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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

FULL resolve yet still getting pulled into fire, getting


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I find it interesting that, because it's happened to you 8-10 times, you'll take so much time on the forums to try and convince people it's a real problem. Yet, you haven't spent time collecting videos to post as hard proof. Please, do yourself a favor and stop posting "Omg guys please believe me!", and get a video of it happening to you.


If it's happened 8-10 times in the fairly short v65 grind, I'm sure you'll claim it will happen again soon. Next time, please have fraps running. Until then, I can reassure you that you will sway absolutely no one to your cause, except for people who have 0 understanding of the resolve bar and use their CC break on the first stun.


Let me ask you this, is it feasible for me, with 1 computer to record hundreds if not thousands of hours of PVP to catch the 1 instance it happens? Should I slow my performance down to do this? Should I load up my HD and review matches where it may not have happened to me but "possibly" someone else?


I don't know about you, but I don't have that kind of free time. Which is truly why I don't care about what others think on what I have seen. I really don't. I was letting this thread die until someone stated I was flat out lying about what I have seen. Hell, I am a firm believer that people believe and see things differently and that's fine. I don't know about you, but I can sleep at night with the fact that I can see an airplane at 40,000 feet but someone else can't.


I have yet to get an intelligent response as to why I would lie on this issue. It serves me no benefit to do such and all I was asking was a possible reason as to why it happened. If you have noticed, have I ever said resolve was broken? Go ahead do a search. No I haven't. Have I ever said I was snared rooted etc and resolve was bugged? Nope. All I have said is what I have experience and the frequency of that (which isn't a lot).


So get it straight.


To the guy with the name starting with a "K" sorry can't remember it atm. My attitude with you testing was you were so eager to prove the stun wrong you stated you would do test it yesterday. You didn't respond and I even refreshed your post for you asking if you had found anything. You then tromp in here demanding a video. Which is it now? Video or are you going to attempt to replicate it?


I get it's a holiday weekend I do, but stick with what you say. Unless you're trolling in which case I'll just leave it be.


All I am is curious as I have had a couple of other people tell me they have had it happen to them as well in prior posts. I'm not saying resolve is broken, bugged etc. Just looking for a possible reason. But hey, lets belittle me guys, it's the internet thing to do.


Anyway, I've spent too much time on this with you guys. Like I said, I know what I have seen and am able to sleep at night given the fact that others haven't. Enjoy the game, I know I do.

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lol Wow. Some people simply amaze me. Nothing like holding your hands over your ears and yelling "na na NA NA NA NA, I can't hear you". Grow up.


So where's that video of resolve not working right, bud? At least the ghostbusters on that website tried I guess.

Edited by coolnamesrtaken
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I'm not saying I catch everything, what I'm saying is Nefause of my training i am more situationally aware and i very much so try to remain very aware of what's going on especially with things like the ball carrier heading towards my goal. If it was a one off thing I'd caulk it up to a server hiccup. It's not though, I am seeing it happen and happen often. And I'm not running a bad computer nor a bad Internet connection to account for lag issues (12 Meg service). And seeing the number of people accounting for the same issues to include other members of my guild who are avid and rather rabid for that matter PvP players.


Even still my point still stands, just because someone didn't record it doesn't mean it doesn't happen and to blindly argue that it doesn't happen and that they are wrong without know who or what they are doesnt mean the system isn't A) doing exactly what is being reported to do and B) torqued and in need of a change.


If it's happening often like you claim, then it shouldn't be hard for you to fraps it. You're hear posting on the forums in order to educate other people about this problem and have BW fix it right? And the best way to educate ppl and show BW there is a bug is to document it.


If resolve is bugged, I want BW to fix it. But in order for them to fix it, they need to replicate the same environment in which it occurred, in order to replicate the bug and then figure out a way to fix it. And it this resolve bug happens often for you, you should fraps it and send it to BW so they know how to replicate it.

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Ya ok. Would love to and will when I get one. I had a slew but dumped my HD last week.


You said that in reference to putting up a video earlier in this thread. I assumed you meant a slew of videos showing you being stunned with already having full resolve, but then dumped all the vids.


That's why I'm so skeptical. You said you collected all these videos, assumingly because you wanted to share this bug. Yet you deleted them before putting them onto any kind of forum or video uploading website, despite have taking the time to capture them in the first place.


