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The end of the arguement. Is SWTOR in decline? Can it be saved?


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That's not true at all. Some MMOs bleed players until they hit a point where the server mergers and player base stabilises and the game continues to be profitable. Not dying, stabilising.

LOTRO's population was "dying" due to lack of PvP and PvE content.


Game went F2P, utilizing micro transactions.


LOTRO adds several new servers.


Population stabilizes.


the game is fine. L2P


Edited by Blistrich
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I find it very funny that people are already squealing like a pig stuck under a gate that this game is "dead" and "failing". These are probably the same people that are saying that wow is dying because it lost 2 million subscribers last year and has "ONLY" 10 million left! Get real! People love to hate successes whether they are start-up like this game or established like wow.
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This is very true. I see SWTOR settling into a 300k +/- game that is constantly churning new players. It will likely plateau there.


I expect it will be a hell of a lot higher than 300k, but probably not at its current 1.7MM. I'm guessing 900M to 1MM.

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Just saw this on CVG.




"and Star Wars: The Old Republic, which received similar treatment and has supposedly already seen subscription numbers decline, are big contributing factors to the cuts."



This one is a bit more in depth.



This seems to be more focused on the stock from EA and seems to lean both ways.


It seems EA have had a poor financial year due to BF3 and SWTOR.


I have found this on several other sites, it seems to be reliable.


I don't want to start a flame war or an "I told you so" thread. Instead, I was wondering what people would like to see to maybe improve the player base.

I am one of the people that is on the fence, I have around 90 days or so left on my sub but am, as of yet, not convinced to renew it.

Following the new "world event" (which I though was good mostly) maybe this is the way forward?

So lets hear it, what would it take (for those that aren't sure or maybe have already cancelled) to bring you back?

For those that are already commited, what more things would you like improved or added?


Lets try and keep it on track and pleasant ok?


Ok, weigh in.



It's all speculation and none of them can cite a anything saying there's a decline in subs or that any layoffs have anything to do with it. Layoffs are a natural part of the industry as a decline is subs is a natural part of the life of an MMO. Initial sales then some quit because it's not what they expected, others join , it's just the way it is.

Edited by Asuka
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Why does this have to be 'solved'?


If you are enjoying the game, then play.


If you are not, then don't.


Why the anal fascination with needing to label what the numbers are, if it's going up, going down, going sideways, deadz0rs, so 45 seconds ago, a WoW killer, what?


What is it? Why posts like this?


Weigh in! :p

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As a BF2 purist, seeing what BF3 was, and how it was supported really jaded me. that game had so much potential, POOF! gone as soon as it tried to be CoD.


I haven't given up on SWTOR yet, like I have with BF3. SWTOR can be changed, fixed and modified pretty much till the day its closed. What does scare me is the team that leads this game, and its direction. I am completely confused by some of the choices that are made, and how communication and support are handled to the community.


BF3 had pretty much ZERO support for the community. the game was left bugged out of its mind for about 3 months before it was patched. I went away, because I was sick of the lack of dialogue with the .dev team. SWTOR is better, but not by to much unfortunately.


I really hope SWTOR pulls it around. the event this weekend was pretty fun, its things like that that need to continuously happen for this game to thrive.

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You remember the Andred/Mordred merge?


You remember the dwindling Nimue pop?


You remember when ToA hit and the exodus began?


They all die...


Except Everquest.


It. Will. Not. Die.


The Realm online > Everquest as far as not dieing goes.

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"Battlefield 3, which it spent $30 million marketing and only generated $13 million from,"



You see, this is what's wrong with EA. BF3 succeeded and would have regardless of marketing **** because it's battlefield. The marketing didn't affect my purchase of it at ALL. The cow dlc that are coming are slowly but surely changing my opinion of it though. 3 paid dlc in a year is more than I'll pay for a new expansion with more content on other franchises. TOR was pretty good until they ****ed pvp over and screwed my alts.

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Last night I was in a 10 minute queue to log into one of my servers (that is NOT Fatman)' there were 79 people on Tattoine and over 200 in Fleet - Republic side. Are you going to tell me my anecdotal (but real) evidence is not as valid as yours?


Um, I wasn't telling YOU anything. But since you want to make this a competition, congratulations, you win. Enjoy your empty game. I mean over-populated game. :rolleyes:

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It's bleeding at the moment, but I think it'll settle around 750k-1m players. Game has plenty of things to keep it going, but also plenty of points where it can and needs to be better.


I'm subbed for about 3 months, and got a month for free with the level 50 promotion. So I'll keep playing, if I stick around enterily depends upto BW's way of handeling some (mostly minor) issues.


And to the doom sayers, you don't need 10m subs in order to be "successful".

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I haven't given up on SWTOR yet, like I have with BF3. SWTOR can be changed, fixed and modified pretty much till the day its closed. What does scare me is the team that leads this game, and its direction. I am completely confused by some of the choices that are made, and how communication and support are handled to the community.



