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  1. To the OP: I played Warcraft PVP for seven years on every class they had starting with a Holy Priest (ranked Knight-Champion on the old system). There was nothing easy and you certainly didn't get good gear "handed to you". Not in the battlegrounds anyway. As for playing SWTOR, I started playing my Shadow in the Warzones mid-last week at level 45 with no PVP gear at all. That character is now level 50, valor 60+ and 60% BM gear. I had no trouble purchasing gear pre-patch 1.2. The last three days are obviously another story. But, there's more to post patch 1.2 Warzones than the gear changes. The Imperial classes have been buffed unneccessarily and the Republic classes have been left to swing in the breeze. According to your rationale, if Republic players don't have - either all BM gear or a very strong constitution toward getting their @sses handed to them - then we just shouldn't show up to play at all. Somehow, I doubt that is what Bioware intends.
  2. I was happy and had no problem with this game's PVP pre-patch 1.2. I always had the impression that Imperial classes were more challenging to fight than our own but, it was the same with Wow's Horde vs. Alliance. PVP in this game since patch 1.2 has really gone down hill for the republic. I'm still happy - just not with PVP in this game. If Bioware or their developers wish to ignore us, so be it. But, in that case, they shouldn't make claims to care what their subscribers think.
  3. To the Imperial player pointing out the problem of playing and not being rewarded, I sympathize. I had five matches end the same way today. I don't PVP to sit around and collect rewards on the backs of others. I come to play and be challenged which means supporting my team and taking it to the enemy. I don't like giving 110% for 20 - 30 minutes only, to get 0% for it. I'm spending my time posting here instead of playing because the PVP changes introduced with patch 1.2 - make doing this - more enjoyable. I hope Bioware is paying attention.
  4. As I indicated in my post, I have the same spec, gear and playstyle. I was pointing out a noticeable difference in PVP against Imp players from one day (pre1.2) to the next (post1.2). The past few days of PVP since the patch have been miserable and many people I've played with in warzones have commented similarly. Gear, Battlemaster or otherwise, has nothing to do with it. ...and I'm wearing Battlemaster gear.
  5. I like the UI changes and hate the PVP changes. The 30 + 1 free game days are of no more interest to me than the Tauntaun pet. I'd just like to step onto the PVP field against the Imps and feel like I'm not being taken advantage of by them and Bioware. Signed, An unhappy customer.
  6. I've noticed a considerable change in warzone outcomes since this week's patch also. I was under the impression that this patch would even things out somewhat but, if anything I find that fighting Imperial players in warzones is harder than before the patch. Since my specialization, gear and playstyle haven't changed and yet, my win / loss ratio has gone way down when fighting Imps only, I conclude that the 1.2 patch changes are responsible. Something's definitely wrong. I'm waiting to see if Bioware really does listen to their community as they say they do!
  7. November 13th. - Just received my invitation. Best of luck to everyone waiting, I hope you're in today!
  8. I've played several MMO's including Warcraft but, Warcraft was the most significant of them for me at seven years played. 1. Server and character name? Dragonblight and others. Character names aren't important because they don't exist anymore. 2. Why did you leave WoW? Stale and unimpressive content. Far too many excitable, angry or impatient people in the community with obvious life issues and no regard for others. 3. Are you going to play SWTOR permanently? Currently, that's the plan. For me, the caliber of the community is just as important as the quality of the game. SWTOR appears to be an intelligent game built by intelligent people. Hopefully the crowd they attract (and more importantly the crowd that remains when the novelty wears off) will be equally impressive.
  9. I'm not much for stirring the pot personally but, I did post a few times about my disagreement with Bioware's server load strategy and a few replies to fellow players suggesting I was a troll or a hater. I'm neither. For me, the matter blew over with Stephen Reid's post earlier this afternoon when he posted - in clear language - what they accomplished today via pre-order account invitations and a reasonable statement about who will be invited tomorrow. It's a shame they were either unable via circumstance or didn't see the value in simple clarification with some substance to it. I think there would have been many less upset people posting if they had been clearer. Edit: I'm not in yet. Hoping for tomorrow.
  10. Likely four different stages to name restrictions and enforcement: 1. No-use list. A small database of pre-loaded unacceptable names. (i.e, usual stuff like profanity and unsuitable names for the game like Kirk) which are checked at character creation. 2. Name-match. A database query against all currently-used names to avoid duplicates. 3. Human check. Probably a CSR with spare time or possibly GM's on slow days watching for names missed in the first two checks. 4. Player complaint. Other players taking offence to your name via religious, cultural or other insult. In this case, my bet would be #4.
  11. I'm neither "in" nor, in agreement with Bioware's EGA approach but, I'm happy that it's going well for you! Best of luck!
  12. "Fine print" is not always a term to describe legal-speak. For some of us, it simply means that some ideas or situations are not well-described leading to assumptions being made based on past experience or simply failing to look closely. Or Webster's Dictionary version: My apologies if you didn't understand me.
  13. To the OP: If you're currently feeling insulted in addition to injured because you succeeded in being human (making a mistake, not reading fine print etc. etc.) and failed in being well, perfect. Do not fear, you're in good company with many others who feel like you do. We're not long on sympathy for such things in these forums but, we do have an excuse. We've been dealing with similar posts for quite some time and are a bit ragged around the edges. However, the more patient of us can sympathize and I hope you are in-game and having fun soon. I'm hoping for tomorrow myself. I'd try the customer service route for the damaged package. Best of luck to you!
  14. This has been done already several times. Bioware - is appreciated - by all of us who care enough to come to these forums whether, it's to just read what the developers and gamers are saying or to get vocal. If you really feel the need to group - everybody - who's expressed a negative view about the staggered launch, that's your privilege. But, it doesn't make you right any more than it makes any of the "whiners" right. There are extremes in both sides of the argument. Many of us can make our thoughts known with upsetting others or accusing people. These forums exist for us, all of us, to discuss and communicate. I for one, very much appreciate Bioware's efforts and eagerly look forward to playing soon. Thanks Bioware!
  15. I don't know about the rest of you but, the first paragraph of Stephen's post was far more informational than any of his previous posts on this topic. He clearly stated which pre-order accounts were invited today and clearly stated which accounts will be addressed tomorrow. Fair enough! Clear information is a beautiful thing!
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