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Everything posted by CaeridLock

  1. Nah you won't get that, more like the truly cynical people who'll say: "Self serving jerks, should've got it right the first time! Probably did it this way on purpose so you can get everyone angry and then flip the switch to look like a company that actually cares, in an attempt to attract even more people back to your villainous game". Oooo sneaky indeed.
  2. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=410458 well done Bioware, well done.
  3. i truly applaud your integrity. You could've just as easily ignored those who raised concerns and they may have stayed anyway, although I already qualified for the initial promotion it is very comforting to see such an adjustment for those others.
  4. Up the game! Everytime you read someone type $15 take a drink.
  5. I actually copied and pasted what was said, and still says on the website, and provided a link, haven't heard from him since, logic and facts truly are kryptonite to trolls.
  6. Ah but do you need to know how to count if the system does the counting for you?
  7. Actually I'm not lying, so if you need to have it spoon fed to you here you go: As a thanks for being one of our most valued players, all active subscriber accounts with a Level 50 character as of April 12, 2012, 12:00 PM CDT, 5:00 PM GMT, will receive 30 days of game time** at no charge in appreciation for your support and loyalty. Added some colour to help you out. Need the link too? http://www.swtor.com/legacypromotion?sourceid=eag3621 And unlike some of the others who don't have a 50, I have 2 50s, but I still have the capacity to appreciate where some of my fellow star wars fans are coming from. Think you can handle processing all that? So before you keep spewing your baseless insults behind the protection of anonymity, perhaps you should review all the facts available to you.
  8. Actually I'm not lying, so if you need to have it spoon fed to you here you go: As a thanks for being one of our most valued players, all active subscriber accounts with a Level 50 character as of April 12, 2012, 12:00 PM CDT, 5:00 PM GMT, will receive 30 days of game time** at no charge in appreciation for your support and loyalty. Need the link too? http://www.swtor.com/legacypromotion?sourceid=eag3621 And unlike some of the others who don't have a 50, I have 2 50s, but I still have the capacity to appreciate where some of my fellow star wars fans are coming from. Think you can handle processing all that? So before you keep spewing your baseless insults behind the protection of anonymity, perhaps you should review all the facts available to you.
  9. And the funny thing is in your summary you fail to see the fundamental flaw with what you've just typed. Just look at it this way, just a very simple question, do you see a difference between the following statements? "If you don't have a level 50, you don't qualify." vs "In order to thank our most loyal and active customers we would like to offer anyone with a level 50 character a free 30 days". If you do not see the difference in those two statements you will never understand where the people who are complaining are coming from. If you can see the difference, then you should know it's not about $15, then hopefully you can see the underlying complaint that's being lobbied here.
  10. And the funny thing is in your summary you fail to see the fundamental flaw with what you've just typed. Just look at it this way, just a very simple question, do you see a difference between the following statements? "If you don't have a level 50, you don't qualify." vs "In order to thank our most loyal and active customers we would like to offer anyone with a level 50 character a free 30 days". If you do not see the difference in those two statements you will never understand where the people who are complaining are coming from. If you can see the difference, then you should know it's not about $15.
  11. Must be nice to be that ignorant that you can't grasp the concept of principles
  12. Hey Bioware, hint hint, if you don't want to give 30 free days to all those players with no 50s but a ton of alts, give em a fully rested exp state. Blizzard did that a lot during the vanilla days and I loved it lol.
  13. Well that can pretty much end this thread. I think majority will be happy so long as they acknowledge how their message can be perceived and address it. I think a lot of companies take apologies and acknowledgement of inconvenience for granted.
  14. Just a comment on business model which do you think a game developer wants to stick around longer. #1 A paying customer who has finishes all game content moments after launch and then starts screaming for more. And when they don't get it they threaten to quit. or #2 A paying customer who doesn't complete game content and is satisfied exploring the existing content that's already been developed. Well from a business perspective I can tell you which keeps the company more in the black and which requires less resources to support. That'd be number 2 for those that can't figure it out. And that further adds to the confusion of why BW/EA chose to upset the 2nd group with this promo. Comparing another successful business, do you think WoW even blinked when all those top end guilds left the game because the end-game content was so ridiculously easy, and no new content was coming in the foreseeable future? No, and why was that? Cause they still had 12million + subscribers happy and willing to continue to pay for the stuff that's already there! And unlike WoW this game at least offers different storylines and perspectives when you play through 1 - 49. With WoW it doesn't matter what class/race you play, your lvl 1-85 experience will be largely identical.