I understand it takes time and effort to get a video of it happening. But you were all for it before (and supposedly had the proof before you deleted it), and now you say you're not going to waste your time spending countless hours at a decreased performance rate hoping to catch it? Even if we don't see eye to eye, you have to understand why I'm skeptical.

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We clear this time?


Sir, yes sir!!! Erm mater of fact no. Let me tell you why not. Because it's not my personal experience and the people that claim otherwise fail to present any proof to endorse their claim. I get CCed as much as everyone and I always (or let's say most times) check my status when that happens. I had people trying to stun/maze me when I had my resolve up and it never worked. I have no reason to lie about that as I like a bug free game as much as the next person.

On another idea, don't you guys think it would be much better if you document the problems with the resolve and send them BWs way. And, by all means, post your findings here so we can build pressure on BW to fix what needs to be fix.

QQing doesn't accomplish anything except spreading misinformation and building tension.

Edited by LenrocNewDawn
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Sir, yes sir!!! Erm mater of fact no. Let me tell you why not. Because it's not my personal experience and the people that claim otherwise fail to present any proof to endorse their claim. I get CCed as much as everyone and I always (or let's say most times) check my status when that happens. I had people trying to stun/maze me when I had my resolve up and it never worked. I have no reason to lie about that as I like a bug free game as much as the next person.

On another idea, don't you guys think it would be much better if you document the problems with the resolve and send them BWs way. And, by all means, post your findings here so we can build pressure on BW to fix what needs to be fix.

QQing doesn't accomplish anything except spreading misinformation and building tension.


Then you still can not clearly understand what I said then? You are still having difficulty understanding what I clearly stated twice (actually more but twice to you specifically)? Then there is nothing more I can do to help you. You will have to help yourself.


The fact is I have seen, hell I just had it happen to me again where I was chain stunned with a full resolve bar no more then 10 minutes ago. I was stunned twice, my resolve bar was full, I broke the stun and proceeded to get stunned and ganked no less then 3 times while my resolve bar was still white as a babys *** on a December morning in the snow.




On a side note I just had a Jugg force leap to me while I was clearly behind my cover screen too. SO who knows maybe the bigger issue on my server is cheating.

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Then you still can not clearly understand what I said then? You are still having difficulty understanding what I clearly stated twice (actually more but twice to you specifically)? Then there is nothing more I can do to help you. You will have to help yourself.


The fact is I have seen, hell I just had it happen to me again where I was chain stunned with a full resolve bar no more then 10 minutes ago. I was stunned twice, my resolve bar was full, I broke the stun and proceeded to get stunned and ganked no less then 3 times while my resolve bar was still white as a babys *** on a December morning in the snow.




On a side note I just had a Jugg force leap to me while I was clearly behind my cover screen too. SO who knows maybe the bigger issue on my server is cheating.


I believe you that resolve is bugged for you. So what you need to do is make a video of it and report it to Bioware so they can replicate the bug and fix it.

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they need to redo resolve completely, some stuns fill a bar, others 6. the low filling ones, you can sit through 4-6 stuns before filling, and then bioware thought it wasn't enough of a stunfest already and let roots completely ignore resolve. Either add DR to stuns and snares/roots w/ resolve as it is, or fuggen redo it



I disagree.


Snares no. Roots yes


However the OP is correct resolve is a joke. I occasionally can't stasis a target with no resolve at all.

Edited by Andurial
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The fact is I have seen, hell I just had it happen to me again where I was chain stunned with a full resolve bar no more then 10 minutes ago. I was stunned twice, my resolve bar was full, I broke the stun and proceeded to get stunned and ganked no less then 3 times while my resolve bar was still white as a babys *** on a December morning in the snow.


Then it should be really really easy to fraps it and upload it to youtube, I mean 10 mins ago, and how unfortunate that you didnt have fraps running after being in this thread all day.


Post the video man, its not that hard (apparently).

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Then you still can not clearly understand what I said then? You are still having difficulty understanding what I clearly stated twice (actually more but twice to you specifically)? Then there is nothing more I can do to help you. You will have to help yourself.


The fact is I have seen, hell I just had it happen to me again where I was chain stunned with a full resolve bar no more then 10 minutes ago. I was stunned twice, my resolve bar was full, I broke the stun and proceeded to get stunned and ganked no less then 3 times while my resolve bar was still white as a babys *** on a December morning in the snow.




