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The end of the arguement. Is SWTOR in decline? Can it be saved?


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Its not the fact that its dying, all MMOs undergo periods of growth and decline, but this is more of a reason WHY its dying.


All the same bugs remains while new bugs are being constantly introduced.




This last weekend we run SOA NM, and the entire floor still doesnt drop. Our main tank gets thrown into a pillar, and the boss instantly despawns. One of our healers is flying in phase 2, and she falls through the world on the transition. We still run into invisible lightning balls, we still pretty much base the encounter on RANDOM LUCK that it wont bug out and wipe us or despawn.


4+ months now and we still have to pray for LUCK to beat an encounter? Come on... fix your broken encounter...



Do Soa again, he's a joke now and mostly bug free.

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a lot of people who support SWTOR are keep mentioning how cool recent live event was, and how good patch is. Ironically, my story is absolutely different. i didnt even see the plague, because i cant feel myself motivated to explore it.


look. we had a great friendly guild on a medium populated server. all was cool, for at least 2 months. then people start leaving - its no problem, really. but then our server basically became a ghost town. 30 people in prime time on the fleet - you know what i mean. so i unsubbed about a month and a half ago, me and my wife were last out of 20 members (mostly rl friends) who did that. i decided to give it another try with 1.2 comes out. it did. no ranked warzones, no proper pvp balance, no ilum, nothing new out of one WZ which i didnt find that much of innovating.


3 months ago, when a lot of people were naysaying on forums, i was the supporter. and i repeatedly told that we will see in 2 months where this is all going. now i can say that it is going down, sadly, and unfortunately. and the reason is simple - Big Money. they kill creativity, kill the soul of the game. instead of making a good game people in charge are forced to use "already known working mechanics" - the game now copies WoW pvp ranking model. impressive. it copies WoW in too many aspects, but it STILL doesnt have a DPS meter or a functional combat log - so people who enjoy PVE competition within a group cant find anything appealing in raiding.


Sad, this is really sad. a great project that is destined to be a niche mmo, like many others on the market.

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The fact is that TOR is dying, even the press in the last few days have finally turned on TOR and are calling it what it is a bad game.


From the looks of things BioWare is going to be losing most of the Dev's here very soon, the player base is going to drop down come this week as people see 1.2 hasn't changed anything and has made everything worse. The plague was a bad idea and is upsetting most of the player base.


The death blow to TOR is coming as well, everyone I've talked to really wants to play Secret World. Guild Wars 2 is already being looked at as what will be one of the best games of the year. And Diablo 3 is well Diablo 3 we all know how well it will do.


So no nothing can save TOR, it's too little and too late to save it.


Can you please send me links to where the press says that it's a bad game? Cause I haven't seen any of these.


And no, the plague was an AMAZING idea. Some of my friends even resubscribed, everyone on my server was vastly impressed and even the forum has nice things to say about the Event. :)


everyone YOU have talked to. And how many is that? 10 - 20? And The Secret World will be another failure, it's funcom after all. Thought people have learned after AoC? It was terrible!

Guild Wars 2... can't really see anything more than dynamic events which is great. Yes it has good graphics but it's not hard to see that it's WAAAAY to overhyped. It's not revolutionary as some people say. Innovation? Yeah... SWTOR har innovation too you know.

Diablo 3 doesn't count. It's not even an MMO.


SWTOR will blow peoples mind when it has implemented the "must have" features.

Space Combat, Pod racing, Groun Vehicle Combat.. there is so many possibilities.

Edited by xeenz
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Seriously all you who still hang on to "theres no problem, no subscription loss blah blah blah" Is it really that hard to just log on and see how bad the servers state actually are? Are you living in completly denial or whats wrong with you fellows? The game IS failing hard and im amazed you cant get that into your heads. The loooooow population on most servers speak for it clearly.



Man some ppl are just damn stupid...

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The single interesting thing in all of this, to me, is the OP's choice of title. How could you have thought, even for a second, that this would be the end of the argument?


Even if you had hard data instead of mere speculation (and you do not), people would argue. Remember six weeks ago when EA had its quarterly earnings report? People argued and argued and argued about what the numbers meant, and whether the game was dying or doing well.


1) There was no intent of having any reasonable discussion in the first place. The sensationalistic title was evidence of that.


2) Couple that with the trash links to articles that vaguely support (or seem to) a previously bolded assertion.


3) Added to a pretend concern and a seemingly friendly "I'm not trolling I'm just concerned blah blah blah, come on guys, what will it take to save this game."


1+2+3=Troll thread. Flag it and move on.


really mods should just remove these as spam threads there is no point to these. its all troll bait.


Agreed, did you flag it yet?


Seriously all you who still hang on to "theres no problem, no subscription loss blah blah blah" Is it really that hard to just log on and see how bad the servers state actually are? Are you living in completly denial or whats wrong with you fellows? The game IS failing hard and im amazed you cant get that into your heads. The loooooow population on most servers speak for it clearly.



