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  1. Yeah server merges gotta happen soon. Cross realm PvP won't do. Because the server will still be empty. 1.2 is released and we hardly have 1 wz running at a time with a good 1h+ queue. it's just ridicolous. I pay for a game that is not accessable most of the time. Merge servers now.
  2. Cross server PvP was the beginning of WoW's downfall. If swtor gets cross server PvP it might ruin the game for me. and I don't want that to happen because I really like this game.
  3. Actually no, it is the people who jumped the gun who are ignorant. Everyone knows that in a major game update. The patch notes are not final untill they are final. Rated wz was not even on the pts, so it's really their own stupidity that made them loose 15 bucks. Why are people crying over 15 bucks? Some people say they feel betrayed and scammed, lawlz. Like I said. Patch notes are not final untill they are final. Might not wanna be stupid next time if rwz being released EXACTLY TODAY was of life or death importance. It's coming. So stuff it you QQ'ing scrubs.
  4. To add: Create a heartstone equivalent to WoW. Not an 18 hour CD to get to the fleet. But something less. that way people wouldn't be discouraged from getting off the fleet. Not to mention, achievements. While they are useless. It certaintly does get people out there. People like achievements, it gives them something to do.
  5. Dude, when I leveled my most recent alt. On korriban there was a gm. A droid. He was just standing infront of the sith academy place on korriban, chit-chating with anyone who wanted to. It was awesome
  6. Dude, official forums are the sewers of all mmo communities. 90% of the people posting on these forums are scrubs who don't know anything. And only visit the forum when they are upset and want to share their QQ's. These forums will ALWAYS be filled with QQ. If you want a swtor forum with some actual insight. go to http://www.sithwarrior.com or something like that. This place is just a forum where kids take out their anger. And the 10% of us non-scrubs sit back and laugh at all the hilarious qq.
  7. 1.2 is changing bascially every class. Not just tweaking abilitys. But re-arranging talent trees. Way too open for loophole exploits and imbalances, both in term of skill and in general unbalanced class convertions. Gotta agree with OP. However, I doubt that is the sole reason why rwz was not released today.
  8. OP you are talking 1v1 here. PvP is and should never be balanced for 1v1's. Try queing with a group of 4 sage healers, including yourself. Then have all of you be BM geared. Let me know if you die even once
  9. This. Anyone QQ'ing about this issue deserve to get their threads closed and removed. Their only intention is to spread hate and bad reputation because they are butthurt because they didn't get their way. Tell your mom, she might care. We don't.
  10. Hehe yeah gonna take a power nap now as well. Anyone know how many hours left untill the maintenance is over? The time zones are kinda unclear for me...
  11. Yeah, I would very much like to raid. But on my server there is only 1 guild on imp side that raids and they aren't recruiting. Never been enough people online to make a pug so.. What can you do? Server merges would be excellent. Would be cool with wz queues that were under 1hour but. The PvP in the game is still great. And on populated servers I'm sure every other aspect of the game is fabolous. It's just not something I can access.
  12. Ey, get mah pitchwork and torch! We gun' march on BW because dey be makin' us wait few days mor for our ****! Le's get dem!! Seriously, if they announce something last minute, you can bet your *** there is a reaal good reason why they do that. EA is one of the biggest game producers in the world. They have a team of people whose only job is to study how the market reacts to stuff. How to break news, etc. You think they did this for money? Are you stupid? How is upsetting people going to profit them? They don't profit from earning money in a short term. They only profit from long term income. So please... Just drop this ********. They delayed it, because it was NEEDED. Now go QQ in a corner or unsub if you are that childish. Stop raging on the forums because nobody with a brain will sympathize. And if you resubbed just for the ranked wz. Then tough luck brah. Shoulda waited for the final patchnotes. Everyone knows that..
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