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If this game was not Star Wars would you still play?


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Already cancelled, so i'm going with no. I expect much more from bioware due to their excellent single player reputation and the star wars franchise deserves a real world with real risk and reward.


They made this game for the money, not for the players.


If they made it for the players it would be EvE + Darkfall.

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If this wasn't Star Wars I'd be like "holy crap what a great idea for a story! I'll steal this and write about a kid that is force sensitive and learns to use the Force only to turn evil and topple the government and set up an Empire with a wrinkled old dude! And then he'll have a son who will save the day!!"


The only real difference to the movies is in about half the scenes there'd be a fat bounty hunter saying "tracer missile.....tracer missile......tracer missile.....tracer missile...."

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No, and not because this game isnt well made or the gameplay is crap.


1: I want to play a Star Wars game, not an MMO, the MMO bit is just a bonus

2: I normally dont care for MMO's as they tend to be played by people obsessed with gear score and other elitist notions, i dont mind other multiplayer games tho, just not the "traditional" MMO's

3: If this game wasnt Star Wars i probarbly wouldnt even have heard of it (well ok, i might, since its bioware, but i wouldnt be very interested since MMO's arent my thing).



That said, i group as much as i can, i dont play this as a solo game.


Its just the "i must rush to end-game because thats where the shizniz is at" attitude of alot of players that i cant stand in MMO's.

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Sub ends in a few days so my answer is no.


1. I'm huge in pvp and mmos but imo this game is lacking in both.


2. You can level all the characters you want but besides the class story the rest is all the same, dull and boring.


3. The raids are far too easy. Lacks any challenge at all.

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If this game was not Star Wars, but some other lore/world/universe, would you still play?


If yes, list 3 reasons why.

If no, list 3 reasons why.


Constructive and civilized responses only please.


I'm not sure I understand the question. If this game wasn't based on Star Wars it wouldn't be this game, but something else. The story-line and many quests would make no sense and the entire concept wouldn't be as appealing, considering how many of our emotional responses to all things Star Wars are hard wired in our psyche as a result of decades of exposure to marketing strategies well beyond the occasional add; we're talking big time, hardcore, top notch marketing here.

Would I be playing this game if it went under a different name? Probably, because I like the Star Wars universe and I'd realize the obvious connection.

Would I be playing this game in a parallel (and dystopic) universe, where Star Wars had never existed? It is impossible to know. Would you have liked the Terminator had it not starred Arnold schwarzenegger?

In order to answer with a straight 'yes' or 'no' one has to make too many assumptions based on nothing but speculative nonsense, which would ultimately lead to more nonsensical speculation that would soon spiral out of the control of logic and into the realm of surrealism.

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I don't think this is a valid question. If you strip out all the star wars elements (Jedi's/sith, lightside/darkside, starwars locations), you have a completely different game. If you're asking me if I would play this game if it was completely different game.


Well the answer would be it depends on what kind of game it would be :p.

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Of course not and anyone who says yes is a liar or someone who plays for the single player experience.


1. Missing almost every single modern MMO feature.


2. See 1


3. See 1


Care to elaborate? It's missing a dungeon-finder tool, which should be coming soon. Outside of that, I am not sure what you are driving at, though I'm certain most of your responses will be completely subjective and highly debatable by others.


And calling everyone a liar who doesn't see the game the way you do is an extremely childish and immature thing. I only chose to highlight your post because people always spout this stuff out of their *** but never back it up with anything.

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Already cancelled, so i'm going with no. I expect much more from bioware due to their excellent single player reputation and the star wars franchise deserves a real world with real risk and reward.


They made this game for the money, not for the players.


If they made it for the players it would be EvE + Darkfall.


Adios. There is a reason EVE and Darkfall are on the niche end of the gaming spectrum. Because not everyone thinks as you do. In fact, it would stand to reason that most people don't think like you do.

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Anno 2070 and Settlers 7 for me :)


Free week at Rift, so I'm checking out what they've done over the last year or so.


You should tell me what your name is in Anno 2070. You could visit some of the maps I pollute as I strictly make cities that are 3/4 tycoons and 1/4 techs. I'll never play the ecos more than I have to.

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I want that game so badly. Unfortunately I have to save my gaming allowance for a GW2 pre-purchase.


I can tell you now that the replayability of anno 2070 is well worth the price of the game and it might still be on sale. I paid less than 45 bucks for it with the 3 year download it whenever you want plan on digital download. Its probably the best overall game I've seen come out in at least the last 3ish years.

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  1. I hate the indoor space station player hub concept.
  2. Planetary travel is unnecessarily cumbersome and segmented.
  3. Planets are sparsley populated by players and feel empty (Note: I play on a high pop server in my time zone - Jedi Covenant).
  4. Leveling experience is far too linear in my opinion which limits replay-ability outside of class missions.

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Would I play the game if we put it in another setting? Really, I don't know; the setting has a lot to do with the game, since it's so story-driven, and also has an 'epic scope' sort of direction if only because it's Star Wars and that's half of the point of the thing.
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2. I like BioWare games.


Its in all reality not a true bioware game. bioware from pre-2006 no longer exists, most of their talent pool IE upper level development staff that created the old bioware titles such as Boulders gate series up to DA:O and ME1. All have resigned from bioware to join smaller studios. Majority of them all sharing the comment of "they did not like the direction the studio was heading" (funny enough this all started right after the EA buyout)


So in reality your not playing a Bioware title, you are playing a EA title sold under the bioware name.


3. It is new and shiny and real life friends are playing it.


Ah yes the casual gamer stereotype. The "new and shiny" crowd are about as stable as paper kite in a hurricane when it comes to MMO subscription demographics.

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Adios. There is a reason EVE and Darkfall are on the niche end of the gaming spectrum. Because not everyone thinks as you do. In fact, it would stand to reason that most people don't think like you do.




ALL MMOs are niche just like punk rock.


WoW is like Green Day's Dookie album and an exception to that niche market only Ex Green Day fans don't wallow in misery on forums about the latest crap commercial candy punk band's release.

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1- we travel to many diff planets and each planet should have bigger maps and more areas to go to... each world is a whole planet after all.



Really? I completely disagree tbh. I think the maps are way too big right for the amount of content they have. I feel as though I spend almost half of the time in game on my speeder going from quest to quest giver.

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