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IS THIS AN MMO? where'd the M go..


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your all just a bunch of star wars fans.. who wont admit this is an epic fail until this forum is gone because bioware had to kank it before they went completely broke like they are about to.. 125 million dollars to make this game?!?!?! lmfao good luck getting that back bioware


I do like Star wars, but probably not a Fan. Don't own the films read books etc.


Next weekend we're doing some Zombie paint-ball thing, have you tried paint-ball? It's very social :)

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an mmo that focus's on story, not raids/ pvp/ etc......LMFAO YOU JUST TOLD THE STORY SON


Even though you are factually correct, the sheer amount of "LOL" "ROFL" and mocking antagonizing tones [let me be clear, NOT in your OP, but in almost every post to others... see my first post, which was about your reply to spoonguy and not your OP...] makes me think of this...


You are correct, but please repeat any conversations, in any topic, in the same tone an manner, in face to face, in real life in front of many different people as you can.


Sooner or later, it will achieve the desired result...

Edited by DalrisThane
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Even though you are factually correct, the sheer amount of "LOL" "ROFL" and mocking antagonizing tones [let me be clear, NOT in your OP, but in almost every post to others... see my first post, which was about your reply to spoonguy and not your OP...] makes me think of this...


You are correct, but please repeat any conversations, in any topic, in the same tone an manner, in face to face, in real life in front of many different people as you can.


Sooner or later, it will achieve the desired result...


He's probably very young and it seems having a bad day. Thanks for your earlier post :)


I think most people will agree the game seems rushed out. To be honest though for lack of a better option right now its still fun for me. There are a lot of improvements required and this may or may not fix things in time to retain a decent player base or grow beyond that. If it wasn't EA pushing it so hard I'd say likely not, but that being the case I'll wait and see.

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I think most people will agree the game seems rushed out. To be honest though for lack of a better option right now its still fun for me. There are a lot of improvements required and this may or may not fix things in time to retain a decent player base or grow beyond that. If it wasn't EA pushing it so hard I'd say likely not, but that being the case I'll wait and see.


My sentiments exactly. I am enjoying the game but it could have used a few more months in development... I guess they just had to hit that Christmas release date.

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He's probably very young and it seems having a bad day. Thanks for your earlier post :)


I think most people will agree the game seems rushed out. To be honest though for lack of a better option right now its still fun for me. There are a lot of improvements required and this may or may not fix things in time to retain a decent player base or grow beyond that. If it wasn't EA pushing it so hard I'd say likely not, but that being the case I'll wait and see.


You're welcome.


And yes, the game has a lot of problems, bugs, etc... that has to be worked on. So, in many ways, I agree with many points of the OP. Or others like him/her. I just hate, I mean Hate, I mean HATE the ROFL (insert snide insult here just under the board mod's reach) of many board posters. But that's internet for you.


Heck, in my own thread of




if you look at the final tally, by it's own 2007 metrics, BW scores 50%, Best Match scores 75% and Worst Match scores 0%. That's right... 0%.


Totally opinion based, but I tried to be as "neutral" as I could...


So, threads of "I'm disappointed this isn't really an MMO", I feel sympathy for.


"ROFL, you biodrones, take off your fanboi SW blinders and...." make me think of non board acceptable replies...


But yeah, there's a lot of work to be done in TOR. I'm happy with it, but, to make it appealable to the MMO masses, it'll be touch and go to see if any changes can be done in time. I don't see the game going offline. But, worst to worst, F2P (or Freemium as the kids call) might happen if populations drop too much. I hope not. I, selfishly, want to see chapters 4+...

Edited by DalrisThane
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If it were only 125 million, selling 2 million boxes at $60 each gets them 120 million. Plus some subs here and there and they broke even.


just sayin'


No. Publishers do not receive the full retail price of the box. They've got to pay all the distributors and retailers. At most, they'll get half that.


The development figure I've heard the most is $200 million. But let's go ahead and assume it was half that, for the hell of it.


If they sold 2 million boxes and received $30 per, that's $60 million. A month of subs at full retail (because the first month was free) with the current population of 1.7 million players would gross $25.5 million, bringing their total gross revenue to date to approximately $85.5 million. That's ignoring infrastructure costs, marketing budgets, and the ongoing QA costs and development time. Against our lowballed estimate of $100 million for the original development.


They haven't come close to breaking even.

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I'll be glad when theme parks are put in their graves where they belong, the plague of the mmorpg.


Fair enough. I hope you get your sandbox. I won't be playing it, but I hope you get it.


Now this is an honest question = is there enough sandbox players to keep MMOs (all MMOs as you post implies) as a purely sandbox medium? If so, then I hope they go for it, and you get your MMO sandboxes; while I get my themepark single player games, and we'll both be happy.

Edited by DalrisThane
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I'll be glad when theme parks are put in their graves where they belong, the plague of the mmorpg.


Here's where we differ...


I don't wish the demise of the type game that you apparently enjoy. In fact, I hope a really good one comes out, and soon, so that the folks who are disappointed by SWTOR can head on over to enjoy something more to their taste.