On a side note I just had a Jugg force leap to me while I was clearly behind my cover screen too. SO who knows maybe the bigger issue on my server is cheating.


Yea, this doesn't happen.


No one is cheating, you just don't know how the game plays. You just haven't grasped the concept of Resolve.


I suggest you play the game a little bit longer, l2p, and come back and post.

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Bwahahaha, you think I posted about my computer and Internet connection for your sake? Man you are just full of yourself aren't you? I posted that to parry the inevitable comments from others like you who will try to claim such as they try to feign indifference. So, so far you have apparently as a previous poster pointed out said you were going to make video of such, not done so, then try to call someone out because they refuse to play your stupid game of "if I didn't see it then it didn't happen". I'm under no obligation to prove anything, which seems to be your biggest misunderstanding here. And my posts "confusing others with misinformation"???? I'm sorry but what misinformation have I given out exactly. Hmmmmm that's right none! I have given up my observations on a broken system and refuted your rose colored glasses approach with my own experiences. I'm still missing the part where I gave out misinformation.....hmmm maybe you should record it on video because obviously if it ain't there then it didn't happen.




Facts are supported by evidence. Until you can provide some, it's purely a hypothesis. Also, the other side does not need to provide evidence as it's the currently accepted fact due to an absence of proof to the contrary. There are plenty of people who haven't seen what you're seeing but would be more than willing to agree with you if you or someone else was able to provide concrete examples. You may be in the right, but until you can prove that you are no one can take you seriously.

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I just want to clarify a few things. Operatives/Scoundrels were mentioned earlier in the thread as classes that are able to cc while the white resolve bar was up by using Backstab.


First, I dont know what the Scoundrel skill is called that knocks people down, but as an operative I want to clarify that the skill called Backstab is a dps skill with no cc attached. The skill that knocks people down is called Hidden Strike.


Secondly, as I have mentioned I play an operative. Believe it or not, but I didnt do much pvp pre-level 50 (I leveled to 50 with a friend who didnt want to pvp), so hit lvl50 as valour rank 6. I only mention this because I am trying to point out that I have done the vast majority of my pvp with enough points in my talent tree to have the cc attached to my Hidden strike.


Quite obviously, I use Hidden strike alot, probably in the region of 25 times per War Zone. I am now valour rank 70, so have been using Hidden strike for 64 Valour ranks, at about 25 times a Wz........thats alot of hidden strikes......and I have never, ever, not once been able to knock down someone with a full, or diminishing, white bar.


I think my experience of hidden strike is far greater than the person claiming to have seen it cc someone with a white bar, so, I am going to simply say to the person that claims operatives/scoundrels have a skill that is ignoring resolve;


you either mis-read the situation, or ur lying.


Personally, I believe u mis-read the situation, I have sat just out of stealth detection watching a player with a white bar....waiting....waiting...now...WHACK. just because I hit them at the moment their resolve bar goes, doesnt mean I have a skill that is ignoring the resolve system.

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I tend to believe him on this one. I can't even count the. Umber of times I have been in a full resolve situation where I have been chain stunned, rooted, mezzed, slowed, etc then had siuatiins where my target does not have a full resolve bar and they shrug off pushes, pulls, roots, stuns etc. So for him to say he has encountered this is not only not surprising to me but I have seen no reason to not think what he proposes is happening as well. The resolve system as it stands right now feels broken. And not just a little bit.


You know, there's a thread that went to 27 pages and not a single person could provide any proof of Resolve being "broken". Just a lot of "this happened to me, but I have nothing to show for it, and cannot reproduce it".


As a result, most of us have little reason to believe that all of you people saying that this is happening to you are being factual. I've never been pulled or stunned w/ a white bar, and whenever I've had a CC fail on a person, it's been a class that has temporary CC immunity.


If you can prove that this is actually happening, I'd love to see any form of proof, as would the rest of the community. Until then, I'm going to call bs.


Here's the thread, if you want to see for yourself:




Edited by Varicite
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"I suppose I should believe in religions like Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Buddhism, the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, and even Satanism since there are plenty of followers of those beliefs. Also, there are thousands of people who think they've seen the loch ness monster, hundreds that have claimed to have seen a UFO and dozens who say they saw a ghost. Guess those are all real too, since there's so many eye witnesses with no evidence besides their word."


