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1.2 = best pvp gear for free, and no reason to play rated. people are quitting


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Has there been any official announcement of pricing for the next PvP tier? If it is a token system and each piece costs, say, 80 tokens. You may get 1 token just for participating plus more for achieving objectives. The people who group in Vent will amass their tokens much faster than this theoretical random nub.


If BW asked my opinion, I would tell them to not reward any tokens other than the new ones. This will cut down on fresh 50's queuing in ranked WZs. If they can't buy Cent or Champion from Ranked, they (in theory) would float back down to unranked because that would be easier to grind.


Metioned at the summit was they wanted PvE and PvP gear to be even more different. This may help cut down on PvEers looking for quick gear.


Also, has anyone said anything about the new system they are working on that will not award medals if you don't participate.

(The following is speculation)

Imagine Huttball, for example; what if they had a system that, if you DPS or Heal more than 50 meters away from the ball, you get zero credit on that. So if you play lone wolf in the zone, you will end up with no credit toward the goals, because you weren't part of the team.


In summation, I don't believe this will be free epix, nor will it destroy the game for the serious business PvPers.


To OP and teh raeg quitters: Can I have your stuff?

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Without team charters this "rated warzone" system is a cop-out. How are you people missing this? There won't be any real measure of success or failure, because each game will just be an average of everyone else's rating combined with yours.


Sure this'll probably keep 12k hpers from fighting 18k hpers, but is that really enough for you? I want a real ladder system where the team on top is recognized as such. I want to beat the best and be acknowledged for it.


After listening to the guild conference I cancelled my account. This game is even worse than what WoW has become. No, that does not mean I'm going back to play that 7 year-old game. I want something NEW! LOL! imagine that

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So called hardcore PVPers crying about gear & whining about working for it.


PVP should be about player ability, not gear. Everyone should be stat normalised for PVP matches, ranked games should reward titles & vanity stuff only.

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Don't get me wrong, game isn't shutting down anytime soon. And im sure by this time next year you will have 5 or 6 warzones maybe. But I don't think we will EVER see huge open world PVP battles numbering in the hundreds, on any scale. The hero engine just can't swing it with this game.


It's sad, this game is flat out a "mini MMO". I'm sure PVEer's will remain happy to an extent, even though the OPS are so easy. That and the Star Wars name is enough to carry the game for a while, but as far as the majority of PVP players, this game already lost A lot, and is going to lose even more me thinks.


I would love bioware to prove me wrong, and make epic PVP, but, I just don't see it happening. Come on GW2!




There is the 'can't wait for GW2' finally.


Gw2, like GW1, won't have gear progression other than aesthetics. Everyone will have access to same PvP gear for PvP.


Epic PVP ? Maybe. Better than SWTOR PvP ? Probably. Gear progression (stats) ? Not likely.


I guess you'll rant on GW2 too. Nothing can please the PvGers. Go play Warhammer if you want gear crutches and imbalanced trinkets / items for PvP. Time invested = WIN in WAR.

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Dont take the following in a negative way.


It sounds like you talk out of a WoW perspective. And through that perspective that is very true. However, this game or well company seems more minded when it comes to pleasing the PvP crowd.


They are already releasing a new WZ along with a new FP and a new OP, this is something Blizzard never really did, they always ignored the PvPers. How many new BGs did we get in WoW? Uhm, 5 in a period of 6 years, that is horribly slow and will get people bored doing the same BG over and over. Oh and 4 arenas or something, woohoo...


I also enjoy Huttball very much and dont think it will ever get boring to me. I'm a big Blood Bowl fan and Huttball feels like some kind of space blood bowl to me. :D


If BW keeps releasing new WZs each time they release new instances the interest will be high. Especially if they release a new set of gear each patch aswell.


I dont see any problem with giving everyone the same gear and then vanity things based on ratings. The playing field should be equal, otherwise there is no point with ratings. Ratings are never accurate when different levels of gear come into play. Those that get the far superior gear first (those with time on their hands) will dominate, then those that join late, both new players and those that have less time to play, will never get a chance to obtain the gear that requires a ranking.


WoW just put too many bad things into effect that many people these days look up to and see as guidlines for an MMO. IMO its guidlines about things not to do.


Less WoW in this game and more DaoC/WaR.

DAoC had realm rank grinds that gave stats. And WAR hammer had a nasty end game gear progression. The difference in stats between Warlord Gear, and Soviergn Gear was much huger of a gap than champ or BM gear in this game. So what are you talking about?


I loved RVR though, would have been better though with 3 fractions like DAoC.

Edited by Dego_Locc
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There is the 'can't wait for GW2' finally.


Gw2, like GW1, won't have gear progression other than aesthetics. Everyone will have access to same PvP gear for PvP.


