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Marauder/Sentinel Cooldowns need to be longer


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Let's look at some of the 'OP' abilities of other classes in the same light.



Sorc sprint

-stun, root, grapple, mez, leap to cancel it out


Sorc knockback

-stun, root, grapple, mez, leap to get back


Sorc mez

-CC break, kill


Sorc bubble

-hit once to pop it

-pile on, he dead



Course, as a marauder you also have the added bonus of the best damage in the game, being the hardest class to get away from, having a trauma debuff and the short CD on interrupts.


And when your resolve is white and you hit your immunity button (ie- like good marauders do, just in case you don't know you can do that), what then? Five seconds of walking through fire, leaping around, dealing out insane damage, CCing, tearing healing in half- only thing that can stop you is roots- which means another SW, as agent roots can be deflected (talk about getting the shaft).




But relax, BW devs are all playing marauders- your god class won't be nerfed, if anything expect more buffs while they fix the mistake of not nerfing assassins to being at the correct level- ie far below marauders with every other class.



Our heal debuff is only 20%.


Full resolve lasts like a whole 10 seconds.


Walking through fire oh noes at 50 seconds of that... If we're popping ud and have no healer on us 5 seconds isn't anything big even if we are full resloved.



and lols at our whole 5% defense chance and 55% with saber ward up. Sniper roots won't work! what?!?!

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I like that the class has multiple useful cooldowns with different applications. I'd like to see more of that in the game honestly for other classes.


Anything to get away from this feel that there's exactly one right thing to do and exactly one right button to hit in each situation (99% of the time these are really obvious too) that I often get the feel of while doing pvp in this game, it's why people complain about this game having a low skill cap.

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Let's look at some of the 'OP' abilities of other classes in the same light.



Sorc sprint

-stun, root, grapple, mez, leap to cancel it out


Sorc knockback

-stun, root, grapple, mez, leap to get back


Sorc mez

-CC break, kill


Sorc bubble

-hit once to pop it

-pile on, he dead


...who says those abilities are "OP" ?? ;)


Oh.. I get it. The same bunch of people who say Marauder/Sentinel abilities are OP? :D



Course, as a marauder you also have the added bonus of the best damage in the game, being the hardest class to get away from, having a trauma debuff and the short CD on interrupts.


Who are also glass cannons?



And when your resolve is white and you hit your immunity button (ie- like good marauders do, just in case you don't know you can do that), what then? Five seconds of walking through fire, leaping around, dealing out insane damage, CCing, tearing healing in half- only thing that can stop you is roots- which means another SW, as agent roots can be deflected (talk about getting the shaft).


er... plan your fight and improvise that as you fight?


Because, it doesn't take a brain surgeon to estimate at which point the 99% damage resist (...for 5 seconds...) is going to come out.




But relax, BW devs are all playing marauders- your god class won't be nerfed, if anything expect more buffs while they fix the mistake of not nerfing assassins to being at the correct level- ie far below marauders with every other class.


It isn't marauders/sentinels are 'god classes' that is the problem.


I mean, when your skill level is that of an ant, any class is going to look like a god, until you realize and admit that you, upto that point, were like an ant. :)

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not the point on what cd's they have you want to extend what we use to live and give nothing in return, our survivabiltiy is crap w/o cds period...


no, our survavility is ACTIVE,

is a difficult class, but the last we need is a buff.

with mara i win most 1v2 ; 1v1 always.

and about cc and **** in huttball, learn how to get in and out of the fray, youll top the chart in kills and damage.

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Sure, i admit undying rage looks OP when you just keep beating on me for 5seconds like an idiot. Ever thought about rooting or stunning or mezzing during that time? Oh, no right, just better beat on it. I'm not saying it's useless, but its so easily countered in a lot (not all) situations.


What are you hoping for? That people gets cooldowns with no benefits?


You guys talk like if other classes dont have any abilities.


PS.. i dont think a marauder ever killed me by himself on any of my other chars, so it just shows me that those who whine are the baddies.

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Enduring Force:


Needs a damage cap, you can not just blindly mitigate 20%.


Guarded By The Force:


Needs to reduce outgoing damage -activation cost reworked.


Defensive CD Stacking:


Not allowed, xx sec of tanking half an ops in a WZ is absurd to say the least.

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Sure, i admit undying rage looks OP when you just keep beating on me for 5seconds like an idiot. Ever thought about rooting or stunning or mezzing during that time? Oh, no right, just better beat on it. I'm not saying it's useless, but its so easily countered in a lot (not all) situations.


What are you hoping for? That people gets cooldowns with no benefits?


You guys talk like if other classes dont have any abilities.


