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When will there be a SERVER MERGE?


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I tried to keep it short, you claimed you didn't understand it. I wasn't trying to insult you, I just wanted to be as specific as possible because when I'm not, you accuse me of being vague, and when I'm specific you accuse me of putting down walls of text.




Not even in the slightest. Bioware made that call how long ago? 2 months? A month? I don't think that at this current time, they have 1.7 million subs. They might have then, I don't think they do now. Even if you want to distribute another 200,000 subs that only comes out to be 1000 per server, or 500 per side - and that's assuming everyone logs in. We already pointed out that MMOs rarely have more then 10% of their playerbase on and active. You're looking at another 50 people per night at most on some fleets, assuming equal distribution which clearly this game doesn't have.


My point? 1.7 or 1.5, or 1.3, whatever. Too many servers.






"My server is dead" is not to be taken literally. Its a point of reference. if the GTN has very few items on it, PvP ques don't pop, and its impossible to get a group together then for all intents and purposes, it is dead - because if the server actually only had 1 person on it, the gaming expeirence wouldn't be that much different.




Personal insults? You claim you didn't understand it. I went into detail. You then claim its too long. Like, which is it?





Do you realize that saying that there are more heavy servers only weakens your argument? By saying there are 10 or even 20 heavy servers instead of 4 (which I mostly accounted for) it just means that a larger portion of the population then I originally anticipated is on the relatively same small amount of servers, and thus the other 190 or 180 or so have a worse population then I originally anticipated?


Whatever, I'm done with you. Not only do you take everything entirely too personal, you refuse to believe that a statistically significant portion of the population has population problems on their server. I'm willing to admit that this game is perfectly fine on some peoples servers, but you seem to refuse to believe many more have issues on theirs.


Just an FYI, this Frostvein guy thrives on arguing on forums. Whether he is right or wrong, he will never stop. So do yourself a favor and just move on.


Anyways, on topic:


I noticed last night that the Republic population on my server is getting pretty bad. (My main is Empire). I have a 49 Miraluka Jedi I'm trying to get to 50 so I can roll a Miraluka Sith (woohoo) when 1.2 goes live. I did some PvP and checked out a few planets.


Things I noticed:


Empire at the Fleet: 80-90 during peak times

Repub at the Fleet: 10-15 during peak times


Empire Warfronts had long queues and never a shortage of players.

Repub Warfronts had instant queues and never had a full group to start any match.


Correlia Empire had 20-40 people there.

Correlia Republic had 3 people there.




If this trend continues, there will be no Republic to play against in anything. I'm not normally for Server merges, but I think it's time that they opened the doors for people to merge from certain servers to others (specified by Bioware). I don't want to see the freedom to transfer wherever we want in that everyone will go to high populated servers and cause even more issues than we have now.


My $0.02

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They will have to add server closings along with forced merging for players who do not wish to transfer out in order to clean the dead servers out.


Will they do that? No idea.


Well, they already stated they aren't going to do merges, so all that is going to happen is a lot of people will transfer off the lower pop servers and those servers will become even worse. Will they still ignore the issue then? We can't say for sure, but it's pretty bad as it is, ow bad does it need to be before they do something I wonder.

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Well, they already stated they aren't going to do merges, so all that is going to happen is a lot of people will transfer off the lower pop servers and those servers will become even worse. Will they still ignore the issue then? We can't say for sure, but it's pretty bad as it is, ow bad does it need to be before they do something I wonder.


Go check out the Fatman server. I made a couple toons there early on and some friends started on another server, so I ended up leaving Fatman. Today, Fatman is PACKED.


I went there 2 nights ago to see what all the fuss was about and noticed that there was 200-250 on the "REPUBLIC" Fleet. I also went to Korriban and saw 98 people there. When I rolled a new Jedi just to see that population, it was 121.


Fatman has a queue ... it seems that many have already re-rolled to this server just to get the "MMO" feel.


I do hope they merge servers soon because I don't want to play against Empire all the time. I enjoy seeing Jedi and Troopers on the battlefield.

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Go check out the Fatman server. I made a couple toons there early on and some friends started on another server, so I ended up leaving Fatman. Today, Fatman is PACKED.


I went there 2 nights ago to see what all the fuss was about and noticed that there was 200-250 on the "REPUBLIC" Fleet. I also went to Korriban and saw 98 people there. When I rolled a new Jedi just to see that population, it was 121.


Fatman has a queue ... it seems that many have already re-rolled to this server just to get the "MMO" feel.


I do hope they merge servers soon because I don't want to play against Empire all the time. I enjoy seeing Jedi and Troopers on the battlefield.


If you are on the fence, you should get in now before you can't anymore. They will have to lock it soon.

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I tried to keep it short, you claimed you didn't understand it. I wasn't trying to insult you, I just wanted to be as specific as possible because when I'm not, you accuse me of being vague, and when I'm specific you accuse me of putting down walls of text.


Don't be coy. I'm not asking for length, I'm asking for logical consistency. Nobody wants to read a 700+ word posting on a gaming forum.