Epic PVP ? Maybe. Better than SWTOR PvP ? Probably. Gear progression (stats) ? Not likely.


I guess you'll rant on GW2 too. Nothing can please the PvGers. Go play Warhammer if you want gear crutches and imbalanced trinkets / items for PvP. Time invested = WIN in WAR.

I did play WAR, And I loved the way open world PVP worked, BUT I was actually one of the ones asking on the forums to decrease the stat gap between their gears. It was more brutal than this game's gear progression stat gap by A LOT. And it was way harder to get.


The stat gaps between gears in this game are at the moment very minimal. I can beat a BM with my alt in centurion gear. There are times I have lost to someone in champ gear with my main BM. The gear gap is so small that anyone in this thread crying about dying too much because they don't have BM gear is just a bad player considering they can pretty much have a full set mixed of centurion and champ in a weeks time, which is more than enough to contend with someone in full BM.


Leveling the playing field will take away the grind and progression and the reason for a lot of people to keep subbing. Sad but true. There just wont be enough PVP content to keep most PVPers. A good amount of PVPers have already stopped playing this game because of boredom. So the "play for fun of it guys" is already out the window for some players. I mean how long can you play the same few warzones over and over and over with no chance of any meaningful big open world battles in sight because of the game inability to handle more than 2 ops groups in the same zone?


Oh and GW2? WvWvW will have a form of gear progression, the battlegrounds however will not. And even if it didn't has enough content hopefully to keep ppl "having fun" at launch, pvpwise, this game however did not.

Edited by Dego_Locc
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This ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ kthxby



So your agreement to this statement, "People who are playing for FUN, go play random non ranked matches! Ranked Matches are for Competitive minded players/teams!" means that you cant't have fun while playing ranked matches if your a competitive minded team/player?


These forums make me laugh lol. You do know you can be serious and hardcore and still have fun lol. what a asinine statement to make AND agree with about a game.


This thread is clearly showing who's a gamer and who's a elitist jerk lol.


Elitist jerks are like the pop collar bros you see at bars that are total tools....elitist are the gamers version of bros.... they're always there and the majority of us just have to put up with them.

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This is actually a bigger issue even outside the freaking game. This sense of Utopia whereas everyone is equal spreading golden bombs of light and love. But let us be perfectly Frank here. Not everyone is equal. Nor is everyone rich, poor, hungry, fat, skinny, good looking, bad looking, fugly, or whatever else we all are that makes us unique.


If you take a look at what changes they have already implemented they addressed the "new" lvl 50 player with no gear concern. If it needs tweaking then go back and maybe let them carry forward some bags or change what gear is in bags or boxes so when they hit 50 they have something.


Progression is such a wonderful thing that we shouldn't be afraid of. I mean lets apply some common sense here and ask a question. Why do we play the game?


For fun? Sure. To feel imersion? Probably. To escape what we call reality and detox? Hell yeah. Now having said all that what do you feel one does with said avatar in which is our surrogate to reality? We put a lot of time into it in which we want to make it unique, pretty, and epic feeling. Moreoever, we all go about it in different ways.


One thing though is that as patches and content roll along so should are charaters progression across all of those features I mentioned above. She or he should become more powerful, pretty, and whatever else it is that makes one feel good about our surrogate self. Come what may there is a ladder we must all climb to get it done otherwise there wouldn't be any reason to play the game. Hell - do so and I'll save 15 bucks a month and spend it elsewhere.


New level 50 has been address.

Ilum is broke.

There isn't any - I repeat - ANY incentive for world pvp.

Pana express IS coming and they are addressing World PvP, already have arena's, rated BG's.

GW2 is coming out - more world pvp (but stupid looking cat people whom you can play)

Nothing to define ones class other than "possible" appearance - need stats

Population balance is still out of control.

Everyone and their brother is now a battlemaster and probably a war hero by weeks end


Don't provide the world in a single patch. Let it grow at its own pace.

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This is actually a bigger issue even outside the freaking game. This sense of Utopia whereas everyone is equal spreading golden bombs of light and love. But let us be perfectly Frank here. Not everyone is equal. Nor is everyone rich, poor, hungry, fat, skinny, good looking, bad looking, fugly, or whatever else we all are that makes us unique.


If you take a look at what changes they have already implemented they addressed the "new" lvl 50 player with no gear concern. If it needs tweaking then go back and maybe let them carry forward some bags or change what gear is in bags or boxes so when they hit 50 they have something.


Progression is such a wonderful thing that we shouldn't be afraid of. I mean lets apply some common sense here and ask a question. Why do we play the game?


For fun? Sure. To feel imersion? Probably. To escape what we call reality and detox? Hell yeah. Now having said all that what do you feel one does with said avatar in which is our surrogate to reality? We put a lot of time into it in which we want to make it unique, pretty, and epic feeling. Moreoever, we all go about it in different ways.