Man some ppl are just damn stupid...



Except that since 1.2, my server as well as many others are seeing an increase in populations and play times.


The pops on most servers aren't low, the vast majority are standard-heavy and this was pre-1.2


Has there been a decline since release? Almost certainly. Is making up junk and calling people stupid an intelligent way to discuss it? Probably not...

Edited by Sparklehorse
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Seriously all you who still hang on to "theres no problem, no subscription loss blah blah blah" Is it really that hard to just log on and see how bad the servers state actually are? Are you living in completly denial or whats wrong with you fellows? The game IS failing hard and im amazed you cant get that into your heads. The loooooow population on most servers speak for it clearly.



Man some ppl are just damn stupid...


And your post makes you smarter than us, or not :D

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Seriously all you who still hang on to "theres no problem, no subscription loss blah blah blah" Is it really that hard to just log on and see how bad the servers state actually are? Are you living in completly denial or whats wrong with you fellows? The game IS failing hard and im amazed you cant get that into your heads. The loooooow population on most servers speak for it clearly.



Man some ppl are just damn stupid...


Ummmm I had a queue this morning, you might want to find a populated server.....:rolleyes:

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Seriously all you who still hang on to "theres no problem, no subscription loss blah blah blah" Is it really that hard to just log on and see how bad the servers state actually are? Are you living in completly denial or whats wrong with you fellows? The game IS failing hard and im amazed you cant get that into your heads. The loooooow population on most servers speak for it clearly.



Man some ppl are just damn stupid...


Your argument is that the game is dying because there are too many servers for the player base ... and then you call others stupid. Hmm. Okay. Lets go with that.

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Ummmm I had a queue this morning, you might want to find a populated server.....:rolleyes:


YOU had an queue this dag, cheers for that. Most have wastelands... And change servers, nah, dont want to waste an awfull ammount of legacy-levels when a server merge should take care of it. But since they refuse to merge i cancel my sub like many others. And guess what? Im happy about it!

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YOU had an queue this dag, cheers for that. Most have wastelands... And change servers, nah, dont want to waste an awfull ammount of legacy-levels when a server merge should take care of it. But since they refuse to merge i cancel my sub like many others. And guess what? Im happy about it!


You say "most" like it's true and it's not.


The proper use of the word "most" would be as follows.


Most of the servers are Standard to Heavy.


You're welcome.

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YOU had an queue this dag, cheers for that. Most have wastelands... And change servers, nah, dont want to waste an awfull ammount of legacy-levels when a server merge should take care of it. But since they refuse to merge i cancel my sub like many others. And guess what? Im happy about it!


Good then you can go find something more productive to do than ranting on the forums...right?:rolleyes:

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Still have a few days left soo i will rant as much as i want untill then... :rolleyes:


So when we see you posting this kind of stuff a month down the road can we call you on it?




Some people have been using this excuse for a lot longer than they should actually expect people to believe. Do yourself a favor and find a game that you actually like, let the rest of us enjoy this one.

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Yes....everybody knows a developer or a beta tester; I remember when I was beta testing SWTOR People said the exact same thing when I told them that TOR wasn't a raid centric MMO and you could get gear so close to BIS just by leveling and doing heroic flash-points that it didn't matter.


At the end of may they will open up the beta..we will see who is right then. /shrug.


Now I doubt that you know anything from beta at all..


At the end of MAY???


If your husband really was in beta then you would know that the first opening of the beta is end of APRIL, on a weekend. Which means April 20th or April 27th.


So yeah, your not in beta. If you were, then you would see that the beta forums are flooded with compliments on finally breaking the WoW mold and making a game that is a true successor to WoW.

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I am loving this game. I've played many MMOs that are in no way similar to WoW. It seems to me the most vocal crowd in this game came from WoW and expect it to have the 7+ years of content. I'm all for constructive criticism for this game, it will help improve it. But the MMO crowd is a pessimistic one and I don't believe we'll ever have an MMO that grows massively. Once WoW dies (not saying it will be soon) I don't see those 8-10 million subscribers land on any one game.


I've played many MMOs close or at launch and this one does so many things right. It has issues, yes. But issues that take time to fix. At least it has fixed things most other MMOs don't at launch. Including issues WoW had at launch.

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Your argument is that the game is dying because there are too many servers for the player base ... and then you call others stupid. Hmm. Okay. Lets go with that.


Well, actually he has a point. Or in which way is it healthy for a game to have too many low pop servers?

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Time will tell. They need to put their act together.


A lot of what they plan is badly executed and tested before implementated.



I hoped this patch would bring more people in and old players back. Now I dont see it happening and Im afraid it will get worse before and if it getts better.

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So yeah, your not in beta. If you were, then you would see that the beta forums are flooded with compliments on finally breaking the WoW mold and making a game that is a true successor to WoW.



You and I must be looking at two completely different beta forums. The one's I am looking at make the general forums here look tame.

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