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Everything posted by raesti

  1. well I don't think they need to show signs of weakness. Dec 19 ea stock was trading at 20.60ish. its up today around 15.90 but it has been lowest in year recently. on the bright side its up on takeover mergers from nexcom. nexcom makes their money off f2p games....
  2. jug or guard. but it isn't because of their def Cd. it because they can leap to anyone.
  3. was running around with another operative one warzone.(duo op) needless to say he would open. I would wait for them to stand up. hidden strike open they are flat on their face and pretty much dead after one or two gcds. Strange thing is I think each one we did that too unsubbed. guess George was right.
  4. no I was just listing abilities I remembered. I am at work and doing this from memory on a class I haven't played much since 1.2 came out. As for stasis being a stun. It may immobalize the user but it also does the target which if you use it right can be both offensive and defensive. offensive in that others can beat on your target with no action outside of a cc break.
  5. sentinel defensive cd rebuke up to 30 Sec up time 1 MIN Cd. will disappear after 6 Sec if not struck damage shield and 20% damage reduction saber ward 2min Cd and 12 Sec of increased defense. Idk numbers off top of my head obtusafate or something like that. lowers accuracy of target by 90(?)% force camo 30 Sec Cd 4-6 Sec of invisible and 50% damage reduction guarded by the force. 45-1:30 Sec Cd. sacrifice 50% hp for 99% damage reduction for 6(?) seconds can spec into their accord removal ability to restore 10% hp awe ae fear force stasis channel 3 Sec stun my best guess would be the two jugs/guards don't have. rebuke and guarded by the force. never played a tank version but my sent has way better defensive Cd I believe then a tank.
  6. should read "don't 1v1 is if we know how to play a marauder and we can get the jump on you with a massive gear difference " mainly the play part though.
  7. mvp votes aside I specced dps because I got tired of people not helping. So many people tunnel dps they don't see the one healer on their team being trained by other team. People don't realise healers need support now. So no point to healing on pugs anymore. Premade is a different story. And no I am not a bad or a l2p issue. Just isn't fun to run around healing myself the whole match because a mara/sentinel has it out for healer blood. Minus the super geared ones I can tank one just fine. People need to learn to support healers now with ttk so short. If I am focused on healing myself it means I can't heal you or billy bob. And it doesn't take much for a dps to peel.
  8. Think that might be your problem.
  9. raesti

    Dead rezzing

    Eh i got booted from the wz cuz I got stuck in the spawn area. Really sucks was a win too.
  10. raesti

    Dead rezzing

    Anyone else been respawning dead in the WZ. Happened to me in voidstar and another person in a previous one. Only way to fix it seems to leave the wz?? anyone got a fix other then that?
  11. raesti

    Cross server queues

    if that is the case then I probably will be off to play another game then. I enjoy this game even with its faults. The problem is with the content. There would be plenty to do, but there is no one to do it with. I have almost 3 level 50s right now because that and dailies are becoming the only content I happen to be able to do right now. I have fun but I am rapidly becoming bored with leveling. I like to pvp in this game and chat with people. Right now I can't do that because the server has a low pop of what time I can play. I don't think this is an issue only I am having and if BW wants to keep it to one server, then they need to do mergers.
  12. raesti

    Cross server queues

    that isn't the issue the problem is I work a rotating shift schedule. some times I am on in the morning others prime time. The mornings are where it is real bad and I have RL friends I do occassionally get to play with on this server.
  13. raesti

    Cross server queues

    Can we get an answer when these are going to be put in. Been sitting in pvp Queues for 2 hours past 3 days before I give up. Hint: sooner the better.
  14. do people just make up stuff about ranked. Pug Vs premade in ranked. Do some research before the qq. I don't want to spoil the surprise.
  15. eh too late several threads on here saying the ops and scoundrels are as op as mara and sents. We should be merged again.
  16. rated won't end do to not Nuff people
  17. Ahh thanks didnt know i needed a target. Was trying to do it to get in position or get away from someone. That makes sense though. Thanks again.
  18. I would say a sage would be your best bet. solo'd the coronat world boss droid at 38 with my sage healer. Idk how well they would work now with no free way to regenerate force but it was fairly doable then and at 50 some of the lower levels ones probably wouldn't be too hard. On a side note your companion may tremble in fear but on that boss it was necessary to have him out. Idk if all world bosses have this feature but he would one shot me if I was by myself or my companion died. Took me 3 tries to beat him and about 45 MIN.
  19. trying to roll to cover as a mini sprint ability. Problem is I can't make the green cover guy pop reliability. is there a trick to this? sometimes ill be heading toward a spot I know is a cover spot but I can't get him to show up and then I move away and turn, there he is right where I am standing. Any suggestions?
  20. not a bad idea but tbh. with the recent update to wz rewards it is worth staying. if there is a bonus to finishing out matches people will get one medal and afk somewhere.
  21. can spec into a speed boost after debilitate. that might be what u are seeing. the evasion speedboost is really hard to tell if it is working. also I don't think it works in stealth at all.
  22. he is right works for me all the time. Actually had a guildie ask how I didn't get pulled out of stealth after he dotted me and I vanished.
  23. raesti

    Justified Vote Kick?

    Don't know what to tell ya then. Some guy said he was going afk in a wz cuz we were losing and it was everybody eldest fault. I did the vote kick and I got a message back saying vote kick cancelled do to so and so initiating combat.
  24. raesti

    Justified Vote Kick?

    believe there is a timer attached to the afk kick. Try staying in combat or get in combat occasionally. Sounds like you are not being proactive enough in wz. They will always be people that misuse mechanics. hopefully this will get you some playtime
  25. Plus the IA set bonus on BM gear is 15% increase to rn. if you are trying to heal a full spec is much better then a hybrid. if looking for a damage with heals then there are a lot of people using a lethality med spec that I guess works ok
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