PS.. i dont think a marauder ever killed me by himself on any of my other chars, so it just shows me that those who whine are the baddies.


You obviously never played against a good sentinel. They are in the top 3 strongest 1v1 classes.


It's easy to say, "Dude learn2cc them when they pop that 99% dr CD", except that you know there are things called cc breaks and the fact that there is so much cc being spammed in WZs that they're almost always usually full resolved.


Also, few classes have a spammable root on command and almost all of them break after 2 sec.

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Let's look at some of the 'OP' abilities of other classes in the same light.



Sorc sprint

-stun, root, grapple, mez, leap to cancel it out


Sorc knockback

-stun, root, grapple, mez, leap to get back


Sorc mez

-CC break, kill


Sorc bubble

-hit once to pop it

-pile on, he dead



Course, as a marauder you also have the added bonus of the best damage in the game, being the hardest class to get away from, having a trauma debuff and the short CD on interrupts.


And when your resolve is white and you hit your immunity button (ie- like good marauders do, just in case you don't know you can do that), what then? Five seconds of walking through fire, leaping around, dealing out insane damage, CCing, tearing healing in half- only thing that can stop you is roots- which means another SW, as agent roots can be deflected (talk about getting the shaft).




But relax, BW devs are all playing marauders- your god class won't be nerfed, if anything expect more buffs while they fix the mistake of not nerfing assassins to being at the correct level- ie far below marauders with every other class.


Exactly. Juggs and Guardians are basically being forced to reroll to mara and sent because mara/sent can do everything jugg/guards can do (in 1.2) but better (except taunting woop de doo).

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You obviously never played against a good sentinel. They are in the top 3 strongest 1v1 classes.


It's easy to say, "Dude learn2cc them when they pop that 99% dr CD", except that you know there are things called cc breaks and the fact that there is so much cc being spammed in WZs that they're almost always usually full resolved.


Also, few classes have a spammable root on command and almost all of them break after 2 sec.

sure, its one of the top pvp classes, i know that. And yes i faced good marauders, but my main is a marauder so i pretty much know how to manage them. Thats the point of my post, learn the class you are facing if you want to beat them. I play almost all the classes, and i personally dont find any of them op.


So bottom line, this has always been true : Learn to play better or QQ that everyone else is better.

Edited by MatAuc
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So we are imune to CC during it, also remove the health cost and make it usable while CC....


That's a deal for me! but you will QQ even more with that change


Aye reach for the moon pal, you clearly need the whole features of pala bubble, I was talking purely about damage output toning down while its up so you can't solo a mass of people with it up if you are decent, what a melt.


I'm all for sprints, damage immunities etc making the FC drop the ball in Huttball too!

Edited by Maxipad
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Aye reach for the moon pal, you clearly need the whole features of pala bubble, I was talking purely about damage output toning down while its up so you can't solo a mass of people with it up if you are decent, what a melt.


I'm all for sprints, damage immunities etc making the FC drop the ball in Huttball too!


Well genius, if you are going to compare a marauder ability to another ability of a class that does not resemble a marauder in any way AND is in a different t game....


Why not include all the benefits included with said ability. I will certainly take a 100% damage reduction for the cost of 50% of my damage if it can be used during a CC.


Great idea!! I'm sure your guild must be proud. ( judging by your logic I am j/k :))


Watch out guys! In 5 seconds that sent/marauder is going to do x damage times "mass" people!!!! What's thAt?? Over 9000??!

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* Stealth

- wait 4 seconds

- look around

- woops there he is

- attack(range)/force leap(melee)/look for another target(ops/scoundy)



* 99% damage reduction

- stun

- wait 1 more second

- he dead



....so, what's the problem here again? :rolleyes:


His resolve bar is full.

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Why did you stun him so much knowing he was going to use rage?


Because Mara/sentinel is huge burst class? Are you suggesting mara/sentinels should just run around freely killing people before he uses rage?

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If his resolve bar is full (in 1 vs 1), It's your fault and 100% your fault.


There is more to PvP than spamming rotation and CD's. Everyone says you cant kite a marauder.. yeah, you most likely cant run away forever, but you can still out range him a few seconds here and there. Ohhh and ohhh... The magic back pedal, how many times have I been told "mara is OP" after I destroyed someone who had his finger pressed on S about 99% of the time we faught, GJ there buddy. (I'm pretty sure 90% of those in this thread do this too)

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Here come the "Nerf Sent/Mara" posts, hahahahah! :D


I am rolling every class, so at this point, I could care less. You kids hurry up and get everything nerfed so I can pick a class and just enjoy the game.


Ohh, just a FYI, the class that you play is OP. Yes, I'm talking to everybody...

