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Please End In-Faction PVP (Guild Issue)


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I huttball with guild mates all the time, we keel each other and have yet to have any serious complaints. If someone in the guild quit b/c of a huttball match I would say good riddance, drama queens can stay the f out of our guild.
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Republic versus Republic PVP is counter-intuitive and destructive to both morale and to camaraderie. It has so far also been destructive to our guild. We should be working together, NEVER working against each other. These issues I mention go even further when guildmates are opposed. Huttball is a "game" in title only as there are deaths involved.


Who left the cage open on the RP forums again? ;)


I've had this happen before, and i'll tell you the same as I told them.


IT'S A GAME!!!!!!


If someone in your guild wants to ragequit because of a huttball match then I tell them they can't quit cause i've just kicked them from the guild. And good riddance.

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I think you're all missing the point. We should never EVER be in this situation in the first place. Regardless of how snippy you think they were, the PVP element should never turn us on ourselves. And it's never two equally equipped/skilled groups, it always ends up being one person who is alone on the other side getting stomped by one or two VERY geared players. Just because it's not happening in your leet guild doesn't mean it's not happening. It's a legitimate point that needs to be discussed, not merely dismissed.


I agree with your core reasons for not wanting same-faction warzones, even if I don't agree with the way your guildmates handle things.


Everytime I login, the "interlude" on my character screen describes a war raging between the Empire and Republic.


My question is... what war? Does this war refer to the countless Empire vs. Empire Huttball matches that many Imperials complain about? (I'm a Republic player, for the record).


I used to not want cross server warzone queues, but I would take that over same-faction warzones anyday. It completely dilutes the immersion to me. The more same-faction warzones they add, the less incentive to play the minority faction (e.g., to get faster queue times). Where is this "war" that is supposedly going on between the factions? Ideally it would be happening in world PvP, but if that isn't possible, warzones are the last sanctuary for that.


So yes, I agree with OP that same-faction WZ's should be removed in favor of cross-server queuing. That being said, I do think that the guildies overreacted in this situation.

Edited by Shlamorel
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You are better off without someone who would quit over something so silly.


The only time I ever felt guilty playing against my guildies was this one Huttball where we beat their premade with a pug. I play a healer and had entered a solo queue on a whim, and I thought that maybe if I'd queued with them they would have won. Generally, though, I'm always happy to fight my guildies in WZs. It's good to practice against one another, and I've never seen anyone take it personally. It's fine to be competitive or whatever, but seriously.....It's just a game.


And same-faction Huttball makes perfect sense. It doesn't "ruin the immersion" for me at all. I'm not big on faction pride silliness though. I support whichever faction I happen to be playing on at any given moment.

Edited by belialle
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People need to remember than same faction pvp is supposed to be like a training simulation. The people on the other team are preparing you for what battling the real enemy will be like. The other faction isn't going to play any nicer and pulling punches isn't going to do anyone any favors.
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Just to point out some of the good things about huttball. It is fast! You can get in and out of a match in 5 minutes! And with the way the system is atm you can get your 3k valor even losing 6 to 0 in 3 minutes. In fact you might get more valor than the guys that won and were focused on running the ball and not getting their 4 medals.


When there are no one of the opposition to queue vs. there is always huttball.


You get to kill the or own players of your side who really annoy you.

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dont agree but worth talking about


considering the huge amount of same faction pvp some servers do, ill honest sometimes I have a hard time healing some maruader that spent the entire last match making my life hell..


merges or server xfers should fix this




That is normal, but this is a game, have some fun, laugh a little. Its not some great competition where you win a significant prize or get some nice benefit outside the game. It is entertainment. So some guildiee wipes the floor with you, so what? Keep some perspective and show some maturity. Rage quitting just proves someone is taking this really too seriously and probably needs to rethink why they are playing.

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You got one thing right in the title... Guild Issue (or person issues), you have one if people drop because of something as simple as a Rep Vs Rep game. I wish we could do Guild Vs Guild for fun and have 8 v 8 of our own guys and not even a reward basis, but would be either a. for fun or b. for training.
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sounds like your guild members need to man up and stop being such a bunch of whimps.


I love huttball against my guildies... I go right after them, and they go right after me all the time, priority target. I even tell in Op that they hould go after "so and so" because he is a healer or mad dps or will run the ball etc etc.


