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what are your feelings on 1.2


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They changed the PvP system...why? There's like 600 different coms. Oh, I have useless coms now too. The PvP crafted gear...why are we crafting PvP gear again? The rewards system is borked, I don't mind getting rewarded for objectives but I hate getting punished because my team clicks/keyboard turns or I get a couple of 11k HP fresh 50s that get 2 and 3 shot.


As for PvE, it could be the greatest thing since sliced bread but since finding a group is next to impossible I wouldn't know.


The UI, bare bones and buggy. Glad I can move stuff around but no 5th bar?



I just feel continually let down by this game.

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In a game where they are trying to promote Alt Making I do find it amusing that they made the price of the level 20 PvP gear from 375 commendations all the way up to 525 commendations.


So you need to WIN with the full 8 Medals 10 times... As a character below level 20 ..


It's amusing.. and annoying.





he mentioned 9 medals.



Indeed I did. More than once now even when performing pretty well I've received 0 credits n comms on losses, while winning it's most of the time not a lot either. I wasn't aware we were back to 8 medals cap instead of 4 btw. Back to people farming medals instead of playing the bg ftw? Not to mention leaving obvious losses.

Edited by Lightmaguz
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The only half decent thing was the ui customization.


Not a fan of what they did with the legacy system at all. Thought it was supposed to be a reward kind of thing, but clearly not since the unlocks are ridiculously and insanely overpriced.


The last minute scrubbing of rated warzaones is a big let down, still nothing for me to do since I hate the end game pve content in this game ( well the end game content that works properly that is ) So as far as I'm concerned you can keep your free 30 days, what am I gonna do with it sit on fleet??


The world just feels so closed in, game itself feels more like a single player game with a dash of multiplayer. There are still bugs in game from release, yet they seem more concerned with hashing out new content for the people who camp in front of computer finishing everything a week after release. Ironically those people who are the biggest trolls on the website calling everyone whiners and what not, yet are the biggest of the bunch QQ'n about we beat everything 2 weeks in we want more or we unsub.


Gotta say that being a HUGE Star Wars fan, and having waited for this game for 2+ years and the budget spent making the game, I've never been as disappointed with something in my life. Seriously this is worse then finding out there is no Santa as a child. I wish I could get my 80 bucks back for the Digital deluxe edition I bought, which by the way the bonus items were a joke.


Honestly I will likely just unistall in a few weeks when Tera comes out and play that instead. Maybe I'll come back in a year and see if Bioware got their stuff together.

Edited by Thaneos
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Its garbage. No medals for a loss in pvp. Still didnt fix the imp heal ****ed up gcd hack. Sounds is now ****ed for my game. Rated warzones dont even exist yet. Population imbalance hasnt been touched. *********** fleet sound is ****ed i dont want to listen to a ship taking off the whole time. PVe dont even know what to say, i dont do it but I know i never will as a commando healer thanks to the gimped ammo. Overall this patch was going to make my mind up on resubbing at the end of the month. I wonder how quickly this game is going to collapse
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overall, 1.2 was a GREAT patch/update. sadly however, 90% of all the things "intoduced" with the patch should have been in the game at launch. i think thats why so many people are underwhelmed.


sure we needed the patch and we love the changes that it brought, well maybe not class nerfs, but im talking about the overall additions to legacy, sprint at level 1, ui custom, speeders in spaceport, etc etc etc but all these things should have been here at launch, plain and simple.


im glad we got the patch and i really enjoy the patch and truly, its better late than never, bioware is on the right track i believe. have some faith in bioware.

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I have all but moved on , my desire to log in for raids is not really there it is more of an obligation then something I do for my enjoyment and when they find someone else to take my place well... I wont log in at all anymore. Even after being awarded a free 30 extra days my account is being cancelled there is simply nothing about this game that is fun or challenging to me. Everything they added to the game did nothing for me and perhaps the biggest waste was legacy as I view it as only a means for bioware to remove credits (which were useless.) from the game. I could make a whole list of ways this game is lacking and could be improved, but people will simply tell me politely to F-off and my post would be removed. Ergo I am done account unsubscribed, I wish everyone the best and no this isn't an I'm quitting look at me post if I had that intention I would have made my own "I'm quitting QQ look at me thread" This is me very simply wishing everyone who will continue to play the very best and I hope they continue to enjoy the game.


^^This exactly!


And I leave with a bit of sadness. Probably why I still browse the forums hoping to find that magical fix that will never come. I had such high hopes built by all that hype. Such a let down. Such a shame.

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My initial thoughts on 1.2? Healing is much more challenging but ultimately more rewarding. I've tried out both the new flashpoint (in hard mode) and new operation (in story mode) and found both to be refreshingly difficult.


The second boss in "The Lost Island" was challenging to nail down as we figured out the 4-5 different mechanics and took my full Rakata group about an hour (about 6-8 wipes) to figure out, but we were also cooking dinner at the same time which added to the time it took to beat him. When we did beat him, it felt like an actual accomplishment rather than, "oh, another boss down." It's sad to see columi and tionese gear dropping in that hard mode since the flashpoint's difficulty is comparable to hard or nightmare mode EV/KP. While none of us needed a single piece of Rakata gear, I'd still like to see some Rakata pieces drop in that flashpoint because of the greater difficulty. With as hard as trash mobs hit in that instance as well, even basic pulls can wipe you if you're really sloppy.


"Explosive Conflict" took about 90 minutes to beat the first boss in story mode. The group's sentiment was summed up nicely by somebody joking "I'm afraid to see this in nightmare mode." We spent about an hour on the second boss but had to give up since it was after midnight. Once again, the new PvE content is proving to be much more difficult than everything pre-1.2 because of more boss mechanics, more damage, and less healing.