Lol seriously? We're going this route now? Religion and such are being attacked now? :-)


I admit I have seen things that made me wonder if the resolve thing was bugged. But I don't know enough about other class's defenses to know what they can be immune to. I know I've been stunned, rooted, etc to death many times with resolve up or not. But those might be skills that ignore resolve. I just know I can't move or do anything ...


And I can certainly say it feels wrong when I get stunned, rooted, etc... for more than 30 sec in a row and then end up dead with full resolve.

And then to see some walk right on without a pause (without having white resolve up) when you try to stop them (from a distance)...


so I can see why people might think the resolve system needs work.


Just so you know... I'm not blind... I am just saying what I've seen. I'm sure there are a lot of tweaks, defenses and shields around that stop stuns, roots, etc... I don't have that apparently.

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Oh ps... I have no clue how to make a video of it... lol and in the spur of the moment I usually don't think "oh I have to film this"... when I'm dying and trying to get a heal of as soon as I get out of stun :-). So if any of you superious wise people could tell me how to do that... I might try to film it and then you can tell me what I'm not seeing :-)
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Did anyone post any proof about resolve not working as intended? I don't recall there being any. "This one time in a warzone" stuff isn't proof of anything except that people in this game don't pay attention or don't understand the crappy system that is resolve.


Yes, resolve is a terrible system compared to say diminishing returns, but it still works correctly.


-Mez: 100 resolve a second

-Stuns: 200 resolve a second

-Knock backs and grapples: 400 resolve regardless of distance

-Resolve caps at 1000


So, until you, or anyone else can post a video with someone with a white bar running around when suddenly, they get stunned, mez'd, knocked back, or grappled then resolve is working as intended.



I actually saw exactly this take place tonight with my character. Will try to remember to run fraps next time.


On the other hand, I also watched someone with zero resolve become immune to all CC abilities, snares and what nots. Meh...will try to remember to fraps it next time I see it may happen.

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"I suppose I should believe in religions like Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Buddhism, the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, and even Satanism since there are plenty of followers of those beliefs. Also, there are thousands of people who think they've seen the loch ness monster, hundreds that have claimed to have seen a UFO and dozens who say they saw a ghost. Guess those are all real too, since there's so many eye witnesses with no evidence besides their word."


Lol seriously? We're going this route now? Religion and such are being attacked now? :-)


I admit I have seen things that made me wonder if the resolve thing was bugged. But I don't know enough about other class's defenses to know what they can be immune to. I know I've been stunned, rooted, etc to death many times with resolve up or not. But those might be skills that ignore resolve. I just know I can't move or do anything ...


And I can certainly say it feels wrong when I get stunned, rooted, etc... for more than 30 sec in a row and then end up dead with full resolve.

And then to see some walk right on without a pause (without having white resolve up) when you try to stop them (from a distance)...


so I can see why people might think the resolve system needs work.


Just so you know... I'm not blind... I am just saying what I've seen. I'm sure there are a lot of tweaks, defenses and shields around that stop stuns, roots, etc... I don't have that apparently.


1. I dont think it was an attack on religion - it was an attack on methodology presented by some posters here: "believe me because I am right, no proof included", exactly like with faith (which by definition is not providing evidences).


2. 30 seconds in the row of stun and root...lets see - 2x4sec stun, 2000 resolve, so you cannot be stunned again up to 24th second of experiment, which leaves 16 seconds gap. Roots are between 1 and 3 seconds long, lets say on average 2 seconds. You want to tell me that you are hit by 8 perfectly timed roots in the row? If enemy team pulls that off they deserve the effect;) Exaggarations like this are not helpful for the discussion and make you look bad.


3. You admitted yourself that some classes can defend themselves against CC effects, so what is the problem again?



I actually saw exactly this take place tonight with my character. Will try to remember to run fraps next time.


On the other hand, I also watched someone with zero resolve become immune to all CC abilities, snares and what nots. Meh...will try to remember to fraps it next time I see it may happen.



I have totaly seen UFO today, but I forgot to use my camera, I will have to take it with me next time I think I will see UFO. And btw, I have critted with my saber strike for over 9000, but I didnt fraps that and I am not going to, you have to believe me.


Seriously, why waste time to post stuff like this?

