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Should have given 30 days to everyone subbed since release


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The problem is, in a lot of cases, that is PRECISELY what you are doing: Rewarding those who have spent LESS time.


Are you of the opinion that people that spend more time in the game are of more value than people that spend less time?


I can easily prove the opposite :)


Monthly fee vs game resources and bandwidth consumed etc


( but I don’t for a moment think that Bioware shares that opinion )

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What annoys me is the way folks are just screaming at others who wish to voice an opinion on how THEY feel about this issue.



happens ALL the time. in most forum discussions there are people who discuss/express their opinions and then there are people who for some reason that defies logic feel the need to confront/attack/dismiss those people's opinions instead of just discussing and providing their own opinion. never understood it myself but i see it everyday on many different forums.

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So by your logic, two people spend the same amount of time playing this game. One spends time to max out a character and progressively work on alts so they get to see all the elements and provide feedback to everything from start to end game content. the other person just does alts does not get to endgame stuff because they want to level all thier toons equally. They don't have as much feedback to provide about the end tier content because they have not experienced it, yet they should get the same reward as the person who has gone the extra mile to provide feedback about things the other person has no clue about? That's pretty much the argument you are describing here. As a person who has been in management. I wholly disagree with you.


what about the guy who rushes to level 50, provides no feedback, and cancels sub for 3 months while waiting on content. compare him to the guy who raises 8 characters to 40 ish, over the 3 months while the 50 is unsubbed, and provides feedback all the way. communicates on the forums, and joins in testing phases actively. but never quite maxes a character.


is the alt-a-holic more or less useful than the rusher?


swings both ways mate

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What does being level 50 have to do with supporting / contributing have to do with anything?

Anyone has been paying since day one has been contributing to biowares wallet.


What people do with their 15 bucks a month subscription fee is their own business and should not be based on in game accomplishments.


There are are ton of players who have been around since day 1 without level 50's who had to put up with all the bs ie: bugs, lag, broken quest and what not who are still here and what do they get for their support? A big FU is what.


I don't think some person who started playing a month ago deserves 30 days free cause he has more time to play and grind to 50 then the people who have been around seince mid Dec. You did not earn it imho


That is eactly right. It is YOUR opinion not theirs. A person at 50 can provide far more feedback about things people who have not gotten to 50 can. To me it is a very simple thing. What information is more valuable people who don't see all that is available? Or the people who do?

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What? You're saying what BW is exactly doing. You posts states that only level 50s are active players - does not make sense. Pretty much this is on similar lines to BW ie.


level 50 = active players

level 50 = loyal and valued players


if you're not 50 your are considered not active, not loyal and not valued.


Your argument has no merit.




This is directly from the email they have sent... it says "You are one of our most active and valued high level players".


This does not mean other players are not valued, it simply means I am an active player who is valued.


I get it you feel you should be valued cause you paid since December (so have I), and you are. But the player base they need to appeal to is their active players.


I am sorry but if you do not have a 50 at this point, you are not very active in the MMO community. It really comes down to that.


Bioware did not say only their valued players are getting a free month.


Bioware did say their most active and valued players will be getting a free month.


People need to stop being so sensitive.




And for those who are complaining about paying $15 bucks.... well why are you playing a this game if money is that tight?

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Less time perhaps, but they have experience and feedback that people who don't go the extra mile to see what else is there. What is more valuable? Time spent doing the same thing? Or time spent doing things most others have not?


That is one way to look at it, and I will concede that fact. However, think of it this way: Who sees more in detail? Someone who looks for the path of least resistance to accomplish their goal with as little time expended as possible or someone who delves into every nook and cranny along their path to see what they can see?


I don't think you can qualify either path as more, or less, useful? loyal? What have you. Yet, you are... and that is what bothers me. :)

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I have two lvl 40+, two lvl 30+ toons. I have been subbed since release. I am currently considering, and likely will be, resubbing but I find this a little discouraging. A free month is a free month, and I know a business can't just hand out freebies like candy. Nevertheless, this promotion seemed like it was poorly thought out. I think that those who have been subbed since release ought to be more worthy than a player who has been subbed one month and has one level 50s. Furthermore, my 4 toons amount to about two level 50 as it is anyway. This situation makes me debate resubbing just a little bit more. There is a good chance I will resub, but there is also a very fair chance that I won't, and this didn't help.