One thing though is that as patches and content roll along so should are charaters progression across all of those features I mentioned above. She or he should become more powerful, pretty, and whatever else it is that makes one feel good about our surrogate self. Come what may there is a ladder we must all climb to get it done otherwise there wouldn't be any reason to play the game. Hell - do so and I'll save 15 bucks a month and spend it elsewhere.


New level 50 has been address.

Ilum is broke.

There isn't any - I repeat - ANY incentive for world pvp.

Pana express IS coming and they are addressing World PvP, already have arena's, rated BG's.

GW2 is coming out - more world pvp (but stupid looking cat people whom you can play)

Nothing to define ones class other than "possible" appearance - need stats

Population balance is still out of control.

Everyone and their brother is now a battlemaster and probably a war hero by weeks end


Don't provide the world in a single patch. Let it grow at its own pace.


I look at it like this, any game that I can get the best gear in the game easily within a month, and everyone will have it. With only a few warzones to keep a pvper busy with no world pvp , at all. Is not worth a paid subscription. IMO of course.


I'll go play Mortal Kombat 9 tag team online for the PS3 for that level playing field fix. I can even unlock cosmetic color changed costumes. Same reward this will give after 1.2.


I'll hang around and watch the train wreck for a couple months though for the LULz.

Edited by Dego_Locc
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I did play WAR, And I loved the way open world PVP worked, BUT I was actually one of the ones asking on the forums to decrease the stat gap between their gears. It was more brutal than this game's gear progression stat gap by A LOT. And it was way harder to get.


The stat gaps between gears in this game are at the moment very minimal. I can beat a BM with my alt in centurion gear. There are times I have lost to someone in champ gear with my main BM. The gear gap is so small that anyone in this thread crying about dying too much because they don't have BM gear is just a bad player considering they can pretty much have a full set mixed of centurion and champ in a weeks time, which is more than enough to contend with someone in full BM.


Leveling the playing field will take away the grind and progression and the reason for a lot of people to keep subbing. Sad but true. There just wont be enough PVP content to keep most PVPers. A good amount of PVPers have already stopped playing this game because of boredom. So the "play for fun of it guys" is already out the window for some players. I mean how long can you play the same few warzones over and over and over with no chance of any meaningful big open world battles in sight because of the game inability to handle more than 2 ops groups in the same zone?



No it wont take out progression for pvpers at all, the rating system is a form of progression and for pvp is much better than gear as its easier to balance so your rating will actually mean something


Oh and GW2? WvWvW will have a form of gear progression, the battlegrounds however will not. And even if it didn't has enough content hopefully to keep ppl "having fun" at launch, pvpwise, this game however did not.


Again, no WvWvW will not have its own gear progression at all, the only gear you will obtain in the mists is the same gear you would get while pve'ing, its not its own gear progression at all, someone who only pve's will be able to enter the mists and be justr as geard as someone of the same level that only pvp's

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Let them quit. I'd rather those type of people were not in the game to start with. Warzones need to be competative and not all about geeks who play 24/7 and have the best gear.


Derp derp derp.


So yeah why reward people who play more with more, that wouldn't make sense right?


If they made these exact same changes to your static PVE world you'd be BS. The problem is YOU cannot handle getting facerolled by anyone. So you're going to cry about gear.


So now that 1.2 is certain, and when you still get facerolled because you suck as PVP, you'll be crying for class nerfs.


The problem is there are PVP people and PVE people. The PVP people don't care about the PVE rules and what the PVE players want. The PVE players, however, feel they have domain over PVE and PVP and even though PVP is secondary to them (otherwise they'd have their Valor 60 and BM armor) they want that made easier to accommodate how little time they put in it.


How about this, I'll support ANY pvp change, as long as there is an EQUAL pve change. So I would like my Rataka set in the mail please. If this were the case, you'd be QQing about how ONLY pvp needs a fix and PVE is fine.


When the hardcores of a game leave, you know the people you're dumping on, the game tends to fail, servers get consolidated and money drys up so patches and expansions go away.


I look forward to a year from now when everyone doesn't understand why this game hit a brick wall, even though it's because of changes like this.


I'll be waiting for D3 to come out, at least then if I PVP my gear will mean something, and the effort behind it will also.

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No it wont take out progression for pvpers at all, the rating system is a form of progression and for pvp is much better than gear as its easier to balance so your rating will actually mean something


I don't think a lot of pvpers will be willing to pay for a subscription with THAT as the reward. It's nice to think that it would work, and it might sound like a nice idea at first. But you will see, it will get boring as all hell, fast, once ppl realize the gear progression is gone and the carrot was eaten too fast when everyone got the best pvp gear in the game from afking in warzones for war hero comms that they can get win or lose.


