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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Update on Ranked Warzones in Game Update 1.2


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Anyone else getting the impression that this thread is loaded with Bioware spies pretending to be posters?


The thing is that the game has swoosh-sabers and pewpew-guns, therefor BW should be allowed to do what they want without any consequences

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You have no choice?! haha its called NOT playing the game fool! Wow, probably the least intelligent thing i have read.


You know what would happen if it launched in 1.2 and was buggy? people like you would complain. Seriously laughing out loud after reading that little tid-bit...wow....'no choice' LOL!


here I thought the "if you want to play" was implicit.


Sure I could not play. I don't complain about bugs. I know that's part of the landscape of an MMO. I do complain about bait and switch.

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I want something stable rather than something bugalicious pushed down the pike, so I don't mind the delay.


I think it would have been in BW's best interest to delay 1.2 given all the problems with the early release, and ranked pvp, etc. In the mean time, this gives me a chance to try out marauder (carnage) and operative (which the later seems dysfunctional atm).

Edited by Shockazilla
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Well, I dont know how to feel now. At first I was pissed off that ratings werent coming out..Secret,I STILL AM **** YOU BIO... but now i dont know how to feel<lie... since the patch came out I am gettin my full Battle geared *** handed to me. THANKS BIO FOR OPing every class out there so I can get my sage *** handed to me over and over!
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BAHAHAHA 77925 WZ commendations to get full WH, assuming you are already full BM. This is some *********** innovating PvP, BW!


since all you cry babies seem to love PvP so much and apparently there isn't anything else to do in the game then surely this isn't a problem, no?

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since all you cry babies seem to love PvP so much and apparently there isn't anything else to do in the game then surely this isn't a problem, no?


Sure no problem at all, if you have a spare 17hrs a day, 7 days a week for month to get 1 piece of gear sure nps at all (SARCASM)

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removing the war zone rewards for loosing side just made everyone quit the second they think they might loose. way to boggle the pvp.


Yep. This mechanism only works if you can bring in your OWN 8 man group. When being forced to group with random idiots people bail at the first sign things are going south.


Could Bioware hire someone who actually has experience with PVP in a MMO? Please? Or did they blow that budget on coke and ******s?

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So, for those of us who got to the conversation late, let me see if I understand this. There are no ranked warzones and won't be for several months, but the best gear requires ranked tokens to get. So instead of actually, you know, fixing the problem or not releasing the unfinished changes they released PVP with a system that rewards you with ZERO rewards, no money, no coms, no nothing, if you lose and then tell us to just treat PVP like it's a raid that never ends?


I can see why they are giving people 30 days free...

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Disapointed. Tera or GW2 guys?


Tera... No, just no. Just because it is an action MMO doesn't mean this will have good pvp.


GW2 will fail to deliver on their overhyped promises.


I give in a few weeks and people will just call GW2's open PvP "glorified warzones" or whatever. I'm going to let you in a little secret, well not really a secret, but devs have a nickname for people who jump between games. They're called locusts, they swarm to a game and devour the content in a few weeks or a month. After the swarming is done, they start to look elsewhere while at the same time constantly troll MMO message boards(quite often games they do not even play anymore). They often use terms such as "just a wow-clone" or claim there is no content(or end game) in the game.


...a system that rewards you with ZERO rewards, no money, no coms, no nothing, if you lose and then tell us to just treat PVP like it's a raid that never ends?


Wait, what?

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so i resubscribe to 1.2 when they finally gave us this HUGE heads up they promised (someone notify Webster dictionary huge now means 3 days notice) about the patch finally being ready and then AFTER i RESUB to your game you go and remove the ONLY good thing about this patch ranked WZ's and ability to Q as 8 man team.... it is bad enough you don't offer server transfers off of your 60% DEAD SERVERS (that's being generous) but now you take away the ability for the small amounts of people remaining on those servers to Q as FULL teams and guarantee some semblance of decent PVP!!!


It is really atrocious how you treat your player base and i dare say it is the worst gaming experience Ive ever been a part of (yes I'm including E.T. for ATARI!!!!!!)


Bioware i suggest you convene the jedi council immediately and start firing some of your staff and bring in people that ACTUALLY care about your player base, not these phony SITH AGENTS (see what i did there) who have mind controlled you into ruining your own game!

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So, for those of us who got to the conversation late, let me see if I understand this. There are no ranked warzones and won't be for several months, but the best gear requires ranked tokens to get. So instead of actually, you know, fixing the problem or not releasing the unfinished changes they released PVP with a system that rewards you with ZERO rewards, no money, no coms, no nothing, if you lose and then tell us to just treat PVP like it's a raid that never ends?


I can see why they are giving people 30 days free...


In a Nutshell yupz that's exactly what it amounts too !

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Wait, what?


Yeah, you didn't notice?


If you go into a PVP match and fight your *** off and get 12 badges but your team loses, you get NOTHING. So now people are joining matches, waiting to see if it looks like a *lol* roflstomp and if they think it isn't going to be a win they leave the game and re-que. Then the next sucker gets in and he sees it isn't a win and he re-ques so Bioware sees a lot of people joining games and points to it saying, "Har har har! Look at da people's loving da PVP!!! YAAAAY!!! We did goood!!!"

Edited by Coyotecalls
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Better than Space Samurai's and 1400 century Peasant Robes....Hell a Middle Schooler would put these lame designs to rest with a rough draft..


I see, and when they have all these anime doe eyed characters running around wearing anime armor using anime weapons that do not and will not fit within the lore of the Star Wars Universe you will return here to complain about that too. What we have now is part of the lore of Star Wars. That is fact, unless of course, you want to completely ignore and Retcon what was established back in 1977 with Episode IV. BTW, I'm a father and my kids while in middle school were to busy playing and enjoying computer games to worry about "characters adorned in Space Samurai armor or 1400 century peasant robes." Your argument here is a straw man argument, nothing more.

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