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10 Good
  1. I'm not sure I understand the question. If this game wasn't based on Star Wars it wouldn't be this game, but something else. The story-line and many quests would make no sense and the entire concept wouldn't be as appealing, considering how many of our emotional responses to all things Star Wars are hard wired in our psyche as a result of decades of exposure to marketing strategies well beyond the occasional add; we're talking big time, hardcore, top notch marketing here. Would I be playing this game if it went under a different name? Probably, because I like the Star Wars universe and I'd realize the obvious connection. Would I be playing this game in a parallel (and dystopic) universe, where Star Wars had never existed? It is impossible to know. Would you have liked the Terminator had it not starred Arnold schwarzenegger? In order to answer with a straight 'yes' or 'no' one has to make too many assumptions based on nothing but speculative nonsense, which would ultimately lead to more nonsensical speculation that would soon spiral out of the control of logic and into the realm of surrealism.
  2. No idea who that guy is but I couldn't agree more.
  3. Cool, so when are you filing the divorce?
  4. I don't enjoy the partying part, just the girls.
  5. Go on and program it then. What's stopping you?
  6. Tough cheese. Not everything will be 'à la carte' in this, or any game, and it shouldn't; sometimes players have to adapt to the peculiarities of the game, as opposed to programmers having to quench every single petty desire the user might have. As my Sith Marauder would say: 'Have some self respect, worm'.
  7. I believe that what makes jedi particularly odious in the eyes of some is the fact that they hide under a masquerade of benevolence while de facto having the same aspirations for glory and power as the sith. Hence what makes jedi repugnant is the dishonesty inherent in their very existence.
  8. Sintaxis. My other characters are called Grammaticus and Nummericus.
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