Not even in the slightest. Bioware made that call how long ago? 2 months? A month?


When you wrote "I never said 1.7 wouldn't either, I just don't think they have those numbers" I took it to mean "they did not have those numbers at the time." They last time they confirmed 1.7 million was on March 8 and that is the last data we have. Anything else is speculation. I'm hoping for new numbers at the next earnings call, which should be around May 1.


Personal insults? You claim you didn't understand it.


When you write "I'm sorry you had trouble understanding it...I'll break it down ", it came across as sarcasm. All I said is that it was not possible to follow your thread because your link was broken. It had nothing to do with my ability to understand. Provide correct links, and understanding will follow.


Do you realize that saying that there are more heavy servers only weakens your argument?


As I said, I was not responding to your argument because of the above, but I did want to point out that your facts were off.


Whatever, I'm done with you. Not only do you take everything entirely too personal, you refuse to believe that a statistically significant portion of the population has population problems on their server.


I'm willing to admit that this game is perfectly fine on some peoples servers, but you seem to refuse to believe many more have issues on theirs.


I don't take anything on a gaming forum personal, other than I have standards for what I will spend my time responding to.


Nobody could accept that a statistically significant portion of players have population problems. Even if you had population data, which you don't, it would be akin to saying that a statistically significant portion of players is younger than another portion. It is a meaningless statement. At best, you could try to come to some agreement to what a healthy population level is and try to show that a certain percentage of players play on servers that fall below that level. You have done nothing of the sort.


tl;dr – You are right, I refuse to accept that a statistically significant portion of players have population problems, because nobody has shown this to be the case.

Edited by Kthx
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so bioware shut down my thread because this one already existed. Here is what I wrote regarding this matter.....


The only time i ever seem to see anyone of the other faction is in PVP and I am on the highest or nearly the highest pop. server (The Fatman). Only a handful of times (maybe 4 or 5) have I seen a republic guy on just a random planet. I mean when rolling on a PVP server ,one expects (at least coming from the almighty WoW an all) certain things. Not to be continually ganked necessarily lol...but simply not to feel seemingly alone on a planet. Yes, I have gotten the occasional group quest completed but overall it was rather frustrating because noone seems to be around. For example: The most I have seen on the Fleet at peak hours was right around 200 and I was thoroughly surprised because typically its hovering right around the 45 mark during off-peak times. SWTOR just doesn't feel "MMO" enough. Anyone else feel that this is true? I mean lets be honest Bioware has done a pretty good job for their first real MMORPG (lets just pretend that galaxies didn't happen because i do not wish to induce vomiting for any of you at home). RPG element: Fantastic; Story arch: Excellent; really great game in and of itself. HOWEVER, from the traditional MMO standpoint your used to having world pvp or at least pvp on a larger scale outside of BG's, etc etc. Potential solution: MERGE SOME OF THE SERVERS! I mean lets be real, EA has no problem shutting down servers outright in other games, so why not get with the Bioware higher-ups and be like " YO, fix dis!" But i digress. I just want to feel like people exist in this game (outside of the Fleet that is). I DO NOT want to go back to wow or migrate to GW2 when it comes round, because I genuinely enjoy SWTOR. Maybe with 1.2 dropping tomorrow people will re-up their subscriptions and the problem will begin to fix itself. But I feel that if this is a bigger issue and not just me..then it needs to be monitored and potentially fixed. Sorry for being a little ranty, just being honest. Thoughts....?

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Whats weird is that after the announcement of 1.2 the server populations have dropped even more.


I haven't noticed any change on my server, but clearly some players have moved to the PTS and some players have rerolled on other servers.

Edited by Kthx
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I received a polite spam today from SWTOR with advice for players “10 and beyond” so wanted to respond in kind with some advice for SWTOR.


My advice for EA games/SWTOR: Beyond Launch



Fix broken or unoccupied servers. Stop blaming your customer for choosing a "light" server. When only 7 people are in the fleet during primetime (8pm EST) that is seriously broken. A light server should still be able to accommodate all activities offered through the game. When a pvp que takes 2.5 hours to pop that is unacceptable.


My complaints have been met with, “well, you chose the server.” Sigh, I started a guild and invested heavily on my server only to learn that no one is playing here.


-One angry resident of Anturi Reach that is sadly ready to return to my former MMO

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Think server population isn't an issue? Go try and make an alt on.. wel.. pretty much any PVP server that ISN'T The Fatman, then go play an alt on The Fatman. The gaming experience is far superior on a high population server. There's activity, there's life, there's easy groups. It feels like an actual MMO.


Mandalore the Indomitable feels like a ghost town by comparison, and it isn't even one of the worst when it comes to population.


My frustration is that I trusted Bioware to assign my guild to a server, and now that server more or less sucks. Most of my friends who quit probably would not have quit if the server had more activity. Now the few of us who are left are basically stuck with the choice: reroll Fatman or quit.


It would be really nice if Bioware came up with an option #3, and I do actually feel this is a critical issue that should be hotfixed BEFORE patch 1.3, whatever that next update will entail.....

