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10 Good
  1. Eh. Dick move. Clumsy. And if it was motivated by avarice, absolutely dumb as well. If people don't have a full set, then they can't give them any money to unlock it. If they'd done what they sort-of-but-not-really implied they'd do, they'd get money from anyone who wanted to unlock an item. Not really sure why they did it this way. Can't say it'll make me unsub, but it's clumsy profiteering at best.
  2. Eh, for all it's worth, /signed. Feature with good potential, ruined by kinda predictable and pretty depressing avarice. Don't bother arguing 'semantics' about it being called 'collections'. Entire feature is riddled with lone items being grouped under "collections" of Toys / armour / weapons etc. so that's just a moot point. My Bastila Shan's tunic would fit under an 'armour' collection without the rest of the set, wouldn't it? I wish I had the optimism to say anything will be done, but I just don't anymore. It's kind of sad when you see PR statements and take it with the same amount of salt you do a politician's statements, and indeed assume any 'fact' provided is, at best, a half-truth. Rest of the patch was okay. Dye selection is pretty pathetic, but no doubt they'll put more of that in later. Paying real money for character recustomisation is nothing new to the genre.
  3. Not much to add other than another 'fantastic work'. Makes however long the wait for the request is totally worth it.
  4. My legacy tree is a straight line horizontally sans one part. I don't think it'd fit in a signature very well =p
  5. I always answer them with "I'm skint". It's a massive and blatant lie, but it gets them to go away even faster than a hostile response. Only ever been begged once, though.
  6. Hale. Have characters called Saxton and Jennifer. Was practically law to make it so.
  7. All a matter of perspective. For those with a phobia of social interaction, having a server to themselves is the ideal.
  8. I feel like with every entry of this I read, the veil that protects my own largely serious story-thread from the dangers of Beyond the Fourth Wall grows dangerously thinner. Maybe I'll have to slip in a mention of the/a Wrath to alleviate the encroaching interdimensional collapse.
  9. I see what you did there. I'd laugh if it didn't make me sad.
  10. Part 2: Reunion Na’sira came to gradually. She groaned quietly and briefly flailed some stiffness from her limbs; she had probably slept long enough for the ship to be in Republic hyper lanes. Her master had turned out to be quite the character; several traits of which she greatly approved. They key among those turned out to be rather startling but that was something to think about later – a day had passed and Sye was content to allow her to use the ship’s holoterminal and with the assurance of it being secure at that; she trusted her new master that much by now. As she slithered rather like a snake off the sofa she had snoozed on, she then noted Sye standing at the entrance to the bridge; pretty much completely slent. Na’sira took a deep breath and placed her fingers on the terminal. It had been at least twenty years – she couldn’t remember precisely how long – since she had last seen or heard her Nerra, her brother. -- Dawn over Tython. The shafts of sunlight bore down on the abandoned encampment atop the hill within which dwelled a dopey-looking Twi’lek man. He groaned quietly and briefly flailed some stiffness from his limbs; he had probably slept long enough to worry his minders. Not that it mattered; this was a private matter of the highest order, even from the Council’s eyes. Thankfully, the ‘middle of nowhere’ applied to most of Tython. This middle of nowhere in particular was safe and private – just perfect. As if on cue – that is, he had just finished waking up – the holocommunicator in the gravel buzzed and beeped at him. He drew in a deep breath. Over two decades. Would his Numa, his sister, be the same? -- The flickering image of Ed’an came into focus on the holoterminal. His smile was the same overconfident grin as his younger self; and Na’sira’s loud and flailing greeting was the same too. “Helloooo Eddie! How’ve you beeeen?” He grinned and shrugged. “Up and down. So, uh, yeah – about the whole running like a crazed gundark back then... Sorry about that, sis; was a little panicked.” Na’sira swallowed. Her extravagant grin shrank into a small sincere smile and she tilted her head. “I don’t blame you Ed. I’m... Glad, the Jedi found you. And that Miranda is looking out for you. She’s probably a better sister – well no, actually, I am the greatest sister ever.” She grinned toothily with outstretched arms before continuing. “But! She is a saner sister. That will have to do.” The holographic man grinned with a shake of his head. He was clearly happy that her sister was still so light-hearted. Yet, he rubbed