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Cancellation of Ranked Warzones for 1.2 and subscription renewals


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Just so we clear sth up. I have a 6 month sub on SWTOR, so I'm not one of those guyz.


Hardcore PvPers would sub before the patch so that when patch hits live, they can QUEUE for Ranked WZs immediately. That's why.


Ah, so there is some substantial delay betwen renewing subscription on website and having access to game? Something like few days? Because, you know, you could wait for patch notes for live servers (which are usually available a bit before maintenance ends anyway) and then renew sub or not.


Am I happy that there will be no ranked WZ now? Hell no. Do I find those threads with conspiracy theories and "BW scam" ideas amusing? Hell yes, big part of forum community acts as they have never ever played any MMO. Stuff like this happen. Better have something delayed than relased bugged or not WAI (Ilum 1.1 anyone?).

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people are so melodramatic. i wonder if any of the wingers saying they're going to unsub actually have.


as a player that since hitting 50 has done 1 HM and spent the rest of my time in wz's or ilum i was looking forward to rated wz.


they haven't come in, is it going to make a huge difference to my life? no.


it'll be ready when it's ready and whining about it isn't going to change that.


plenty to do in the meantime.



Dead right - get on with it


For those that are unsubscribing - bye.

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Ah, so there is some substantial delay betwen renewing subscription on website and having access to game? Something like few days? Because, you know, you could wait for patch notes for live servers (which are usually available a bit before maintenance ends anyway) and then renew sub or not.


Am I happy that there will be no ranked WZ now? Hell no. Do I find those threads with conspiracy theories and "BW scam" ideas amusing? Hell yes, big part of forum community acts as they have never ever played any MMO. Stuff like this happen. Better have something delayed than relased bugged or not WAI (Ilum 1.1 anyone?).


Hahaha I agree, it is hilarious to read though. It does get annoying after the first 12 threads or so seeing the same stuff posted.

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Ah, so there is some substantial delay betwen renewing subscription on website and having access to game? Something like few days? Because, you know, you could wait for patch notes for live servers (which are usually available a bit before maintenance ends anyway) and then renew sub or not.


Am I happy that there will be no ranked WZ now? Hell no. Do I find those threads with conspiracy theories and "BW scam" ideas amusing? Hell yes, big part of forum community acts as they have never ever played any MMO. Stuff like this happen. Better have something delayed than relased bugged or not WAI (Ilum 1.1 anyone?).


As I declared in my first post, I'm not writing these stuff for conspiracy theories. I'm making these posts so that these people can get their refund. I don't care if it's a scam or not.


As for why renew the sub before the patch, another reason some1 would do that is to change his battlemaster gear back to what it is supposed to be, since many people made lot of changes.

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Ey, get mah pitchwork and torch! We gun' march on BW because dey be makin' us wait few days mor for our ****! Le's get dem!!



Seriously, if they announce something last minute, you can bet your *** there is a reaal good reason why they do that. EA is one of the biggest game producers in the world. They have a team of people whose only job is to study how the market reacts to stuff. How to break news, etc.


You think they did this for money? Are you stupid? How is upsetting people going to profit them? They don't profit from earning money in a short term. They only profit from long term income.


So please... Just drop this ********. They delayed it, because it was NEEDED.



Now go QQ in a corner or unsub if you are that childish. Stop raging on the forums because nobody with a brain will sympathize. And if you resubbed just for the ranked wz. Then tough luck brah. Shoulda waited for the final patchnotes. Everyone knows that..

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This. :) This is just ridiculous. I have never experienced a company f- over their customers on this level. It's appalling. What's worse is that Funcom is releasing The Secret World with EA.... sigh.


i wish i could teleport you to SWG in 2004 or 2005...


simply for the lawls...

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This. :) This is just ridiculous. I have never experienced a company f- over their customers on this level. It's appalling. What's worse is that Funcom is releasing The Secret World with EA.... sigh.


Not played any blizzard games then?

