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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

tired of mobs


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Maybe petition to have nice glowing elevated path to get you to your objectives.


Or just go to Staple and buy a big red EASY button.:rolleyes:


The issue is how tedious it is. Mobs aren't hard, they're tired and boring. Part of the reason I hate questing so much. Not only is the republic storylines lame but every quest requires traveling all over the place and clearing large packs of mobs that just waste my time. I just want to hit 50 and PVP/raid with friends, I don't care about the terrible story or wasting 10 minutes of my time traveling from one planet to another.

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I just want to hit 50 and PVP/raid with friends.


You can level up doing PvP battlegrounds and space missions. So there's really no requirement for you to go though most of the story. You have to go as far as finishing the capital world for your faction so you get your ship.

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Which one of those is a top rated successful MMO? And I mean making money, not how much you like the game.


Does it matter really? I know how this goes. I explain to you which games are top-rated, and you come back with 'no it's not'.


But I'll play your little rhetorical game to see if your response will surprise me:


EVE Online is a top-rated game, consistently growing subscriptions, and highly profitable.


Second Life is also a top-rated game, cited by many business and industry sources for its innovation and appeal. It may not be YOUR cup of tea, but that doesn't mean it isn't successful.


There are a few more.


Point being, as I said, it isn't such and outlandish idea to have a game where you could be, say, a dedicated crafter and that's all you did. People have this ingrained idea that killing the mob-as-casino-slot-machine is the only way to create an MMO.

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No but it's something that has to be part of the design from the very start. It's not something you can simply add into a existing MMO that wasn't designed around it.


Also the ones you list are all sandbox type systems, not theamparks like SWTOR is.


Oh certainly it must be part of the design. I was simply addressing the notion, expressed sarcastically above, that a game cannot exist without MOBs, or interaction therewith.

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You can level up doing PvP battlegrounds and space missions. So there's really no requirement for you to go though most of the story. You have to go as far as finishing the capital world for your faction so you get your ship.


Have you tried that? Because I have. Most of my mains leveling was done through PVP. I did enjoy it, so much so that I abandoned questing towards the end and still have not finished the class story since.


But it's a ludicrous time sink now to level that way. WZ XP was nerfed and you can't get nearly as many games as you could at the start of the game with most people having hit 50 on their mains. Cross server will help, and supposedly there will be legacy items that will help with XP which will also help so some things are on the way that will make it better.


While you can level just by doing your class quest and PVP you will spend hours staring at your screen waiting for a q to pop. It's not really viable at all right now. And yes I know the difference between optimal and viable.

Edited by Dystopic
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How about an intant-level-50 button....right next to the game-over-I-win button.


Your mindset suggests you should not be playing MMOs, they simply are not the fun you are looking for.


Bioware could give you a -50% to exp penalty and you would probably praise them.


Let's shun all sorts of criticism but our own view, yay!

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The issue is how tedious it is. Mobs aren't hard, they're tired and boring. Part of the reason I hate questing so much. Not only is the republic storylines lame but every quest requires traveling all over the place and clearing large packs of mobs that just waste my time. I just want to hit 50 and PVP/raid with friends, I don't care about the terrible story or wasting 10 minutes of my time traveling from one planet to another.


I quested for money. I'm on re-rolled toons after getting two to 50 on a dead server. Trust me, After hitting up dromund kaas/balmorra for the 8th time, I want to hurt myself.


SO, I sped things along doing Flashpoint daily quests, and running them as often as possible while still granting xp, doing pvp dailies in addition to a few extra matches per day, and was sure to log out in cantinas for the xp boost.


I still fought mobs and did all of my quests, but I was able to blow through it due to outleveling most of the planets I was on. I also kept running into the same people in FP/PvP/quest hubs/heroics, so we decided to group up to grind some social points and make it pass faster.


This being my .. what... 13th character (had to reroll on multiple servers to find one I wanted, with consistent population) and the 4th past level 30, I wasn't excited about going through the early planets again. But, I understand that mobs are part of the game. and tried to knock out every bonus quest available, to get it over with, not to mention the credits and gear upgrades.


I certainly don't expect them to NOT have mobs. And I could bypass many of them if I was in a hurry/tired/whatever and had to pass through an area I'd already cleared earlier.

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IMO its not that bad. Far less than in other games I played. Only when you have to fight your way back through the exact same mobs is it truly bothersome.


You cant ask both for a lively planet and no mobs in your way.

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Oh certainly it must be part of the design. I was simply addressing the notion, expressed sarcastically above, that a game cannot exist without MOBs, or interaction therewith.


