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How many Subscriptions do you think this game has right now


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Anecdotal on my part but I've seen a decline on my server and in guild. We might have 4-6 guildies on a good day. This is a WoW guild of mostly RL friends (of friends of friends). So, I know they're not jumping ship to other guilds. They're just not playing and went back to WoW. =/
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I'm guessing around 2.2mill.

The reason is because of the Asian Pasific launch as well as growing over time.

What do you think it has right now?


I agree, checked those 3 servers the ther night in thier prime time all three full and with a que, there are more subs in this game than we think, like all games mmo's

it wil go up and down, for awhile, i read some research about mmo's they claim that the average mmo plays stays in an mmo for 3 to 6 months these days, I tend to stay for a year or two or longer myself.

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OP - I have no idea. I do know when we will find out though... at the next Electronic Arts quarterly earnings call. That's scheduled for May 1st, FYI. If that question isn't directly answered, there's a problem. If it is, I hope it shuts down a lot of the sandwich-boarders here.


This is also why 1.2 WILL come out in April, and be well-tested. It's a big talking point for EA's accountants.

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Its supposed to be a "mmorpg", so subs are a big deal, ya know.


A big deal to Bioware and to EA. How many subs they have should not be any concern of yours. The only one that matters to you is the one that you pay for.

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i love you pessimists so much :)


Oh hey..are you one who said SWTOR won't get more than a million subs? umm yeah...


Pessimists actually believe what they're saying. That guy's no pessimist because he likley doesn't even believe the nosnense he's spewing. He's just here trying to ruin the game and everyone else's fun.

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I agree, checked those 3 servers the ther night in thier prime time all three full and with a que, there are more subs in this game than we think, like all games mmo's

it wil go up and down, for awhile, i read some research about mmo's they claim that the average mmo plays stays in an mmo for 3 to 6 months these days, I tend to stay for a year or two or longer myself.


There are only 2 reasons why anyone wants to really know how many subs their are:


Reason 1: They hope the number is small, so they can have legitimate numbers to back up their claims that the game is falling into ruin and that they told us it would happen. If only Bioware had listened to them!


Reason 2: They hope the number is high, so they can tell the haters to shut up, they don't know what they are talking about.


In reality, as I have said twice, the only sub that should truly matter to you as an individual is the one you pay (or don't pay) for.

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They have over 1.7 million active subscriptions in the U.S./Europe. They haven't announced numbers for the other regions where they just launched.


the launch countries will not have accurate sub numbers for quite some time.

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OP - I have no idea. I do know when we will find out though... at the next Electronic Arts quarterly earnings call. That's scheduled for May 1st, FYI. If that question isn't directly answered, there's a problem. If it is, I hope it shuts down a lot of the sandwich-boarders here.


This is also why 1.2 WILL come out in April, and be well-tested. It's a big talking point for EA's accountants.


BW claims 1.2 will be in this month. but is uspect your right april is more realistic wiith the rate BW does things its not even close to being put on PTS

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Well...considering the forums have coime to a carwl in regards to activity and I am guessing only Active Subs can post...that says something right there.


That coupled with the "Hey get your friends to play for Free!!" Promo has already launched I think it is safe to say the number of active subs had dropped DRAMATICALLY!!!!

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Well...considering the forums have coime to a carwl in regards to activity and I am guessing only Active Subs can post...that says something right there.


Believe me dude, that isn't why people aren't visiting this forum.

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Believe me dude, that isn't why people aren't visiting this forum.


Well then how do you explain 3 weeks ago a topics moving as fast off the front page as the WOW forums (On of any of the sub forums as well) to the same threads sitting there for weeks at a time and hardly even being updated?

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