numbingly dull PVE to pay for my PVP.


No class should be able to defend against combined efforts of 2-3 enemies, to me, it is simply clever play on behalf of the opposition, and if they see me as the target of their death dealing, then I figure they want me dead for a reason.


It's all a balancing act, I wont play in my leisure time if I don't enjoy what I am doing, at the moment, I still enjoy it, when I dont, I wont, a legacy of too many RL hobbies.

Edited by ThorgrimLutgen
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Pay particular attention to the Commando healer.


No they are working 100% fine post 1.2.

All these claims of rec management being nerfed to the ground are completely ridiculous, They still can do over 800k healing in a single war zone with zero deaths ( the death he took in this game was due to exploding b/c of the stupid rahghoul plague thing). No other healer can do the same.


And no that is not me its a guildy. ^^

Edited by Stavroz
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Do you know that annihilation marauders are designed to be healer - killers? 6sec interrupt, no min range 12sec CD charge (another interrupt), 2CC than can be used *** interrupts, good damage and respectable self healing.


They were able to crush every healer BEFORE 1.2. Patch didnt changed anything in that regard (anni dont have time for full ravage anyway). 1.2 nerfed anninhilation by removing 100% damage reduction force camo and taking away great 80% run speed during predation talent, but those 2 changes are not affecting healer-killing potential.


Against good anni marauder you would be dead before 1.2 and you are dead now. Cant see any difference.

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funny I am not a full bm op healer and you know what. I would say you have one issue here. If he is healing it is because his dots are critting on you. guess what, they are physical based and you as a healer can remove them. This isn't the greatest solution because they can put them up faster then we can remove them since our cure is on a 5 Sec CD. but if you see a stack of three and cleanse mara or sent dps goes down dramatically. As does their ability to heal because they have to reapply them. So I can't say if mando heals are that much weaker but with your defensive CD it should be easier for u. A good mars will kill you eventually but this will help a lot and annoys them to no end. Edited by raesti
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Pay particular attention to the Commando healer.


No they are working 100% fine post 1.2.

All these claims of rec management being nerfed to the ground are completely ridiculous, They still can do over 800k healing in a single war zone with zero deaths ( the death he took in this game was due to exploding b/c of the stupid rahghoul plague thing). No other healer can do the same.


And no that is not me its a guildy. ^^


LOL you show a guy who heals was basically left alone.. and still died once... look at your teams death and the other teams deaths... way more... first i would say they are very undergeared.. secondly they didnt target your healers all that much... or at least focus fire... 2 on each healer and all your healers would fall over...


whats even worse with 4 healers your output of dps should of been low.. that also shows me the other team was utterly horrible... and as said above obviously undergeared...


yeah man just because you play a group of bad players doesnt make the healing classes perfect.


and also this is another reason why so many posters come here claiming that healers are fine because of Warzones like this... yeah i would do a crapload of healing if I was left alone too...


wow try to come up with a better argument... better yet show me a youtube video of 2 premades facing off to each other and prove to me that your healers wont die all that much and still win

Edited by Safgril
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so you play 1 or 2 warzones and can tell if a class is broken huh?


Now if they would only have played 1 or 2 warzones during testing, they would have discovered these issues before they went live.....unless they were intentional???

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OP blame that same tank that gaurded you my guess is he's not taunting and the rest of the teams not peeling? the good teams that I play against on my server their healers are a pain still to take down because they have smart tanks Edited by mcfugly
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You're playing it wrong.


Warzones are not single player games, get team coordination.


We have a sage whos much squishier than a commando and all we have to do to keep him alive is to guard and taunt while killing whatever is on him.


With guard and taunt our sage takes (100 - 5 - 50) / 0.3 = 30% damage.


Sometimes I do but usually I don't have the time to spend hours coordinating a group for pvp only to have people bail after a one or two games. It might be quicker on your server but mine is dead. Not to mention this does nothing to address the issue that the class is no longer fun to play.

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Just reroll as a marauder like the rest of us. They get buffed every single patch, and they were already overpowered a while ago.


Yeah I had one I was leveling before the patch but stopped after seeing the direction PVP went in 1.2.

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Commando medics are no longer tanks. You die like the rest of the classes but it still takes longer to kill you/


We were not tanks to begin with. Before the patch I couldn't solo a good dps, bad ones sure but good ones had little trouble countering all my abilities with their own.

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Marauders are overpowered right now. We know it. They know it. Just accept it as an anomaly and move on. The dev's already stated that burst is higher than they intended due to the buggy interaction of debuffs. Aside from that, good luck with the merc. They were already the easiest healer to shut down, however they were also the healer that had the most innate survivability. The latter is gone. Everyone is tissue paper, unless you happen to have a cooldown that makes it so you can't die while focused on a short cooldown.
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