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Nothing to do, will 1.2 fix it?


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So, I'm the leader of my servers best PvP guild (Chuundar) and we're doing quite well. Looking forward to 1.2 as everyone else, but now I read theres no rank requirement to buy the rated warzone gear..? You basically get to grind it, like the battlemaster gear..?

Then what is the point of really trying your best? I admit it, I want fancy gear.. I want to show of that I'm actually BETTER then the common scrub.. I'm sure we're gonna get ranks and such for top teams ect, but well.. It's not enough.

Also, there's NOTHING to do online if you do PvP. I myself hate PVE, I've never liked it and I cant be asked to sit 3-4 hours doing NPC boss fights. But as a PvP'er the only thing I can basically do now is grind for rank 90.. And I dont feel rewarded for my work when I only get a title that means nothing..


Basically I want what world of warcraft HAD, something to do.. I'm not a wow lover, I quit that game long ago. And I wount go back.. But I want something to consume my time with, when I log on I do my dailies and keep doing warzones till I'm sick of it.. I want to be able to farm soemthing, achivements.. Anything. (The codex journal is not as fun as I had presumed)

I want to be able to farm rare mounts, do abit of open pvp (Ilum is broken on our server..) Anything but wait on the imperial fleet for the warzone que pop.. I know the fleet like the inside of my pocket now, I've been stationed there for the last 2 weeks, without leaving it ..

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Wanna know the best way to show off that you're actually BETTER than the common scrub?


Defeating them on equal terms.


Now you are assuming he cries about everyone getting equal gear and he didnt.


You guys seriously need to get out of your defensive shell, the world is not against you... unless you keep being like that

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Now you are assuming he cries about everyone getting equal gear and he didnt.




Looking forward to 1.2 as everyone else, but now I read theres no rank requirement to buy the rated warzone gear..? You basically get to grind it, like the battlemaster gear..?

Then what is the point of really trying your best?

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Now you are assuming he cries about everyone getting equal gear and he didnt.


You guys seriously need to get out of your defensive shell, the world is not against you... unless you keep being like that


Spot on.


That's exactly what I though when I read his post.

Edited by Dego_Locc
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But as a PvP'er the only thing I can basically do now is grind for rank 90.. And I dont feel rewarded for my work when I only get a title that means nothing..


Bioware doesn't understand or care for us who don't give a damn about fluff other than when we're really bored. Forced to do pve, forced to do corralled pvp (aka instances aka warzones), ilum abandoned for months and all we have left is ganking defenseless lowies for "fun" with the vague hope that they call some 50s to help them get rid of the annoying repubs.

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Well, there will be one more warzone with 1.2. That is more content.


The ranked stuff, and new gear is fine. And I guess we will get used to the rework of PvP.


But, as near as I can tell we will still all be queuing in 1-4 for inter server PvP as we do today. So, is that really anything different than today?

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The OP just wants a carrot on the stick is all. What he is saying is that since all he does is PvP and did it for the reward (gear) if that is basically free now why bother PvP if you achieve nothing. If they added another incentive like a solid gold speeder mount or at rank 90 you get an ingame house to live in he would have something to look forward to.


I knows exactly how he feels b/c I refuse to PvE outside on 1-50 progression. I like to PvP but there is no point. And it's not even that there is no point for me it's that there is no point for other people who I can go and PvP with or against.


BW has created a vacuum with Ilum still broken (scrapped now) and PvP gear easily obtained with nothing to fill that void for the PvPer to say atleast we have this. War zones is not the answer. PvP needs to be on the lines of organized confusion not 4x4 sandboxes with no room to breath.

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I want to be able to farm rare mounts, do abit of open pvp (Ilum is broken on our server..) Anything but wait on the imperial fleet for the warzone que pop.. I know the fleet like the inside of my pocket now, I've been stationed there for the last 2 weeks, without leaving it ..