The biggest fear I had going into 1.2 was my sage healing nerf with regards to PVP. I'm definitely squishier now (marauders hit much harder, and I heal less), but I can still manage to pump out 400-600k healing, so I feel far from useless. I actually enjoy the faster pace in PVP with less time to react and adjust. I don't think there's any good reason why players should stick around in losing warzones since they will only get 30-40 commendations (if you win you easily get 80-110 commendations). With the huge commendation requirements for War Hero gear, I'm pretty sure I'm not going to be fully decked out by the time ranked warzones finally do show up (I only have 1,000 ranked commendations right now).


"Novare Coast" is definitely one of my two favorite warzones now (with Civil War), but I don't like how easily control points can flip. The close quarters action is a welcome change from Civil War's 30s jog from side to side though.


The legacy system is fluff, but I still think it's neat, and I'm enjoying playing around with it. I just hope Bioware gives us bind-to-legacy craftable items in the future, especially so I can trade reusable stims for use in PVP or really any content (and I really don't want to roll biochem on my sage).


On that note, crafting feels much more purposeful now, and I'm digging the cross-profession options. For example, my synthweaver requires some scavenged parts for armor and some slicing parts for augments. When players can't farm everything they need, they buy it on the GTM, and when they have to buy stuff on the GTM, the game economy becomes more robust.


The new Corellia dailies are all right. The thing I like best about them is that you only get Black Hole commendations from the weekly quest, so I don't feel obligated to grind them out every single day like I did on Belsavis and Ilum.


Those are my initial impressions with 1.2. There are some things I'd like to see changed or otherwise improved, but I'm rather pleased with the patch so far.

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I dont mind 1.2


However the sound issues needs to be fixed really fast. The bugged sound in BT when the droids slice through the doors is soo annoying and getting weird crackly noises in areas.


My biggest issue with 1.2 however is the legacy system. I thought it would be based on legacy levels where if you had a certain lvl you get this. Well its not like that at all its you have to be this legacy level and spend ridiculous amounts of credits to get this one thing. That right there is stupid.


It should be if you are the certain legacy level you get that or if your not the legacy level required then you can spend credits for it. The way it is now legacy levels should just be taken out of the game cuz you just have to buy the stuff anyways.

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this was my first Bioware and EA game it will be my last . i will however take the free time because i think we need some compensation for putting up with the stuff they havent managed to fix in game. then theres 1.2 what can i say but i was always told if i didnt have anything to say good about something to keep my mouth closed well u get the hint. unsubbing after the free time.
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I like the UI changes and hate the PVP changes. The 30 + 1 free game days are of no more interest to me than the Tauntaun pet. I'd just like to step onto the PVP field against the Imps and feel like I'm not being taken advantage of by them and Bioware.




An unhappy customer.

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this was my first Bioware and EA game it will be my last . i will however take the free time because i think we need some compensation for putting up with the stuff they havent managed to fix in game. then theres 1.2 what can i say but i was always told if i didnt have anything to say good about something to keep my mouth closed well u get the hint. unsubbing after the free time.


Bioware actually made some pretty stellar games in the past. Kind of sad when you think of what they've done with their last few games. The only thing I can attribute it to is maybe EA? Before EA I don't remember playing a BW game I didn't enjoy. As for the free time well, all I can say is, it comes off the hard drive a hell of a lot faster than it went on.

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I've cancelled and am waiting for TSW.

That said, if the PVP mess gets fixed I may come back. I just know right now I'm having zero fun.


yep have to agree im not liking the pvp at the moment, seems like the imps have been looked after and the republic is getting nothing. zero fun for pvp, like the legacy system tho its something to play around with. havent got to do the new raid cause still waiting on the transfers to the aussie servers which i think is a joke and taking to long to do, i will have another 50 by the time my main gets transferred.

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You must be either really bad or experiencing a bug because I have not failed to get any commendations or credits.


PvP more... You can get 8+ medals after a long match and still end up with 0 comms, 0 valor and 0 credits in a loss. And there are pics of this floating around as well.

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I havent had chance to test it all yet, particularly the new group content, but I like the corellia daily areas.


I like the legacy system although I feel the prices on the cute stuff is too high. And /bountyhunter emote is bugged. That my BH now gets mark of power as part of hunters boon is great. My sorcerer didnt feel all that nerfed in PVE, but thats partly because Bioware didnt fix the bug.. I hope they dont. And there seem to have been lot of fixes in 1.2 which I havent had chance to test all yet.


Overall, Im assigning 1.2 the status of "great", at least until I get to test it all actually.

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Happy with the new content. It shows me the potential that SW:TOR has.

More interested in paying $$ for a game that has realized its potential, not the promise of something better.


I played for Ops and PvP. 1.2 failed the latter in spectacular fashion and given the tiny size of the new Op and the missing difficulty level, the former was underwhelming as well.

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The QOL improvements of 1.2 are very nice. Speeders in spaceports is saving my sanity. Being able to use your recovery ability while a DoT is still on you saves many annoyances. And so on.


Some of the Legacy stuff is disappointing, and some with very limited benefits (some legacy gear, things like Rocket Boost) have outrageous cost. I don't think those were thought through very well.


Disappointed with the new dailies. Just a bunch of quests from a terminal? No conversations? No voiceovers? IOW, no social points and no companion affection :( This is what I feared for new content because of the voice acting requirements.


Not nearly enough new content overall. Mostly just a polishing and systems implementation (Legacy) patch. Gives me new incentive to play my alts, work on my crew skills, andf max out companion affection. But at some point soon this game is going to need a major content patch for questing, not just another flashpoint and operation.

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