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★★★[ARENA] - benefits of adding ARENA to SWTOR★★★


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Not really true. If this game had any way of tracking how many players you killed or something, more people would do such things. But whats the point of killing someone when there isnt even a record of how many people you killed. Seems like a waste to me


Hmmm not sure if that's really all that accurate. WoW tracks your killing blows and even awards unique titles at specific levels, but nobody cares. It just represents a grind (one that can't be efficiently cheated or win traded).

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Hmmm not sure if that's really all that accurate. WoW tracks your killing blows and even awards unique titles at specific levels, but nobody cares. It just represents a grind (one that can't be efficiently cheated or win traded).


I dunno, I personally thought it was sweet that my warlock had 130k honor kills before I quit.


I looked at it often. I dunno it's little things like that I enjoy. I enjoy looking at the number of wins ive done players ive killed, etc etc


Might just only apply to me.

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Sorry Op but even when im a PvPer i hate arenas.


I HATED them before and i hate them now.


Most stupid design idea ever created in my opinion.


I do respect yours , but believe me , there is NO argument you can use to ever change my opinion about them.


So , if i can say anything about it , i will always say to never implement such horrid system.


I do hope they dont , like many must have already said , dont matter how much people deny arenas are a PROBLEM to the developers , cause a MMO can NEVER be totally balanced and arenas make people begin to complain like little girls that want ice cream.

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The truth is the hardcore pvp community will not take this game seriously until they implement something similar to Arenas.


Also, it's not really the "team deathmatch" that we're wanting, it's smaller based teams. If they implemented some 4v4 rated warzones a lot of people would be happy.


The problem is you have two outcomes as a result of smaller teams.


1. The devs start adjusting / balancing / changing / redoing classes in an attempt to even out all classes to be even. This will unfortunately, as history has shown us, have adverse affects on PVE content.


2. There will be specific team makeups that are the best, and if you are not one of the 4 classes / specs, you will fail.



Also, I have been a hardcore PVPer for a long time. CPK'd in a mud called Medevia, PK'd in UO, PVP'd in DAOC, PVP'd in WoW, and now I have leveled my toon in SW solely on PVP and class quest. In every one of these games I competed in the upper echelon of what PVP was offered and enjoyed most. The only "Hard Core" PVP that I did not find overly enjoyable was Arena's. I always found the class imbalance (proven to be a fact by the cookie cutter teams) to be quite annoying since I only focus on 1 character. I did however find RBG's to be extremely fun and MUCH MUCH more skill oriented than Arena's (competed in both in the 2200+ range).


Even though I am a fairly hardcore PVPer, I have severe concerns over how the implementation of Arena's will negatively impact other aspects of PVP (Rated Warzones and PVE).

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Even though I am a fairly hardcore PVPer, I have severe concerns over how the implementation of Arena's will negatively impact other aspects of PVP (Rated Warzones and PVE).


This is fairly similar to what I think on this topic... I am not against arenas and I enjoyed them in WoW, but I feel that rated warzones could offer even more to the PVP community than arenas.

I wouldn't want rated warzones to go to waste when they could be REALLY fun.


My POV - Let's give 1.2 a chance before we get too focused on whether arenas should or shouldn't be implemented.

Edited by DarthNethus
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personally i dont care if the implement arena type content, as long as they dont have rating restricted gear. Arena it should be another component of pvp, not the end-all, and only way to get the best pvp gear.


I used to be dead set against both Arena and cross server but if the populations keep disappearing might as well bring on all the gimmicks you can.

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Just a thought to throw out there. Since this game has droids, why not have a droid arena? Everyone gets the same basic droid. Can purchase ability modules to customize your skills and abilities. That way, no classes are balanced around arena, players can do different group skill combos, and since the same abilities are available to everyone, the match results would be based on the skill of the players. Edited by Lanrick
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i dont mind introducing arenas as long as it is not required (or practically required) to get the best pvp gear and if pvp is not balanced around it.


but i take issue with the statement that objective pvp is not skill based. it is just as skill based as team deathmatch. actually i would say it is slightly more skill based as it adds and entire layer of complexity to the situation. but both styles can still be skill based pvp. there is nothing wrong with preferring team death match over object pvp.


hell, if objective pvp was skill-less, counter strike would have died a long time ago. although i will admit that i cringe at the thought of arena-tards making a comeback. and by arena-tards, i dont mean anyone who likes arenas but rather people who revolve everyone's entire existence around it.