I don't understand what direction the team is taking that you don't like. I think they have made some great improvements. I really think the legacy system is unique and I believe that they have implemented some welcome changes that the community has been asking for. Such as UI Customization. The direction that they took with adding full voice acting and a main epic story arc to an MMO is a positive direction that is greatly enjoyed by people like me who are PVE and solo a good portion of the time. I don't think that the team has made any blunders yet. This isn't Star Wars Galaxies!

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Interesting reads.


Something stands out to me, however.


The article suggests that unit sales of the Old Republic has reached 3 million but suffers from "declining subscribers." Does this mean that the subscriptions increased to (using arbitrary numbers here) 2.5 million but has gone down to 2.2 million? Or does it mean that, despite selling an additional million units, they have lost subscribers?


I don't think it's the latter at all. I don't think ANY MMO can go up a million units and decrease in total subscribers in a short period of time.


So does this mean that subscribers have ballooned and we're over 2 million with the "declining subscriptions?"



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Ugh, these threads are about as bad as all the Bioware ruined my life threads. Is there really nothing better to do than post these ridiculous doomsday speculation threads?


But BioWare did ruin our lives! OMG! Have you NOT been paying attention!??!!??!?!?! ;)

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I don't understand what direction the team is taking that you don't like. I think they have made some great improvements. I really think the legacy system is unique and I believe that they have implemented some welcome changes that the community has been asking for. Such as UI Customization. The direction that they took with adding full voice acting and a main epic story arc to an MMO is a positive direction that is greatly enjoyed by people like me who are PVE and solo a good portion of the time. I don't think that the team has made any blunders yet. This isn't Star Wars Galaxies!


Here is the thing, people do not want unique features. They want everything that WoW has and that is it. I have heard many people complain about the legacy feature and that they should have made 1.2 about LFG.


I do not care about LFG. The legacy system is an amazing feature that I love. It is a truly unique feature in MMOs.


People need to wake up and realize that this game, and any other game, will NEVER have WoW's numbers. Even WoW 2 and Titan will not have 10 million subscribers. There are just too many choices out there now to reach that many players.

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Ugh, these threads are about as bad as all the Bioware ruined my life threads. Is there really nothing better to do than post these ridiculous doomsday speculation threads?


Tell me about it. I find it very hard to come on the forums these days. It's just this...Everywhere you look. Ugh..

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Simply this.


I can laugh myself to sleep with all these forum trolls stating the game is dying.


Simply put this game is nowhere near dying, it has a very healthy population, they just need to consolidate it, Every Friday night in the EU you will have standard replace the light status on 50% of those 'light' servers, meaning a minimum of 350 people are playing on that server.


Dying, lol go try Warhammer Online and get back to me.




Yes, its not dying your right! They have about 40 servers to many is all.

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But BioWare did ruin our lives! OMG! Have you NOT been paying attention!??!!??!?!?! ;)


This morning I spilled my hot cup of tea down my freshly pressed blouse and exclaimed, "Damn you, !@#$% BIOWARE!" Is there nothing these guys can't screw up? :rolleyes:

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I just canceled this weekend. The game has problems, but I was willing to give them a chance until I was excluded from the 30 day reward.


I actually will put up with bad customer service for a great game. I will not, however, put up with bad customer service for this game.


So by this post I can assume you don't have a level 50 and you don't have legacy level 6... Both are easy to obtain and you still have a few more days to get there so this post is stupid.

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So a nowhere site reports that they are laying people off on X date and when that didn't happen they say "we are still right but no it's in the near future".


Here is the thing. I'm sure that SWTOR sold more initial units than expected (if it is around 3M units) and probably has a lower retention rate than originally projected. Welcome to ADD America.


I just don't understand people. IT'S A GAME. Who cares? I'll play it while I get enjoyment out of it and when I don't, I'll stop playing.


Seriously, all the doomsayers and forum trash - who cares? If you don't like it then leave it's not really that momentous a decision in your life. And if it is, then you need to reassess where you are at.


Can it be saved? Yes because it's such a pressing issues. G.A.M.E.

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Yes, its not dying your right! They have about 40 servers to many is all.

Correct, actually. One too many servers.


Makes the game look small. Causes quits from low pop environments.


Launching with too many servers was one of BW's mistakes with this game.


And as for Warhammer, pffff, I think Age of Conan has 3 servers left and it's still going. :D

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Correct, actually. One too many servers.


Makes the game look small. Causes quits from low pop environments.


Launching with too many servers was one of BW's mistakes with this game.


And as for Warhammer, pffff, I think Age of Conan has 3 servers left and it's still going. :D


Agreed. People whined about them having to queue. They add WAY too many servers and now they whine they don't have anyone to play with.

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