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[NEW] Combat Log, 3rd Party parser add-ons - New Interview with Gabe Amatangelo


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I didn't see a post on this... flame me if there is.


The guys at TOROZ captured a nice video interview with Gabe about some upcoming features, which I must say rock:




Summary (from Torboard http://torboard.com/showthread.php?321-1-2-PVP-changes-future-updates-(interview-w-lead-PVP-Designer) )


Gear/Warzone/Commendation Changes

  • Lesser end-game commendations (Champion, Centurion, etc.) will not be exchangable.
  • There will be two levels of warzones. Regular and Ranked warzones.
  • Regular warzones will give out regular WZ commendations, and Ranked warzones will give out ranked WZ commendations.
  • New intro PVP set for new level 50 players to fill gap in gear.
  • There will be some “fun” uses for commendations you dont need anymore.


Ranked PVP

  • Phase one will be server specific.
  • Phase two (coming in the future) will have cross-server queuing.

General/UI Changes

  • Combat log coming soon.
  • DPS meters/Parsers will be done by 3rd party addons via combat log.
  • Free/Paid Server transfers are being worked on but no date provided. They want to make sure the process is perfect before releasing this.

Cross-Server Queuing

  • Coming in phase two of pvp changes (later than 1.2)
  • Priority is on playing with people from your own server.
  • As soon as you start choosing certain things (which warzone, ranked, etc.). It becomes more difficult for you to get a WZ with server players so you go into the cross-server

Edited by Lethality
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They've said before the only combat log you'll get is for yourself. Is there any sign they have reversed this decision?


Nowhere has anyone from Bioware ever said this.


The quote people use to back this up said something like "we'll give you tools to judge your performance." It did not say those tools would only be useful for looking at your own numbers; that's just a bit of wishful thinking. Personally, a big part of judging my performance relies on being able to match it up against the numbers from other players. In any case, the post you're referring to just doesn't say what you think it does.


I now a lot of people believe what you do, but it the decision you're claiming was made never was.

Edited by Pink_Saber
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They've said before the only combat log you'll get is for yourself. Is there any sign they have reversed this decision?


From the interview, it's not clear. However, there's not much of a need for a "parser" add-on if you're only looking at your own log. Even then if you want one, allowing 3rd parties to do it signals more add-ons or more capability for the combat log - i.e. the entire group/raid which should be a requirement.

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Ok im kool with cross server Wz's if priority is given first to the same server.


DPS,Heal logs,yuck i high end raided for years in EQ2 and people based too much on trash mobs before you got to named and made snark remarks.


For instance last Friday night i jumped on EQ2 got on my main an Illusionist and did some Drunder and ppl posted the parse on a Warlock that was far below what he should of been doing,but then on the named figths he did fine because of temp buffs etc.


Then i jumped on my tank to do EOW and my SK was hitting around 40k a few commented i should have been doing around 60k but this is not my main and lacks some gear,but hey they needed a tank.

Edited by Sathid
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So what?


No really, so what?


Let the DPS meters come, then I'll know the people tht i really want to group with...and it wont be the kid spamming Recount after every single pull, or the raid leader screaming in vent due to .02 less DPS.


Dear Zod! I'm so happy I picked an RP server. :jawa_angel:

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I didn't see a post on this... flame me if there is.


The guys at TOROZ captured a nice video interview with Gabe about some upcoming features, which I must say rock:




Summary (from Torboard http://torboard.com/showthread.php?321-1-2-PVP-changes-future-updates-(interview-w-lead-PVP-Designer) )


Gear/Warzone/Commendation Changes

  • Lesser end-game commendations (Champion, Centurion, etc.) will not be exchangable.
  • There will be two levels of warzones. Regular and Ranked warzones.
  • Regular warzones will give out regular WZ commendations, and Ranked warzones will give out ranked WZ commendations.
  • New intro PVP set for new level 50 players to fill gap in gear.
  • There will be some “fun” uses for commendations you dont need anymore.


Ranked PVP

  • Phase one will be server specific.
  • Phase two (coming in the future) will have cross-server queuing.

General/UI Changes

  • Combat log coming soon.
  • DPS meters/Parsers will be done by 3rd party addons via combat log.
  • Free/Paid Server transfers are being worked on but no date provided. They want to make sure the process is perfect before releasing this.

Cross-Server Queuing

  • Coming in phase two of pvp changes (later than 1.2)
  • Priority is on playing with people from your own server.
  • As soon as you start choosing certain things (which warzone, ranked, etc.). It becomes more difficult for you to get a WZ with server players so you go into the cross-server



I'll resub when they have all of those features. Combat logs, cross-server PVP queues, add-ons, etc.

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Nowhere has anyone from Bioware ever said this.


The quote people use to back this up said something like "we'll give you tools to judge your performance." It did not say those tools would only be useful for looking at your own numbers; that's just a bit of wishful thinking. Personally, a big part of judging my performance relies on being able to match it up against the numbers from other players. In any case, the post you're referring to just doesn't say what you think it does.


I now a lot of people believe what you do, but it the decision you're claiming was made never was.


But they did emphasize the word "your", they made it stand out from the rest of the quote, which in and of itself has meaning. So people are not saying what they are saying about logs being personal without some foundation.

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From the interview, it's not clear. However, there's not much of a need for a "parser" add-on if you're only looking at your own log. Even then if you want one, allowing 3rd parties to do it signals more add-ons or more capability for the combat log - i.e. the entire group/raid which should be a requirement.




You fight tooth and nail against Dual Spec but can't wait for Group Damage Meters, which lead to "Min-max/Cookie-cutter" builds/play FAR more than Dual Spec ever did.


Hypocrite much? :jawa_tongue:

Edited by DaxRendar
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From the interview, it's not clear. However, there's not much of a need for a "parser" add-on if you're only looking at your own log.