It's Player Vs Player, deal with it.

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Wow... just wow.


In PVP, you single out the best players on the opposing team for extra attention because leaving them alone is a bad idea. Healers always get marked anyway, top DPSers die first, etc. The idea of leaving people alone because they are your friends is just strange, you fight to win and winning means neutralising the enemy's best players.


I quite enjoy fighting my friends and laughing about it afterwards, quitting because of that sort of thing just shows incredible immaturity. Grow up and move on, basically.

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and some people wanted FFA pvp ..this just shows how wrong those people are ..and as for same faction pvp in huttball at least it SHOULD be allowed even if population was balanced becuse its a GAME (as in football rugby etc) the other warzones shouldnt be same faction fights though
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I could understand it if guild members were trash talking one another or generally making asses out of themselves but to leave a guild just because you lost a WZs to another guild group? You might be better off without them in the long run.
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So people quit your guild just because another member killed them? Really?


I mean they didn't do some exploitive or super lame crap to kill them did they?


I regularly find myself against guild members and we always attack each other for ***** and giggles. Then we talk **** to each other in /gu it's great.


I have much more problems with same faction people that AREN'T in my guild. They will get upset that I target them repeatedly or something (which they should take as a compliment anyway) and ignore me when we haven't even spoken a word to each other.


I have found people on my friends list I added because they were good at PvP that had me on ignore because they hated me heh.


So in the end, I would still like same faction PvP to be optional but they shouldn't remove it because then sometimes you just wouldn't get any PvP games.


This exactly.


When my guild finds other guildies on the "red team" we tend to fight each other for the fun of it.


With the vast majority of North America's 127 servers being Light Population, same faction PvP is a necessity.


OP, if your guild members can't handle the natural course of PvP, then they shouldn't queue. Alternatively you could be more selective in who you recruit.

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Personally I love facing guild members, we always have a great time when it happens.


If you have people leaving because of a loss, or taking pvp personally, then you need to get your guild under control.


When you handle it properly, get in vent and make it fun for people, same-faction pvp is really the best pvp. I find that when you fight each other you can really push each other and improve TOGETHER AS A GUILD.


I think your issue is that you let some people into your guild that weren't good guildies. Sounds like they were only playing for their own selfish interest and not for the good of the guild.

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I almost shat myself last night when I suddenly saw a War Hero Mara appear behind me during a huttball match (the same one who made my life hell the previous game), only to realise we're now on the same team :p


He then proceeeded to clear the path for me to score, woot woot!

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Tonight, we had our third incident of people in our guild taking what happens in the warzone personally and the second time we've lost a guild member because of it.


i would suggest you rethink your guild member selection.


i swear, in my whole time i played wow i never saw so many absurd threads like in this pvp forum. though i stopped a couple of years ago, maybe that changed there too.


edit: actually we (our guild) have the most fun when me meet us on opposing teams.

Edited by me_unknown
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On my other server, our guild has tons of guild vs guild matches throughout the week. Then on Fridays, we all solo queue at the same time for random teams and generally create 7 vs 7 of our guildies in Huttball almost every game.


We've just gotten used to facing guildies. While it's not particularly as much fun to harass your own guilds healers, we take it pretty light-heartedly and can have some fun with it. There are more than a few of us who will just kind of single each other out every time we spawn anyway, but no one ever really gets offended.


Just keep chatting on vent while you play against each other and usually things work out pretty well.

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Can you all at least concede we should have an option to exclude ourselves from In-Faction PVP? This would stop wasting peoples' time for those who will now no longer play Huttball Rep V Rep...


Not really, this is a guild issue in my opinion, its nothing to do with mechanics ... we've not had one bad word with in guild pvp encounters ... trash talk yes, laughs yes but people taking it seriously no. I'm not in favour of implementing game systems to manage people's behaviour, this needs to be sorted in guild.

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Its a sad indictment of the community, where we would even consider asking for BW to put legislation in place to prevent people acting in an immature and self-centred manner. We are not BW's little children that we need to be bribed, goaded and scolded so that we behave in a civil manner.


I would feel ashamed if I had made a post along the lines of the OP, people in your guild need to harden the fck up.

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