You'll see. This ain't my first rodeo, seen this all happen plenty of times before in similar forms in similar games.




Again, no WvWvW will not have its own gear progression at all, the only gear you will obtain in the mists is the same gear you would get while pve'ing, its not its own gear progression at all, someone who only pve's will be able to enter the mists and be justr as geard as someone of the same level that only pvp's

There will be stats progressions for those who have done it longer vs. those just starting out. Like it or not, it is not all cosmetic.


And even if it was, ppl would still play because there is a lot of pvp content, that will hopefully be fun. Fun pvp went out the window a long time ago in this game.

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Derp derp derp.


So yeah why reward people who play more with more, that wouldn't make sense right?


If they made these exact same changes to your static PVE world you'd be BS. The problem is YOU cannot handle getting facerolled by anyone. So you're going to cry about gear.


So now that 1.2 is certain, and when you still get facerolled because you suck as PVP, you'll be crying for class nerfs.


The problem is there are PVP people and PVE people. The PVP people don't care about the PVE rules and what the PVE players want. The PVE players, however, feel they have domain over PVE and PVP and even though PVP is secondary to them (otherwise they'd have their Valor 60 and BM armor) they want that made easier to accommodate how little time they put in it.


How about this, I'll support ANY pvp change, as long as there is an EQUAL pve change. So I would like my Rataka set in the mail please. If this were the case, you'd be QQing about how ONLY pvp needs a fix and PVE is fine.


When the hardcores of a game leave, you know the people you're dumping on, the game tends to fail, servers get consolidated and money drys up so patches and expansions go away.


I look forward to a year from now when everyone doesn't understand why this game hit a brick wall, even though it's because of changes like this.


I'll be waiting for D3 to come out, at least then if I PVP my gear will mean something, and the effort behind it will also.


lol, you don't have to run EV or Karaga's 500 times before you're allowed to have your first piece of rakata, that you think this system is okay for pvp is laughable.


oh, and have fun in D2HD (with rainbows)

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You realize almost always the ones with more gear are also more skilled that's how they got the gear. Most of the people saying it shouldn't be about gear are the only ones who want to remove rewards for being a good player.Its the same as the 99% no one is willing to work for something,it must be handed to them. Most likely because they couldn't attain it with their current skills thus they think its the gear causing them to be out played.


Let them remove it and most of you will be back here complaining about class balance or huttball mechanics being unfair for some classes. Because most of you don't understand that you are just being out played. Unless you are in greens/blues/orange with blue mods. The gear difference between cet and BM gear isn't to large to overcome.

for them.


Where do you come with this crap.


Gear requires Skill? No, it requires Time.


Not much difference between cet and BM? Have you been playing some 1v1 warzones or something that we don't know about? No, in 8v8 there is a HUGE difference

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Give me a flipping break! People are quitting? Why, because they cant stand for people to have access to gear? If that's it then good riddance.


Some of you are so damned fickle it makes me sick!


Everyone already has equal access to gear, it's just casual PVEers and raiders don't want to earn it like the people before them did. Funny the complainers didn't mind rolling level 10's in the lower bracket when they were in their 40's.


This isn't an FPS, MMO's by nature have gear progression. A hard core raider in full Rakata has just as much advantage over a fresh 50 as a player in the PVP sets does. I don't see anyone calling for Rakata nerfs. Where's my welfare raid gear?

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This thread is full of fail, all over.


Given it is SO EASY to get BiS gear for PvP, it doesn't really matter one way or the other. If they had progression, it'd all be equal playing ground in a month or two. If they don't have progression, you have the same thing.


Additionally, why does progression need to be stats. That's not set in stone somewhere. Your rewards can be cosmetic, that's a perfectly valid reward.


Honestly the ONLY way you can complain about these changes if you feel better stated gear means you are better at the game. Otherwise it doesn't make sense. The only difference is stats vs cosmetics. Thus if you have an issue, you deep down inside feel like having better stats makes u better, that is the only logical explanation.

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Where do you come with this crap.


Gear requires Skill? No, it requires Time.


Not much difference between cet and BM? Have you been playing some 1v1 warzones or something that we don't know about? No, in 8v8 there is a HUGE difference


Forums make me face-palm.


The reason he means the people with the best gear are in general better players than nub 50s is because they have spent many many many hours practicing. If they spend this amount of time in the game the also most likely do research as well as theory craft.


You are correct gear does not equal skill. But.... the people who spend time getting that gear does usually equal better skilled players in the population.


There is a difference between cent and bm but there is only a very small difference between champ and bm. Once you have cent right now you are more than ready to be a big part of the game.

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