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10 Good
  1. Flying? Ya the WoW devs are actively trying to remove it. Racial Benefits? I love swtor BECAUSE they don't have racial benefits. I can play the race I WANT to play without feeling gimped. Multi versions of the same op per week? No...just no.
  2. Very interesting...might have to check that out
  3. Right now I am just farming companion gifts with 2 or 3 skills with 5 characters (couple slicing in there). See how that goes
  4. Minimal involvement, I'm not looking to take over any markets just want a few credits to play around with.
  5. Thanks for the tip! Frankly, I just want to make a decent bit of credits with little effort just taking advantage of all the empty crew skill spaces and high affection companions.
  6. So 12x exp has given me plenty of fresh 50s with no crew skills. Any suggestions on how to capitalize on these to make maximum credits?
  7. Everyone is instantly aggressive as soon as you question Bioware jeez...no I have not played any of those games nor do I have any desire to. You're justifying a practice because someone else does it? Idiotic reasoning. Fine, apparently I'm the only one who thinks adding an annoying cartel coin tax to a pointless two currency system is a cheap tactic for a little revenue. However, I would think the argument for the tax would be a lot strong if it was only for non-subscribers.
  8. Having two different currencies, just to be able to charge cartel coins for the exchange, is just petty. Sure it isn't a large amount, but its just unnecessary in the first place. Thoughts? Edit: I think its far from "p2w" its just a cheap trick for more revenue. Edit2: Fine, apparently I'm the only one who thinks adding an annoying cartel coin tax to a pointless two currency system is a cheap tactic for a little revenue. However, I would think the argument for the tax would be a lot strong if it was only for non-subscribers.
  9. 10 in addition to the 15 we pay monthly. Please DO NOT compare RotHC to other expansions. The amount of content added is not even close to the amount of content expansions in other games add. Granted, that's why it was ten bucks for subscribers, but it really shouldn't be called an expansion. RotHC is more like a major patch in WOW than anything else honestly. WOW doesn't usually add just extensive solo questing in its patches (usually), but includes extra raids, 5-mans, battlegrounds, etc. Again its justified by the low price point, but it isn't an expansion.
  10. Pretty sure I paid for that "expansion" so I don't understand why people use that as an example. Sure there were other updates to 2.0 but they weren't additional content.
  11. Honestly, makes me wonder what my 15 bucks bought me this patch
  12. I can understand paying for Cathar. I can understand paying for name change, race change, etc. HOWEVER, making subscribers pay for the new hair styles is BEYOND greedy. Now you can all call me a child, 12 year old, whiner, make bad analogies of why this is the case, etc. Edit: I made this post only in regards to the new hairstyles, this isn't a generic "omg bioware so greedy" post. Edit2: Just watched the 2.1 trailer. The ONLY thing subscribers don't pay extra for in that video is the dyes...
  13. I love mara jade, but she is dead and I would never ENCOURAGE moe inconsistencies unless they were to make another movie. Then they'd obviously have to shift things around. Also dude it seems like you have a major hard on for a fictional character...not judging
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