Edited by Kaarsa
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Lol ok now I get attacked... Oh well guess that is the trend of this thread now...


Ok maybe I was not stunned more than 30sec in a row... I never did sit fighting at my computer with a stop-watch lol. Don't know if others do, but I don't...


I was just trying to make a point... getting stunned several times in a row is annoying and can make people wonder if there is something wrong with the resolve system. Especially if others can just shrug it off so easily. I know my class only has one option of getting out of stun and that has a cd. But it still makes me pause lol.


And I see a lot of people here saying that it's not possible, so all those people claiming they saw something must be imagining this... that's just lame. But I admit, they might have seen someone with the ability to shrug it off or have been stunned with their resolve up by an ability that ignores resolve. There seem to be a lot of those around...


I don't know how to make a video of it, and considering the tone of this thread now... I wonder if I should even bother... Since as of yet nobody has told me how to actually do that :-). They just zone in on the things that are not correct in my post and don't bother actually giving me the information on how to proof any claims. They are too busy being superior :).


Maybe we should all just remember that this is a game lol. Why always the need to attack eachother for having different opinions instead of just having a discussion about what different people believe to be true.

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I have totaly seen UFO today, but I forgot to use my camera, I will have to take it with me next time I think I will see UFO. And btw, I have critted with my saber strike for over 9000, but I didnt fraps that and I am not going to, you have to believe me.


Seriously, why waste time to post stuff like this?


Seriously, why do people waste time posting half the stuff that shows up on the forums?

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Oh ps... I have no clue how to make a video of it... lol and in the spur of the moment I usually don't think "oh I have to film this"... when I'm dying and trying to get a heal of as soon as I get out of stun :-). So if any of you superious wise people could tell me how to do that... I might try to film it and then you can tell me what I'm not seeing :-)


Your credibility (whatever small amount you may have had) just got blown out the water by claiming you were stunned for 30 seconds. Even if there was no resolve system at all, I wouldn't believe that a team stunned you for 30 seconds without killing you sooner.



PS about religion:



Dumb made up ********


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Lol ok now I get attacked... Oh well guess that is the trend of this thread now...


Ok maybe I was not stunned more than 30sec in a row... I never did sit fighting at my computer with a stop-watch lol. Don't know if others do, but I don't...


I was just trying to make a point... getting stunned several times in a row is annoying and can make people wonder if there is something wrong with the resolve system. Especially if others can just shrug it off so easily. I know my class only has one option of getting out of stun and that has a cd. But it still makes me pause lol.


And I see a lot of people here saying that it's not possible, so all those people claiming they saw something must be imagining this... that's just lame. But I admit, they might have seen someone with the ability to shrug it off or have been stunned with their resolve up by an ability that ignores resolve. There seem to be a lot of those around...


I don't know how to make a video of it, and considering the tone of this thread now... I wonder if I should even bother... Since as of yet nobody has told me how to actually do that :-). They just zone in on the things that are not correct in my post and don't bother actually giving me the information on how to proof any claims. They are too busy being superior :).


Maybe we should all just remember that this is a game lol. Why always the need to attack eachother for having different opinions instead of just having a discussion about what different people believe to be true.


Having a discussion is impossible when someone uses exaggarations so much. Yes, you can be stunned for 8 sec and then rooted for few more. Yes, you will die in the process. Yes it sucks. Yes, this stun period feels like ages. But 30 seconds? It is not WoW, it is impossible here. And this is what we are speaking about (for the most time) - resolve system protects you from being stunned for more than 8 seconds. Some people argue that it is not doing it and they are stunned for longer time on regular basis. How can I disscus with such statement? I ask for a video, because either they are and I am not or they have some time-sense issues. Then they go all defensive with faith-like arguments. Sorry, dont buy that.

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Ok I'm just going to respond one more time...


Sorry I used an exaggeration to make a point. I'm sure none of you have ever done that ...


But it amazes me that this is the only thing that people are focusing on.

Oh well guess that is the way of this thread now.


Cause note that again nobody told me how to make a video. So I guess you really don't want proof..


Also note that I never said the resolve system doesn't work. I just said that some people might feel it that way because they get stunned a lot. Even when their resolve bar is full.


I'm used to being stunned a lot in any warzone.. It can be annoying sometimes, but it's part of the game.

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