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  1. I can careless what Server the OP picks and rolls on. I don't have a horse in this race. I can careless which server is the most popular or cool or has the best quality of RP. I don't care, I don't care oh and I don't care. What I do care about is his circumstances and situation. I have had the absolute worst luck in the last 4 or 5 MMO's I played with Server Selection. No matter how much research, forum home work or character's I rolled I always got stuck on the lamest, least populated Servers. Either forcing me to quit the MMO or pay for a Character Transfer. So I will say this, Lord Adrass (Or whatever the hell its called) is packed. It is so packed that even if 50% of the people leave/quit/go to another game there will still be enough people to support a good healthy RP Community for the next few years. Everytime I log in, it is the ONLY RP Server that says "Heavy". Hell it's one of the Only two Server's that consistantly say "Heavy" on the entire list. So do what you want, I know if I was in your situation I would make a point of having atleast one steady character on Lord Adrass. Heck, I don't even like my character on Lord Adrass and hardly even RP with him! But I know when things like Name Changes, Barber Shops, and stuff like that finally get released I will be on a super populated RP Server when I get around to RP'ing!
  2. LOL, my wife always says "Are you going to play with your little internet friends tonight"? No! Gawd, Shuttup, they are Guildies! How many times do I have to tell you to stop calling them little internet friends!
  3. Well, maybe the OP is embarressed because he sent the invite to all his MMO Friends and he has had them beleiving that he was a she and now the email blows the lid off his secret identity/MMO Persona. Seriously though, I agree with the OP. No real names need to be blasted anywhere on the inter webz. Simple email address would suffice. Way too many weirdos! Also, kinda related but not really I noticed recently there is a new thing going on XBOX Live and everytime you try a community game it auto blasts everyone on your friends list a huge long arss message about how they should try it. Everyone I know was like "Wow man, so you really love that Avatar Legend huh?" I'm like "What are you talking about"? You sent me that message to try it, must have took you an hour to write it! Although I have to admit I thought it was pretty damn funny when I received a bunch of messages from my friends that I should try some perverted flirting community game lolz. Gosh they must be so embarresed that everyone now knows they were playing that!!!
  4. I would rather be able to play as a Wookie, a Mon Calamari, a JaWa, Ithorian, What Race was Guido?, The Dog people, Trandoshians, or any variety of Aliens, hell even Ewoks! I would gladly play these Races willingly even if it ment no visual/cosmetic Gear Appearence when I equipped loot. I would be happy with a wookie who occasionally changed his Bandolier or a Mon Calamari that could never "Show" a Helmet. I am not interested in their story, I am interested in my story, how I want to play the game. What I want to create. I would gladly sacrifice the stories and full voice over interactions for the ability to play a variety of star warsy alien races. Even if this ment leveling them through stories that made absolutley no sense.
  5. Everyone is different, those were super important issues to me. I know, I'm crazy...can't help it..They were!
  6. Wow, get chat bubbles up and running and I'll be content for years! When you look around the game world....there really is a ton of couchses and chairs...I mean a ton! More Furniture at the Fleet and any Cantina than the Room Store/Ikea.
  7. Hey, woah, I'm not attacking the game. Sheeeesh. I am subbing and playing. I don;t know if its a Star Wars thing or a MMO Genre thing but the life span of these suckers really seems to be speeding up. You used to get some friend keys with a collectors. Maybe get the Invite a Friend 6 months to a year after release. Heck at this rate the game will be F2P by Christmas. Again, I like the game, I don't complain or troll. Just not going to take a close minded NOTHING TO SEE HERE defense. Also not going to say the falling.
  8. Well then how do you explain 3 weeks ago a topics moving as fast off the front page as the WOW forums (On of any of the sub forums as well) to the same threads sitting there for weeks at a time and hardly even being updated?
  9. No chat bubbles... No ChAt BuBbLes.... nO cHaT bUbBlEs.... No Chat BUBBLES!!!... and a terrible /emote system. Sorry, not terrible lacking....for example /meditate does nothing but say So&So Meditates...I mean, really no animation? Pfffft! Oh, and the anti social atmosphere is 100% caused by teh lack of Chat Bubbles and the insane range of /say. No one even knows who the hell is talking to who!!!
  10. They didn't say no combat macros...they said no Macros. I just want to be able to use macro's for RP. I wish it was just a combat thing.
  11. Well...considering the forums have coime to a carwl in regards to activity and I am guessing only Active Subs can post...that says something right there. That coupled with the "Hey get your friends to play for Free!!" Promo has already launched I think it is safe to say the number of active subs had dropped DRAMATICALLY!!!!
  12. I'll would rather give up on this whole personal story and focus on the voice overs to be able to play a whole slew of Aliens. No offense but I'm not even interested in their story. I want to play my story.
  13. I'm a good guy republic middle of teh road on the whole good bad choice thing and I have had Red light sabers since I started playing. (Like a month ago). Why is everyone acting like this is new?
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