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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Update on Ranked Warzones in Game Update 1.2


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Greedy sobs, all you wanted was for people to resub and 12 hours before patch you tell people that one of the main features of 1.2 is not being released ...



The patch is named "Legacy" for a reason you know -_-" the ranked warzones was just a fly text in the original trailer.

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Give in to your anger, let your hate turn you. The dark side will make you stronger and more powerful than ever before.


But in all seriousness i get some people are angry about the 11th hour announcement, but stop acting all entitled and get over it. The feature is not ready to be rolled out yet then fine, i would rather it works as intended than badly.


This is a new MMO there are going to be bugs and there is going to be some evolution in how things work, if you can't wait for the amount of time it takes for them to fix it (it could only be a matter of days before some features start rolling out) go back and play WoW or some other game that has been out for SEVERAL YEARS.


Or how about quit making excuses for a company that obviously has NO IDEA what they are doing.


It's not just this one thing. This game had 6 years, 6 YEARS of development time. And this is the product that goes out at live???? There is NO EXCUSE for it.


It's about time gamers quit making excuses for these companies. IF i put out a failed product in my business, like bioware has, I would be gone, fired, done.


It's just so sad. I mean, it's like we're watching a real live train wreck happen. And it's too bad for those of us that want Star Wars in our MMO lineup.


I'm just laughing hysterically right now at how bad Bioware is at creating, developing and MANAGING a game. They are rivaling SOE and soon, will surpass the awesomeness that was the NGE.


RIP SWTOR. You had so much potential.

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This announcement is totally inappropriately timed. You announced the patch and I went out and spent 8 BM tokens because I COULD ONLY BUY MAT BOXES WITH THEM as 1.2 was set up on test. Now I lose acccess to an immense number of WZ rated tokens?!? I will be putting in a ticket for the refund of those tokens and I certainly hope Bioware is willing to put in the labor to fix this mistake.
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All these people unsubbing because it's not going to be put in with 1.2...


That's why it was in testing, they tested it, it wasn't ready. So, they're going to wait a little while and work on it so it's ready for all the people who wanted it to enjoy




They should have said this a week ago that it was on the table to possibly not go in then. Not wait until <12 hours before it's supposed to go live and tell people, it's getting pushed off into future patches.


Then all the people that did re-sub for 1.2 rateds wouldn't have. Those that re-subbed for other stuff would still be happy. This would have been an non-issues with proper communication and timing.


People should get free time put onto their accounts UNTIL rateds go live or full refunds if they recently re-subbed.

Edited by IndoTW
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Unfortunately this is unacceptable. This should be the highest priority for the studio with all hands on board, not just the PvP team. Intermittent PvE content releases is not what keeps people coming back; dynamic gameplay and content does which is what (99% of the time) PvP is or suppose to be. Ranked warzones were the dynamic feature and now its gone. PvP had literally been a stagnant, scum filled pool and ranked warzones were the much needed running water.


With the already month delay of this feature, and 1.2, and now the absolute last minute nature of its removal destroys any hope that PvPers had for this game and gives EVERYONE the assumption that Bioware is just greedy like EA, waiting for people to resub just to get their money only to pull a major, key feature out from under them; true or not. Everyone KNEW rated warzones weren't tested enough because not enough 50s were copied over (Biowares fault) and everyone was begging for Bioware to do something about it which you never did. This was not something to be decided last minute, it should have been decided weeks ago when it was realized there was no was any adequate testing could be done on rated warzones.


You mean that's what keeps the PvPers coming back. As far as I know, most people like PvE. It is perfectly acceptable. And the PvP team should worry about PvP, while other designated teams, crafting, PvE, etc. Should focus on their thing

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All these people unsubbing because it's not going to be put in...


That's why it was in testing, they tested it, it wasn't ready. So, they're going to wait a little while and work on it so it's ready for all the people who wanted it to enjoy


I'm just trying to imagine the board meeting for this though. How can they announce the patch release date, and then announce that warzones are broken. The testing should have taken place before they decided on a release date right?


So either they arbitrarily set a release date for 1.2 regardless of what bugs still remained at that point in time. Or whoever is in charge simply didn't even bother asking the PVP team whether everything was actually working or not.


I can see James Ohlen saying "great news guys I'm releasing 1.2 on Thursday" then the pvp team just looks at each other and face palms.

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To be honest people should be compensated for this, everyone was told it would come out, everyone was well hyped up for ranked PvP. If you guys are reading this, look how many people are raging about this.


