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Everything posted by Ancard

  1. They might as well convert it to a single player game that runs off your local work station at this point.
  2. That's what happens when you nerf healing classes to the point they are no longer fun to play. I canceled my sub shortly after 1.2 and haven't logged in since. Others I know have done the same.
  3. http://www.videogamer.com/pc/star_wars_the_old_republic/news/star_wars_the_old_republic_subscription_numbers_already_dropping.html
  4. I have no problems 1 v 1 healers in wow on any of my dps toons. I think the bigger problem is the player base just isn't that good here so they feel healing has to be nerfed.
  5. Great. I'll try that with the one other person on my server since 1.2.
  6. Sorry I meant to remove the second. Fixed it!
  7. You can't honestly be serious? /facepalm.
  8. The art work in the worlds they created is nice but with all the loading screens to get from point A to point B you still feel like your in a box. The actual worlds have so many places you can't go without receiving an exhaustion warning to turn back only adds to this feeling. The only game I've ever played that was really able to capture that open world feeling was World of Warcraft. As dated as the game is being able to go from zone to zone on a single continent with no lag and no loading screen is unmatched with the games I've played. Because of the openness wow has the PVP server I was on constantly had each faction invading the others capitals all the time and it was fun. You can't do that with SWTOR. At best you can find some world PVP only where Bio directs you. Good world PVP is something the players make when the environment encourages it. Bio has done the exact opposite and you're seeing the results of that. Just look at Ilum, you can't get anymore directed PVP in a box than that. Personally I wondered if it would make sense to just have different content for those on PVP servers. Get rid of all PVE raid instances and convert the quest leveling process to be more PVP driven so you would feel like you were playing out an epic saga as you leveled your character. This might require you to have three code bases (shared, PVE, PVP) between the two server types but would be way more interesting and unscripted for the die hard PVPers if done right. This along with not placing so much emphasis on gear and making fights last longer so there is some strategy involved would also help.
  9. Thanks this is good advice. I was using field aid to help remove them but there comes a point when your health gets so low you have the chose the heals and as you pointed out the rate at which they can put them back on is faster than we can take them off. What i really thought was bad design was when I saw his health inch up from half to full while I'm blowing my best heals to raise mine a fraction of how fast his was raising. All the while he was continuing to dish out DPS. If Bio thinks this is fine then this game is doomed.
  10. Oh I didn't realize you were there? So what else did you observe maestro. BTW said tank is a guild mate.
  11. I never claimed I couldn't heal when I wasn't being focused. I wrote the game play of the class is no longer fun. L2 read. And this brings me to my second point kids. Don't do drugs!!!
  12. Exactly and now it happens even faster so why the nerfs to medics? Thank you for proving my point.
  13. Translation: please don't nerf us... please don't nerf us....
  14. And how does that make them fun to play? I can get top heals now too. In fact it's even easier since most of the good healers stopped playing. PVP is just a mindless zerg fest now and that's not what I paid for.
  15. The only way a commando could heal himself while 3 dps were on him was: Other healers were focusing the commando to help him out. None of the the DPS were using their stuns, interrupts and CC. A combination of both a and b. I'm glad you are still able to enjoy the game in it's current state as a sage but as you must know different classes have different mechanics and the mechanics of trooper medics are dull and joyless post 1.2.
  16. We were never over powered to begin with, many DPS just didn't use their stuns, interrupts and other forms of CC. The good DPS never had issues with healers before the patch. It almost seems like Bioware nerfed healers to help DPS get over their learning curve of not know how to use a CC. All things said and done the class still is a bore to play now and PVP is just a repetitive zerg fest.
  17. We were not tanks to begin with. Before the patch I couldn't solo a good dps, bad ones sure but good ones had little trouble countering all my abilities with their own.
  18. Yeah I had one I was leveling before the patch but stopped after seeing the direction PVP went in 1.2.
  19. Sometimes I do but usually I don't have the time to spend hours coordinating a group for pvp only to have people bail after a one or two games. It might be quicker on your server but mine is dead. Not to mention this does nothing to address the issue that the class is no longer fun to play.
