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Everything posted by Tuckered

  1. Without team charters this "rated warzone" system is a cop-out. How are you people missing this? There won't be any real measure of success or failure, because each game will just be an average of everyone else's rating combined with yours. Sure this'll probably keep 12k hpers from fighting 18k hpers, but is that really enough for you? I want a real ladder system where the team on top is recognized as such. I want to beat the best and be acknowledged for it. After listening to the guild conference I cancelled my account. This game is even worse than what WoW has become. No, that does not mean I'm going back to play that 7 year-old game. I want something NEW! LOL! imagine that
  2. Really blew it Bioware. Most pre-orders ever, and failed to follow through. So dissapointed. Feedback: You copied WoW's boring and mundane stuff, and cut out the stuff that made it fun to play in the first place. Bad!
  3. and i love rated warzones, but I'm still limited by who I can find to play with with my meager republic population. If a new player is serious about competitive pvp in this game they pretty much have to roll empire unless they pick the 1-2 PvP servers where the population is more even. good riddance to Ilum btw
  4. well since you asked... its commonly said that the imperial story lines are more fun to complete. many of the little imbalances between class mirrors favor the imperial counterparts. their races are cooler looking, and the trailers before the game launched showed an empire ravaging the republic with the republic's best soldiers managing to hang on to alderaan. so now they can do similar things for the republic! there are still plenty of people who haven't picked up the game yet, those new players (and old with legacy stuff) can be encouraged to go rep
  5. thats all servers. They then said PvP servers are HEAVILY stacked with imperial players.
  6. if ilum didn't have crippling framerate issues i could outplay my way to victory in the 20v70 situations. i need basic tools for success bro
  7. And then proceeded to laugh it off as only mattering in Ilum, which they're removing. That doesn't fix the problem, though! Some steps need to be taken to make republic better than empire in some way, so we can have more than ONE 16man operation guild on our faction (and we only manage to get the 16 1-2 days a week). I heard them talk about outlaw's den fun, with 25v25 and other smaller deathmatch stuff. Sounds amazing, but with the lack of republic players (and a lot of the good ones quitting due to no arena) its something I've never experienced. Do something about PvP server faction imbalance in the near future please. Or at least tell us you're doing something besides cross-server warzone queueing (which is a must for a ladder system regardless of server pop).
  8. lol thats a good way of looking at it
  9. in case it hasn't been said, you get commendations to purchase War Hero gear from rated warzones. You can purchase different color gear with those commendations if you're sufficiently rated withing said rated warzone system.
  10. most people don't comprehend what's being discussed here, so it probably will be something for later/never
  11. I don't remember Bioware ever using the word arena or phrase "small-scale deathmatch pvp". I guess I'd like to know up front if this is ever going to be implemented (and by ever i mean in the next couple months). WoW is calling me back after 6 years worth of subscriptions due to arenas alone, but I'll hold off if arenas are being developed.
  12. WoW only had 15 minutes, it wont be any different cause this game is WoW with less stuff
  13. i wondered why world pvp seemed nonexistent on most of my leveling experience. Sacrificing gameplay for the sake of a storyline. Should I expect this in the application of future content?
  14. The rate and quality of content added isn't enough to keep me playing. Rise of the Rakghouls was such a pitiful failure of a major content patch. 1.2 is at least 3 weeks away, and there is absolutely nothing I haven't completed over and over in this game. Here's a tip, should you actually bother to act on good feedback: Don't screw up your rated warzone system, and add a 4v4 arena system ASAP. The argument that world pvp would die if such a thing was added no longer applies to TOR, because its obvious that TOR is a collection of instances separated by several loading screens apiece. EDIT: 14 of the people I've personally played with since launch have all quit for the same reasons I now have.
  15. its a gimmick to try and get some subscribers back before 1.2 hits
  16. my server has too many republic on it, the fleet is constantly laggy jk we have about 40 on peak hours
  17. its ridiculous how many people are against this. wake up!