I reckon we should have something of our choosing as a compensation towards this. How many people are playing this? How many people are paying whatever each month every month to enjoy a game that yes sure you have done a good job on and I'm pretty damn sure there's some amazing reason other than "We want to make sure its all good for you guys" ... To be quite honest with you (Bioware) ... Right now most people don't give a bloody monkey's if it's perfect or anything, we just want the ranked matches/8man team ups


We're sick and tired of being stuck with n00bs, how are we supposed to be practicing on our team work with no bloody team?? I'm tired of being stuck with lvl 50's who still run backwards in huttball or people who don't know how to heal and run off. Jesus bloody christ, such a small thing can mean soo much to be people ... Just wait for more agro from the community because of this. You're going to get an earful from just about everyone, apart from the ones who get their parents to pay the subscription of course and don't care when and what happens :p


Anyway, have fun, do as you please when you're motto is "We listen to our community and try our best to make this game theirs" ... Thank you for fulfilling that

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Ok. Yes i am not happy about this but... I also dont want to see anymore boe boe's from Bioware like they did with worldPvP Ilum. So if i think about it.. yes dont go live if its not working. Roll it out in a couple of weeks when it does work.


There is one thing i am still curious about. Does this means we cannot que up with 4-8 man at all on the warzones ? I know ranked warzones but does that mean we still stucked with the 4 man warzones? And if we are... Can we stay in a group now after we done or do we still ened to reinvite guildies after the warzone?



it has already been stated in the earlier pages that NO you will not be queing with 8 mans. it was a rated venture alone. I see a lot of unsubs, luckily I like both PvE and PvP so I have some things to look forward to in 1.2. BUT BIOWARE you cannot tell me that this was a one moment "OMG THIS ISN'T GONNA WORK, quick inform the player base".... you HAD to know before that this wasn't looking good, therefore WHY weren't we given ANY head notice? Not even any concerns with the rated was brought to the player base, you just bomb dived this on us... What would you expect?
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yeah i was specifically waiting for this. not one to jump ship but this isn't acceptable the game has been boring as hell for months without ranked pvp. with guild wars 2 prepurchase open i'm pretty confident in cancelling my sub. shame, had hopes for 1.2
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This reminded me that I need to go preorder Diablo 3


You dont preorder Diablo 3. You buy it asap. You also should buy "Legends of Grimrock" (came out today) and you should buy Tera.

Edited by Sunflake
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But in all seriousness i get some people are angry about the 11th hour announcement, but stop acting all entitled and get over it. The feature is not ready to be rolled out yet then fine, i would rather it works as intended than badly.



Actually i would rather have it working badly than not having it at all. Seeing how half my guild was already semi retired from swtor while waiting for rated bgs i'm pretty sure most won't renew their subscription now after being trolled so hard by bioware. That leaves no reason for me to keep playing either. I guess they don't mind subsciption numbers dropping even faster or they would have thought a little longer about how their customers might feel.

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I doubt it has much to do with Cross realm servers, Val. :)


If it had then the solo queue would had been implemented atleast, there are enough players for this - just to fill 8 men teams is an issue, but this wont be fixed either when the xrealms are up, as you must find players on your server....


You have 10+ posts on solo queues... if you like playing by yourself go play a singleplayer

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Staff more people! Get people in on temporary contracts or whatever. It has been clear all they way with this game that the team is nowhere near big enough. None of the departments seem to be.


Information like this just seems unprofessional and forced out of some intense struggle to make a deadline, then discovering you dont have enough time in the last second.


Your team needs more love before you can make this game what it should be

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Seriouslly, are you a sith master? Because I really feel like being your apprentice right now :p, well said.


According to the UK 2012 census i am in fact a sith lord, Thank you for recognising my power, i accept you as my apprentice :p

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Okay, I'm not a big fan of PvP, and rly I think PvE servers shouldn't have it at all. However as a crafter and PvE'er, shafting PvP'ers on my server and migrating the Pacific/Australian players away turned the Jekk Jekk Tarr from a server that used to have log-on ques into one where population is pathetic and the GTN is dying or barely beating. You're not just killing PvP, but the entire SWTOR experience is suffering. I sometimes run lower level players through Heroics and FPs as a 50 because I feel terrible for these newer players spamming general chat with barely a hope of running those scenarioes.


The other thing that scares me? The $20 off ad I see on some websites and all the 7-day trial stuff. Is F2P around the corner?


I'll also admit I suck at PvP, but I was hoping 1.2 would give me a chance to develop some skills there with the rank system.

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