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Maras underpowered


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Marauders don't even need the buff they are getting it pisses me off! My husband is a marauder not even in full BM gear and he is almost always top damage in pvp and always has a bounty on his head from the other team to kill him first because he is good. So marauders aren't underpowered and when 1.2 hits they'll be even more overpowered.



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Hello. I am a sith marauder and i hit lvl 50 a little less than a month ago. I am now in top end gear and i am still getting owned. This is not what i was promised. The forums said that this was a faceroll class but no matter how many times i roll my face across my keyboard.. nothing is dead when i look up. i have tried every possible angle and still nothing dies. i am a maurader. I should be marauding stuff.. but at this rate the only thing that i will be marauding is my face. Please help.




lol roll face on keyboard lol wow dude O_O... I should try to roll my face on my keyboard see what happends :D..

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Marauders don't even need the buff they are getting it pisses me off! My husband is a marauder not even in full BM gear and he is almost always top damage in pvp and always has a bounty on his head from the other team to kill him first because he is good. So marauders aren't underpowered and when 1.2 hits they'll be even more overpowered.


I'm getting tired of people thinking we are being buffed. They moved valarious call down to tier one to help the other tree's build centering and gave our "lol focus" tree a bit of a buff which will still be the "lol focus" tree for baddie sentinels. Our best tree is actually being nerfed and they removed focus cost from stuff like force kick and awe which should of never cost focus to begin with.


The changes were more quality of life and not even real buffs for the other trees that still will be used by a small percentage of players while everyone else will continue to play watchmen/annihilation.


I look forward to all the "fotm" players to reach 50 so I can laugh when they realize they can't press 1 button for dps and one button to stun and run away. Our class is far from face roll and the "fotm" players are going to be in for a very rude awakening when they hit 50 since only bad players play the "easy faceroll" class which sentinel is far from easy to play in comparison to the other classes.

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It's possible you've worn out a spot on your face.


Examine your face for dings and pits, then fill in with any convenient substance; a self-curing modeling clay works best, though the wood-glue-and-sawdust technique has a pretty strong following as well.

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I'm getting tired of people thinking we are being buffed. They moved valarious call down to tier one to help the other tree's build centering and gave our "lol focus" tree a bit of a buff which will still be the "lol focus" tree for baddie sentinels. Our best tree is actually being nerfed and they removed focus cost from stuff like force kick and awe which should of never cost focus to begin with.


The changes were more quality of life and not even real buffs for the other trees that still will be used by a small percentage of players while everyone else will continue to play watchmen/annihilation.


I look forward to all the "fotm" players to reach 50 so I can laugh when they realize they can't press 1 button for dps and one button to stun and run away. Our class is far from face roll and the "fotm" players are going to be in for a very rude awakening when they hit 50 since only bad players play the "easy faceroll" class which sentinel is far from easy to play in comparison to the other classes.


None and i mean NONE of the classes in this game are very hard to figure out or use effectively. That little pipedream most "veteran" marauders have that they have it figured out and everyone else it too stupid, is going to be shattered. I hate to break it to you but yes your precious is that damned good and just like sorcs pre-1.2 you will regularly be seeing full mara/sent teams in pugs and most pre-mades will figure out quickly if you're not tanking or healing you better be carying 2 lightsabers. Quit putting so much on it, fact is marauder and sentinel are just as easy to play as any other class in this game with twice the power.

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Check you event logs for any error messages. Could be an error in your log on scripts.


If that doesn't work open command prompt and try this:


cd C:


Be sure to type y and press Enter


OH!!!! This really made me LOL... Out of all the funny ones... ^^^^^This so much!!

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Have you installed Leatrix by chance? Sounds like the servers not recognizing your actions, even though as a marauder it should be expecting a good solid face roll every couple of seconds. Try downloading that or working through a proxy to ensure every pimple hit on the keyboard is reaching the server as fast as possible. Other then that, try using a can of compressed air. Hot pocket and chip crumbs can sometimes get stuck under the keys making them hit and miss at best for registering button smashing.


Good luck!

Edited by Amaste
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None and i mean NONE of the classes in this game are very hard to figure out or use effectively. That little pipedream most "veteran" marauders have that they have it figured out and everyone else it too stupid, is going to be shattered. I hate to break it to you but yes your precious is that damned good and just like sorcs pre-1.2 you will regularly be seeing full mara/sent teams in pugs and most pre-mades will figure out quickly if you're not tanking or healing you better be carying 2 lightsabers. Quit putting so much on it, fact is marauder and sentinel are just as easy to play as any other class in this game with twice the power.