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Think server population isn't an issue? Go try and make an alt on.. wel.. pretty much any PVP server that ISN'T The Fatman, then go play an alt on The Fatman. The gaming experience is far superior on a high population server. There's activity, there's life, there's easy groups. It feels like an actual MMO.


Mandalore the Indomitable feels like a ghost town by comparison, and it isn't even one of the worst when it comes to population.


My frustration is that I trusted Bioware to assign my guild to a server, and now that server more or less sucks. Most of my friends who quit probably would not have quit if the server had more activity. Now the few of us who are left are basically stuck with the choice: reroll Fatman or quit.


It would be really nice if Bioware came up with an option #3, and I do actually feel this is a critical issue that should be hotfixed BEFORE patch 1.3, whatever that next update will entail.....


Just re-roll to The Fatman, it's the option that makes the most sense. There is no use debating it.

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Originally Posted by Raeli

Well, they already stated they aren't going to do merges, so all that is going to happen is a lot of people will transfer off the lower pop servers and those servers will become even worse. Will they still ignore the issue then? We can't say for sure, but it's pretty bad as it is, ow bad does it need to be before they do something I wonder.


No they didn't. He said not in the near future.



With this news, people are not going to wait for a merge. They will unsub or reroll, making their servers even worse. This will force them to do a merge sooner.

Edited by Kourage
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My server hits Heavy all the time by early evening.


Congratulations, you're 1 of 3 or 4 servers. And Heavy is not Very Heavy or Full. Your server would be medium at best in WoW, and you're on one of the top servers in swtor. It's just sad.

Edited by durvas
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My server (Kai-Kan) have very low population. At the moment there is 18 players at imperial fleet (18:51 UTC+01:00). Think that my server is low because preorder when many people made their characters before official launch and they stop playing. New peopele after launch didnt join this server because it was heavy and sometimes people stuck in long queue to log in. Economy on this server is almost non. Queue for war zones are long because its hard to get people for it. Hope that cross-realm pvp will change something. New people usualy say at general chat that server or game is dead. Think that low populated servers should be merged fast or you guys will lose more costumers because people are quite unhappy and dont have pleasure playing this game.
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Because if everybody just re-rolls to the Fatman everything will be miraculously fixed!




No, it forces Bioware's hand to fix the matter sooner and it provides players with an actual MMO experience in their MMO game. To do nothing but sit around waiting for Bioware to fix the issue is the definition of stupidity. If you want to have fun with a group of players who are passonate about the game re-roll on The Fatman or The Swiftsure if you aren't going to freak when it loses 25-35% of its players once Ocenia transfers happen, scratch that just roll on The Fatman.

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Quote: "tl;dr – You are right, I refuse to accept that a statistically significant portion of players have population problems, because nobody has shown this to be the case. "


/sigh. Let me explain something to you. Go on the server list and see how many show "light".

Then go on one of those servers and try to do a four man at any level, on any planet.


Evidence does not have to be infallible, like a geometric proof, to be evidence.

And I am sure you are not a statistician.

You just like to stir things up.

It is clear to anyone with a brain that a significant portion of players are on servers with population problems. You use the term "statistically" as though you know what that term means. I will give you a hint. It doesnt mean more than 50%.

Maybe this is the first (M)MO you have played. I have played on probably 15 to 20, starting with UO during its launch. This game has the most dead servers I have ever encountered on a game less than 6 months from launch. So you can take that as "evidence".

Edited by Drunkenpig
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So this thread is remade again and is still, as always, on page 1 of the forums.


They're not listening to this thread....


It's clearly something a lot of people are unhappy about, any articles comments sections is usually dominated by remarks about pop.


"Reroll" is not an acceptable answer, by design the game has made a big deal out of peoples legacy and the coming legacy options, to expect that player to just reroll and start over is a stupid solution, I don't know why people would keep posting that.


Quitting the game entirely is an easier pill to swallow than starting over, and it's what a lot of people have done it would seem. But maybe not enough people, or they would be moving faster to appease us.


I suggest people on ghost servers just unsubscribe, that will actually send a message, more so than any post in this thread which is basically a holding pen for disgruntled customers, so, stop being a customer. You lose nothing, you can resub when they wake up and say something.


7 days left on my sub, just long enough to poke at 1.2 and then disappear until they bother to sort out my pathetic server.


aaaand, if it's not free transfers or a merge, I wont bother.


"Insert witty goodbye we don't need you we don't care response here"


Not bothered, actually sad my server is dead, but i'm not rerolling and i'm not paying to play there, so i'm outta there, and I wanted to post because maybe if we all do it they'll do something about it instead of blowing the legacy trumpet

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Properly managed server populations shouldn't have ghost towns or server queues- those represent the two extreme ends of the spectrum.


Take 1/2 of the Fatman's population and move them to one of the light servers. Walla, insert two birds and stoned idiom- no queues and no ghost towns. Continue to adjust as needed.


Get off the horse about people complaining about queue times, because with the right amount of servers open and at equal pop amongst them all neither ghost towns or qq times should exist.

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