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Patch 1.2.0a is BROKEN! Rerolled to pre-1.2


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I think its awesome that people arent actually all that mad about this...


instead they're laughing at how inept bioware are at doing anything.


Good times.


Seriously, I cant be mad. This is one of the most hilarious days Ive experienced in MMOs.


This goes to whoevers behind it.

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I agree this sucks -- but I seriously doubt BW woke up this morning, "hey, let's roll back the patch and screw everyone." Accidents happen, and rarely is an accident cool and fun.


An "accident" of this magnitude causes one to raise eyebrows such as myself - I have a masters in IT. That's why I'm doubly pissed off with them. I EXPECT to be compensated for my lost time and I would hope all you guys out there would demand the same thing. Why should they take our money without giving us a value product? I missed out on play time and EXPECT to get my money's worth.

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Anyone here have BW and/or EA Stocks? :rolleyes:


Loads of folks do, usually in mutual funds though. Outside of mutual funds though I don't have a single share of EA. I won't own a gaming company stock. And as for any potential failure of this game to deliver expected results --- no one in the investment community cares about SW:TOR per se -- they're simply looking at things like the PE ratio which isn't good for EA at all (it's got a minus on it), earnings per share (oops another -) etc etc. EA doesn't seem like a place I'd put my money. Might suck if you're owned by them though (just as Mythic about that).

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An "accident" of this magnitude causes one to raise eyebrows such as myself - I have a masters in IT. That's why I'm doubly pissed off with them. I EXPECT to be compensated for my lost time and I would hope all you guys out there would demand the same thing. Why should they take our money without giving us a value product? I missed out on play time and EXPECT to get my money's worth.


Welcome to EA Games. Everything they touch becomes tainted, so why should you be surprised that TOR is having problems? BW is owned by EA now, and is forced to roll out content before it's ready, without proper testing.


But I have great news for you - Guild Wars 2 beta starts soon!

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Same for me you can't tell anyone anything, posted something in a "1.2 Is Great" thread and people started ************ telling me to quit.. there killing the game for themselves.

No subs = No game


This game is insane for that, never seen another MMORPG as bad for it.


Progressive thought about SWTOR seems synonymous with heresy! :eek:

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Give me my hutt race, and i shall forgive all :p .. as long as it doesnt take 4 hours again to fix it ill be happy.. see im mad but im in control.. altho




okay all i need now i can last a little bit longer

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For those saying items and gear can be replaced, You might be wrong. I had a character deleted ( 5 year old sons can be fun) and did not get everything back . Over 4m credits, 40+ items on GTN, half of my equipped gear and all items in the bank were missing. When I submitted another ticket, I was told there was nothing they could do, if the items/credits didn't restore with the character, they were lose for good.


Now this was 2 months ago, so maybe the restore process has improved but just be mindful of it.

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wow it is all the same.... this has been happening for over a decade now. If you people don't realize by now that with every patch there is ALWAYS a problem, then maybe you should just stop playing MMO's. I have never in all my years of playing, ever seen a patch come out and be flawless.


Stop your crying like a bunch of babies and get over it. Everyone always says OMG this happened that happened, I'm gonna unsub cause of this or that. Holy crap **** and get over it. They are fixing it, there is no need to cause an uproar until the servers come back up and something is REALLY missing. Which I'm sure at that point if you follow the standard guidelines and file a report they will take care of it.


This is a fact of life when it comes to the making of games and major patches something is always wrong. Stop your cry baby act and let them do their jobs. If it isn't fixed after they say its all repaired then file your report, if they don't fix it then, then do whatever it is you want to threaten to do on the forums.

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