Ya, level one to 50 and see how long you last. You can't sit pretty 30m back and press one button for easy dps. Situational awareness and heavier reliance on cool downs is much more difficult then people seem to think. But go ahead, continue to think we are better then what we really are (a class that actually takes skill to excel with). I'll be loling with my merc alt kiting you in my pyrotech spec like I do currently with all the baddie sentinel/marauders who think the class is a faceroll class.


I'd also love to see a full marauder team more often considering how easy it is to beat them as I've already seen a few people try it already. Most good pvp players will be laughing at a full marauder team. But I guess some people still seem to think warzones are nothing but a deathmatch right?

Edited by Raansu
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Ya, level one to 50 and see how long you last. You can't sit pretty 30m back and press one button for easy dps. Situational awareness and heavier reliance on cool downs is much more difficult then people seem to think. But go ahead, continue to think we are better then what we really are (a class that actually takes skill to excel with). I'll be loling with my merc alt kiting you in my pyrotech spec like I do currently with all the baddie sentinel/marauders who think the class is a faceroll class.


I'd also love to see a full marauder team considering how easy it is to beat them as I've already seen a few people try it already. Most good pvp players will be laughing at a full marauder team. But I guess some people still seem to think warzones are nothing but a deathmatch right?


there's not a single class in this game that you can do this with, not even merc/commando. People that make these claims only put their ignorance on full display. I have leveled a sentinel and it's just like any other class, you use your base abilities to build up/align your cooldowns and then hit your wtfpwn phase. My claim stands that it takes no more skill than any other class. Those that know their class will exceed at it those that don't won't but learning marauder is no harder than learning the intricacies of any other class.

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top damage doesnt mean OP it only means you are pissing of a lot of people and they will call you OP because they are ignorant


honestly keep looking at the DPS count and get mad because a DPS class top it.




Yeah, I think people need to differentiate between the two:


1. Sentinels/Marauders excel at killing stuff



And yet, as awesome as that may sound, killing your opponents isn't nearly as important as it may seem at first. Holding an objective is far more important. And that's what makes Assassins so powerful.


2. Shadows/Assassins excel at winning



A Tank Assassin can easily hold out 60 seconds at a node waiting for reinforcements to arrive. They make the best Huttball carriers in game thanks to sprint and tanking CDs. Their pulls can control even hostile ball carriers.



They might not be awesome at killing stuff, but their will improve your chances of success more than any other class.



Sentinel/Marauders make up in Damage what they lose in Utility compared to ALL OTHER CLASSES (they have the least utility YES THEY STILL HAVE SOME UTILITY but please focus on understanding the grand scheme)


OBVIOUSLY THEY WILL TOP DAMAGE (if well played) it's the only think they really can excel at.

Edited by Pekish
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top damage doesnt mean OP it only means you are pissing of a lot of people and they will call you OP because they are ignorant


honestly keep looking at the DPS count and get mad because a DPS class top it.







Sentinel/Marauders make up in Damage what they lose in Utility compared to ALL OTHER CLASSES (they have the least utility YES THEY STILL HAVE SOME UTILITY but please focus on understanding the grand scheme)


OBVIOUSLY THEY WILL TOP DAMAGE (if well played) it's the only think they really can excel at.


I dont have a problem with the damage they put out I do have a issue with the damage mitigation they have and the self heals that outperform tank spec classes.

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Sentinel/Marauders make up in Damage what they lose in Utility compared to ALL OTHER CLASSES (they have the least utility YES THEY STILL HAVE SOME UTILITY but please focus on understanding the grand scheme)


Printing stuff in all caps doesn't make it true. Mars have more utility than most of the DPS classes, not less. And they've got higher single target damage. And they've got some of the best defensive cooldowns in PvP.


Some of this is okay. A melee class, all else being equal, should do more damage than a ranged class, due to having to be in melee, for example, unless said ranged class has its own annoying restriction (like having to be in cover). The complete package of Anni Marauder, though, is a bit silly in terms of power level.

Edited by Battilea
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you sure are very bad in all classes... i don't waste my time proving you the lack of sentinel utility if u can't get it after 3 month of game it wont be me making u smart out of sudden... obviously Sentinel is op if u sux so bad that cannot use your skill and dont see other DPS utilities the problem is you.


play a sentinel if it is so strong and show me how you make a team win an hutball match with ur tons of utility

Edited by Pekish
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