And I am happy with 1.2.

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Simply because one is not part of the set (or sub-set) of people receiving some benefit from the company does not equate to that same person being penalized. If my employer wants to give my co-worker a bonus does not mean they dislike my work; simply are choosing to reward another for reasons of their own.


Perhaps one needs to take a break and re-prioritize life if they believe they are owed or entitled to much of anything beyond the product itself.


Let's see.


Paid for one month, have a level 50. Unsubscribed for 2 months, resubscribed prior to noon yesterday, given a free month.


Paid for one month. Didn't resubscribe prior to noon yesterday, given a free week.


Paid since day one. Played/tested/provided bug reports/etc. No level 50. No free time.


No one is arguing about those who earned it. There are plenty who fell into the group provided free time who are deserving of it. Rather it's about many others who also did and who were slighted/ignored.


In other words, people who've provided little or no support, played far less--and paid far less--have received this. That's where the objection lies.

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I think Title says it all, I have two 50's and im not compliaing, i work long hours sepend alot of time with the family, help the kids with home work etc.. etc... In other words i to have a life but getting capped in SWTOR is easy far easier to cap here than in any other MMO.


All of the content is solo to 50, and if you pvp a little you will get there even faster.


Alot of posters put " I got to 47 and stopped" well maybey you should have played through.

Would you have played through knowing know free time may be there for players at cap? i bet you would have.


I have never see a seen a P2P mmo give a month, maybe a weekend or 7 days, never a month its a good gesture.

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Those upset are NOT upset about the 30 days to the lvl 50's. In fact most are completely fine with that idea and have no issue with it. Here is what we have a problem with


As a thanks for being one of our most valued players, every active account with a Level 50 character as of April 12th, 2012 at 12:00PM CDT / 5:00PM GMT, will receive thirty (30) days of game time** in appreciation for your support and loyalty.


I know what some of you are thinking: "It says ONE of our most valuable players, so there must be others." There are: other lvl 50's. They just stated if you have a lvl 50 character, you are now a "most valued player." That's what has everyone in a fuss. Here's what is just bad about the announcement.


1. Putting value of customer on a lvl (lvl 50 to be exact) and singling them out as "most valuable" ignoring their other custoemrs and giving them 30 free days.


2. If you UNSUBSCRIBED and STILL ARE, you get 7 (count em 1,2,3,4,5,6,7) FREE days AND YOU DON'T EVEN HAVE TO RE-SUB


3. If you have not bought the game, you still get the pet so long as you subscribe before April 21, 2012 (30 free days included).


Meanwhile, the rest of us get what? Absolutely nothing. "But you get the new pet" you say.... EVEYONE gets it so long as you have a subscription before April 21. #2 should really be a kicker for ANYONE who is still SUBSCRIBED or is about BUY THE GAME. Why you ask? Because even for #3, they have to have an ACTIVE SUBSCRIPTION to get the bird. #2 DOES NOT HAVE TO EVEN SUBSCRIBE.


That's where all the hate is comming from.

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they should get the same reward as the person who has gone the extra mile



Woah just a second, is this not a game that we play to have fun?! This isn't suppose to be some kind of job that requires "going the extra mile".



As a person who has been in management. I wholly disagree with you.


Explains the above comments, as someone else whos been in management I personally wouldn't like to be considered one of your employees.



The only gripe here is how its been worded, they have singled out one group of players and basically said they are more valuable than another which always gets someones back up.




But hey why worry, we all get cake and to eat it too with our nice new free pet :)

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So if I hit level 50 within the first month of launch, didn't find anything appealing to do afterwards, dabbled with a few alts for a while, then stopped playing regularly (but continued to pay cause i want to play the odd hour here and there), I'm more active and valued than the next guy/girl who plays 10x the amount I do but never got a character to 50?


