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Everything posted by Perkunas

  1. Not all tiers. Just the harder ones. Normal should be kept for people who aren't hardcore raiders.
  2. Why? LFR raids aren't tuned for min/max at all. 3 levels of difficulty are fine.
  3. I'll resub when they have all of those features. Combat logs, cross-server PVP queues, add-ons, etc.
  4. That's why you keep normal and hard at their current levels and focus on making the Nightmare modes into meter-driven progression. This way we all have content. It's like Looking for Raid in Warcraft. You get to go in and see the encounter and never have to worry about your rotation. I've actually seen videos of people auto-attacking the entire time and winning loot rolls in LFR.
  5. My card runs out on the 20th of march and I wont be resubscribing until they release macros, the combat log, and an API. I'd rather not play an MMO than have to play Everquest circa 1999 again.
  6. I find striking similarities between the anti-add-on crowd and the anti-vaccination crowd.
  7. Actually, I was very happy with Ulduar's quality. I had both a 0-light and an Algalon kill, but TOGC drained my will to raid. Blizzard nerfed Ulduar into the ground and handed out the gear that took me months to earn to players who could face roll 5-mans. Strutted around with that drake for a bit and loved showing off my Val. Firefighter, Three Knock, and One-Light were also solid encounters. All pre-nerf of course. Just over 300'ish guilds managed to kill KJ before the 30% nerf to all BC raid content.
  8. Killed A boss NOT CLEARED. Those that killed Pre-nerf M'uru and KJ were a mere fraction of that. You want to talk about nerfs? There was a FLAT 30% health nerf to all raid content at the end of BC and STILL very few guilds ever managed to take down the nerfed M'uru and KJ. Wrath and Cata Kiddies like to act big and bad, but the best and the brightest moved on a long time ago. Blizzard adopted a new strategy entirely because of Sunwell and the complete lack of success the masses had in there. When the difficulty of a raid instance forces you to rethink your entire PVE philosophy you know you've peaked.
  9. Nothing save for 0-light Yogg and Algalon in Wrath came close to Sunwell. M'uru pre-nerf was the most difficult fight I've ever encountered in this genre. The sheer amount of perfect synchronization that it required of your raid group was utterly flawless and there's a reason why less than 5% of guilds killed a boss in Sunwell and a fraction of those ever took Pre-nerf M'uru down.
  10. Actually, the unskilled players are flocking here. Our community is laughed at by anybody who's serious about competitive PVE. This game's content is a complete joke. I remember a time on these boards where folks like me wanted to see this become the next big PVE game, and sadly our raid content is pathetic. Unskilled players are coming here because there are no metrics and the content can be cleared by a group of cats if you drag a feather toy across the keyboard long enough. It saddens me and I don't know if serious raiders will ever find a home again.
  11. You don't hand out current raid tier loot for doing 5-man content. The reason gear score came into being was because if you weren't geared to the teeth in Wrath you were either not trying or just freshly capped. People had to weed out the folks in lesser gear from their faceroll pugs because they didn't want to carry people.
  12. You've never run the faceroll 5-man "heroic" dungeons in Warcraft then. If you weren't fully decked out in epics 2 weeks after you capped you weren't trying.
  13. Nah, I was fine with Ulduar. I simply wanted people to have to work for a goal and not be handed loot for practically logging on. If you want the gear COMPLETE THE CONTENT.
  14. It first started happening with "Echoes of Doom" flat 30% health nerfs to all raid bosses in BC. From there they decided to dump Naxx on us again and that wouldn't have bothered me save for the fact that we had 2 "Onyxia-esque" single-boss dungeons beyond that in the first tier. I rather enjoyed 3 drake Sarth, and Malygos. They started handing epics like candy in heroics and from the TONS of badges people were getting from them. By the time we got to TOGC they were handing out tier gear that allowed people to skip the first 2 tiers of the expansion by just running 5-man dungeons. They also decided that Ulduar's difficulty was a mistake and they nerfed it into the ground. The only 2 fights worth a damn after the nerfs were zero light Yog and Algalon(25). During Wrath Blizzard decided to take a page from EQ and many of us raiders had hoped was lost to the annals of history. This was the time limit/attempt limit bosses. Introducing an "artificial difficulty" that was based not on mechanics of the fight but by the limited amount you could see the actual boss. I think it culminated with the scaling buff in Icecrown and once again allowing people freshly capped to waltz around the top tier content where they didn't belong because of welfare gear. Not to mention attempting to even out 10/25 man content by handing out the same gear and attempting to balance the modes evenly WHICH STILL DOESN'T WORK. Not to mention the shifting of raiding philosophies of class roles and niches. Bring the player not the class drove me insane, but that's my personal issue.
  15. I played EQ, mate. Read what I wrote before you go on some mindless tirade. I played until PoP as a raiding Cleric. What I am after is not what everybody is after. I'm looking for the next competitive raiding-based MMO and I had hoped that maybe TOR would be it considering Warcraft has consistently stabbed it's raiding community in the back since the merger with Activision. Also, I've only subscribed to MMOs which appealed to me. EQ, Earth and Beyond, Planetside, Warcraft, TOR.
  16. The bloody thing I spent 2 hours running monitor color screen tests trying to find until I read about it on the beta forums being a common issue... That's not the pixel. It was in the top left corner in the default space for the chat window.
  17. People who pretend that EQ 1 was better than Warcraft are downright insane. There's no other way to describe it. Warcraft in beta was far better than EQ. Real EQ'ers remember this post....
  18. Don't worry... Most of us who actually care about the combat log will likely be gone before it ever sees the light of day. Sadly, I see nothing on the horizon worth a damn PVE-wise. GW2 is going to be a zergfest joke of a game.
  19. Attempts to counter intelligent post by saying shut up and learn to play... The TOR forums have gotten worse since release. It's so disheartening to see that this community is becoming the laughing stock of the MMO genre. "Oh? You don't want to actually have to try to complete the PVE content? Why don't you go play TOR!"
  20. Raiding in EQ was not mechanically difficult. It was ridiculously tedious. I raided as a Cleric until PoP and the most difficult thing I remember was trying to assemble all the lemmings together for the boss spawn. Complete Heal -> Meditate -> Complete Heal -> Meditate ∞
  21. Still the attempted mocking. Alas, there's no chance for an intelligent conversation with you.
  22. I want you to know that you're debating the finer aspects of an MMO on an internet forum and calling other people pathetic. I just wanted to point that out to you.
  23. I believe in content for all types of people, but that doesn't exist in this game. It's faceroll and it relies more on bugs than it does actual mechanics for it's difficulty. Nightmare mode should not be the joke that it is. You can have your fun in normal modes.
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