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Everything posted by Gannacus

  1. Haha thats hard case - theres a trekkie element in their shipboard uniforms Great committment
  2. Its hardly taking revenge on a PUG Its throwing a tanty like a punk You'd be better quitting the warzone (which is just as bad) and letting in someone who wants to be there.
  3. Yep excellent healers - you have to think carefully to play them well, especially healing more than a couple of people - which makes the class a good challenge
  4. Music to my ears trooper brother I've been carrying the E102 Wraith Annihilator since Voss - there isn't another in the game that sounds better in my humble opinion - it has the same if not identical sound as the Searing Crusader but looks sharper and has a cool muzzle effect when using hammer shot in combination with combat support cell to heal. http://www.swtor-spy.com/item-single/E102_Wraith_Annihilator/12818/ You will get it from the Heroic 4 Cyber Mercenaries on Voss - Kri-Ta Outpost - there is also another item reward - possibly a rampage cannon which sounds the same just a bit of a dumbed down version visually. Also I believe there is another Lvl 47 Wraith class Cannon you can get from the commendation vendor by the tunnel bridge/walkway in Voss - similar sound. Happy fetching
  5. Same dilemma - hate those lost 3 seconds on BI - feels like forever. Until I figure out whats best to get set bonus back its part of life though
  6. Agreed - Full Auto should be exactly as the cinematic - that cinematic was the reason I chose to go a class with the assault cannon haha. At the mo it should be called semi auto. Love the new explosive round though Oh and bring back the inital trauma probe body scan effect as well
  7. Slightly to the side of the topic but it happens fairly often, is the impatient Tank Im a Combat Medic with Armstech, so i constantly scavenge the 55 FP's for Mythra and the like. Each of which takes 2.9 seconds to scavenge - and in those 2.9 seconds the impatient Tank has inevitably taken off down the passageway and has engaged the next group - which means A: it will now take me longer to get there due to combat mode, even with a 30% speed boost from Hold the Line and B: is so far gone by the time I get there, the line between keeping up and playing catch up is often passed - energy management is shot before we even began. Mandalorian Raiders and the dog section is the hardest part of that flashpoint for that reason. Fast run is a good run alright, but not if we keep wiping.
  8. No its not useless - its the only attack my combat medic uses that can crit for 5K+ damage - good for the times when in close combat. Plus its instantaneous. Shame to see it go.
  9. Love the update and the concept - brings a new dynamic to the game - great stuff. Keep it up team. Hunting Imps when you choose as a PVE player is a welcome addition. Bring on some of those Gree weapons too.
  10. Any new content is most welcome - fingers crossed for weeklies on Voss or Ilum or more - otherwise lets have a look at what theyre proposing.
  11. I hear ya on this one - that sound effect was brilliant - especially when playing a different toon you could always hear you had a smuggler in the group blasting away. In fact there are a re number of things ive noticed have been dumbed down since later patches. (Commando trauma probe as well - but wrong thread sorry) There is a little consolation however - I picked up a blaster with a cool lazer sight,in a cartel pack lucky dip and it sounds very close, not exact but pretty grunty nonetheless.
  12. Garza has a head like a prune - its that bad it would be a tough choice between her and Qyzen Fess given the option Besides, why is she even a consideration with Dorne waiting in her cabin ? Poor Elara...
  13. Life was so much simpler when you put your 20 cents into the Space Invaders machine, played for a while, died, and if you wanted to play again you put more money in. We've progressed to gaming where it seems more like a parliamentary debate with forum members only trying to outdo each other with fancy paragraphs and threats of boycotting the game. I'm waiting for someone to sue them over this from some of the clap thats on this thread. What a joke Pay your $10 or don't Principle be damned, I can't wait to get my hands on the expansion - great job Bioware, what an fantastic game you have provided us over the last year. I'm happy as to part with my hard earned $9.99. See you on Makeb
