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  1. No need to be a tool about it, people are entitled to their opinion. Personally I feel this patch is nothing but fluff, the only thing in the patch the game should of had on release was the group finder (if that even works, knowing Bioware it most likely doesn't) The legacy system is the biggest let down in the game, it's supposed to be a reward system not a money sink, some people have better things do or just plain don't like farming or playing on the GTM. Swtor is a sinking ship and Bioware needs to pull a rabbit out of it's *** pretty quick or this game will not last and will be just be another mmo to fall to the power of the mighty Blizzard (and I hate WoW and Blizzard so that is saying a lot)
  2. Because Bioware has lost over half of their subs for swtor, hence the need to do the transfers in the first place and they need to make money somewhere I guess. Personally I think it is a waste of time and too little to late. For a game that had so much potential they totally ruined it, and I think nothing they do at this point is going to save the game or bring subs back in. By the way Bioware, good job sending me a e-mail saying I have a toon I can transfer, of course it is a level 2 toon I rolled just to check out the pop on a sever. Why the #$% would I want to transfer a level 2 toon and not my level 50 that is stuck on his dead *** server? I am totally convinced that swtor is run by a bunch of downs / autistic kids
  3. This free server change is a joke. My level 50's current server is for all intents and purposes dead and I was looking forward to being able to transfer him to The Fatman. I get a e-mail telling me I have characters available for transfer, log into my acct and find out the only toon I have available to move is some lvl 2 I made just to check out population on a server and on top of it all I can't choose where it goes? Fail attempt to fix server pop issues is fail. Please just give up already and leave the mmo biz for those who know what they're doing. I'm sorry I tried to be patient, even going as far to defend you guys saying the game is new and you as a company are new at mmo's but after 7 months the only thing you have done half decent is the ui customization and even then it was a half hearted attempt.
  4. I would have no problem paying for a server transfer, but it would have to be a nominal fee if it is 25 bucks like WoW then forget it. 10, maybe 15 bucks then sure np I have already spent to much money on a game that I feel is dying before it even truly takes off, can't and won't be able to justify paying more then 10 or 15 bucks on top of a sub fee for a transfer when I can't see myself playing this much longer unless BW get's their stuff together which I seriously have my doubts that will ever happen. And I had such high hopes for this game, what a let down so far. Honestly this is more disappointing then finding out Santa wasn't real when I was a kid.
  5. The only half decent thing was the ui customization. Not a fan of what they did with the legacy system at all. Thought it was supposed to be a reward kind of thing, but clearly not since the unlocks are ridiculously and insanely overpriced. The last minute scrubbing of rated warzaones is a big let down, still nothing for me to do since I hate the end game pve content in this game ( well the end game content that works properly that is ) So as far as I'm concerned you can keep your free 30 days, what am I gonna do with it sit on fleet?? The world just feels so closed in, game itself feels more like a single player game with a dash of multiplayer. There are still bugs in game from release, yet they seem more concerned with hashing out new content for the people who camp in front of computer finishing everything a week after release. Ironically those people who are the biggest trolls on the website calling everyone whiners and what not, yet are the biggest of the bunch QQ'n about we beat everything 2 weeks in we want more or we unsub. Gotta say that being a HUGE Star Wars fan, and having waited for this game for 2+ years and the budget spent making the game, I've never been as disappointed with something in my life. Seriously this is worse then finding out there is no Santa as a child. I wish I could get my 80 bucks back for the Digital deluxe edition I bought, which by the way the bonus items were a joke. Honestly I will likely just unistall in a few weeks when Tera comes out and play that instead. Maybe I'll come back in a year and see if Bioware got their stuff together.
  6. Dear Bioware. Please make more warzone brackets other then 1-49 and 50. how is jacking my hp up doing any good while pvping on a alt? I'm hitting level 30+s for 180-600 damage and they're hitting me for 2k plus. Low levels cannot compete on any sort of level either ability wise or gear wise. Stop being lazy and make brackets like in wow or any other decent mmo. kkthxbai
  7. I think that the cost of some of the unlocks are little much boarding on ridiculous
  8. OOOOO I'm gonna play too, how many "slap in the face" comments have there been so I can catch up?
  9. Funny thing is, I find sitting here and reading all these post more entertaining then any of the end game content, I mean least the forums work as intended and aren't buggy as hell. It's kinda sad really. In all honesty if I could go back in time, I would not have been in a rush to level to 50 let alone buy the game
  10. ^Truth And I also have boycotted the evil Blizzard and refuse to spend another cent on any of their products ( for different reasons of course but the principle is the same lol )
  11. LOLOLOL No dude I get it. still don't think it's fair to the loyal non 50 day 1 subscribers.
  12. So apparently calling people greedy and saying they got their panties in a bunch is ok, but my replies were not. So to answer what you said. No I got my 30 days being that I was 50 by the 5th day of ega. Do I think EVERYONE should get the 30 days? No of course not. I do think that anyone who has subbed since day one should get this 30 days for putting up with all the bugs and everything else. I do not think that someone who bought the game a month ago and camped in front of the computer deserves it more then a subscriber since day one regardless of their levels. People have different play / life styles and should not be penalized for not having a 50 if they want to take their time and enjoy the game and try different toons out. I mean lets be honest the 30 days was really a apology to the pvp'rs because our new content ( ranked wz's ) got scrubbed at the last min. The pve'rs got new content tho, so why do they get 30 days free?
  13. Lol ya they might just said F it and take it away, which being a lvl 50 since first week would rather they did that in all honesty. Reward everyone who has been here since day one who has put up with all the BS or no one at all.
  14. Hey we suck so we're gonna give you a free pet....... just not yet
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