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What would you add to the legacy system?


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- An additional 4 minutes for quick travel (to lower the cooldown to 20 minutes).

- Legacy speeders which should have a normal level requirement and also a legacy level requirement, but are faster than the the other speeders so far in the game. Or a general +10% & +20% buffs on speeder traveling speed.

- More options to enhance the crafting of your ship droid.

- A way to increase the RE chance for crafting.

- shared codex.

- shared pets.

- shared speeders.

- a way to quick travel to the own spaceship.

- A way to make all bound items bound to legacy (so that bound on pickup gear can be used by other characters if one would like to, but this option should be quite expensive and or require a pretty high legacy level).

Edited by Drudenfusz
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1. Companion show helm off

2. armor that actually looks cool and the ability to put augment slots on it without having to recraft the gear/find the recipe!

3. swg's JTL space combat, i want to be able to fly from one planet to the next without ever going into hyperspace!

4. 12-16 character slots as you get more characters to 50!

5. make pvp/pve belts/bracers fully moddable from the start! or the ability to buy empty armoring from the pvp/pve vendors for our own belts/bracers!



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I personally don't think that would be OP. I think you deserve some kind of reward for leveling multiple level 50 characters. This would keep playing the game more. Which keeps subscriptions up


Actually I think that legacy bank is completely pointless considering you can already send mail across your legacy characters. It would be no different from having a character act as a "legacy bank".

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- Change to meet and/or fight my other characters, as listed.


- Also, I see no reason why some of them couldn't share a ship. My IA could well be among the crew of my Inq.


- Legacy related quests and storylines that remind you how those 8 characters of yours actually share same galaxy. I always found it very odd and unfortunate how virtually none of the class storylines are connected in any meaningful way.

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I would like to remove the requirement that so many Legacy items be purchased. I'm Legacy level 34, and not much to show for it because I refuse to spend 500,000+ credits for fluff items. Legacy should be about time played, not how big your bank account is.
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-- Other Legacy Characters as NPCs throughout the galaxy (in the same planet you logged off perhaps? Maybe in the cantina of that planet? Or in your ship)

-- Ability to choose a "type" of relation in Family Tree.

- Allow me to explain. Imagine you add a Jedi as a Sith son. How did that came to happen? How does one think about that? Does the Sith father hate the son? Does he respect him but disagrees with him? Does he resent him? Or wants him dead? And the other way around? And a Smuggler with Jedi father? Does he loves his noble father? Dislikes his loyalty to the Republic? Is a rebel son? Or craves his approval?

This could be accomplished with several option about how one character thinks about the other and the other way around. And why would this be important? Because of what comes next.

-- With both suggestion combined you'd be able to have conversations with your characters! That would complement a companion-esque relation with other Legacy character.

This one might a little too much but

- Legacy House/Space Station/Mothership (it's self explanatory I guess)

Edited by Thaegul
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Still dont think sharing companions is a good idea arent they tied to your character in particular, plus each one is unique to your class you could easily exploit this and find a companion that can make u the OP duo. Its just a sense of thats my guy no other classes.
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Social points being shared across your legacy, or your highest character's "social level" is your legacy-wide "social level" for using social armor.


....... Legacy-wide sharing of commendations? Or would that be too much?

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Hmm..I'd like to see a few emotes like...


/hug companion - where you and your companion hug each other


/carry companion or /carry player - where you could carry your companion or another player in your arms and walk around with them


/hand shake ,brofist, high five companion -self explanatory


/summon all companions -would summon all your companions with a cool pose!


That's all I can think of for now. :jawa_cool::jawa_evil:

Edited by JediElf
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Why can a Sith father with a human mother have a Chiss child that is not adopted?


Why can't I have more then one ally?


Why can't my character have both Ally's and Rivals AND have children and parents all at the same time?


I hope that the Legacy family tree is "completed" and that new perks and abilities are added to unlock. More incentive for making alt's. I think legacy was well intentioned, but still needs work.

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3. swg's JTL space combat, i want to be able to fly from one planet to the next without ever going into hyperspace!

ummm, If you want to go to another planet (located in a different system) without entering hyperspace. This would mean you would be traveling at sublight speeds. You do realize you would die of old age long befor you ever reached your destination?

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Why can a Sith father with a human mother have a Chiss child that is not adopted?


Why can't I have more then one ally?


Why can't my character have both Ally's and Rivals AND have children and parents all at the same time?