Just another TRUE, REAL, HARDCORE BIGbadBBQ pvper who wants to farm a RARE, a RARE mounts. ROFL

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I admit it, I want fancy gear.. I want to show of that I'm actually BETTER then the common scrub..


PVP ranks and gear are all about time played. The only correlation that exists is that better PVP gear MAKES you better because they made expertise the end all be all stat in pvp.

Edited by silentsurfer
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If you're the kind of person who constantly demands something new to do, MMOs are not the genre for you.


MMOs make their money on folks who enjoy doing the same thing over and over. That's how that genre works.


You want a new video game every few weeks. Get an Xbox and a new game every month, problem solved.

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If you're the kind of person who constantly demands something new to do, MMOs are not the genre for you.


MMOs make their money on folks who enjoy doing the same thing over and over. That's how that genre works.


You want a new video game every few weeks. Get an Xbox and a new game every month, problem solved.


The thing is there is "always" something to do, as you said, mindless over and over. But there is always something. So if you branch yourself on only 25% of the game then you will run out of new and exciting things to do very quickly.


I hate PvE as well not that I am not good at it, it is I just hate dancing around getting behind a boss and doing a "standard rotation" until the boss fall over. I had many yawns in raids in swtor.


They did include the level 50 and 65 valor rank mount. I just do not think they thought people would go up as fast as they did in valor, and thought that it might takes several months or a year to even think about someone reaching rank 100. They were mistaken and now will reward your time with colored armor!

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You need to understand this game has been released for less than 3 months.



This game is completely voice acted.



the rate they are pushing out content right now is impressive.


WoW would take much longer,


I think they understand they need to increase the difficulty on raids to make the progression harder.




Patience is an attribute you will need when playing MMO's

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You need to understand this game has been released for less than 3 months.



This game is completely voice acted.



the rate they are pushing out content right now is impressive.


WoW would take much longer,


I think they understand they need to increase the difficulty on raids to make the progression harder.




Patience is an attribute you will need when playing MMO's


Just b/c they are doing some things right does not mean people should not be vocal about the area's they are doing things wrong in people's eye's. If the PvP community just sat back and accepted the fact that they are pushing out content and fixing things they'd think we'd have no problems with PvP in it's current state.

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The thing is there is "always" something to do, as you said, mindless over and over. But there is always something. So if you branch yourself on only 25% of the game then you will run out of new and exciting things to do very quickly.


I hate PvE as well not that I am not good at it, it is I just hate dancing around getting behind a boss and doing a "standard rotation" until the boss fall over. I had many yawns in raids in swtor.


They did include the level 50 and 65 valor rank mount. I just do not think they thought people would go up as fast as they did in valor, and thought that it might takes several months or a year to even think about someone reaching rank 100. They were mistaken and now will reward your time with colored armor!


I'm directing my post at people like you. You will never be satisfied with MMOs, find something else. This just isn't a genre you actually enjoy. You may tell yourself it is, but that is not the case.


MMOs are static for long stretches at a time when there is quite literally nothing else new to do. For the vast majority of MMO players, that is exactly what they want. The people making MMOs are making games for them, not for you.

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I like CoD. I don't play cod to get new gear. I play it for the experience itself. I want a PvP MMO to be like that. I just don't think SWTOR will ever be able to deliver that... where the experience itself is enough incentive to play PvP.


I look forward to GW2 though, because... wow.

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We don't know the pace of the gearing for the upcoming 1.2 changes, nor do we know the other potential rewards for rated WZs. If it is a weekly cap based on your rating like WoW implemented then you won't be able to farm all of your gear quickly, which means you will be on the gear hamster wheel longer, providing you something to do.
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Then what is the point of really trying your best?


You're a pvper? You sound more like a gear collector.


The purpose of trying your best is to win, the purpose of pvping is to have fun.


If you are just aiming for gear what will you do with it? Certainly not pvp as you apparently don't enjoy it.

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