That's what I think a lot of people are complaining about. It's like Bioware overlooked the fact that they made an excellent story driven game and it is very very easy to play this game pretty slow and take your time enjoying the many different aspects of it (I know I did), but i did that after i sped my way to 50 first which I actually kind of regret because i didn't really catch all the cool references to the lore the first time through.


To avoid negativity on their brand (which is the goal of many a company), all this is easily avoidable by simply offering the same promo to all their paying customers from x date.


While it may seem like a small thing in itself, it's just compounded by all the other issues currently surrounding the game. It's a snowball effect that's all.

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I agree 100%. My son and I have been in since pre-release, Bioware got the same amount of money from me for both accounts, yet one of us gets the shaft.


Unless everyone who rings the 50 bell the first time gets it when they hit 50... this is screwed plain up.

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what about the guy who rushes to level 50, provides no feedback, and cancels sub for 3 months while waiting on content. compare him to the guy who raises 8 characters to 40 ish, over the 3 months while the 50 is unsubbed, and provides feedback all the way. communicates on the forums, and joins in testing phases actively. but never quite maxes a character.


is the alt-a-holic more or less useful than the rusher?


swings both ways mate


No, it really doesn't swing both ways. Again. That person who still does not have a level 50. CANNOT provide any feedback or contributing elements to what may or may not be better to improve advancement in the game. Just because someone does or does not provide feedback doesn't mean that they don't have it. This is the main point here. Someone who does not expose themselves to everything that is available does not take the time to invest in it. Why should they get a bonus over those who do?

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No matter what Bioware does, someone will be unhappy and irate. They could give everyone a free 30 days, and people will be unhappy that someone they don't believe "deserved it" got what they got.


I don't think they should back down on the "have a 50, get 30 days free", but maybe have a window of time (a couple days or something) in which if you get one to 50, you get 30 days free instead of a have one on the day of the patch release, get 30 days.


For those that are within reach of their first 50, if the servers come up I highly suggest trying to hit 50.


They need to hire people like you for PR. An idea like like would have created a flurry of activity, and a equal chance to benefit for the reward.

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Just because one player gets to lvl 50 does not equate to them helping the developers.

I would wager that a majority of lvl 50 characters have never provided helpful feedback.

As already stated this is a poor attempt to reward people of a particular play style.

I have met many players who are like me and enjoy exploring everything about each area.

As soon as I read about this I felt regret for playing many characters

instead of rushing to the endgame with one like I did with previous MMOs.

I don't think they intended to cause so many people to have these regrets.

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So by your logic, two people spend the same amount of time playing this game. One spends time to max out a character and progressively work on alts so they get to see all the elements and provide feedback to everything from start to end game content. the other person just does alts does not get to endgame stuff because they want to level all thier toons equally. They don't have as much feedback to provide about the end tier content because they have not experienced it, yet they should get the same reward as the person who has gone the extra mile to provide feedback about things the other person has no clue about? That's pretty much the argument you are describing here. As a person who has been in management. I wholly disagree with you.


So in this logic everyone must play the way everyone else does or you're not as worthy a player? I pay them the same amount as everyone else and play the way I wish to, if I run across a bug or something not right in my travels I report it like a good player would.


With that said, I don't think anyone has the right to tell anyone how they "should" be playing considering they pay the sub. It is a game ... a way to relax and unwind if I am made to play the way "someone else" feels I should play it takes the fun out of it.


Grats to those lvl 50 peeps if you stuck it out with all the bugs from day 0 you deserve it.


but to be fair there is still plenty of bugs in the lower lvl's as well for those of us from day 0 we put up with.

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Simply because one is not part of the set (or sub-set) of people receiving some benefit from the company does not equate to that same person being penalized. If my employer wants to give my co-worker a bonus does not mean they dislike my work; simply are choosing to reward another for reasons of their own.


Perhaps one needs to take a break and re-prioritize life if they believe they are owed or entitled to much of anything beyond the product itself.



oh, dude....if i work for such a person then i know how partial or racist he/she is....management always has a **reason** to reward their people.