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I personally believe the Postponement of Ranked Warzone is them trying to polish it off make sure it's close to perfect. They are perfectionist, they don't like releasing things half done. Now EA is the ones who would probably try to force things out for subscribers.


About the subscribers, there's plenty of people who played in Beta, and Early Game Access who needed a break, that are still subbed. I know I needed a break for a bit after playing non stop through several Beta Test weekends and then through Early Access. If you think your servers are dead maybe your not on at the right time? Because theres been several times I was bored and went to make a new character and the Servers say light and I go to switch back to my main server and the Server Pops jump. It all depends on times.




You look at the history of the game to this point and it is riddled with things released half done. UI, Operations, Flashpoints, Class Balance, Player Crafting, Ilum, Open World PVP, Warfronts, the list goes on and on and on.


I am a member of a PvP guild. We do not care about PVE progression. We had the first 50s on our server during the early access, along with the servers first Battlemasters. The vast majority of our premier players have left the game. They will NEVER return. My guild had over 200 members at launch. Today we have less than 40 active players. Do the math.


This title is in serious trouble. When have any of you seen a MMO 3 months after release offering the game for $20 off? Or offering free trials the way that this one is? I tell you what I perceive, it is that new sales and new subscriptions have tanked. Look forward to bulk emails going on in the near future with welcome back offers giving players that are not longer subscribing a chance to experience the great new content.


I think it was best said that 1.2 is the same as polishing the brass rail on the Titanic after the iceberg hit.


The real issue at hand is that in the industry of MMO's PVP players have ALWAYS been the red headed step child. Publishers and developers offer lip service but fail to deliver. The best example of this failure by BW is their choice in making the new operation and flash point the main focus of testing on PTS by transferring only players and guilds that were focused on PVE. My guild submitted over 20 players, all battlemaster, to be transferred to the PTS. If BW had allocated the man hours to transfer PVP players to the PTS then RWFs would have had a chance to be adequately tested. There is NO excuse.


Let me give you an example, say you go to a restaurant and you order a steak and baked potato. Your server tells you that your dinner will be ready in 30 minutes. After an hour your server brings the baked potato to your table and tells you at that time your steak is not ready because they don't have an oven to broil it. They then tell you that you will get your stake some time in the future, maybe tomorrow maybe next week. Do you as a paying customer eat your potato with a smile and sit there and wait indefinitely for your steak ( and don't forget you have already paid for that steak). Or do you get upset, complain to the management, and never return to that business because they failed to deliver the service that they advertised?

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HAHAHAHAH. This is beyond brilliant, that Bank of America ( who's been through numerous class-action lawsuits because of their shady banking practices ) came in second to EA.


I always knew EA was scum with their ex-developers sueing them over overtime ( 80+ hours a week for months on end ) but yeah, after hearing some of the accusations ( like changing colors of clothing was a feature in beta which was removed later on ) from players in-game, then reading this article, i'm glad that EA won't be getting anymore payments from me.

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I think it's the other way around. It takes some major guts to pull such a feature from the patch because you don't like it as it is. I'd rather have them doing this then playing some half baked broken stuff waiting for a fix.


Yes, it takes guts to remove major parts of an update a few hours before that update goes live. Because with all the untested changes there'll be tons of problems and issues to be expected. In that case the only smart solution would be to delay the whole 1.2 update.


Of course they might have known that they can't deliver ranked WZs for a longer time thus tested the 1.2 update without those changes properly. But in that case they clearly marketed features they didn't plan to deliver which would be kind of a "scam".


So what option would you prefer? Untested software being pushed out or marketing lies to trick pvpers into subs?

Edited by eHug
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Ey, get mah pitchwork and torch! We gun' march on BW because dey be makin' us wait few days mor for our ****! Le's get dem!!



Seriously, if they announce something last minute, you can bet your *** there is a reaal good reason why they do that. EA is one of the biggest game producers in the world. They have a team of people whose only job is to study how the market reacts to stuff. How to break news, etc.