Edited by Ryotknife
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Just a thought to throw out there. Since this game has droids, why not have a droid arena? Everyone gets the same basic droid. Can purchase ability modules to customize your skills and abilities. That way, no classes are balanced around arena, players can do different group skill combos, and since the same abilities are available to everyone, the match results would be based on the skill of the players.


While I agree that would be better than player Arena, people would complain that they can't use their characters to do it, no doubt.

Edited by ilovethepink
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Sorry Op but even when im a PvPer i hate arenas.


I HATED them before and i hate them now.


Most stupid design idea ever created in my opinion.


I do respect yours , but believe me , there is NO argument you can use to ever change my opinion about them.


So , if i can say anything about it , i will always say to never implement such horrid system.


I do hope they dont , like many must have already said , dont matter how much people deny arenas are a PROBLEM to the developers , cause a MMO can NEVER be totally balanced and arenas make people begin to complain like little girls that want ice cream.


That's the problem. The op is presenting arguments, while you just voice your opinion.

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I dunno, I personally thought it was sweet that my warlock had 130k honor kills before I quit.


I looked at it often. I dunno it's little things like that I enjoy. I enjoy looking at the number of wins ive done players ive killed, etc etc


Might just only apply to me.


Nah, it's not just you. I was stupidly proud when I got Master of Warsong Gulch and that doesn't even come with a title. :p


I just meant it doesn't mean much to the people who talk about "competitive" PvP, as they don't see it as a display of "skill," just longevity.


Congrats on the 130, btw. That's pretty damned impressive.

Edited by Dayfax
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i spent 3 hours writing this post and this is your response? bet you didnt even take 2 minutes to read my post


i'll report your response as 'garbage'


If you want arenas go back to WoW and leave it OUT of this game. Arenas were the beginning of the end for me and many others in WoW. It was and is a horrible concept.

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I would have to pass on arena in this also. I spent 4 years playing WoW and after noticing that 70% of all class nerfs were made for arena balance without even looking at pve balance i could really care less about seeing it in another mmo.


Exactly. It ruined so much about WoW. Not to mention the elitist attitudes that followed along with it.

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That's the problem. The op is presenting arguments, while you just voice your opinion.


And again , i dont find his arguments to do any good.


I actually dont agree with none of them. And we could begin a never ending discussion about it, but i dont have the time or the patience to go over this all over again.


Like i said , arenas are a mistake for a GREAT many deal of reasons , but not like OP , i dont have the patience to write 3 hours about it.

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I have read every single post in this thread and i am going to say that pvp forums are bad enough without adding arenas, the intensity and over emotional state of both sides of this fence are ridiculous.


if you area truly competitive pvper you will excel and find challenge in every pvp game you play. the style of the matches and size of the matches doesnt matter what so ever. So while i admire the OP in his attempt to sway people to his side of the argument. the entirety of his argument relies on one flawed statement. "Competitive Players want Arenas"


People who want arenas are not all competitive folks

People who do not want arenas are not all anti-competitive players



i support his writing skill but his logic skills are flawed, as far as arenas go, what happens when the game a year from now increases the level cap, and new abilities are added, the initial class balancing stage you imply will happen, will have to begin all over again with re-balancing. All new endgame pve content will have to be written and designed with these balance issue in mind, this seems like way too much of an annoyance than anything close to long term fun.


i disagree that arenas will be fun therefore i disagree with your post no matter how well written it is.




Competitive person

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I have a serious question because I have no idea how I would answer it. How long was WoW out before they put in arenas? Was it at launch or did they wait a few months or a year? serious no sarcasm.


This game is for the most part brand new still. 1.2 is coming soon along with the ranked warzones. I for one like the PvP in this game but I have been finding it harder and harder to log in each day. I know im waiting for ranked games to get me back in it. I am all for competition, I hate when teams are unbalanced and players start quitting at the first sign of a loss, or it looks like their team is full of fresh 50's.


I have heard good arguments in favor and against arenas. I like the idea of more of a death match type game, doing the same think over and over in warzones gets old. I do not like the 1v1 balance and agree that the balance around arenas could drastically affect pve (not that I really care but a lot of the player base might). Either way I would participate in arenas should they implement them in the future.


This whole argument can wait a few months. I know their are plenty of WoW players here that really want this but I have heard this said a lot on these forums and "this game is not WoW". Shouldn't we wait to see if 1.2 can save this game before everyone starts yelling for arenas.