Simply put, the **reason** why BW/EA gives the reward is what's dumb and thoughtless.

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My wife and I both play, but we have very different playstyles. she has 7 chars between level 20 and 40, and her highest is lv42.


Meanwhile I have 1 lv50.. and a couple lowbies around 20.. with a bunch of lv1 char's rolled up that I haven't yet started to play.


So, I get a free month and she doesn't, even though we're both founders.


That's just dumb IMO.

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Alot of posters put " I got to 47 and stopped" well maybey you should have played through.

Would you have played through knowing know free time may be there for players at cap? i bet you would have.



so, we're not allowed to play the game we pay for how we want to play the game? it's some rule that we have to level up to 50 asap? if they offered 100 dollars to people who raced to level 50 i wouldn't do it, like i said it's not about the money... it's dividing players and somehow rewarding people who raced to 50 at a faster pace as if they're somehow special or more important to those who took a different approach.


it's insulting is what it is.

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So by your logic, two people spend the same amount of time playing this game. One spends time to max out a character and progressively work on alts so they get to see all the elements and provide feedback to everything from start to end game content. the other person just does alts does not get to endgame stuff because they want to level all thier toons equally. They don't have as much feedback to provide about the end tier content because they have not experienced it, yet they should get the same reward as the person who has gone the extra mile to provide feedback about things the other person has no clue about? That's pretty much the argument you are describing here. As a person who has been in management. I wholly disagree with you.


In your example, you're making an assumption that the person who rushed to level 50 has been providing feedback to the devs.


In the real world, we have this scenario: someone who rushed to 50 in the first month, then quit, never providing any feedback beyond a forum post saying he's bored.


another person who plays with alts, gets a handful of character to level 40, then moves on the the PTS to help test 1.2, knowing that his testing will benefit all players and make his own end-game experience more enjoyable when he goes back to his live server characters. He enters bug reports, participates in forum discussions about changes that will benefit everyone and offers tips to those who want to know how to prepare for the update.


The guy who rushed gets rewarded, the guy who actively support the game and the update gets squat.

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No, it really doesn't swing both ways. Again. That person who still does not have a level 50. CANNOT provide any feedback or contributing elements to what may or may not be better to improve advancement in the game. Just because someone does or does not provide feedback doesn't mean that they don't have it. This is the main point here. Someone who does not expose themselves to everything that is available does not take the time to invest in it. Why should they get a bonus over those who do?


dear lord, are you being serious??? how the **** is a players value or contribution weighed by whether they made a 50 or not???? that makes literally zero sense. If you believe otherwise you are ignorant on truly an epic scale

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That is eactly right. It is YOUR opinion not theirs. A person at 50 can provide far more feedback about things people who have not gotten to 50 can. To me it is a very simple thing. What information is more valuable people who don't see all that is available? Or the people who do?


Well that's debatable. I would say one person with 1 level 50 doesn't offer nearly as much feedback as someone with let's say 6 level 45s.


And in such a situation which would you say is more active? The one with 1 level 50 no alts or the one with 6 levels 45s?


Don't get me wrong I'm not mad/upset/bothered about Bioware's decision here, but i do understand why some would be. It's the principle and perception of what they said and how they said it. Come on people it should be human nature to be a little bit apathetic to our fellow man/woman no?

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No, it really doesn't swing both ways. Again. That person who still does not have a level 50. CANNOT provide any feedback or contributing elements to what may or may not be better to improve advancement in the game. Just because someone does or does not provide feedback doesn't mean that they don't have it. This is the main point here. Someone who does not expose themselves to everything that is available does not take the time to invest in it. Why should they get a bonus over those who do?


exactly, why should that one week subbed level 50 be more valuable than the constant alt player? he hasnt exposed himself to everything, he rushed through, saw hardly any of the game, didnt play more than one class, then unsubbed. yet he is rewarded for being more active and loyal


makes no sense at all to me...


but i guess you are strong in your convictions, im strong in mine, its 2am and i got work in the morning.


have fun, and hopefully bioware realise what they did, and explains the reward a little better than just a sop for a number on a characters head making them valuable and loyal :p

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