You are wrong. Folks can uploaad parsed data for comparison. Folks can also min/max and compare rotations using just their own data. As well as look for computational errors in the dev's math.

Edited by Calimwulf
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You are wrong. Folks can uploaad parsed data for comparison. Folks can also min/max and compare rotations using just their own data. As well as look for computational errors in the dev's math.


That's fine, but that cancels out the effect of your "private" combat log and being judged by it.


Guilds will simply force you to upload your latest combat log from X raid to Y parser site and judge you there.


I think BioWare realized this, and by allowing 3rd party add-ons, decided it makes sense to have group-wide logs available.


Let's hope.

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Oh man they are going to turn pvp into the wow cesspool


I dont see how that is good news at all


lol ranked pvp where being ranked high means you spend too much time playing a game lol


Meters well we all knew they were coming sooner or later, they again are just a cancer for any game


I guess I have to start agreeing with posters that say this is a wow clone


We ofc will also have players getting booted cause their rank isnt "as high as it should be"


Yea this looks like a step in the right direction lol

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You fight tooth and nail against Dual Spec but can't wait for Group Damage Meters, which lead to "Min-max/Cookie-cutter" builds/play FAR more than Dual Spec ever did.


Hypocrite much? :jawa_tongue:


Actually, those two ideals tie together perfectly. I say, players should stick to their role and class, get good at it, and maximize it.

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There's something incredibly cool about seeing the same people on either side in a WZ because its all within one server. I remember what it was like in Vanilla WoW during the first iteration of the battlegrounds. You'd get to know who the dangerous people were, who the ones to wach out for were, which people were the healers, and who could be safely ignored because they were an idiot... ;)


It'll be kind of sad to see that disappear from SWTOR, but I do understand the motivation behind it.


All of that said, a LFD feature in SWTOR would have to also include things like heroics and that right off the bat is problematic for cross-server functionality. Even if that weren't the case, you'd think people would have learned from what happened to WoW when it comes to the dangers of cross-server LFD type systems. Put simply people start to realize that their actions (good or bad) simply don't have consequences. You can be a jerk or just need roll everything and who cares? It isn't as if you're ever going to see those people again.


On the flip side... you're never going to see those people again... meeting people in groups for dungeons or difficult quests has always been a great way to build ties to your community, as the best way to find a guild that matches your playstyle.


It gets worse. I noticed that even in Rift, which has a much more limited form of cross-server LFD than WoW that there was a strong incentive to just stand around the city and wait for my dungeon to pop. Why bother going out into the world when I could get experience, loot (and better quality loot), and get it all much more quickly and conventiently without needing to actually go anywhere? Is that what we want? Everyone standing around in the Fleet waiting for a FP to pop?


Don't get me wrong, SWTOR does need an improved method for finding groups than standing around spamming all the time, but the "cure" when it comes in the form of a cross-server queueing tool for PvE is much worse than the disease in my experience. I'd be delighted with something as simple as a server-wide "LFG" channel that you auto-join whenever you flag yourself as LFG (or maybe it is something you're always a part of). You could then post, and read, LFG/LFM messages while going about your other activities and you retain control over who you do or don't group with (meaning you keep the bad consequences of being a jerk or need-roller-for-everything or whatever else intact as people will start avoiding those types).

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Bad news.


Cross-Server only happening for PvP, and at a much later date.


Transfers coming, but at a much later date.


This game just went into critical.


LOL I thought it went into critical when Ilum was bugged, or when they didn't roll the valor back or... w/e just *********** leave. IT's tiresome dealing people who are just looking for a reason to say the game will flop. Obviously nothing will disprove your already formed theory that the game is doomed. So just leave , go on with your life and be happy.

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That's fine, but that cancels out the effect of your "private" combat log and being judged by it.


Guilds will simply force you to upload your latest combat log from X raid to Y parser site and judge you there.


I think BioWare realized this, and by allowing 3rd party add-ons, decided it makes sense to have group-wide logs available.


Let's hope.


Sorry but it's a slippery slope,it causes eliteism (Is that a word?) and you then have select guilds doing select content and never invite others due to lack of gear,lets face it these people that grin over parses dont care that you dont have the same gear they just enjoy rubbing it in.


Then you will see general chat with parse posts,yah thats the ticket.


Oh and can you imagine WZ parses,,,,you will see terms like ''YOU SUCK!" with the parse throwen in for good measure.

Edited by Sathid
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Does anyone else find the addition of a starter PvP set unnecessary? Centurian is already really easy to get, not much better and in some cases worse in stats (ignoring expertise) side by side with 47 & 49/50 auctionable purples/moddables. Edited by Kabaal
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Nowhere has anyone from Bioware ever said this.


The quote people use to back this up said something like "we'll give you tools to judge your performance." It did not say those tools would only be useful for looking at your own numbers; that's just a bit of wishful thinking. Personally, a big part of judging my performance relies on being able to match it up against the numbers from other players. In any case, the post you're referring to just doesn't say what you think it does.


I now a lot of people believe what you do, but it the decision you're claiming was made never was.


When they said that, they put BOLD tags around the word 'your'. This along with their previously statement saying that they dont want a combat log to be used 'against' other players in a flashpoint.


There's no other reason for them to make the word 'your' in bold.

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When they said that, they put BOLD tags around the word 'your'. This along with their previously statement saying that they dont want a combat log to be used 'against' other players in a flashpoint.


There's no other reason for them to make the word 'your' in bold.


That's correct, and they haven't provided any clarification otherwise... but this interview just came out, and the guild summit starts next week ;) I'm 100% positive it will be asked!


I'm just happy that they're cracking the door open for 3rd party add-ons of any sort.

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