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Everything posted by Mursy

  1. There are so many attacks that reduce or outright nullify armor that I wonder what the point is in haveing multiple levels of armor (light medium heavy).
  2. My Blizz works very well. Bliz is a tank, so he should get a heal every now and then. Dont skimp on his gear. YOu get what you pay for.
  3. Parse reports are interesting but don't mean much without telling gear and buffs, and other info that could affect dps.
  4. So much misinformation and outright whining in one post. There are no in game titles for that you know.
  5. Why would you spread such misinformation? Are you hoping if you whine enough that BW will change things back or are you a SWTOR hater hoping to shake players loose for another game? Take that load of manure and put it in your garden where it will do some good.
  6. Arsenal seems to have gotten a slight buff overall and tracer missile is still the heart of that rotation. Healers have changed and people are not happy with the changes, but instead of relying on third hand information (some one told me that merc hearls are now nerfed) hand information, maybe someone who can provide actual numbers will post that info if they have not already.
  7. Get a dps parser and hit the training dummies with and without alacrity and let us know what you find out.
  8. THey have explained themselves, you just have not looked for the explanation. It was not a ninja nerf. And really it was rather OP as it was. As to mobs getting knocked out of the AOE, that can happen to weak mobs, and is something you have to take into account, but those are weak mobs so it should not really be a problem should it since they are also knocked down? And of course if you have a tank it is probably not a problem at all. If it is a problem then maybe you are in a higher level area than you should be.
  9. DFA is right where it should be now. It was an OP skill and too many BH used it as a crutch for too long. Use your heads and use your other skills and you will be fine. More thinking and less finking please.
  10. I have two 50 BH, a PT and a Merc so I have used DFA a lot, and DFA was OP from the start IMO. The area allowed you to take too many mobs down at once and too many BH use it as a crutch. Now its right where it should be in terms of how big an area if affects. Now BH actually have to think about what they will do after DFA only cripples one trash mob and damages a strong mob instead of killing both trash mobs and crippling the strong mob. Why they might actually pay attention to the gear on their companions and use their other skills for a change. Its funny so many people were saying how carebear the game is then when they try to even things up the other side starts a whine-fest. What a community, pft!
  11. Serenity is my favorite Star Wars movie. Chew on that one.
  12. I was looking into some odd things I have seen in Huttball and I would there are products sold to hack mmo clients and videos of their use on YouTube. I heard WOW had these and had to incorporate technology to detect them and ban users that used them. I have heard of people justifying their use by the line recited by the huttball announcer saying it was alright to cheat. Anyways I hope SWTOR has some kind of detection in place and is takign action this kind of cheating. In the mean time report suspicious activity.
  13. Arsenals should stay away from Mauraders for extended periods of time, otherwise hit and run and make sure the other glow stickers on your team are ready to pick them off of you. You take them on 1v1 for very long and you die. Electrodart, concussion missile, and run away run away.
  14. Smugglers and Bounty Hunters should be able to work for either. That would rock!
  15. That is normal, but this is a game, have some fun, laugh a little. Its not some great competition where you win a significant prize or get some nice benefit outside the game. It is entertainment. So some guildiee wipes the floor with you, so what? Keep some perspective and show some maturity. Rage quitting just proves someone is taking this really too seriously and probably needs to rethink why they are playing.
  16. When playing on Bioware's servers you abide by their definition of PVP or move along. You can ask them to change it of course, but telling them they do not understand how pvp works is silly, they know exactly how they want it to work on their servers, that is why their rules are as they are. Pvp in this game is not a license to grief. If you are too immature to accept that go to a game that encourages it please.
  17. Unless you are actually in face to face combat against someone moving with the mouse moving with keys works quite well. Saying you should only mouse move all time is silly. Saying you should never click is silly as well. You do what you need to when you need to. Please.
  18. Maybe all th skilled PVP players will leave now and us Baddies have some fun.
  19. IF you don't want to get hit by my tracer missile 5 times before feeling heat seeker then do something to stop it other than whining about it being spam cause that aint gonna deter me. You have options. Use them. As for those of you who say it shows no skill to use tracer, take it to the devs. They made the class what it is. Call me a 'baddie' or say nothing its all the same to me. I will play a merc and use the tools I have, unrepentantly. I expect you to do the same with whatever class you choose. Cheers!
  20. I don't normally use a title, but when I do, its Republic's Most Wanted. Stay hunting my friends.
  21. I have no problem with someone taking high end gear for a companion. I have done it myself. Companions are an intrinsic part of your game presence and you should be able to gear them out with top end gear. That being said if the group wants it otherwise I will comply provided they are willing to do repeat runs. I will not sacrifice gearing out my companion to let someone one only interested in getting thier own gear piece before moving on though. Why should I?
  22. Maybe you are just tired of MMOs in general. Most all share a sameness under the skin.
  23. Mursy


    So just give every class the same class-gear for Warzones.
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