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Celebrate Game Update 1.2: Legacy


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They didn't even have to do it. First it was complaints about the rated warzones. Now this.

I'm not 50 yet but I ain't even mad. Stop being so entitled seriously. If you're mad just unsub, simple. But if you're going to quit over something so trivial as this, you need to grow up.


It's not about entitlement, and the ones like you telling people to suck it up are the ones who need to grow up.


They claim people who hit 50 are their most loyal customers. It's downright insulting. Somebody who has paid, and played, for five months now, possibly preordered, and beta tested, and has put a bunch of time and money into this game, is less loyal than somebody who bought the game on a whim off the shelf at Walmart three weeks ago and played one character to max level?


Loyalty, supportiveness, dedication, and value as a customer should not be decided by what your highest level character is. Most of the people don't give a damn about the free month. They're upset because Bioware apparently doesn't feel they're loyal just because they played multiple characters on multiple servers rather than racing to finish.


I would have had no problem with this promotion at all, even if I didn't get anything for free, if they'd just said "In order to encourage our level 50s to keep their hopes up while we develop new end game content for them, we're awarding them with a free month of time". It's the wording, the fact that they outright state that people with 50s are more loyal than people without 50s, regardless of all other circumstances, that pissed me and many others off.

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Normally I tend to side with the customer, but in this case: Suck it up.


This is Bioware's game. It's their race.

If they view 50 as "winning", then they're entitled to give their winners trophies.


Everyone got a little out of this patch. 50's just got a little more.


This isn't little league. You don't get a trophy for showing up close to on time.


MMO's are not socialist states.



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I´m not really defending it either, I wrote in another post I can understand people are angry, I just try to see it through BW point of view, maybe they didnt give it that much thought other than to give some of the players they think spent most of the time on the game? Which might not be accurate in the end...


Fair enough :)


I think im probably a bit disolusioned with Bioware lately. This isnt the only game from them thats got my back up this month.


I just dont see how they wouldnt read that announcement before posting it and not anticipate people kicking of about it. Effectivley telling your player base your only considered loyal and deserve a reward if you have a 50 is sheer insanity.

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I feel cheated and slighted by Bioware.


I preordered the game. I have maintained a sub and have been actively playing and leveling my characters since December. Instead of leveling 1 character to 50 and then complaining on the forums for the past 2 months about lack of content, I instead leveled 8 characters.


All of my characters are above level 30. My highest is 43.


I am not a loyal customer worthy of getting free game time?


Who is loyal then? Oh, those guys who hit 50 in a month and have been the squeeky wheels on the forums since February, complaining about the lack of endgame content! I get it now. Those of us who try to avoid stagnation, get nothing, while those that burn the game up and complain about it endlessly get a bone.


Here is a chance Bioware. Drop the requirement for the level 50s getting free gametime and just consider giving it to anyone who has had an active sub SINCE the game launched!


I completely agree. My post from another thread that was closed is below:


If it goes through, I am quitting not because I didn't get $15, but because the company has so much disdain for people paying for a subscription since the game began that they give free time to any schmuck who rushes to 50 in two weeks, gets a month of free game time and then quits.


I played the game they way they claim it was intended. I play many different characters and just haven't bothered to get my main character to 50 yet because - JUST LIKE BIOWARE CLAIMED - there was no reason to rush, but rather enjoy the fully voiced stories of all the classes in the game.


Now they come and say "April fools!" You weren't supposed to enjoy all our stories and level multiple classes for the stories - you were supposed to rush to 50 and THEN we'll reward you.

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Except, said "free stuff" is being touted as a reward for more deserving players when, the standard being used to measure who is a deserving player and who isn't is balls. That's where the problem lies.


Nobody is deserving, it's a gift, that's the whole point. Gifts aren't given because the giftee is deserving, they are given because the gifter is being nice.


I bet all the people who are complaining here would complain on Christmas morning if they got 1 gift and their brother got 2. And instead of being thankful for the gift, went on to make everyone's Christmas morning miserable by having a tantrum about "It's not fair".

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A free month, guys. For a hardcore player, a free month is like 90 hours of entertainment. That's like, well, awesome. Everyone says $$$ is the only thing BW cares about, but this will lose them millions of dollars, and they're still doing this, because they're *********** awesome. I support BW from now on.


And you say 90 h is hardcore? I have played it bout 5-6 h a day, that gives about 150 h in a month, dont have single 50 lvl yet, i have about 10 of 40 lvls.

Edited by Pawlas
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While I can definitely understand the frustration with people that don't have a 50 over this free month deal, I haven't seen anyone give some specific alternatives that BW could possibly consider as an alternate or additional set of criteria for players. Any ideas on a SPECIFIC set of criteria that would be considered fair and still not alienate other players?


I honestly don't know of one, I think some group of players will get left out unless they offer it to everyone which clearly they won't do.


Have you read the whole thread? I've seen plenty of suggestions, including making the level requirement slightly lower, giving players til the second deadline on the 21st to max level a character, or only rewarding those with active subs since launch. All of which, I'd be fine with.

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I totally agree, IF this is arbitrary.


My gut tells me they are doing it because those with 50s had a lot of bugged/broken content to deal with at 50. If I'm offbase on this, then yeah, I totally agree. It just makes no sense unless they are rewarding those of us with level 50s stuck alting because the end game content was so pitifully tested.


Some of us didnt get to end game because we knew there was no point untill things got fixed.......now where SOLJWF.

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I have been playing the game since it came out, got 2 lvl 50s, game time till the end of the month and i didn't get the 30 days cos i had to cancel my subscription few weeks back do to credit card issues. Only saw the free 30 days after i reactivated credit card this evening and was rather sad cos i don't get that.
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You all should grow some manners and say Thank You to the kind man (men & women :o) and then keep your mouths shut.