You think they did this for money? Are you stupid? How is upsetting people going to profit them? They don't profit from earning money in a short term. They only profit from long term income.


So please... Just drop this ********. They delayed it, because it was NEEDED.



Now go QQ in a corner or unsub if you are that childish. Stop raging on the forums because nobody with a brain will sympathize. And if you resubbed just for the ranked wz. Then tough luck brah. Shoulda waited for the final patchnotes. Everyone knows that..


Lol... You do realize that EA has the honor of being 'The worst company in America 2012'.

If you like giving good money away for a sub-standard game feel free to. Don't get upset with others who choose not to like shoddy design, features, and content (or lack of). Your anti-rage post smacks of irony. The title of the thread indicates that this is the place to voice opinions and feelings related to the topic lol. Do you actually work for EA or are you just another fanboi? Just because you like being treated like a last generation gamer doesn't mean other people have to like it. They pay the same as you to have their say.

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Yes, it takes guts to remove major parts of an update a few hours before that update goes live. Because with all the untested changes there'll be tons of problems and issues to be expected. In that case the only smart solution would be to delay the whole 1.2 update.


Of course they might have known that they can't deliver ranked WZs for a longer time thus tested the 1.2 update without those changes properly. But in that case they clearly marketed features they didn't plan to deliver which would be kind of a "scam".


So what option would you prefer? Untested software being pushed out or marketing lies to trick pvpers into subs?


Just remember that the terms, "Marketing, Public Relations and Advertising" were coined by Sigmund Freud's nephew - Edward Berneys - because the word propaganda had such a negative association after the Nazis. ( Although he used Joseph Gobbs' theories on controling people, coupled with his uncles on human behavior to develop his theories )

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Obviously because it was a tough decision that they needed to consider before actually pulling it from going live...it's not like they were trying to trick people into resubbing with candy dangling in their face then yanking it away just for their amusement.


It's so far away from being released, that they HAD to know this was going to happen on Tuesday.




and this...

Edited by islander
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So I'm not a hardcore PvPer and my main excitement for 1.2 wasn't the Ranked WZs. However since the moment I read the blog entry about the cancellation, I've beginning to wonder why was it announced at the last second, after Ranked WZs being advertised so heavily for 1.2 launch.



and here come the conspiracy theory's about why bioware is shady as hell, because well...they are. They never planned for ranked wz's no way..not ever.

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Cancellation of Ranked Warzones for 1.2


Precisely. There's no guarantee that it will be released in 1.2.x or 1.3 even.


Although I'd wager that "Ranked WZs" will be the big "selling" feature for the 1.3 release - next quarter, in July.

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they didnt trick anyone. Everyone knows anything in the patchnotes is subject to change before it goes live. And obviously people didnt resub a few days ago for Ranked warzones, they didnt exist yet, would have made more sense to resub today, or read live patchnotes and then resub.


6 flags has allot of rides, you can read about them all before you go. You can drive for hours to get there just so you can ride the superman all day long. maybe it was the only reason you wanted to go there at all. But if that one ride is down for maintainance...guess what you dont get ur day pass back, the park is still open.

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and here come the conspiracy theory's about why bioware is shady as hell, because well...they are. They never planned for ranked wz's no way..not ever.


It actually makes a lot of sense from a conspiracy viewpoint.


The bulk of their subscribers most likely purchased the game between December 10th, and the 30th, with the largest majority of their subscriptions starting from December 20th - December 31st. (Christmas season, y'all) BioWare's Project Managers KNEW 2 - 3 weeks ago that the system isn't ready for release, and there was zero hope of it being ready by the launch date, so instead of posting a blog about it 2 - 3 weeks ago when the bulk of their subscribers could have the option to unsubscribe, and not re-new, they chose to wait until April 11th, which would be at the lowest point in their renewal cycle.


Glad i waited until Jan. 13th to buy this game.

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