Just my thoughts from someone who never played WoW.

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Here is what we learned from this thread:



Unskilled players dislike arena.



You're welcome.


Here is my take


2400 rated lock/shammy/warrior got sick of arenas to get best pvp weapons. I also got sick of FotM and OP classes and the runaround that was class balancing. I came to this game to avoid comparing epeens with people like you.



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Ignore the hater's OP, Arena will come to SWTOR, it is a matter of when and not if. What the majority of players with their one word "no" answers don't realize is that WoW arena is still popular, broken balance or not. Arena retains and adds more Sub's then it loses so the quitting threateners need not apply.


Your post is pretty good, but the 1v1 concept isn't. It just wouldn't work. For example, I play a Powertech. If I was to que up 1v1 the only thing I need fear is a well played Marauder or possibly an exceptional Shadow/Sin as I will roll over anything else that pops out the door. Relic + Adrenal + Explosive fuel and Rail shot is purely too powerful 1v1. Does this mean it needs a nerf? Not really. If I try to plan a tank build or something else after you have nerfed my Railshot, I will be gimp. 1v1 is just a bad way of thinking.


Your 1v1 concept leaves tanks and healers high and dry aswell. Keep arena limited to 4v4 and I would even say it should have a check in the queing system, keep the teams limited to one of each AC. Stop the PT, Sniper, Operative, Sorc type stacking. If your limited to one of each AC then there is more room for thought imo.


Lastly but certainly not least. World PvP is pretty much done and dusted in this game. Forum posters like to get on here and say why should I be forced to do arena yada yada yada. Can you not see the other side of the coin? Why should I have to group with 7 other people for competitive PvP?


I find the objective based stuff ok, but shouldn't be all that is on offer. In future of TOR I have 2 choices, que solo for ranked and hope my team of 7 others isn't stupid or find 7 others and que full premades. Now, I understand the MMO line, it's a team game yada yada, but now your dictating to me I must play with a team of 8. I think 4v4 is more manageable, and whether you like it or not, this game will be balanced around small scale PvP.


Unless the RvR is done well, which it wasn't, it's boring as and I am happy for Bioware to scrap it. Ranked WZ's are fun, but I want choices.


For those thinking about GW2.... you will be in for a hard shock if you don't like arena. Simple as that. Guild wars is probably the most successful arena game whilst still avoiding the WoW hating trolls, but their PvP is still very strong and why is that? the lack of objection based pvp and they have arena. "But they dont have gearz!!!", true, which means they balance skills even more around 4v4 and 8v8 sandbox PvP.


If you think GW2 will be any different, well, I don't know what to say to you. They will balance thier skills around the 4v4 and 8v8 combat and guess what...the WvWvW will still go on and it won't make a difference.


Each to their own. If you don't like arena, you don't like arena. Something the Mythic dev's have seen is that the RvR in WAR is dying, so what'c coming out? An Arena of Warhammer. It is MOBA style without gear and is 6 v 6 v 6. If the Mythic PvP devs work with Bioware on this game already, that's a system I would like to see. Get rid of the 2 team bashing, lets try a 4 v 4 v 4 concept and see how that goes. Certainly would be alot of fun.


TLDR: Arena will be coming. I have no factual proof for it, but Bioware will be there to make the money decision with EA whispering in thier ear. Arena keeps more subs then it loses.

Edited by Paralassa
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You want arenas becuase it breeds competition, there is a place for that right now. How better to get to know and build a rep then doing it in front of others. No more que dodging so you don't have to face the people you set up a time/day(s) on your server and head out there.


You face people enough in WZ's to get an idea of players that have that sort of skill you are looking for, then you send them a tell after letting them know you want to organize a match. Personally that sounds a little more fun to me then set arenas, in fact you want to bring back the hype of world pvp make more areas that you can go and have a " fight club "


As much as people agree or disagree with arena I would personally rather be a player that is able to understand the ins and outs of teamwork on a mass scale. To me there are a lot more fine points in mass battles like being able to take out important members of a fight whether that means just harassing them via slows/"saps" whatever. Just like back in vanilla wow 40 man raids were awesome it required you to coordinate massive amounts of people.


Problem I have with arenas would be that certain comps becuase the cookie cutters and there are certain ways that you have to play against them to win. Of course there are always mistakes team can make that will allow an opprotunity, but with rated wz's its different every time. Communication and a grand awareness is what is required and in my mind that makes a better player, compared to someone thats played a comp over and over again.

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