his neck awkwardly. “Be that... As it may. I still want to see my little sister in person.” Na’sira cast a glance at her master out of shot who stood in silence with her tea. “Where?” Ed’an hesitated, resting his hands on his hips and shaking his head. “Getting off Tython will be impossible but I’m going to do it anyway. Nar Shaddaa is the only place I can think of that’ll keep us protected from the respective powers that be.” He frowned deeply. It was clear that he didn’t know the ideal method to get off Tython. “I’m going to pull a few strings. I still know people who know things in unsavoury circles. I might be able to get smuggled off.” He paused. Any other year he might have blurted out that he’d get off the same night and be on Nar Shaddaa in two days. Jedi training now meant that he knew better than to make such a claim without thinking; he took a deep breath as he considered his uncharacteristically cautious approach. “I don’t know. When I get to Nar Shaddaa I can disappear for as long as I need. I’ll be there at the Slopes in at most five days, probably four. At the least, two; that’s if I set off today.” She nodded thoughtfully. She also gave him a queer look. She didn’t remember her brother as a calm deliberator; far from it in fact. Regardless, she continued to nod along; “I’ll see you there. Promise. Also. Just before you go to do Jedi things. What’s your bank balance like?” Ed’an elevated an eyebrow and thoroughly eyeballed his sister. “... Not too shabby, why?” Na’sira grinned from ear to ear. “I need a purple lightsaber crystal. They aren’t cheap.” Ed’an shook his head in disbelief but smirked. “I’ll see it done that you have access. Don’t clean me out, though – that’s my retirement fund.” “I’ll do my best but you might not be retiring early anymore. I just need to be bright and colourful without violating the Sith dress code. You understand, right?” Her brother gave her a long stare. A very knowing stare. He chuckled. “You haven’t changed a single bit. Love you, sis. See you soon.” The image flickered away and Na’sira breathed out. Phew. That seemed to her more like they were still well acquainted. As if there wasn’t decades of missed stories and drama to catch up on. She smiled to herself; perhaps that was how it should be with one’s own family. -- However, between now and whenever this reunion would occur there was plenty of time to burn. Some of it could be her upcoming Teräs Käsi training with Sye on Taris and similar combat practice in the ship’s cargo hold, but beyond that she needed something else. She pondered. Ah, over course – finding the crystal to buy! Still hovering about the holoterminal, she set about it and swept the holonet. However, between the overly exorbitant Imperial auction buyouts and blatant scam ‘bargains’, there seemed to be precious few if any that offered hope. She frowned; then remembered. If they were in the Republic hyperlanes, she could at the very least nose at their trade network; if she was careful. She struck lucky after a very brief search. She recognised the name of a company on the listings – The Hale Trading Consortium. And there it was. For the low, low price of one hundred and twenty five thousand credits. Payable in interest-charged monthly repayments or the single lump sum. She briefly recollected what she knew of the Consortium – she had briefly consulted one of their outlets on Nar Shaddaa in search of legitimate ways off the moon – remembering that it actually operated largely out of the CEO’s own heavy freighter – dubbed the ‘Flying Fortress’ – which tended to loiter in deep Republic space, but was officially neutral. It was by far her best bet, especially considering she retained one of the contact addresses in her memory. Lacking the ability to buy straight off the network, this would come in very handy; contact would have to be established more traditionally – or at least in a less automated way. Strangely enough the address appeared – perhaps falsely, perhaps not – to be the CEO’s own contact details. Not that it mattered; true or not the message would presumably get through. And no sane Trading Consortium turns down paying customers. -- To: Saxton Hale (saxtonhale@thtc.corp.h) From: Sera (address withheld) Dear Sir, I would like to express an interest in purchasing the rare violet lightsabre crystal under item listing 1355730 with a lump-sum of the one-hundred and twenty-five thousand credit asking price. I would like to know details of delivery, as I may not have the full sum until five days’ time and relatively rarely venture into Republic space. I look forward to your response and my thanks in advance, Sera -- She hoped it was cordial enough and to the point. Formal conduct was hardly one of her strengths; between learning dozens upon dozens of songs, dances and the many nooks and crannies of the Force, she didn’t particularly have time for many other