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Why did you stun him so much knowing he was going to use rage?


If a mara or sent is solo no problem on my GS worst case is I use my CC to keep the distance and not die while preventing his cap. But lets get real here the problem is in group play that 5 secs makes them better than tanks as they can stave off death for a good enough period for a healer to get off a heal. Add in stims and self healing and you just created a monster in groups.Thats the complaint and is a very valid one in my honest opinion.

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Aside from just some misunderstanding or disagreements about pvp in general (I think a 5 sec 99% damage reduction is essentially a stun, some don't see it that way) I think part of the problem is that people don't recognize what the 1.2 changes really mean, and that there are quite a few nerfs to maur hidden away in the notes (not that I'm complaining I think the changes make sense)


For example people on here complain that a maur+healer means the maur can never die, but as you might be able to tell from looking around these forums they nerfed healing pretty much across the board in 1.2 making this much less of an issue.


Let me give you an example, when playing my maur now and defending in voidstar for example sometimes I don't get out of combat for the whole round. This works now because when my healer buddy is alive he keeps me alive, and then when he dies I can use undying rage+rakata medpac+beserk to keep myself alive until he respawns (and invis if he doesn't make it back in time). In 1.2 this will be much harder to pull off and not just because my sorc friend has a more limited supply of force.


The medpac nerf is the first reason, now that you can only use 1 per fight there is no more reliable Undying rage+rakata medpac combo every time the medpac CD is up.


Another change (which will lessen our healing and damage) is that they got rid of short fuse. This talent let us use beserk pretty much all the time and increased our self healing, and dps (not to mention let us predation much more frequently)


Invis got a nerf in our best spec as well (50% damage reduction down from 100%) this change alters the way we use the ability drastically, from no longer being able to run through fire invis to just the fact that aoes can now make us visible and dots hurt us.


I'm not on pts but I think when 1.2 drops and people start WZing and see how squishy this class is with these changes/without OP heals they'll have a much different opinion on the class. Also with this games pvp being as teamed based as it is maur (and sniper) should be the highest dps in wz pretty much all the time because it's really the only thing they can do.

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Pretty much 0 justification for 99% dmg immunity on short cooldown for what is arguably the highest steady damage class in the game. The current proposed changes in 1.2 leave little reason to expect this will be changed any time soon though. 1.2 definitely looks like "Rise of the Marauders & Tankasins" but like all things in PvP eventually it'll probably get fixed.


Here come the "Nerf Sent/Mara" posts, hahahahah! :D


I am rolling every class, so at this point, I could care less. You kids hurry up and get everything nerfed so I can pick a class and just enjoy the game.


Ohh, just a FYI, the class that you play is OP. Yes, I'm talking to everybody...

A pretty wise approach, a few classes have been hit hard already so having a bunch of alts assures that at any given time 1-2 of them will be killer.

Edited by SWImara
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Aside from just some misunderstanding or disagreements about pvp in general (I think a 5 sec 99% damage reduction is essentially a stun, some don't see it that way) I think part of the problem is that people don't recognize what the 1.2 changes really mean, and that there are quite a few nerfs to maur hidden away in the notes (not that I'm complaining I think the changes make sense)


For example people on here complain that a maur+healer means the maur can never die, but as you might be able to tell from looking around these forums they nerfed healing pretty much across the board in 1.2 making this much less of an issue.


Let me give you an example, when playing my maur now and defending in voidstar for example sometimes I don't get out of combat for the whole round. This works now because when my healer buddy is alive he keeps me alive, and then when he dies I can use undying rage+rakata medpac+beserk to keep myself alive until he respawns (and invis if he doesn't make it back in time). In 1.2 this will be much harder to pull off and not just because my sorc friend has a more limited supply of force.


The medpac nerf is the first reason, now that you can only use 1 per fight there is no more reliable Undying rage+rakata medpac combo every time the medpac CD is up.


Another change (which will lessen our healing and damage) is that they got rid of short fuse. This talent let us use beserk pretty much all the time and increased our self healing, and dps (not to mention let us predation much more frequently)


Invis got a nerf in our best spec as well (50% damage reduction down from 100%) this change alters the way we use the ability drastically, from no longer being able to run through fire invis to just the fact that aoes can now make us visible and dots hurt us.


I'm not on pts but I think when 1.2 drops and people start WZing and see how squishy this class is with these changes/without OP heals they'll have a much different opinion on the class. Also with this games pvp being as teamed based as it is maur (and sniper) should be the highest dps in wz pretty much all the time because it's really the only thing they can do.


I can agree with most of what you say, although, they dont get rid of short fuse, they moved it to tier 1 so every spec will have it.

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