  15. And I don't think anyone complaining is looking for your sympathy. And since you're not really impacted either way none of it really matters to you. However if you were in charge of a business relying on the paying customer your opinion may change.
  16. That's exactly what this whole thing is about, the perception that you are only valued/loyal if you're level 50, all other paying customers are xxxx (insert whatever negative comment you perceive).
  17. If what you're saying is true then why does WoW (the standard of MMO for the better part of the last decade) not start their characters at level 85? I mean that's all that matters right? Just end-game content? No need to go through the game again since you've done it once already. while you're at it, gear up all newly created characters so that everyone is ready for HMs so that we can get the most feedback and develop the next operation.
  18. You know for someone who's been in management I'm actually quite surprised you're ignoring the whole perception aspect of this. As a manager surely you've learned the whole "perception is reality" yea? And "when you assume you're making an *** of u and me"? I'm not dismissing your opinion, but how can you not see the number of assumptions that you're making with your examples?
  19. True statement, but how many people do it regardless? lol Consumers are not patient (except when it comes to Apple, don't get me started), if you divide your customer base or give off the perception that you value one more than the other (key word being perception), chances are you will experience a decline in your numbers with one of those groups. Look past the promo and angry non-50s and you'll see a PR move that could've easily been avoided and I'm very surprised BW/EA didn't take it.
  20. And again you're assuming that that lvl 50 is doing all those things. I know plenty of 50s who do nothing but PVP, they don't do HM FPs, Operations, hell they don't even finish their class storyline. One of the main criticisms of this game is the lack of end-game (level 50) content, so if level 50 content is all you're focusing on what really are you contributing if there's nothing there?
  21. Ok so are you saying that only a lvl 50 has experience of ALL elements of the game? I have a friend who does nothing but PVP but hey he's level 50, does he have experience of ALL elements of the game? He hasn't even finished his own class storyline.
  22. Anyone remember their promotion of early game access? The sooner you pre-order and redeem your code, the earlier your access. That's exactly the model they should've taken here, whenever anyone complained about it, the responses were consistent and logical. If someone is willing to commit to a product before you are, suffice to say that person would reap the benefits of that commitment before you. Why didn't they take that approach again? It confuses me. The precedent was set before the game was launched, do this by X date and get Y didn't matter if you bought the standard, deluxe or collectors edition, it's the same across the board for early access. The game isn't a race, it's not a mad dash to 50, but now they've kind of set the precedent for it. When the level cap goes up what's the mentality? Oh damn better hit lvl 60 before the next promo. Doesn't seem right.
  23. Well that's debatable. I would say one person with 1 level 50 doesn't offer nearly as much feedback as someone with let's say 6 level 45s. And in such a situation which would you say is more active? The one with 1 level 50 no alts or the one with 6 levels 45s? Don't get me wrong I'm not mad/upset/bothered about Bioware's decision here, but i do understand why some would be. It's the principle and perception of what they said and how they said it. Come on people it should be human nature to be a little bit apathetic to our fellow man/woman no?
  24. So if I hit level 50 within the first month of launch, didn't find anything appealing to do afterwards, dabbled with a few alts for a while, then stopped playing regularly (but continued to pay cause i want to play the odd hour here and there), I'm more active and valued than the next guy/girl who plays 10x the amount I do but never got a character to 50? That's what I think a lot of people are complaining about. It's like Bioware overlooked the fact that they made an excellent story driven game and it is very very easy to play this game pretty slow and take your time enjoying the many different aspects of it (I know I did), but i did that after i sped my way to 50 first which I actually kind of regret because i didn't really catch all the cool references to the lore the first time through. To avoid negativity on their brand (which is the goal of many a company), all this is easily avoidable by simply offering the same promo to all their paying customers from x date. While it may seem like a small thing in itself, it's just compounded by all the other issues currently surrounding the game. It's a snowball effect that's all.
  25. Actually that's an incomplete example of what the OP is saying. Imagine now that you were also dressed up and also going to the same prom and that someone completely ignored how you dressed and the effort you took to making yourself look good; but maybe not as good. Would you be a little offended or hurt or feeling devalued? I would venture to say yes. And that's really what the OP is saying, it's not (using your example) the little sister's fault for looking better, it's that someone's fault for not being considerate enough to acknowledge your efforts at the same time.
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