pastimes nor was it any fun to be formal to start with. It briefly concerned her that even with the help she may not have enough to pay; but perhaps Saxton would be open to haggling? That could be fun, with her particular brand of ‘negotiation’. It too, however, would have to wait unless he was extraordinarily fast with his response. She peered toward the cargo hold, nodded to Sye, and meandered into the room. Within the hold there was a somewhat entropic (if categorised) pile-up of lightsabre parts; many laid about a traditional platform for sabre construction. It was past time she repaired her own and took her new one apart. It would give her time to think; there was something therapeutic about the process for whatever strange reason. No time like the present. She carefully twisted the emitter off of the top of the lightsabre she now carried on display – an overly ornate piece that belonged to the unfortunate Sith Lord now dead and buried on Korriban – and rested it upon the table. She examined it thoroughly and wiped along it with a soaked cloth. Her mind drifted away almost instantly; lightsabre maintenance may as well have been something she could do in her asleep. It was like clockwork. She caught herself looking back on her recent life and shaking her head in disbelief. She could scarcely believe her luck; everything from being backed up by Corsula to being apprenticed by her master Sye – a match that seemed to be, for all intents and purposes, practically perfect – had gone so smoothly. Ah, Sye. Many unexpected traits of her master were to follow this chance incident; including an appreciation (or perhaps tolerance) for her new apprentice’s inability to take things seriously as well as rolling with her various ‘curiosities’. There was plenty of work to be done – months of combat training to catch up on – but she still let Na’sira visit a slave-run black market parlour in the bowels of Kaas. Allowing her attainment of shiny buffed lekku and an extensive bathing were the least she was to expect from Sye even in the near future, though. She was apparently a master of Teräs Käsi and with it a practitioner of Ataru – a hybrid of skills she intended to pass onto her. The martial art was something she only heard of in songs that she had picked up – and in one case mimicked in the choreography of a dance. She didn’t bother to hide her intrigue. To complicate matters she had grown an interest in the sabrestaff in the recent weeks. She had practiced very little with them – although many concepts were rudimentarily similar to the single blade it was still an entirely new theatre of combat. Combined with the extensive re-training, she may as well have been starting from scratch. The future was laid out in front of her and it stretched for years of hard graft and plentiful fist-and-foot induced bruising. But for once she could look at it without being faced by her own shackles. This was for once her choice, finally on a track she had chosen herself. The last time she had that chance she failed; part of her was eager to make sure she didn’t repeat that failure. The rest of her was sure she wouldn’t; confidence she was definitely going to need. She found it in droves as she filled with glee. Where there should have been anticipation and raw eagerness, she giggled and clapped. Just wait for the fun to start! With great power comes great responsibility. Freedom was a potent power for Na’sira as an ex-slave and she intended to use it for neither good nor evil. Selfishness, perhaps. But maybe if people found her practical jokes funnier or her Trandoshan-linguistic prowess during bouts of singing more entertaining it would be seen as benevolence! She grinned at the thought. For a Twi’lek she could sing in Trandoshan surprisingly well. Her thoughts drifted back to reality as the lightsabre needed reassembling (and with it required a tremendous amount of focus with the Force); just one final thought. Must get a Trandoshan singing coach. End of Part 2
  11. I semi-inadvertently ended up with a set of 8 interconnected characters, although very few of them familial. I await to see what the non-family options are going to mean. Personally, it's just a shame that I can't ask someone else to play parts of the family tree and have /their/ names on it. One of my random stories has a family with four children in one family. Would I really have to play all of them myself? ;D
  12. I feel like all servers will have RP but it's a matter of finding the right place to look. I'm heavily invested in Trask Ulgo and it seems all right for RP (although, granted, I haven't been on the public scene for a while for various reasons) and I've heard tales of The Progenitor being good. It might be worth, on whatever server you're on, trying to find some sort of server wide community (like a channel or a server website) to try and pick out where the public events or the typical gatherings are held. Finding a roleplaying guild will always improve your chances and from what I hear poking around on SWTOR-RP is a good idea. ( Speaking of which, Progenitorwise, thar any chat channels / websites I should know about? )