Play, don't play. No one wants to hear about it. It's like talking to 2 year olds or herding cats! Bioware should get a medal themselves for putting up with your abuse, but instead they are giving you something.


You don't qualify? Well guess what > you don't qualify! Your lives must be hell, everything must be perfect for you in your perfect little world were all the lights turn green when you approach, the 'You must be this tall to ride' sign magically lowers when you go through, trains run on time for you, the clouds part and sun shines as you walk while everyone around you gets wet, dogs and cats live in peace and unicorns drop gold from there rear-ends. Congratulations! Your mum must be so proud.. until she sees what you right on this forum, :( shame....


Thank you BW/EA for allowing everyone to stay and play in your universe, good job so far, can't wait for the next big thing and can't wait for my Tauntaun - sooo cute!!


Here's your medal team!! :sy_title:

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RE: Free 30-days for players with level 50 characters:


So I'm an altaholic, and like to try out different classes and such; just because I don't have one character at 50 doesn't mean I'm not as supporting and loyal as a player focused enough to get one character to 50. I do see this as a slap to the face, and hope EA/Bioware changes their minds about this.


Edit: No, I didn't read the whole thread, and I'm not going to. This is the only place I can voice my opinion in a place Bioware/EA folks will see it. Your opinion about my opinion doesn't matter to me in the slightest.

Edited by AlacrityFitzhugh
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4 months doesn't involve RUSHING anything.


This isn't about 50's being important, it's about us being the only ones who dealt with half our end game content being complete trash.


You are not blinkered enough to think only end-game content had/has issues are you?


They've been fixing bugs/issues every patch since day 1.


Fair enough, if you are at level cap you've probably seen more of the bugs/issues that some one who isn't at 50 yet.


But hey, I've got 4 level 40+ 2 level 30+ and 2 in their teens.


Chances are I've seen more total bugs/issues than you.


So why do you get 30 days for free and I don't?



Loyalty to me means sticking with something. I've been here since day 1, would've been here in pre-release if my bandwidth wasn't capped.


Some guy who stared last week and got to level 50 in 6 days is not as loyal a customer as I am. And he's paid less in than I have.


So why does he get a free 30 days and I don't.


Surely you can see there's something wrong here.


All The Best

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Enjoy stomping frost worms and helping the farmer get in his crops. :rolleyes:


Because helping a bunch of whiny NPC's get their land back that was never their land to begin with is any better.


(see: jedi/taris)

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What does being level 50 have to do with loyalty?

Been playing regularly since beta, have number of high level characters, not 50, paying for 3 accounts for the 3 or 4 hours a week I can play together with my kids.

efyu very much bioware.

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You all should grow some manners and say Thank You to the kind man (men & women :o) and then keep your mouths shut.


Play, don't play. No one wants to hear about it. It's like talking to 2 year olds or herding cats! Bioware should get a medal themselves for putting up with your abuse, but instead they are giving you something.


You don't qualify? Well guess what > you don't qualify! Your lives must be hell, everything must be perfect for you in your perfect little world were all the lights turn green when you approach, the 'You must be this tall to ride' sign magically lowers when you go through, trains run on time for you, the clouds part and sun shines as you walk while everyone around you gets wet, dogs and cats live in peace and unicorns drop gold from there rear-ends. Congratulations! Your mum must be so proud.. until she sees what you right on this forum, :( shame....


Thank you BW/EA for allowing everyone to stay and play in your universe, good job so far, can't wait for the next big thing and can't wait for my Tauntaun - sooo cute!!


Here's your medal team!! :sy_title:



For someone complaining about people being insulting on forums, you followed that up with a pretty decent insult to everyone here.

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They claim people who hit 50 are their most loyal customers. It's downright insulting.


The announcement reads that it's a special reward to players who got to level 50, and then adds that these players are 'one of' the most valued players.


I can see how people are making the leap that people who are not at 50 are less valued, but that's not what the thing says.

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Have you read the whole thread? I've seen plenty of suggestions, including making the level requirement slightly lower, giving players til the second deadline on the 21st to max level a character, or only rewarding those with active subs since launch. All of which, I'd be fine with.


From what I've read, I can't honestly say I've read every post over 65+ pages, is just general ideas. I think if BW is to actually alternate the offer, they need some specific input.


For example, you saw lower the requirement slightly lower. So they lower it to 40, then guess what the people who are 39 will say? You see where I'm going here. No option is going to please everyone.


My theory like others here is that the notice yesterday of leaving out rated WZ's was the main purpose behind the level 50 free month.

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Normally I tend to side with the customer, but in this case: Suck it up.


This is Bioware's game. It's their race.

If they view 50 as "winning", then they're entitled to give their winners trophies.


Everyone got a little out of this patch. 50's just got a little more.


This isn't little league. You don't get a trophy for showing up close to on time.


MMO's are not socialist states.






Plus, all the gamers who have "paid fees" since the beginning (and cry like they are being forced to or something) already got a gift from BioWare - a Founder's title.

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Seriously, I didnt rush through the content, I spent time playing one of each class and didnt get anyone to level 50 and now I lose out on a free month? Thanks for showing me I'm not as valuable a subscriber as someone who hit level 50.
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Player A: Subs for the first month, rushes to 50 and then quits for 3 months. Resubs right before 1.2 hits.


Player B: Sub'ed since the start, plays every class and enjoys the many aspects of the game besides leveling, but hasn't hit 50 yet.



You tell me who is more loyal to the game?



P.S. Stop hiding behind this thread's title. No one is celebrating anything.

Edited by Sandriell
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Plus, all the gamers who have "paid fees" since the beginning (and cry like they are being forced to or something) already got a gift from BioWare - a Founder's title.


Then give the level 50s a title not something with real world value.


Free time = Money

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