  18. so i know if i should wait around for it
  19. Bioware, Are you going to add small scale competitive deathmatch (aka arena) pvp into your game? My friends keep asking me when/if such a feature is to be implemented. Right now I can only tell them "no clue". Even something like "we're working on it but its in the early stages of development" would be pretty amazing news to dozens of people that I play with. Right now, with the lack of any mention of this kind of gameplay, it seems more likely that you don't see a place for arena in your game. Its possible you've been bullied into not mentioning it by the vehement responses this forum has thrown at the idea of arenas in the past. Still, it would be very nice to know one way or the other if arenas are ever going to be in this game. I don't actually expect a response to this thread, or even for this post to stay on page one, but hearing something from an official Bioware source about this would help out a great deal. Thanks!
  20. Everyone seems to have a specific problem that will kill this game, or a feature that is missing that is mandatory for success. The unfortunate thing for me is 90% of these "problems" are so trivial, misinformed, or off focus when compared to issues I have with the game. Let me start by saying I enjoy this game. I wouldn't be paying the monthly fee otherwise. I also play republic on a pvp server. Problems that people I know actually have are as follows: 1. Ilum design - Ilum currently rewards all the wrong things. Do you outnumber the other faction by 5-1? Here, take a massive valor bonus per kill as well. Also, please remove the anti-camping measure for the underdog faction. Let us kill the same enemies over and over and actually get credit, we can't exactly fight the main ball of imperials most of the time. I LOVE world PvP, and I don't mind being outnumbered 2 or 3 to one. Its when its 5-1 or 6-1 with 90 imperials that it gets a little ridiculous. 2. The PvP Grind. -Bioware says this game isn't about grinds, but that is simply not true. First, you grind the valor to battlemaster (unless you happened to be imperial when 1.1 hit lol). THEN, you do the exact same things you've been doing with the hope that you get the random battlemaster commendation. PLEASE give us a steady amount of points per week based on performance, so we can actually earn our gear. 3. Competitive PvP System. - I realize Bioware has mentioned some kind of ladder system, but without more details I can't say its what I'm waiting for. What I and an enormous section of my friends want to see are rated warzones with cross server matchmaking and a 4v4 arena (4v4 only so it can be balanced with pve easily). 4. Bugs, Balance, and User Interface - Fighting 25 v 50 in Ilum for more than 10 minutes causes my game to crash 100% of the time. I know I'm not the only one. - The GTN is a chore to use. - Our PvP server is population capped with imperials far outnumbering us. This leaves me with little hope of that ever changing. - The various bugs in operations have begun to be addressed, but its getting kind of silly that it was so bad for so long, and that its still as bad as it is. - Imperial mirrors of classes are more responsive with their abilities, I'm not gonna explain why. If you don't agree you haven't been paying attention . Because of some of the issues I've listed, doing Ilum outside of the daily/weekly is a bad joke amongst people I play with. Many of the best PvPers I've played with are taking breaks until arena or rated warzones are added. The PvE in this game is exceptional, provided the bugs are squashed very soon. I typed all this cause I woke up randomly and the game is down for maintenance . Bioware, please make sure to fix the problems that people care about! Don't listen to the vocal minority worrying about chair sitting and other random stuff.
  21. I'm gonna give Bioware until February 20th to re-hook me. This battlemaster grind just isn't doing it for me anymore. Not to mention imperials all got battlemaster in 1 day, whereas I have to work nearly 2 months. they didn't roll back that exploit. That is a kick to my groin. 4v4 rated ladder system, rated warzones, rated SOMETHING. Give me the option to not play with half goods and half complete bad randoms in warzones. and let me pick the freaking warzone i want to play. What is this, WoW 6 years ago let me pick which battleground i wanted.
  22. they change that but dont change 20+ other things on my personal list
  23. Cancelled, I'll give this game a second look once they show me a vision for this game thats not a muddled mess.
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