  13. Part 1.5: Secure Channel >> Welcome to the Dromund Kaas trans-system communication outlet, please input the destination frequency. > 673160TC >> WARNING DESIRED FREQUENCY TRANSCEIVER IS IN A PROHIBITED LOCATION REPORT TO THE NEAREST SPACEPORT OFFICIAL FOR IMMEDIATE ARREST ALERTING SECURITY... ... ... > ******* >> Verifying... >> Transmission cleared by <error> >> Monitoring disabled by <error> >> Channel Secured (outgoing) >> Channel Secured (incoming) >> Establishing Connection... >> Connection Established. A cyan image flickers to life inside the private holoterminal booth. It is a small image of a robed figure with a stitched leather veil covering her eyes, and neatly kept black hair. The figure looks confused. “Miranda speaking. Who is this?” Na’sira leans on the transmit button. “The heretic on the run you met on Nar Shaddaa. Few weeks ago by now. Hiya!” The figure suddenly frowns with concern and clasps her hands behind her back. “... Na’sira. Either I have been gravely misinformed, or you are not exactly a free woman.” Na’sira’s turn to frown. She shouldn’t have such close tabs on her, surely? Or does she merely sense such things that easily? Regardless. She beams a smile. “Well I technically am now! I’m Sith! It’s a long story!” An uneasy silence and rolling of the woman’s shoulders. “I see. Your signal is coming from Kaas. You will pardon me my wariness.” Na’sira shrugs. Carefree. “I only need to talk to a Jedi friendy-pie. I had your frequency. I figured you – as a Jedi, you know, and all that – might be able to find him for me.” “Oh? And who might that be?” “My brother. His name is-“ “Ed’an. I am acquainted with him.” “Oh. Um. Well. Could I perhaps slightly maybe see him?” The hologram appears to shuffle awkwardly again. Na’sira does the same; this seems beyond coincidence. “No.” “No?” “The Sith have already attempted to access him. With your own divulgence as a lead no less. I will not grant them the privilege a second time.” Oh bugger. She had completely forgotten about that. And even though she was still baffled by how involved her supposedly random would-be benefactor from all those weeks ago was, this was a factor to expect regardless. “Oh. Ah. Yes. Um... This is a bit awkward.” Na’sira scratches her neck. “Miranda... Please?” The Miraluka shakes her head. “I cannot. It does not help that I doubt you are able to contact my frequency without fingers from the Sith or at least Imperial Intelligence.” Smart Jedi. “Is there some way I can..?” The veiled figure lifts a hand and audibly sighs. “I want to believe you. I really do, Na’sira. Nothing would warm my day more than to see you and your brother reconcile.” Na’sira shuffles awkwardly on the spot. “Sense the sincerity. Try, at least.” The Jedi looked about to turn away but looks back and rests a hand on her chin thoughtfully. “Talk to me. Explain why you want to talk to him.” Na’sira took a deep breath. “I need to talk to him about family issues naturally. But the main thing is access to his old account, I wish to make a sizable purchase and I can’t do it without a sizable bursary...” The Jedi on the other end looks disbelieving but smiles with a shake of her head. “I... Trust you. I cannot sense anything that perturbs me. But listen to me, Na’sira; don’t betray this trust for the Sith’s benefit. This would be your last chance to talk to your own brother – most likely forever.” The Twi’lek smiles faintly and bows her head. “I give you my word. If I thought I had the chance to run...” Miranda nods firmly, just the once. “We’ll discuss that later if you prefer. However. The next time you use this frequency, it will be your brother who answers; provided you give me at least a galactic standard day.” Na’sira smiles again, but brighter. Ear to ear. She bounces on the spot with anticipation. “Thankyou. Really! Thankyou! I have to go. The agent I wrangled to secure my channel might get suspicious – or fearful for their own skin – if this goes on too much longer.” The figure nods lightly in acceptance. “I won’t ask for details. May the Force be with you, Na’sira." >> Connection Terminated >> Call Duration: <Error: CALL RECORD DELETED> >> Thankyou for using the Dromund Kaas trans-system communication outlet and have a pleasant day.
  14. Had someone buff me and /smile at me. I returned the favour and almost felt guilty for not asking if they wanted to group. The community is in the people. If there's a problem with the MMO community, it'll be the people playing them. And I suspect communities formed when the sub numbers were in the thousands instead of the millions.
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