  14. If your playing PVE its an excellent class. Good storyline and companions as well. Go hard.
  15. Heres some ideas with suttle changes as opposed to wholesale changes to make combat medics a bit more 'longer lasting' in pvp Add in a longer duration reactive shield ability for 25% dmge reduction but with a crit chance to 50% when activating Mobile AMP/MP with supercharge cells activated Full auto has the same effect as Sith Assassin jolt ability - or a knockback like Smuggler aimed shot - or a combo of the two Good old cryo grenade with 30m range and 6 second length Sticky bomb has stun effect before detonation on all enemies except bosses, not just weakish ones And agreed, as most posts say its about the team. Some days you pump out the med probes with a sentinel flying round taking some of the heat off you and your a hero. Other days you'll spend all your time on the speeder and feeling like your firing charged bolts more than healing probes. Thats PVP.
  16. Hey whats all this about a high horse? Where can I get one ? The cartel market ? Some boss drop ?
  17. Hope your now killing time while Diablo 3 shovels more coal into their broken servers.
  18. Thanks for the replies, some good info and didnt know about the alacrity cap. Most of my kit is alacrity and power combined so to keep power Im not sure how to get rid of the alacrity. That said I regularly run my CM as a DPS option in some of the HM's (and IMO charged bolts going nuts every 1.0 - 1.1 seconds is good enough to mix it up as a substitute DPS option). Has worked so far, especially with a Sage Seer onboard and if needbe I can throw out BI and KB in between, with the occasional MP with Hammer shot to get back up to 30 for another round of charged bolts - very useful. Havent tried in OPs or nightmare stuff and I'm guessing it wouldnt be good enough for FP's like Lost Island. But perhaps not far off. What gear is available that gives power and crit, or power and surge as the secondarys ? Any ? Don't know Ive seen them yet if they are out there at all. Cheers
  19. Combat Medic lvl 50 Just looking for some opinion/experience and have a number of questions for other CM's I have been concentrating on increasing Alacrity as much as possible, even sniffing out 59 Endurance with Alacrity boost cubes to activate during fights. Has anybody else played with increasing Alacrity and have you been able to get charged bolts off less than 1.0 seconds per round ? I am having an issue with running out of ammo faster (as expected) however find myself using hammer shot heal more regularly in between probes (not too bad if Im watching the fight carefully and theres a Tank worth his salt in action). So is there a cap on how much alacrity is too much ? Should I then be putting points into Power or Surge ? Any advice welcome. Also Ive got mostly an even split of Tionese/Columni gear and my crit Medical Probes are maxing out about 4.6K - what sort of big heal numbers are people putting out with MP? (with and without KB's bonus) Also is Surge worth chasing ? Or is it a secondary thats good to have but not to be concentrated on ? Cheers
  20. The sinking of the Titanic 100 years ago was a disaster Your grizzling, as much as you may think it is, is not Go throw your toys elsewhere please
  21. Yeh nice one mate To be honest letting loose charged bolts every 1.2 seconds, which hit pretty hard I didn't really consider trying to get grav round as felt its real impact was felt higher up the gunnery tree with the stacking effect and demo round to knock things over But you provide some good argument, might give it a run Cheers for the ideas
  22. I have no issue whatsoever - in fact I love the class even more now. Full Auto is mint with the timing sorted, and while Mortar Volley feels kinda dinky, its fast and still punishing. Kolto Bomb healing 4 is great for my Medic spec Ive now hooked up Cell Capacitor in the skill tree so ammo usage isnt the big 'unsub' factor all the doomsday experts were predicting Hardly notice the difference in healing power reduction and Charged Bolts feels no different, get your relics set up with crit and alacrity and you can let one go every 1.2 seconds. Trauma Probe before every fight - it was negligible during a fight anyway IMO, rather have that cast time on Hammer Shot to get the cell up. In battle rez - fantastic Go hard troopers
  23. Never had a chance with the hate running through your Sith veins...
  24. Gees mate, wait until you have to make life decisions when things sneak off the beaten track.. But hey fair enough if you don't enjoy the game then go. See ya later. .
  25. Dead right - get on with it For those that are unsubscribing - bye.
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