And I PROMISE, I shan't come over there and try to take an existing game, with a clear-cut style/theme and turn it into, as you say...a "theme park".



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First of all, use the search tool. Your thread is redundant.


This game is as much an mmo as the person playing it is willing to make it.


This complaint is weak and not supported by the evidence.


I know it flies in the face of what some of the geniuses that complain about this think is the way the world works but nobody is gonna hold your hand here. It's all on you to get off the wall and ask somebody to dance.


Make some friends. (I know I know, this part is really hard for some of you guys.)


Join a guild. (Or take even more initiative and make one /gasp!)


Use the search forum before adding more trash to the forums, there's way more here than there needs to be already and this horse has been dead and flogged for months now.

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your all just a bunch of star wars fans.. who wont admit this is an epic fail until this forum is gone because bioware had to kank it before they went completely broke like they are about to.. 125 million dollars to make this game?!?!?! lmfao good luck getting that back bioware


I'm sorry but being a "star wars fan" doesn't mean we *have* to like something that says "star wars" on the box, the people who disagree with you have their own reasons for liking this game. As do the people (such as you) who don't like the game, this is called opinion. We are all entitled to it, and someone such as yourself has NO RIGHT trying to make our points invalid just because they go against your own opinion.


So feel free to post your opinions but the moment you belittle someone else's opinion, yours becomes invalid in everyone's eyes.


Good day sir.

Edited by Twaggy
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I play on one of the most populated servers in this game, and I STILL feel like the OP. The companions replace other human players. You do by yourself what would normally take two. Or with 2 what would take 4. There is no incentive to party or group together aside from the occasional heroic. There are so many instances spread throughout the world for "story" purposes that it feels fragmented. It's hard to even see players running around as we are each in our own little world.


They took both Ms out. The massive and the multiplayer. This is no different than me and a buddy each playing Mass Effect, while talking on vent together.


Well said OP.


My exact feeling about the game. I'm enjoying it immensely but it feels so fragmented. This is the first MMO where I haven't made a single friend or even found a guild that actually talks to one another. I've joined a couple so far and either no one talks or people just stop logging on. Everyone is off doing their own thing. When we do form groups, I put people on my friends list but no one really wants to stick around to do other things. Thank goodness I duo with my dear spouse so we can clear most of the planet heroics either duo or with another person who may want to join. Even our queries of "Tank and healer looking for more to do xyz" can be met with complete silence. It is quite interesting about the single player nature of this game.


The companion system is a great thing though. I love my companions and they are an integral part of my playing. This game gives me such mixed emotions. So great for solo and duo play. Finding friends for my spouse and I? Very hard.

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My exact feeling about the game. I'm enjoying it immensely but it feels so fragmented. This is the first MMO where I haven't made a single friend or even found a guild that actually talks to one another. I've joined a couple so far and either no one talks or people just stop logging on. Everyone is off doing their own thing. When we do form groups, I put people on my friends list but no one really wants to stick around to do other things. Thank goodness I duo with my dear spouse so we can clear most of the planet heroics either duo or with another person who may want to join. Even our queries of "Tank and healer looking for more to do xyz" can be met with complete silence. It is quite interesting about the single player nature of this game.


The companion system is a great thing though. I love my companions and they are an integral part of my playing. This game gives me such mixed emotions. So great for solo and duo play. Finding friends for my spouse and I? Very hard.


That's strange... I found it quite easy to meet people - and I'm a soloer. If I had pursued a social route in the game I would have been quite happily settled. I have a couple of alts in guilds, both of which seem pretty active, chatty and happy.


I guess being in a decently populated RP server has its benefits :) Though you should go beyond the game itself and check out some of the communities. E.g. Respect in Gaming have been around since quite a while before launch, and have a presence on some servers both EU and US. And you could always check out the local communities for different nations (or states if you're from the US).

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Now i agree that they could've done something, like having players in the end of their quest lines go to certain areas where players from both factions have to go to create some pvp scenarios, but for the most part im grouping up with alot of unknown players that want to complete the same heroic quest or flashpoint.


Im sure they will add more stuff later on.



This game had 6 years of development, at a cost of over $200 MILLION. WoW was developed with less than 1/4 that.


Sure, 2 years of programming, but still. They have had more then enough time and money to make sure the game had sufficient end game content to keep people occupied enough. Maybe not for the people without a life, but still.


Part of it could have been dynamically generated gear and open world end game pvp with faction shifting regions.

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I group on regular basis, in- and outside of guild. If no one is asking for group formings in chat, then I take it upon myself if I have a group quest to do. Perhaps you should take initiative. If you are playing at off-peak times (did you say PST post-midnight?), perhaps you should try the European servers since they are more highly populated at that time.