  20. So I decided to try healing again on my commando medic to see if I was mistaken with my first assessment of them after the patch. Well I definitively was not incorrect about the class being broken. I entered a war zone after waiting on the 20+ minute queue time which I assume is due to the dwindling player pool on my server. I get in and a tank shields me, I thought OK, good sign, maybe this won't be so bad. I went with a group of 4 to cap the middle turret where we met 4 imps from the opposing team. At first they completely ignored me and went after the dps on my team. After a couple of minutes of seeing they couldn't take down anyone the light bulb clicked on and they began to focus me. OK, no problem I figure, a tank is shielding me and I have good positioning, I'll knock the first bunch off the platform heal myself, use a cryogrenade on another and heal again. So I knocked the first group down in which the marauder leaps back up which was expected. Seeing the operative go stealth I did not waist my escape on the stun. As soon as the marauder's stun wore off I was stunned by the operative. I immediately use my escape to get out of the second stun throw my cryo at the marauder pop reactive shield before I was stunned yet again. with all my abilities used and no way to get out of the CC I watched my health go from almost full to dead within the duration off one CC. Keep in mind I had reactive shield up and I'm in full BM gear and two DPS drop me before a CC wears off. So I jump on the transport back to the surface and pretty much experience the same zerge fest over and over again the only difference is now I'm the primary focus of the enemy now. Seeing this I figure maybe I can at least lure them away from the objectives so my team has a better chance to cap a cannon. Two DPS fell for it so I run down to the basement area under the center cannon. Realizing my team was capping the turret the operative broke off his pursuit: however; the marauder continued to follow. Knowing my trooper has no escape mechanics I begin to engage the marauder 1 v 1. Using my knock back and my one CC i manage to heal back my health and throw out a little DPS in between. Then the ultimate slap by BIoware occurred. While applying considerable DPS to me he began to self heal the damage i did to him faster than I was able to heal myself. Then my heals slowly became less and less effective as he continued to dish out unlimited DPS through my heavy BM armor. So as it stands after the release of patch 1.2 in a 1 v 1 fight a marauder can out heal a commando medic in full BM gear and no one at Bioware sees a problem with this. If a DPS class can out heal a healer while doing DPS to them a healing class should at least be able to DPS them when healing themselves. It would only be fair. So now I'm certain my first impressions of the changes brought to PVP by 1.2 were not unfounded. Commando medics are completely broken, class balance has never been worse and the game is no longer fun. After the patch I tried to adapt to the changes, I tried to give the patch a second chance. I thought to myself, well maybe they will fix it soon I mean it makes no sense that a DPS class can out heal a healers DPS while DPSing the healer at the same time. This has to be a mistake, right? I mean with those kind of game mechanics a potato behind a keyboard could beat me. I mean It has to be a mistake. Well it seems to me this is one change that is here to stay and no matter how many times I'm able to top the healing charts in a war zone the mechanics for PVP healing are no longer fun. I would like to see the game succeed but at this point I would just be happy to have a refund for the 3 months I have left on my subscription. Sadly I know neither of those will come true as the game is a mindless DPS race now. No planing, no strategy, no fun...
  21. You do realize wow came out November 23, 2004 right? I can see why you thought healing was broke before 1.2.
  22. Actually commandos needed to be able to tank themselves in PVP. They don't have the quick speed of a sage to move LOS quickly nor the utilities of a smuggler to escape. They were more like watered down versions of a wow paladin a good support class. Now they are pretty worthless as healers all around. Their only viable trees are dps which really sucks for the one in full BM medic gear. Bio should give them all complementary BM DPS gear as a sorry we f--ked your class over gift so they don't have to completely start over after respecing DPS.
  23. I find it amazing you die that fast playing a healer in wow. My Druid and Holy Pally healers hardly ever die in Battle Grounds. Arena is a different story but I still can survive with out needing a peel from my team. If you really are dying that fast in wow where healing would be considered off the chart by this community you must be finding it practically impossible to play a healer here. I don't say that to downplay your ability as a healer but rather to point out how overly gimped they made healers in this game. In wow my pally never runs out of mana but I do get an intelligent priest from time to time that sees this and begins to mana drain me. This causes me to have to change my tactics using more line of site. They could of done something similar with the trooper medic. By giving a class a counter that allowed them to drain resources from the troopers instead of nerfing their ammo it would have made game play more dynamic. I'm sure not many of the DPS know this but troopers only have one effective instant heal so most of the time if they are out in the open by the time they could run to LOS they would be dead. This was a main reason you would see them stand in one place healing themselves when a dps was focusing them. This wasn't a big deal before 1.2 because with a dps focusing them they could only heal themselves if they wanted to survive. And with a good operative on them they usually died anyway. However now that their heal tree has been gimped into the ground the DPS trees are the only viable options for them.
  24. If anything I thought healing was under powered before 1.2. I'm finding most complaints that heals were or are still over powered are coming from people that just don't know how to play. In wow healers are way more powerful then this game even before the patch but I can jump on any of my DPS characters and shut them down. The difference is you need to use strategy which good players welcome. You can't say that with this game. With the release of 1.2 there is no strategy needed to counter a healer. You just mash buttons watch them fall and move on to the next. What a boring piece of crap the PVP in this game turned into. You might as well be playing against a potato. As a result of the drastic changes that came with 1.2 I started playing wow again and couldn't help notice there is a different ambiance in the air. I played some battle grounds without people yelling insults, afking, complaining about every class under the sun, etc, etc.... I thought to myself what happened here? It's almost like all the NOOB players just disappeared. Well I now know the truth. The NOOB's didn't disappear..... They came here and rolled DPS characters........ Looks like panda's are in my future. Good luck to all of you and I hope they nerf heals even more so you stay here. Peace out
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