I didn't say they couldn't - I was a producer on an MMO for kids that was simply full of minigames. But this is a certain genre of game, marketed to a certain demographic - for one to make a suggestion that mobs be, post launch, made to be completely irrelevant in this type of game is silly. This game has mobs. Mobs you're expected to fight. No, it's not always happy fun time, but it is what it is and it's highly, highly unlikely to change. Further, you can avoid many of the mobs in this game if one is mindful while traveling.


Second life isn't necessarily a game either. It's a virtual world , catering toward social interaction, enterprises/entrepreneurs and businesses.


I also played SWG, and I do remember catching aggro on occasion. There were mobs. However, it was also more of the social fanboy leaning, to where as my first MMO.. I don't think I ever did a quest. I don't remember it having levels. I just danced.


However, Major MMOs in this particular genre feature mobs that you're expected to slay.

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Can you imagine the Star Wars universe without trash mobs?


No stormtroopers on the Death Star.

No Tusken Raiders on Tatooine.

No Ewoks on Endor.

No Gamorrean Guards in Jabba's Palace.

No Bothans to bring us information.

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Think about it.


If the Empire and Republic had no armies, it would be weird.


If a planet had no fauna, it would be weird.


That's why there's mobs.


All that's dependent. I have a harder time believing that planets like Hoth and Ilum actually have fauna. Also there's no reason a planet has to have a military presense though with this being a cold war kind of setting that would be very uncommon for it not to have one. For instance, I don't remember a military presense (unless you count the droids) on Tython. Granted the Jedi don't need military support as they handle security themselves.

Edited by JerokTalram
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I didn't say they couldn't - I was a producer on an MMO for kids that was simply full of minigames. But this is a certain genre of game, marketed to a certain demographic - for one to make a suggestion that mobs be, post launch, made to be completely irrelevant in this type of game is silly. This game has mobs. Mobs you're expected to fight. No, it's not always happy fun time, but it is what it is and it's highly, highly unlikely to change. Further, you can avoid many of the mobs in this game if one is mindful while traveling.


Second life isn't necessarily a game either. It's a virtual world , catering toward social interaction, enterprises/entrepreneurs and businesses.


I also played SWG, and I do remember catching aggro on occasion. There were mobs. However, it was also more of the social fanboy leaning, to where as my first MMO.. I don't think I ever did a quest. I don't remember it having levels. I just danced.


However, Major MMOs in this particular genre feature mobs that you're expected to slay.



Well, I wasn't saying that this game needs wholesale change. I was merely pointing out that an MMO need not be designed in a way that has MOBs blocking ones trek through content. I mentioned EVE as one example. That's a major MMO.

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Tired of combating mobs? this you first mmo? ok lets take away the mobs so you can get from point a to point b..... not suppose to be easy. these are the kinda complaints that dumbed down game like WoW and turned them into easy little kid games the only challenge in games like wow now are raids and thats about it. Edited by Rammur
changed sentence
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Just imagine if A New Hope had no mobs.


You have a guy who has to deliver a package. His ship ends up stranded on a desolate place and he only has non-human objects to talk to. He manages to escape the place only to find the woman in love with someone else.


Wait a tick, that is the plot to Cast Away! :eek:

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There should be an option box when you pick up the quest, with three options:


[] Supereasy

[] Superdupereasy

[] Game over


If you pick the first one, you have to complete the quest, but no mobs will spawn. If you pick the second one, the quest autocompletes for you. If you click the third one, it autocompletes the entire game for you.


WOW HAHAHAHA im in tears laughing .. omg hahahaha

Best post i have seen on forums ...


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I dont have a problem with killing some mobs along the way , but one place on alderaan stands out in my mind , house of rist i think it is.


Long winding halls serving only one purpose to slow your progress , groups of 3 or 4 mobs placed every few feet, by the time i got to where i was going they had all respawned . Might not be so bad if you got some loot but they even seem to be shy of that. So you kill im guessing 40 mobs to kill one guy at the end then have to kill them all again to get out.


And their pretty stu[id im wailing on a pack of mobs in plain view of the next batch oh wait no body is trying to break in here or nothing.


If there was a place in this game i hated this is one of them.

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There should be an option box when you pick up the quest, with three options:


[] Supereasy

[] Superdupereasy

[] Game over


If you pick the first one, you have to complete the quest, but no mobs will spawn. If you pick the second one, the quest autocompletes for you. If you click the third one, it autocompletes the entire game for you.


No. They would just whine about that, too. :D

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