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Official Q&A Thread for April 27th, 2012 Q&A Blog Post


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The GTN is significantly worse now that it was in 1.1.5. Searching for items is more difficult as the "Any" sorting field shows nothing. Many new users and people not experienced with this game are unable to navigate the work around correctly.


I have seen a 80%+ drop in sales on the GTN since 1.2 has come out, many other people in my guild are having the same problem.

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Can we expect Legacy to become account wide instead of server wide at any point in time? It is frustrating when you've got friends who play on different servers usually due to rule set preferences and have to start over and do all the work to unlock everything each time. Maybe some features such as species unlocks could be account-wide so that we can at least make the characters we want to make since we already did the work for it anyway. Edited by Jesira
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Preface: It seems mixed specs are never mentioned as part of the dps/healing targets and that they are not designed for. In 1.2, for example, a large part of Tracer Missile/Grav Round's damage (11 point Arsenal) was moved to a 31 point talent. Mixed Healing/DPS PVP specs (24/17/0 mercenary, for example) which were once possible became unviable as the result of this change.


Question: Is it the intent of the developers to only design content/classes for primary skill trees or are mixed trees given equal deliberation?

Edited by nakomaru
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Confused about "Enable Focus Target" mechanic.


I read the tool tip, but do not seem to be able to get the hang of how this is intended to work. Could we get some specifics about what the intention is?


If I'm playing a healer, for example, and want to throw some DPS to support my target healee, do I need to reselect the enemy? Then hop back over to my healing target, and hope they haven't died in the time it takes to make it target a party member?

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What are the plans for the guild HQ/ guild starship


and well there be an expansion to the guild system like say there were terminals that gave people the chance to apply to a guild and the guildmaster/ officer could accept deny this application. also are there plans for an in game guild forum and event planner etc. are there any plans for this?

Edited by joshohelp
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Quick question. While shopping at the galactic auction house I realized that i couldn't determine if I already knew a particular scheme. Is there future plan to indicate if you already know a scheme so that you don't end up buying what you don't need?
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When will the Charges and Techniques for Assassins and Shadows be changed to include the use of Electrostaves? We are given the proficiency to use them when we choose our advanced class and then immediately prevented from using them by our main abilities such as Maul and Shadow Strike. If we weren't meant to be able to use them, why give us the proficiency and make them available from the commendation vendors?
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Is there any chance of getting some of the "Laura Croft" style jumping for datacrons toned down a bit. Some of us who play this game are not of the "Twtch" generation that was raised on X-box, PS3, etc. It's very frustrating to try and get these types of datacrons over and over and over and failing because the jump mechanism requires us to land on a very small correct area.
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Social gear has its own niche in TOR, but currently all social gear is light armor. While that does mean that every character can wear it, it also means that only Consulars and Inquisitors are able to wear it as their normal gear. As someone who enjoys RPing, it would be very nice to see social gear that can become either medium or heavy armor; a feature I believe was talked about for update 1.2 but never came through in that update. Is there any ETA of when social gear will be more useful for medium and heavy armor characters? Also, is there any chance that social gear could become more a visual effect rather than actual armor, akin to the "customize" color feature available to players now? It would save players thousands of credits since they wouldn't have to move all of their item modifications around, and it would let people who have endgame pvp and pve gear to not loose their gear set bonuses for the cost of gear that is more visually appealing to the player. As always you do great work and I've enjoyed every minute of SWTOR I've played so far.
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Will future events be designed to be completely voluntary in participation? Many of us are not happy with the current event's design because we get infected constantly while PVPing and since the vaccine doesn't persist through death, every time we die in PVP we are now able to be infected again.
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It has been repeatedly stated that the exclusion of same-gender romances from launch was a scheduling and budget issue. It has also been stated that even some of the most beloved features could not be readied for launch. I understand that this isn't a value judgement on SGRAs!


So my question is, how/why was it decided to treat same-gender romance as a different feature than opposite-gender romance? Wouldn't it have made more sense to roll out the romance feature when it was complete and not just half of it?

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Can we expect brand new playable alien races in the future? Currently the alien race variety seems a bit dull, with twi'leks, purebloods, and zabrak being the only races to really stand out as different in appearance.
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