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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Server population is dropping...


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Ikrite, The Fatman has an absolutely ridiculous population.

Pssst... pvp servers mean next to nothing in this game, come, reroll on Canderous Ordo.


Not true at all! Every weekend we have a big battle between empire and republic goons on "the swiftsure! At the tat spaceport!

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people just go realise this game is almost dead

after 2 months they allready gonna start with free weekend pass.

Another Star Wars title that's ****ed.

No support unless you tell the truth on the forum thn you will be blocked or moved within 5 min.

I payed 50 euro for this game better use it as toilet paper and whipe my ***.

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All I can say is that this is typical of any Themepark MMO. Once you go through the designated trail of quests, you have no incentive to go back to that planet/area/location. Hence, most planets will be dead and the only populated area will be the main fleet area. Heck, even the game tells me when I log in to my level 50 character that I'm most needed in the fleet.


The only games that truly feel alive in most parts of the game are sandbox MMOs. Unfortunately, sandbox MMOs are probably the most difficult to code correctly and harder to attract a playerbase because of the potential for griefing.


So, Helm of Gaurash (my server) population has dropped probably 40% since launch. My guild loses members almost every day (not to other guilds/faction, but they just quit the game). As a PvP server, the PvP in this game is just not up to par with expectations of a AAA MMO title.

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totally empty my server on a sunday night most people we had was 35 people online :p.

which 16 were my guild and 16 of another guild :p and 3 loners...

Now its even worse as we cant even get our 16 man on the road as everyone quited.. so we tried to guild merge with another guild.. Now we have 15 man online woohoo :p

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This game is disrespectful to gamers everywhere.

How this thing made it off the cutting room floor is beyond me.


EA knows people will buy it based on a name, also the videos theyt used to promote it decieved everyone. I think people should just boycotte them.

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This game is disrespectful to gamers everywhere.

How this thing made it off the cutting room floor is beyond me.


Hello, this is a term I can agree with.


Sorry to be repetitive but when I travel to Hoth Cantina and I find the same NPC repeated 5 times speking with himself trying to show some kind of flawed atmosphere I think BW designers are being disrespectful with me.


I think the problem with this game is not just the low populated servers, the real reason is deep beneath its core structure. Low pop is just the consequence.


A pity as I really want this game to have success, I think It badly needs a huge design re-egineering.

If I see movement in this direction count happily on me for the future, this present MMO is not for me.

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36 people on Anchorhead Fleet, 6:00 EST.


Warzone started with 5, kept flashing "going to end soon"


took until 2 min left before we had enough people.


I'm on anchorhead as well. Just unsubbed. Wish it didn't come to this but if there are merges, I'll give it another shot.

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I just logged off Saturday April 7th 8 people on in the fleet on white beam. Please merges servers or something. BW needs to help this game which they are not doing. Edited by LordTie
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i just wanted to add that i support the op on this now mega thread.


If you cut all the argueing and trolling out, the core issues here are very real.


this game, played on a low populated server, does not provide a quality experience.

because of the game structure it's a very complicated issue to fix. Nobody wants to reroll, server merges are touchy from a variety of reasons, "cross server" fixes do not adress all issues (poor economy, community, etc).


Putting all of the challenges aside, a combination of server merges (to balance populations the best they can), and some other solutions (cross server etc), would be best.


Bottom line is. I really enjoy this game. I want to play it for a long time and i want it to succeed. Re rolling for me is not an option, i'd even pay for character transfers at this point. However, if something isn't done i just cannot continue to play this game. I'd really prefer it didn't come to that.


i agree with this statement word for word...

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So do they have plans to combine some servers any time soon? It's like playing in a ghost town... :cool:


Nope Bioware is focused on making content for peopel to run through in about a day. Keeping players is something they no longer care for. At least once mergers/transfers come they can make 30 or so well populated severs.

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EA knows people will buy it based on a name, also the videos theyt used to promote it decieved everyone. I think people should just boycotte them.


This is true,


Before release Id point out something I wasnt sure about and the most common responce Id see on forum was


"In Bioware we trust"


I mean grow the hell up people, they are a gaming company, not a freaking religion!


As for Boycotte, I started (except for TOR) after the ME2 fiasco and the massively slap in the face way EA handled it. Myself and allot of other gamers, wrote EA (Bioware doesnt exist anymore) off then and there and thank god cause it savend money spending on DA2 and ME3 products that both have come under huge complaints. I actually do not know a single person that bought DA2 or ME3 and liked the products, not 1.


So yeah, people way ahead of you on that aspect.


I have never bought into the EA hatred before now but the way THEIR EMPLOYEES (like Christina Norman) that got transplanted into Bioware mang. have behaved converted me. Such complete and utter arrogence and ignorance I would not have beleived anyone if I hadnt seen it myself.


Sadly TOR been no different.


The devs here seem to be flipping the players off and just doing what ever they want to do. You dont need to be a rocket scientist to know what areas are wrong in TOR but the Devs have missed those areas thus far and that included the so called savior patch 1.2 is suppose to be.


Guess Im just reaching my limit finally.

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its going to drop, sli bugged, most fp bugged, most toons bugged. its all bugged..


bug bug bug.. No one like to pay for bugs not to be fixed, if most of the bugs dont get fix in 1.2


this game will be dead


They just prtend bugs are fixed,

Edited by seallone
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My fleet has gone from 200 primetime to 40 primetime.


It starts with the hardcores leaving. They are the major players in the guilds, so guilds crumble and leave for old mmos.


More and more guilds realize the lack of endgame content, decide to roll alts, get bored, unsub.


Communities are shattered.


What's left is casuals and those who earnestly like the game and want to see it succeed (like me), who finally start leaving the game because there is no MMO left.


My advice is this: make server mergers/transfer a NUMBER ONE priority, lest you fail to salvage what is left of this game.


I really want to see the new Sub numbers right now.

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My fleet has gone from 200 primetime to 40 primetime.


It starts with the hardcores leaving. They are the major players in the guilds, so guilds crumble and leave for old mmos.


More and more guilds realize the lack of endgame content, decide to roll alts, get bored, unsub.


Communities are shattered.


What's left is casuals and those who earnestly like the game and want to see it succeed (like me), who finally start leaving the game because there is no MMO left.


My advice is this: make server mergers/transfer a NUMBER ONE priority, lest you fail to salvage what is left of this game.


I really want to see the new Sub numbers right now.


I disagree, content needs to be the number one priority. We are just a little burnt out of a same 3 warzones and 2 operations; just waiting for the new content now, playing a little slower and other games in the meantime.

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My fleet has gone from 200 primetime to 40 primetime.


It starts with the hardcores leaving. They are the major players in the guilds, so guilds crumble and leave for old mmos.


More and more guilds realize the lack of endgame content, decide to roll alts, get bored, unsub.


Communities are shattered.


What's left is casuals and those who earnestly like the game and want to see it succeed (like me), who finally start leaving the game because there is no MMO left.


My advice is this: make server mergers/transfer a NUMBER ONE priority, lest you fail to salvage what is left of this game.


I really want to see the new Sub numbers right now.


yur crazay. populaitons have increased dramticly. atleast 2milon subs rite now.


git out of hare you loser doom and gloomre!!11!

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yur crazay. populaitons have increased dramticly. atleast 2milon subs rite now.


git out of hare you loser doom and gloomre!!11!


hahaha nice troll....... its refreshing to see that some one actually trying to troll spells better then me

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