I hope that the Legacy family tree is "completed" and that new perks and abilities are added to unlock. More incentive for making alt's. I think legacy was well intentioned, but still needs work.


Does it really matter?

The family tree is purely cosmetic. It has no impact on gameplay what so ever. In functionally it is identical to you drawing your family tree on a piece of paper and taping it to your monitor.

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Social points being shared across your legacy, or your highest character's "social level" is your legacy-wide "social level" for using social armor.


....... Legacy-wide sharing of commendations? Or would that be too much?


Shared Valor would be nice too. Its all cosmetic now anyways

Edited by thomasmeadows
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Great thread. I vote for shared legacy banking/shared storage. One could theoretically just start your own guild & buy a guild bank but I read where you needed more people in your guild to do that than is possible for one solo person to have on the same server (I don't know if this ever made it live). Crafting would be so much more fluid and gear drop swaps.


Also more character slots if your legacy is maxed. Let the family grow!

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  • Legacy of Travel
  • Instant teleport to any planet(after all class quest complete)
  • Instant Taxis(just teleport between taxi locations)
  • instant travel (no cool down for quicktravel)
  • Instant teleport to Illum and Tattoine open world pvp areas.
  • instant fleet pass
  • Legacy Speeder Speed Increase - Mount speed increased by 10%, 20%, 30%
  • Summon Guildmate - to non - pvp area(cannot be used in combat)
    Legacy of Sharing
  • Shared Legacy Companions - use all companions across all lvl 50 characters
  • Shared Legacy Commendations
  • Shared Legacy Crew Skills - Send other character companions on crafting missions
    Economic Legacy
  • Discount to unlocking legacy items - 10%,20%, 30%(maybe for higher legacy levels)
  • Discount for changing out mod's in armor - 25%,50%, 75%
  • Toggled Auction Houses - Switch between Neutral, Empire, Republic AH
  • Increase Days For Listing Auction House Items - 5 days, 7 days, 10 days
  • Discount for Credit Deposit on Item Sale - 10%, 20%, and 30%
    Family's Legacy(RP Stuff)
  • Character Heros - Summons alt character as a companion for 1 fight(maybe with a long cool down?)
  • Use alts for 4 man heroics(cant imagine the programming on this one, sounds tough lol)
    General Legacy Improvements
  • Legacy Advanced Class - Level 1 advance class on character creation
  • Current Legacy Items Cost too much
  • Instant Light/Dark Side Switches(it can happen in real star wars) maybe restrictive to lvl 50 characters?
  • Move Character from Imperial Side of Server to Republic Side if class quest finished(could help to balance servers)
  • Change All Items from "bound" to "bound to legacy"



There are just too many of these that would make legacy so OP. With the legacy system, they want to make your legacy characters *slightly* better than other ones. If BW implemented the changes I listed above, there would just be no point to be a new player. Everyone would be MILES ahead of you. It would be very disheartening. Legacy is a great system, and it's interesting, and I think that there should be more to it, but if you make it too big, then newer players are just going to be second class, because they don't have all the legacy additions that people with a bunch of characters have.

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There are just too many of these that would make legacy so OP. With the legacy system, they want to make your legacy characters *slightly* better than other ones. If BW implemented the changes I listed above, there would just be no point to be a new player. Everyone would be MILES ahead of you. It would be very disheartening. Legacy is a great system, and it's interesting, and I think that there should be more to it, but if you make it too big, then newer players are just going to be second class, because they don't have all the legacy additions that people with a bunch of characters have.


You obviously don't get what legacy should be... Legacy should be a reason to keep you playing more than 1 character. Why do you need 7 alts if you aren't getting anything out of leveling them? Why should I play a character I don't really want to play? If the legacy system is not good enough to make people keep playing then it is worthless. These ideas will keep people playing in order to earn something that is useful(while still not being game breaking abilities). New players will always be behind in terms of progression. Thats the point of being a new player. But at least if you are a new player, you will have something to strive for if you keep playing. What sets someone apart who has 8 lvl 50s as opposed to someone who only has 1? Or someone who just started? Does someone starting a new job get paid the same as someone who has been there 10 years?


But specifically? which of these abilities makes your alts overpowered? it would be nice to know.


The only one that remotely does is transferring bound items to alts. which you still can't use if your not the right level. It would just prevent your guild from having to farm ops a billion times for your 2nd lvl 50 character. All of the other items are just for convenience sake.

Edited by thomasmeadows
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