For those saying companions replace the 'other-player' experience, you need to remember that Bioware also has given you incentive to ditch your companion and ask a guildmate or form a PUG because you get higher rewards/drops when grouped. Bioware has created versatility, and that was always a goal. It's not Bioware's fault that the populace isn't taking it upon themselves to take advantage of the versatility the developers created into the game to reward grouping while at the same time implementing a companion mechanism that allows solo players the convenience of a built-in 2-man. Indeed, they could have made end-game a little tougher for hardcore types and slowed the leveling progression down a tad which was probably an oversight by their inexperience at MMOs.


I did like the well-thought post about modern day automobiles. The whole 'game is still young' excuse can only go on so far. I've not found such tools of convenience that are lacking in the game to inhibit my gaming experience, but you can't argue that a better trade network interface would indeed be quite nice. However, continuous up-time, weekly maintenance and quick patches, new content, balancing attempts, and the impending 1.2 update all points to Bioware's team commitment to the game and not resting on laurels of the launch.


On a game of this scale, you can't make everyone happy all the time; it's impossible. Players need to remember that. Players also need to remember they need to take some initiative to make the game a better experience for themselves. I have complaints and wishes, but, I'm adapting to the current iteration of the game. Quit expecting to be spoon fed all the time. It's always been like that no matter what game you've played. Once it becomes a job for you, move on. Yes, the game has lost some players, but so what. I'm still loving the game, thriving in it, and am considering a second account so me and my kids can play at the same time instead of taking turns.

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I think the problem is that you need an incentive to group at all. I agree with the above poster.


Just do it. Find a real life friend to level with. Find a likeminded social person in-game. Level together. Or just keep each other friended for heroicing with.


I'm not sure what the obsession with "Bioware, make the game more social" is, when it's players that make a game social, not the bloody developers. They gave you parties, operation groups, heroic quests, guilds and even cross-faction /say.


If it's social catalysts you're after, I'm afraid MMOs aren't well known for social catalysts, not since combatless classes in Galaxies and even then that didn't always work.

Edited by ConspicuousTree
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Now I hate to point this out, but there is a LFG tool.


It's just that maybe it's just not the tool that people were expecting.


And as for MMO... Just do quests in group, people? Get some friends? Stop questing alone? Is it so complicated?

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This game had 6 years of development, at a cost of over $200 MILLION. WoW was developed with less than 1/4 that.


Sure, 2 years of programming, but still. They have had more then enough time and money to make sure the game had sufficient end game content to keep people occupied enough. Maybe not for the people without a life, but still.


Part of it could have been dynamically generated gear and open world end game pvp with faction shifting regions.


Who cares? Now you're just crying.

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I would assume that eventually they're going to merge some of the smaller pop servers, and hopefully they'll do so in a smart manner. By that I mean hopefully they'll try and combine servers with decent republic populations so that there's at least a little better balance between the two.


I kinda got lucky in that I rolled imperial on one of the higher pop servers that is also heavily tilted to the imperial side in terms of faction balance. Had I done the opposite I probably wouldn't be playing this game anymore. I can definitely identify with the people stuck on low pop servers. I started an alt on a diff server at the request of a buddy of mine and the population was so low I stopped before I hit lvl 15. On their fleet there was roughly 80-100 people during peak times, on my home server we sometimes triple that and are usually well over 200.

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They forgot to have key features ready upon release.

Such as, LFG tool and cross server, Chat bubbles.


This is 2012 and not 2007 when those tools were not common.


You cant release a car without having a radio and AC installed. Thats what old cars dont have.

Same with games.


Yeah, I'm considering going back to WoW's friggin pandas...never thought I say that.


Unfortunately, ToR doesn't give me enough long time motivation to keep paying my sub. Voice acting is good and stuff, story also, and I mean very good, Blizz failed horribly in WoW in that aspect, but I didn't play that game for so long if it didn't motivate me to do at least, something at endgame.


And srsly, no LFG tool? You just can't ignore "standards" in other MMO's. Sure, blahdibeyblahblah, just look for yourself, yeah, but guess what, nobody want's to spend 30 min. at least to have chance (!) of finding a group anymore, that's not time well spent, simple as that, imagine that in BF3 or any other MP game.


Sure, you can be lucky to find a group, but it shouldn't be about luck, you should be able to use your time for the actual game you're paying a monthly fee for.


I hope that people can accept the fact that MMO's have changed, it's not only about "making friends and shtuff", it's about the game and it's aspects you want to enjoy, not literally losing your free time one evening to, hopefully, be able to play the game (FP's). And sadly, endgame content is not accessible enough for me. I don't have the time, and neither do I want to bring up that time.


tl:dr: LFG tool needed. Without it, crazy timesink for nothing.

Edited by BoneEater
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To be fair, I don't think anyone knows how much this game took to make. It is stated as one of the most expensive in history though. If it were only 125 million, selling 2 million boxes at $60 each gets them 120 million. Plus some subs here and there and they broke even.


They don't see the 60$ from box sales. Even saying 30 would be generous, methinks.

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I feel sorry for dead horses after reading this thread.


If they were to "add" another "M" to this game, I kind of wish it would be a MUTE button for the doomsdayers on the forums.

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